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Chapter 1: Organization and General Plan of the Body

1. An organ shaped like a hollow tube probably ___ something.

A) divides
B) transports
C) protects or supports
D) covers

2. An organ that is hard and strong probably ___ something.

A) moves
B) transports
C) protects or supports
D) covers

3. An organ that is a flat sheet probably ___ something.

A) moves
B) transports
C) protects or supports
D) covers

4. An organ that is able to contract probably ___ something.

A) moves
B) divides
C) protects or supports
D) covers

5. An organ that is shaped like a sac or sphere with a tube leading out probably ___
A) covers
B) secretes
C) divides
D) supports

6. In anatomic position, the hands are ___ and the feet are ___.
A) palms forward/parallel
B) palms backward/at a right angle
C) palms forward/at a right angle
D) palms backward/parallel

7. The deltoid area is ___ to the gluteal area.

A) superior
B) inferior
C) external
D) internal

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Chapter 1: Organization and General Plan of the Body

8. The umbilical area is ___ to the lumbar area.

A) dorsal
B) posterior
C) proximal
D) ventral

9. The plantar area is ___ to the femoral area.

A) superior
B) distal
C) proximal
D) central

10. The inguinal area is ___ to the perineum.

A) lateral
B) medial
C) central
D) inferior

11. The frontal area is ___ to the occipital area.

A) posterior
B) anterior
C) dorsal
D) inferior

12. An area completely lateral to the nasal area is the ___ area.
A) temporal
B) buccal
C) occipital
D) frontal

13. The term oral is a synonym for:

A) orbital
B) buccal
C) nasal
D) cranial

14. The term palmar is a synonym for:

A) plantar
B) volar
C) brachial
D) popliteal

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Chapter 1: Organization and General Plan of the Body

15. The brachial area is ___ to the axillary area and ___ to the volar area.
A) distal/proximal
B) distal/inferior
C) proximal/distal
D) proximal/superior

16. The pectoral area is ___ to the cervical area and ___ to the umbilical area.
A) inferior/lateral
B) superior/medial
C) inferior/superior
D) inferior/medial

17. The occipital area is both:

A) anterior and dorsal
B) posterior and dorsal
C) anterior and ventral
D) posterior and ventral

18. The mammary area is both:

A) anterior and dorsal
B) posterior and dorsal
C) anterior and ventral
D) posterior and ventral

19. The popliteal area is ___ to the femoral area and ___ to the patellar area.
A) proximal/anterior
B) distal/anterior
C) proximal/posterior
D) distal/posterior

20. The sacral area is ___ to the lumbar area and ___ to the iliac areas.
A) inferior/medial
B) superior/medial
C) inferior/lateral
D) superior/lateral

21. The deltoid areas are ___ to the cervical area and ___ to the axillary areas.
A) lateral/inferior
B) medial/inferior
C) lateral/superior
D) medial/superior

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Chapter 1: Organization and General Plan of the Body

22. An area that is both inferior and anterior to the lumbar area is the:
A) sacral area
B) gluteal area
C) inguinal area
D) mammary area

23. An area that is both superior and posterior to the umbilical area is the:
A) nasal area
B) occipital area
C) gluteal area
D) sacral area

24. The junction of the lower limb and the trunk is the:
A) inguinal area
B) gluteal area
C) both A and B
D) both A and B, and the lumbar area

25. The junction of the upper limb and the trunk is the:
A) deltoid area
B) axillary area
C) both A and B
D) both A and B, and the pectoral area

26. An area that is both anterior and posterior is the:

A) pectoral area
B) brachial area
C) lumbar area
D) patellar area

27. An area that is both dorsal and ventral is the:

A) volar area
B) sacral area
C) femoral area
D) popliteal area

28. An area that has anterior, posterior, and lateral parts is the:
A) lumbar area
B) occipital area
C) pectoral area
D) cervical area

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Chapter 1: Organization and General Plan of the Body

29. For a part of the body to have proximal and distal portions, the part must have:
A) at least five smaller parts
B) a definite origin or beginning
C) both A and B
D) both A and B, and a definite middle part

30. The areas of the body that have names similar to the bones within them are the:
A) parietal area
B) femoral area
C) both A and B
D) both A and B, and the iliac area

31. The areas of the body that have names similar to the bones within them are the:
A) occipital area
B) patellar area
C) both A and B
D) both A and B, and the gluteal area

32. The hepatic area refers to the ___, and the cardiac area refers to the ___.
A) liver/heart
B) liver/esophagus
C) stomach/esophagus
D) spleen/heart

33. The cutaneous area refers to the ___, and the gastric area refers to the ___.
A) muscles/liver
B) skin/stomach
C) muscles/stomach
D) skin/liver

34. The pulmonary area refers to the ___, and the perineal area refers to the ___.
A) trachea/diaphragm
B) lungs/diaphragm
C) trachea/pelvic floor
D) lungs/pelvic floor

35. The organ system that regulates body functions by means of electrochemical impulses is
the ___ system.
A) nervous
B) skeletal
C) circulatory
D) reproductive

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Chapter 1: Organization and General Plan of the Body

36. The organ system that supports the body is the ___ system.
A) nervous
B) skeletal
C) muscular
D) integumentary

37. The organ system that transports nutrients and gases within the body is the ___ system.
A) nervous
B) urinary
C) circulatory
D) respiratory

38. The organ system that produces specialized cells to continue the human species is the
___ system.
A) endocrine
B) lymphatic
C) circulatory
D) reproductive

39. The organ system that removes waste products from the blood is the ___ system.
A) urinary
B) circulatory
C) endocrine
D) nervous

