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Pak International Nursing College

Hayatabad Peshawar

Paper English Bsc Nursing 1st Semester Total Marks: 70

Q: 1) Choose the correct preposition.

1) The teacher frowned .......... the students.

a) At
b) On
c) In
d) With.
2) I read the news ___ the newspaper.
a) in
b) on
c) By
d) To.
3) She wants to stay ___ home tonight.
a) Of
b) At
c) To
d) In.
4) Workout is necessary ______ health.
a) In
b) By
c) For
d) To.
5) What are you doing ____ coming Sunday?
a) In
b) From
c) To
d) On.
6) The train went _____ the tunnel.
a) To
b) In
c) Trough
d) From.
7) All the students have committed this lesson _______ memory.
a) In
b) To
c) With
d) Of.

8) She has not applied _______ this post.

a) With
b) For
c) To
d) In.

9) The train has arrived _______ the station.

a) On
b) At
c) Over
d) In.

10) My mother in law is blind ________ one eye.

a) Of
b) From
c) On
d) In.

Q: 2) encircle the right option.

1) Which of these is a communication skill?

a) Talking at the same time as someone else.

b) Listening to what people say.
c) Putting your finger in your ears.
d) Looking bored.

2) What body language shows you are listening?

a) Turning away from the speaker.

b) Nodding and making eye contact.
c) Looking out of the window.
d) Chatting to people.

3) Which of these is not a communication?

a) Talking
b) Washing
c) Listening
d) Body-language.
4) Communication without words is called _____.

a) Non-verbal communication
b) Verbal
c) Oral communication
d) Written communication.

5) The numbers of English language communication skills are ______.

a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5.

6) During an oral presentation, _________ is the stage where you tell the aim of your presentation.

a) Background
b) Introduction
c) Conclusion
d) Question session.

7) In an oral presentation the listeners can clarify their doubts in the ______ session.
a) Introduction
b) Description of methods and results
c) Conclusions ,suggestions and summary
d) Audience question.

8) Listening is a _______ process?

a) Active
b) Passive
c) Inactive
d) None of these.

9) Reading comprehension means ________ a written text?

a) Re-writing
b) Understanding
c) Guessing
d) Summarizing.
10) Oral communication is the interchange of _____________ between the sender and receiver.

a) Verbal message
b) Signs and gestures
c) Cues and clues
d) Written messages.

Q: 3 Tick the correct article?

1) My __________ teacher’s name is William.

a) The
b) A
c) An
d) No article.

2) Bill enjoys reading __________ mystery novels.

a) The
b) A
c) An
d) None of these.

3) He has always been __________ very good boy.

a) A
b) An
c) The
d) No article.

4) I’ve been waiting for __________ long time.

a) A
b) An
c) The
d) No article.

5) Someone call __________ policeman!

a) A
b) The
c) An
d) No article.

Q: 4) choose the correct suffix and prefix from the list to complete the gap.
1) In many countries it is ___ legal to keep a gun in your house.
a) un
b) il
c) In
d) None of these.

2) There was some _________agreement over the bill.

a) dis
b) mis
c) Un
d) None.

3) I was shocked at her rude______ .

a) ness
b) ment
c) Ence
d) None.

4) Exercise is good for your health______.

a) y
b) ance
c) (no suffix)
d) Ier.

5) Art classes aim to develop children's creativ______ .

a) ment
b) ship
c) Ity
d) No suffix.

6) We were very _____satisfied with the service at the restaurant.

a) un
b) mis
c) Dis
d) None.

7) She has little aware______ of the dangers she will face.

a) ment
b) ness
c) Ing
d) None.

8) He couldn't hide his disappoint________ at his low grade.

a) ness
b) ment
c) Y
d) None.

9) The twins got on very well together and there was no jealous_____ between them.

a) y
b) ity
c) Ism
d) None.

10) She's training to become a psycholog_____

a) er
b) y
c) Ist
d) None.

Q: 5) Change the following from active to passive voice.

1) The boys were playing Cricket.

a) Cricket had been played by the boys.

b) Cricket has been played by the boys.
c) Cricket was played by the boys.
d) Cricket was being played by the boys.

2) He teaches us grammar.
a) Grammar was taught to us by him.
b) We are taught grammar by him.
c) Grammar will be taught to us by him.
d) We were teached grammar by him.

3) The boy killed the snake with a stick.

a) The snake was killed by the boys with a stick.

b) A stick was killed by the boys with a snake.
c) A snake with stick was killed by the boy.
d) A snake is killed by the boy with a stick.

