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Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 136 (2015) 1

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Editorial – Advances in lightning research

This is the part I of a special issue dedicated to lightning re- matter pertinent to all aspects of lightning research both theore-
search, consisting of papers presented at the 32nd International tical and experimental.
Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), held in Shanghai, China, The guest editors thank the chairmen of all sessions in ICLP
in 2014, and several contributions invited by the guest editors to which dealt with physics of lightning for their help in selecting
complement the subject matter of the papers selected from the papers to this special issue and numerous reviewers who spend
ICLP. The papers from the ICLP were selected by the session their valuable time in reviewing the papers to make sure that they
chairmen of the ICLP and passed through the rigorous review adhere to the standard of the JASTP. The guest editors also thank
process of the Journal of Solar Terrestrial and Atmospheric Physics the editor in chief of JASTP, Prof. R.J. Strangeway for his valuable
(JASTP). The papers presented in this special issue contain subject advice in organizing this issue.
1364-6826/& 2015 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

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