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4º BIMESTRE/2021

Língua Inglesa

Teacher Carolina

Aluno (a):

9º Ano – Ensino Fundamental II Nº Data: ____/____/____

Assinatura do Responsável:


Question 1) Complete with the verbs in the passive voice. How a film is made?

A story is_ created__ (create) and the script is ____________ (write). Producers decide how much
money it will cost. The actors and actresses _____________ (chose). The sets____________ (build) and
costumes _____________ (make). Then the film _____________ (rehearse) and shot and cuts
_____________ (make) in it. A big party _____________ (hold) and the film. _____________ (promote).
After that, many people go and watch it at the cinema.

Question 2) Active or passive voice? Underline the best answer.

Artificial flowers are manufactured/ manufacture in many places today and are very popular because
they aren't needed/ don't need water, fertilizer or sunlight. Many of them are incredibly beautiful, and must
be touched to be distinguished from natural ones. Artificial trees are brought/ bring life into a boring office
and flower arrangements use/ are used in homes. Decorators are mixed/ mix artificial flowers with real
ones and the arrangements are really beautiful. As the quality of the artificial flowers get better and better
(some have fragrance), the artificial flower industry has become a multi-billion- dollar business. Many of the
individual flowers and foliage are imported/ import from Thailand and China, where hand labour is
bought/ buys cheaply.

Question 3) Write sentences by putting the words in order.

a) film - the - produced -by -was-studio- American-an b) transformed - book-was-into- super production-the -a

Question 4) Complete with the expression be allowed to in the affirmative or negative form.
a) You ______________________ (swim) in the swimming pool if you don’t wear a cap.
b) My brother ____________________ (play) video games when he has finished his homework.

Question 5) Transform the sentences using be allowed to.

a) He couldn’t travel alone because he was to young. b) You can’t go into the house wearing shoes.
Question 6) Read the text and choose the alternative that completes the sentences with the CORRECT
passive voice
Britain’s Roman Villas
Numerous monuments recall the 400 or so years when Britain was part of the Roman Empire. Ancient
city walls, old roads, front defenses. But it is at the villas that one feels closest to the everyday life of Roman
Britain. The villas were homes. In their kitchens bread 1 _________ (to bake). Along their corridors echoed
family conversations. They 2 _________ well _________ (to build) and handsomely 3 _________.
(decorate). The first villa 4 _________ (to build) around A.D. 80-90. It was a small farm. Later on, the house
5 _________ (to extend), kitchens and baths 6 _________ (to add).
It 7 _________ (to know) that many villas 8 _________ (to destroy) by fire. Their ruins remain hidden for
years and it is often by accident that the site 9 _________ (to discover).
So in Hampshire a number of oyster-shells 10_________ (to find) by a farmer, and the shells, remnants
of a long-ago feast, led to the discovery of the villa at Rockbourne.
Disponível em: <> . Acesso em: julho de 2015.

a) is baked / was built / decorated / was build / was d) was baked / were built / decorated / was built /
extend / was added / is knew / was destroyed / are was extended / were added / is known / were
discovered / was found. destroyed / is discovered / were found.
b) was baked / were build / decorated / were built / e) was baked / were built/ decorated / was built /
was extended / were added / is know / were was extended / were aded / is know / are
destroyed / was discovered / were finded. destroyed/ is discovered / were found.
c) were baked / was build / decorate / was built /
were extended / were added / is knowed / were
destroied / was discovered / was finded.

Question 7) The passive voice is used in "Orkut was quietly launched on January 22, 2004". Find the
sentence that is also in the passive voice.
a) Communities have never rejected new members.
b) Good ideas took shape at the end of the session.
c) Some communities have been able to control their growth.
d) Several social groups could be connected by the Internet.
e) Young students are never tired of chatting with friends on email.

Question 8) The passive voice is often used in formal texts. Switching to the active voice will make your
writing clearer and easier to read.
(I) A great deal of meaning is conveyed by a few well-chosen words.
(II) A mass of gases wrap around our planet.
(III) Waste materials are disposed of in a variety of ways.

A) (I) and (II) are passive voice examples. C) (I) and (III) are passive voice examples.
B) Only (II) are an example of passive voice. D) None of them are passive voice examples.

Question 9)

Em relação à fala da mulher, observa-se que

a) as orações encontram-se respectivamente na voz passiva negativa e afirmativa.
b) o contrário da afirmação seria: “Yes, you were downloaded. You were born”.
c) se refere a uma ação iniciada no passado e que se estende até o presente.
d) se trata de uma resposta à pergunta do garoto: “How are people downloaded?”

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