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Week 4

In-Video Quiz Questions

This document contains all of this week's in-video quiz questions. We are providing the
questions in this format because we know that some of you would prefer to have a permanent
record of the quiz questions to aid your study. Also, if you are downloading the lectures to
watch off-line, you do not have access to the in-video quiz questions. Answers to the questions
are provided at the end of the quiz. If you miss a question, we encourage you to consult the
lecture outline and watch the video again so that the correct answer makes sense to you.

4.1 Introduction to Thermoregulation

1. Radiation involves heat loss via infrared waves. Which of the following examples best
describes heat transfer via radiation?
A. You feel warm when a warm breeze passes by.
B. You warm up more quickly when you sit in a sunny spot versus a shady spot.
C. Sweating during a heat wave cools the body via radiation.

2. Shell temperature is precisely regulated and is always higher than core temperature when
one is at rest.
A. True
B. False

3. Evaporative heat loss across the mucosa of the mouth and airways is called sensible heat
A. True
B. False

4. Which of the following organs contribute most significantly to body core temperature?
A. brain, heart, liver, and kidneys
B. kidneys, stomach, heart, skeletal muscle
C. brain, skeletal muscle, kidney, eyes

5. At what time is the body core temperature typically lowest?

A. at dinner time
B. immediately before bed
C. in the early afternoon
D. in the early morning, shortly before waking
6. ______________ is the transfer of heat from a warmer object to a cooler one when the two
objects are in direct contact. This is different from ____________, which occurs when air or
water which is heated by the body surface rises away from the body surface (carrying heat
with it) and is replaced by cooler air or water molecules.
A. Radiation . . . . evaporation
B. Evaporation . . . convection
C. Convection . . . conduction
D. Conduction . . . convection

Answers: 1(B), 2(B), 3(B), 4(A), 5(D), 6(D)

4.2 Maintaining Body Temperature

1. Receptors that respond to changes in temperature are called ________.

A. baroreceptors
B. thermoreceptors
C. chemoreceptors
D. olfactory receptors

2. Peripheral thermoreceptors are located in the ____________.

A. skin and mucous membranes
B. kidneys
C. hypothalamus

3. The motor effects which are reflexively triggered by the hypothalamus to increase body core
temperature are _____________ and ____________.
A. vasoconstriction of blood vessels in the core . . . . increased sweating
B. vasoconstriction of blood vessels in the skin . . . . shivering
C. vasodilation of blood vessels in the skin . . . . increased sweating

4. The motor effects which are reflexively triggered by the hypothalamus to decrease body
core temperature are _____________ and ____________.
A. vasodilation of blood vessels in the skin . . . shivering
B. vasoconstriction of blood vessels in the skin . . . decreased sweating
C. vasodilation of blood vessels in the skin . . . increased sweating

Answers: 1(B), 2(A), 3(B), 4(A), 5(C)

4.3 Hypothermia & Hyperthermia

1. Hypothermia is a condition in which normal temperature regulation fails and core body
temperature falls below the normal range. Which of the following changes in vital signs
would you expect to see in someone who is hypothermic?
A. decreased heart rate, increased respiration rate
B. increased heart rate, decreased respiration rate
C. decreased heart rate and respiration rate

2. An individual who is experiencing heat exhaustion may experience mental confusion,

dizziness, fainting and/or nausea, all of which are signs of inadequate blood flow to the
brain. What underlies these signs and symptoms?
A. Feeling dizzy and faint is the body's signal to sit down and slow your exertion rate.
B. Because the person is dehydrated, their blood pressure will be low. As a result, there
will be reduced blood flow to the brain.

3. Heat stroke, which can induce multiple organ failure, is a medical emergency which can be
fatal if not interrupted and treated immediately.
A. True
B. False

4. Individuals most at risk for hyperthermia include ______.

A. teenagers and young adults
B. young children and the elderly

Answers: 1(C), 2(B), 3(A), 4(B)

4.4 Fever

1. Pyrogens are ____________________________.

A. bacteria that produce infections
B. fever producing substances that raise the hypothalamic temperature set point
C. normally present in the body, but only activated by fever

2. Because the hypothalamic set point has been reset upward, at the onset of a fever
A. blood vessels in the skin will vasodilate and the individual will appear flushed.
B. blood vessels in the skin will vasoconstrict and shivering begins
C. it is common to feel hot

3. At the end of a fever when the hypothalamic set point returns to its normal, lower level
A. skin blood vessels will vasodilate, causing the skin to appear flushed and feel warm
B. blood vessels in the skin will vasoconstrict and shivering begins
C. sweating begins
D. (A) and (C) are correct
E. (B) and (B) are correct

4. Pyrogens are released by the hypothalamus.

A. True
B. False

Answers: 1(B), 2(B), 3(D), 4(B)

4.5 Assessing Body Temperature Demonstration

1. The objective in assessing temperature is to find out the temperature difference between
the body core and shell.
A. True
B. False

2. Which of the following is not true about assessing body temperature?

A. Correct technique in taking temperature is necessary, regardless of the device being
B. Common sites of assessing temperature (e.g., under the tongue, on the forehead) are
selected because of their proximity to deep arteries.
C. If a person is healthy and feeling well, there is no need for a healthcare provider to
take their temperature.

3. A tympanic thermometer measures temperature via the ______.

A. mouth
B. forehead
C. finger
D. ear canal (formally called the “external acoustic meatus”)

4. Ideally when taking an oral temperature the probe of the thermometer should be placed in a
space under the tongue called the sublingual pocket.
A. True
B. False

Answers: 1(B), 2(C), 3(D), 4(A)

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