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Week 2

In-Video Quiz Questions

This document contains all of this week's in-video quiz questions. We are providing the
questions in this format because we know that some of you would prefer to have a permanent
record of the quiz questions to aid your study. Also, if you are downloading the lectures to
watch off-line, you do not have access to the in-video quiz questions. Answers to the questions
are provided at the end of the quiz. If you miss a question, we encourage you to consult the
lecture outline and watch the video again so that the correct answer makes sense to you.

2.1 Introduction to the Blood Vessels

1. By definition, _____________ carry blood away from the heart and __________ carry blood
back to the heart.
A. arterioles . . . venules C. arteries . . .venules
B. arteries . . . arterioles D. arteries . . . veins

2. On models, veins are always depicted in blue because veins always carry deoxygenated
A. True
B. False

3. The pulmonary trunk is an example of an artery which carries deoxygenated blood.

A. True
B. False

4. Blood travels away from the heart through which vessels?

A. veins->venules-> capillaries->arterioles->arteries->back toward the heart
B. arteries->arterioles->capillaries->venules->veins->back toward the heart
C. arterioles->arteries->capillaries->venules->veins->back toward the heart
D. capillaries->veins->venules->arteries->arterioles->back toward the heart

5. All arteries carry oxygenated blood.

A. True
B. False

6. As blood flows through the systemic capillaries, it removes _____ from the tissues while it
delivers ______.
A. carbon dioxide . . . oxygen C. nutrients . . . wastes
B. oxygen . . . carbon dioxide D. carbon monoxide . . . carbon dioxide

Answers: 1(D), 2(B), 3(A), 4(B), 5(B), 6(A)

2.2 Blood Vessel Structure

1. The layer of the blood vessel wall that is in direct contact with circulating blood is the
A. lumen C. tunica media
B. tunica externa D. tunica intima

2. The arteries closest to the heart, called ______________, have a tunica media that is
specially designed to allow the arteries to distend during systole and retract during diastole.
A. muscular arteries
B. elastic arteries
C. arterioles

3. Which of the statements about arteries and veins is correct?

A. Arteries always carry oxygenated blood and veins always carry deoxygenated blood.
B. Arteries have thinner walls and smaller diameters than the veins lying close to them in
a tissue.
C. Veins have thinner walls and larger diameters than the arteries lying close to them in a

4. List the layers of the blood vessel from the outermost layer to the innermost layer.
A. tunica externa->tunica media->tunica intima
B. tunica media-> tunica externa -> tunica intima
C. tunica intima-> tunica media-> tunica externa

5. Which layer is continuous with the endocardium?

A. tunica media
B. tunica interna
C. tunica externa

6. Which layer contains smooth muscle that allows the blood vessels to constrict?
A. tunica media
B. tunica interna
C. tunica externa

7. The sympathetic nervous system continuously supplies low level activation to smooth
muscle in the blood vessel walls.
A. True
B. False

Answers: 1(D), 2(B), 3(C), 4(A), 5(B), 6(A), 7(A)

2.3 Blood Circulation

1. Which factor best explains the difference is vascular resistance in the systemic circulation
versus the pulmonary circulation?
A. blood vessel diameter
B. blood viscosity
C. length of the systemic circuit versus the pulmonary circuit
D. blood volume

2. In addition to the three factors that influence blood pressure which were mentioned in this
lecture, there is another important factor: blood volume. If vessel diameter, blood viscosity
and vessel length were unchanged, but blood volume was noticeably increased what effect
do you think the increased blood volume would have on blood pressure?
A. Greater blood volume would increase blood pressure.
B. Greater blood volume would decrease blood pressure.

3. What statement best explains why blood circulates through the vascular system?
A. Arterioles create variable resistance to blood flow.
B. High blood pressure is created in the pulmonary trunk and aorta during ventricular
systole, and blood flows from these areas of high pressure to blood vessels where
pressure is lower.
C. Blood viscosity does not change significantly throughout the day.
D. Vessel length is optimized to promote blood flow.

4. Blood flow can be defined as the force exerted per unit of surface area against the inner
wall of the blood vessel.
A. True
B. False

5. If no other factors change and your arteries constrict, resistance will ___________.
A. stay the same
B. increase
C. decrease

Answers: 1(C), 2(A), 3(B), 4(B), 5(B)

2.4a Maintaining Blood Flow

1. Which of the following best describes the pressure gradient in the systemic circulation?
A. Aorta > arterioles > capillaries > superior vena cava
B. Superior vena cava > venules > capillaries > arterioles
C. Arterioles > aorta > capillaries > venules
D. Arterioles > venules > capillaries > arteries

2. Which of the following terms denotes the highest pressure achieved in the large arteries?
A. diastolic blood pressure
B. mean arterial pressure
C. systolic blood pressure

3. Which of the following denotes the lowest pressure achieved in the large arteries?
A. diastolic blood pressure
B. mean arterial pressure
C. systolic blood pressure

4. There is greater pressure in venules than in veins.

A. True
B. False

Answers: 1(A), 2(C), 3(A), 4(A)


2.4b Assessing Blood Pressure Demonstration

1. Which of the following will help give the most accurate assessment of systemic blood
A. Blood pressure is assessed in left arm.
B. Left arm is supported and at the approximate height of the heart.
C. The cuff size is appropriate.
D. All of these factors are essential for accurate blood pressure assessment.

2. When releasing pressure in the blood pressure cuff the practitioner listens carefully for the
first Korotkoff sound, which indicates ____________.
A. diastolic blood pressure
B. mean arterial pressure
C. systolic blood pressure

3. Chronically elevated blood pressure causes excessive strain on the heart, because the heart
has to contract more forcefully to overcome the abnormally high pressure in the arteries.
A. True
B. False

Answers: 1(D), 2(C), 3(A)

2.5 Blood Pressure Regulation

1. If cardiac output increases (and nothing else changes), what will happen to mean arterial
A. The increase in cardiac output will cause mean arterial pressure to decrease.
B. The increase in cardiac output will not affect mean arterial pressure.
C. The increase in cardiac output will cause mean arterial pressure to increase.

2. In what part of the brain are the cardiovascular regulatory centers located?
A. cerebrum
B. brain stem
C. cerebellum

3. If there is a dramatic vasoconstriction of arteries and arterioles (and nothing else changes),
what will happen to mean arterial pressure?
A. The significant vasoconstriction will cause mean arterial pressure to increase.
B. There will be no change in mean arterial pressure as a result of the dramatic
C. The significant vasoconstriction will cause mean arterial pressure to decrease.

4. If blood volume increases and nothing else changes this will cause blood pressure to
A. decrease
B. increase
C. remain the same

5. Baroreceptors are receptors that can only detect an increase in blood pressure.
A. True
B. False

Answers: 1(C), 2(B), 3(A), 4(B), 5(B)

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