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Week 3

In-Video Quiz Questions

This document contains all of this week's in-video quiz questions. We are providing the
questions in this format because we know that some of you would prefer to have a permanent
record of the quiz questions to aid your study. Also, if you are downloading the lectures to
watch off-line, you do not have access to the in-video quiz questions. Answers to the questions
are provided at the end of the quiz. If you miss a question, we encourage you to consult the
lecture outline and watch the video again so that the correct answer makes sense to you.

3.1 Introduction to Metabolism

1. ____________ reactions involve building larger, more complex molecules by bonding

together smaller substrates (i.e., building blocks).
A. anabolic
B. catabolic

2. During digestion, catabolic reactions result in our food being broken down into molecules
small enough that we can absorb them into the blood stream. Subsequently, the cells can
take up these macronutrients from the blood and further catabolize them to produce
A. proteins C. starch
B. triglycerides D. ATP

3. The main macronutrients that constitute the human diet are ________________________.
A. sugars and proteins C. proteins, lipids and nucleic acids
B. carbohydrates, proteins and lipids D. nucleic acids, lipids and starches

4. _______ are the building blocks of proteins.

A. amino acids C. glycerol
B. fatty acids D. sucrose

5. Cellular respiration is a series of metabolic reactions through which cells catabolize

macronutrients to make ATP.
A. True
B. False

6. Cells can directly use simple sugars to do work.

A. True
B. False

Answers: 1(A), 2(D), 3(B), 4(A), 5(A), 6(B)

3.2a Cellular Respiration, Part 1

1. The term cellular respiration refers to the series of chemical reactions through which cells
breakdown fuel molecules to package ATP. The phases of cellular respiration, listed in
order, are ________________________.
A. the Krebs cycle, oxidative phosphorylation, glycolysis
B. glycolysis, the Krebs cycle, oxidative phosphorylation
C. oxidative phosphorylation, glycolysis, the Krebs cycle

2. Under what circumstances would you expect amino acids to be channeled into the cellular
respiration pathways?
A. When there are excess amino acids in the nutrient pool, cells will channel excess amino
acids into the cellular respiration pathways.
B. During starvation or severe calorie deprivation, the body can begin catabolizing
proteins (e.g., muscle proteins) so that amino acids can be used as an energy source.
C. Amino acids will be channeled into the cellular respiration pathway and used to
generate ATP when there are excess amino acids in the nutrient pool and during
starvation or severe calorie deprivation.

3. Before amino acids can be channeled into the cellular respiration pathway, a portion of the
molecule is cleaved off and becomes a metabolic waste product. Identify the molecule that
is cleaved from the amino acid. (HINT: to answer this question correctly, you may have to
look carefully at the illustration which is visible at (approx) 1:50 in this video lecture.)
A. CO2 C. NH3
B. H2O D. O2

4. In which stage of cellular respiration is pyruvic acid created?

A. glycolysis
B. Krebs cycle
C. oxidative phosphorylation

5. Glycolysis occurs in the mitochondria.

A. True
B. False

Answers: 1(B), 2(C), 3(C), 4(A), 5(B)

3.2b Cellular Respiration, Part 2

1. When sufficient O2 is available, the end products of glycolysis are _____________ and
___________ per glucose.
A. 2 lactic acid molecules . . . . 30 ATPs (net)
B. 2 pyruvate molecules .. . . 4 ATPs (net)
C. 2 pyruvate molecules . . . 2 ATPs (net)
D. 2 lactic acid molecules . . . 2 ATPs (net)

2. Oxygen is used directly during glycolysis.

A. True
B. False

3. The net ATP yield of the complete oxidation of one glucose in cellular respiration is
_________ ATPs.
A. 2 C. 15
B. 10 D. 30

4. Carbon dioxide is generated during glycolysis.

A. True
B. False

5. Lactic acid cannot be used to make ATP.

A. True
B. False

6. In which of the following circumstances would ATP production be highest in the cells?
A. When the demand for ATP is high and they have insufficient oxygen
B. When the demand for ATP is low and they have sufficient oxygen
C. When the demand for ATP is high and they have sufficient oxygen
D. When the demand for ATP is low and they have insufficient oxygen

Answers: 1(C), 2(B), 3(D), 4(B), 5(B), 6(C)

3.3 Assessing Metabolic Rate Demonstration

1. RER is the ratio of CO2 produced to O2 consumed.

A. True
B. False

2. A MET is the ratio of the work metabolic rate to the resting metabolic rate. When one is
resting quietly, we expect a metabolic rate of approximately _____ MET.
A. one C. five
B. two D. ten

3. When mainly carbohydrates are being oxidized as a fuel, the RER is 1.0 (or possibly a little
higher). However, proportionately more O2 is required to oxidize fats. Therefore, when
ATP is generated mainly through oxidation of fats, we expect the RER to be _______.
A. = 1.0
B. > 1.0
C. < 0.8

Answers: 1(A), 2(A), 3(C)

3.4 Metabolic Lab Discussion

1. Resting metabolic rate reflects the cellular work required to perform the essential functions
of life.
A. True
B. False

2. If our subject had fueled her metabolism during exercise using only carbohydrates as a fuel,
we would expect her RER to _______.
A. be much greater than 1.5
B. equal 1.0
C. be less than 1.0

3. You observe someone walking to the bus stop. When the person sees the bus approaching,
the person sprints down the sidewalk to catch the bus. What do you expect happened to
the person's VO2 when they began sprinting?
A. I would expect their VO2 to increase.
B. I would expect their VO2 to decrease.
C. I would expect their VO2 to remain the same.

Answers: 1(A), 2(B), 3(A)

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