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From the feelings of neglect, and minimalization of my problems I know I am misunderstood.

I cry, I focus, I get frustrated at myself and actions to solve problems.

The everlasting list of stressors in virtue of the same man who left a baby and my momma.

“Kids have it easy, “children have no problems”, “Adults have to go through worst pain.”

I can’t go to my parents to explain my emotions, nor my teachers from school on the decent or worst

My friends won’t understand, I’ll get made fun of, and bullied for showing emotions.

Maybe if I had a therapist, maybe if everyone would stop, and imagine how we feel.

Just maybe if someone sat down with me and asked, “How are you mentally?” I could get this weight off
from my shoulders.

My cousin killed from reckless driving, aunt passing away from cancer, and my oldest cousin dying from
a drug overdose all within the same year.

The problems are coming over me, I feel a dark cloud over my head, I can’t sit still.


With depression?


I laugh from time to time

From dangerous neighborhoods, the inner-city Westside, Gettysburg, and Germantown where you may
be 10 years old but still feel the need to pack the 9.

Reside to the liquor stores on every corner, smoking trees, skipping class, sipping on Arizona’s.

The only environment I feel comfortable where I don’t deal with hypocrites or the drama

So long of a list it got commas after commas.

It’s a cycle but no one sees it, is this why my mother use to treat me like I was older?

15 going on 30.

My heart turning a little colder.

Is this the same reason why I went to college, and bailed on them?

All my friends got baby mommas.

And I’m not knocking you if you got one but possibly this stress has been doing what’s best for me.

Putting fear in my eyes for what I’m not ready for till I’m about 30 or 40.

I mean I’m an adult now, I get straight to the point.

Stress, I’m so thankful.

And I did it all on my own, so I feel no remorse.

My audience for this poem is teenagers and adults. It can be for anyone but these two are my
targeted audience. I chose this genre because poetry can be interpreted in so many ways. I wanted
people to take away something different every time they read it. I originally wrote it and chose not to
make any words rhyme but to describe how I felt and explain my story, but I ended up rhyming some
words together. Everything in this poem is true from my life and I hope who ever reads it enjoys it and
gets the idea of the impacts of stress on kids.

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