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Prova de Inglês – 03º Avaliação (7º Ano)

1) Leia o texto abaixo:

O texto apresenta linking words. Quais linking words são a resposta


A) Possessive Pronouns.
B) Auxiliary Have got/Has got.
C) Present Continous.
D) Simple Past.

2) Leia o texto e escolha a alternativa correta:

The importance of the English language in today's world

There are several factors that make the English language essential to
communication in our current time. First, it is the most common foreign
language. This means that [...] speaking it will help you communicate with
people from countries all over the world, not just English-speaking ones. [...] On
the Internet, most websites are written and created in English. [...] It's the
primary language of the press: more newspapers and books are written in
English than in any other language [...] English is also essential to the field of
education. [...] Because it is the dominant language in the sciences, most of the
research and studies you find in any given scientific field will be written in it as
well. […] English skills will also help you in any business venture you choose to
follow. If you visit some offices, companies, governmental organizations, or
even math or engineering companies, you will see the importance of English.

a) English is important today, but in the past, it wasn’t a popular language.

b) There is only one factor that makes the English language essential to
c) Communicating with people from other countries is not necessary in our
current time.
d) Communicating with people from other countries is one of the factors that
make English an important language.

3) Leeia a setença e circule a alternativa correta:

a) Is this cup ____? (Your / yours)

b) That coat is ____. (Mine / my)
c) My sister bought that car last week. It is _____. (hers / her)
d) I prefer our school to _____. (theirs / their).

4) Combine os sinais e seus significados:

5) Marque a frase que a apresenta a forma verbal correta:

a) I love animals. I ________ four dogs, two cats, a parrot, and a turtle. (has
got / have got)
b) My parents are worried. They ________ a lot of bills to pay. (have got /
has got)
c) Jane and Karl want to go to the concert with us, but they ______tickets
and now they’re sold out. (haven’t got / had got)
d) John doesn’t read much. He ________ money to buy more books. (has
got / had got)

6) Rescreva as sentenças usando genitive case (‘s or ’).

a) These toys belong to Joe.

b) This dress belongs to my mom.
c) This camera belongs to my sister.
d) This invitation belongs to Isabelle.
e) These gifts belong to Tom and Tim.

7) Leia a conversa abaixo:

A: Is this your book?

B: No, that one over there is mine.
A: Oh! Okay, I’m sorry.
B: No problem!

About the world in bold. What is about? Choose the right answer.

a) Genitive case.
b) Present Continuous.
c) Possessive Pronoun
d) Possessive Adjective.

8) Escolha as palavras corretas:


( ) party blowers ( ) party poppers


( ) câmera ( ) noise makers


( ) cupcakes ( ) party poppers


( ) balloons ( ) music

9) Leia o texto e resposta as questões em Inglês:

Sophia is an intelligent girl . She is 10 years old. Her dream is to be a

teacher. She lives in Bahia. Sophia studies in the 8th year. She likes
pizza and chocolate. The name of his mother is Ana, and the name of his
father is Peter. Her father is a dentist, and her mother is a scientist.
Sophia is happy.

a) Qual a profissão do pai de Sophia ?


b) Quantos anos a Sophia tem?


c) Do que a Sophia gosta?


d) O que a Sophia sonha em ser quando crescer?


10) What is she doing?

a) She is
cooking. She is ironing the clothes.
b) She is doing the dishes She is cooking dinner.
c) He is checking the mailbox. He is making the bed.
d) He is walking the dog. He is moping the floor.

1) B
2) D
3) Yours / Mine / Hers / Theirs
4) A / C / D / B
5) Have got / Have got / Haven’t got / Has got
6) Discursiva
7) C
8) 1 / 2 / 2 / 1
9) Discursiva
10) A


1) Leitura e interpretação de texto.

2) Possessive Pronouns. Unidade 5, cap. 2.
3) Genitive case. Unidade 5, cap. 2.
4) Vocabulary related to birthday. Unidade 5, cap. 2
5) Have got / Has got como auxiliaries. Unidade 6, cap. 1.
6) Household Chores. Unidade 6, cap. 1
7) Giving and asking directions. Unidade 6, cap. 2.

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