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Submitted by: Dianna Lynn L. Molina (BSA-1-3)
Submitted to: Sir Joe Rey Locquiao

I observed that when the poem "Lost Generation” is read normally, it is about a
hopeless person stating the details of the downward spiral he or she and his or
her equally lazy generation are on, and their inability to stop it. However, when
read backwards, the poem is about a determined person stating the ways he or
she and his or her generation wants to change the world for the happier and
better. The poem's power is in the last line: "And all of this will come true unless
we reverse it." We can find the truly inspirational message included in this poem
by reading it backwards and line by line.
We can see from this poem that reversing negativity leads in positivity. There are
some things in our lives that if we choose to reverse it and choosing the right or
positive mindset, we can change the direction of our lives and make it better and

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