4) The tiger caught a fox.

a) A fox has been caught by the tiger.

b) A fox is caught by the tiger.
c) A Fox was caught by the tiger.
d) A fox had been caught by the tiger.

5) The principal has granted him a scholarship.

a) A scholarship has granted to him by the principal.

b) He has been granted a scholarship by the Principal.
c) He has granted a scholarship by the Principal.
d) A scholarship was granted to him by the principal.

Q: 6) choose the correct tens.

1) The sun ________ in the east.

a) Rises
b) Is rising
c) Has risen
d) Has been rising.

2) Please be quiet! The baby... .

a) is sleeping
b) sleeps
c) Sleep
d) has slept
3) She ... the piano very well.

a) playing
b) plays
c) will play
d) Play.

4) He often … to the cinema because he loves movies.

a) Going
b) Go
c) Goes
d) Is going.

5) If it’s sunny tomorrow, maybe we … go to the beach.

a) Went
b) Will go
c) Don’t go
d) Go.

Q: 7) Tick the right one.

1) Melancholy:
a) Dissolve
b) Sadness
c) Joy
d) Petty.

2) Illusion:
a) Fact
b) Reality
c) Purge
d) Hallucination.

a) Injure
b) Erase
c) Delay
d) Reveal.

4) Urbane?
a) Well-dressed
b) Friendly
c) Polished
d) Prominent.

5) Psychopathic
a) mentally or emotionally diseased
b) short sightedness
c) Cardiac arrest
d) Muscular disorder.

Q: 8) Click on the answer you think is correct.

1) I worked all night.

a) Transitive
b) Intransitive.
2) He gave the book to the teacher.
a) Transitive
b) Intransitive.
3) They laughed at the joke.
a) Transitive
b) Intransitive.
4) She slept for eight hours.
a) Transitive
b) Intransitive.
5) We lived in Mexico for two years.
a) Transitive
b) Intransitive.
6) I like her.
c) Transitive
a) Intransitive.
7) We clean our room every day.

a) Transitive
b) Intransitive.
8) My brother moved to another city.
a) Transitive
b) Intransitive.
9) My brother moved his car.
a) Transitive
b) Intransitive.
10) Those people painted their house blue.
a) Transitive
b) Intransitive.

Q: 9) select the correctly punctuated sentence.

1) Which of the following is correct?

a) Harvey is a good driver, moreover, he is a very friendly one.
b) Harvey is a good driver. Moreover he is a very friendly one.
c) Harvey is a good driver; moreover, he is a very friendly one.
d) None of these.

2) Which of the following is correct?

a) A friend of mine works as a translator for U.N..
b) A friend of mine works as a translator for U.N.
c) A friend of mine works as a translator for UN.
d) None of these.
3) Which of the following is correct?
a) How beautiful is the night!
b) How beautiful is the night,
c) How beautiful is the night:
d) How beautiful is the night.
4) Which of the following is correct?
a) ‘’Frality; thy name is women.’’
b) “ frailty’ thy name is women’’.
c) “ Frality, thy name is women’’
d) ‘’Frality, thy name is women.’’
5) Which of the following is correct?
a) You thought you were the right thing?
b) You thought you were doing the right thing:
c) You thought you were” doing the right thing.
d) You thought you were doing the right thing/?

Laws of nature are not commands but statements of acts. The use of the word "law" in this
context is rather unfortunate. It would be better to speak of uniformities in nature. This would
do away with the elementary fallacy that a law implies a law giver. If a piece of matter does not
obey a law of nature it is punished. On the contrary, we say that the law has been incorrectly

1) If a piece of matter violates nature's law, it is not punished


a) it is not binding to obey it

b) there is no superior being to enforce the law of nature
c) it cannot be punished
d) It simply means that the facts have not been correctly stated by law.
2) Laws of nature differ from man-made
laws because

a) the former state facts of Nature

b) they must be obeyed
c)) they are natural
d) Unlike human laws, they are systematic.

3. The laws of nature based on observation are

a) Conclusion about the nature of the universe.

b)) true and unfalsifiable.
c) Figments of the observer imagination.
d) Subject to change in the light of new facts.

4) The author is not happy with word 'law' because

a) It connotes rigidity and harshness

b) it implies an agency which has made them
c) it does not convey the sense of nature's uniformity
d) it gives rise to false beliefs.

46) What is the title of the topic?


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