40. The organ system that moves the body is the ___ system.
A) skeletal
B) muscular
C) endocrine
D) integumentary

41. The muscular system:

A) moves the body
B) produces a significant amount of heat
C) both A and B
D) both A and B, and supports the body

42. The urinary system:

A) regulates blood volume
B) removes waste products from the blood
C) both A and B
D) both A and B, and regulates the pH of the blood

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Chapter 1: Organization and General Plan of the Body

43. The endocrine system:

A) secretes hormones
B) consists of glands
C) both A and B
D) both A and B, and is exactly the same in men and women

44. The integumentary system:

A) covers the body
B) includes the skin
C) both A and B
D) both A and B, and it supports the body

45. The integumentary system:

A) includes the skin
B) is a barrier to pathogens
C) both A and B
D) both A and B, and includes the hair

46. The lymphatic system:

A) destroys pathogens
B) brings oxygen to tissues
C) both A and B
D) both A and B, and it provides immunity

47. The membrane that covers the lungs is the:

A) visceral pleura
B) parietal pleura
C) peritoneum
D) mesentery

48. The membrane that lines the thoracic cavity is the:

A) visceral pleura
B) parietal pleura
C) peritoneum
D) mesentery

49. The visceral pleura:

A) covers the lungs
B) lines the lungs
C) covers the thoracic cavity
D) lines the thoracic cavity

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Chapter 1: Organization and General Plan of the Body

50. The parietal pleura:

A) covers the lungs
B) lines the lungs
C) covers the thoracic cavity
D) lines the thoracic cavity

51. The membrane that lines the abdominal cavity is the:

A) visceral pleura
B) parietal pleura
C) peritoneum
D) mesentery

52. The membrane that covers the abdominal organs is the:

A) visceral pleura
B) parietal pleura
C) peritoneum
D) mesentery

53. The mesentery:

A) lines the abdominal organs
B) lines the abdominal cavity
C) covers the abdominal organs
D) covers the abdominal cavity

54. The peritoneum:

A) lines the abdominal organs
B) lines the abdominal cavity
C) covers the abdominal organs
D) covers the abdominal cavity

55. The thoracic cavity is separated from the abdominal cavity by the:
A) rib cage
B) diaphragm
C) peritoneum
D) perineum

56. The diaphragm separates:

A) the dorsal and ventral cavities
B) the thoracic and dorsal cavities
C) the ventral and abdominal cavities
D) the thoracic and abdominal cavities

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Chapter 1: Organization and General Plan of the Body

57. The thoracic cavity contains the:

A) pancreas
B) gallbladder
C) lungs
D) spleen

58. The thoracic cavity contains all of these except the:

A) lungs
B) heart
C) trachea
D) liver

59. The abdominal cavity contains the:

A) small intestine
B) stomach
C) gallbladder
D) all of these

60. The pelvic cavity contains the:

A) pancreas
B) small intestine
C) gallbladder
D) urinary bladder

61. The dorsal cavity contains the:

A) brain and eyes
B) lungs and spinal cord
C) eyes and nasal cavities
D) spinal cord and brain

62. The meninges are membranes that:

A) line the ventral cavity
B) line the dorsal cavity
C) cover the ventral cavity
D) cover the dorsal cavity

63. The meninges are membranes that:

A) cover the brain
B) cover the spinal cord
C) both A and B
D) both A and B, and line the orbital cavities

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Chapter 1: Organization and General Plan of the Body

64. The meninges are membranes that:

A) cover the brain
B) line the ventral cavity
C) both A and B
D) both A and B, and line the spinal cord

65. The ventral cavity contains the:

A) lungs and spinal cord
B) brain and spinal cord
C) lungs and liver
D) eyes and brain

66. The ventral cavity consists of the:

A) abdominal cavity
B) thoracic cavity
C) both A and B
D) both A and B, and the pelvic cavity

67. Which statement is NOT true of the body cavities?

A) The ventral cavity includes the thoracic cavity.
B) The spinal cavity is part of the dorsal cavity.
C) The pelvic cavity is part of the ventral cavity.
D) The diaphragm separates the thoracic and pelvic cavities.

68. Which statement is NOT true of the membranes of body cavities?

A) The meninges cover the spinal cord.
B) The thoracic cavity is covered by the parietal pleura.
C) The abdominal cavity is lined by the peritoneum.
D) The meninges line the dorsal cavity.

69. The upper right abdominal quadrant contains the:

A) liver
B) stomach
C) lungs
D) urinary bladder

70. The upper left abdominal quadrant contains the:

A) gallbladder
B) stomach
C) lungs
D) urinary bladder

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Chapter 1: Organization and General Plan of the Body

71. The upper right abdominal quadrant contains the:

A) liver
B) spleen
C) both A and B
D) both A and B, and the pancreas

72. The liver is found in the:

A) upper right abdominal quadrant
B) upper left abdominal quadrant
C) both A and B
D) both A and B, and in the lower left quadrant

73. The lower left abdominal quadrant contains the:

A) large intestine
B) small intestine
C) both A and B
D) both A and B, and the spleen

74. The lower right abdominal quadrant contains the:

A) small intestine
B) large intestine
C) both A and B
D) both A and B, and the gallbladder

75. The lower boundary of the upper right and left abdominal quadrants is a line through the:
A) umbilicus
B) spleen
C) stomach
D) liver

76. The junction of all four abdominal quadrants is the crossing of their boundary lines at
A) liver
B) gallbladder
C) stomach
D) umbilicus

77. The two deltoid areas would be separated by which section of the body?
A) midtransverse
B) midsagittal
C) cross
D) coronal

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Chapter 1: Organization and General Plan of the Body

78. The two iliac areas would be separated by which section of the body?
A) cross
B) frontal
C) midsagittal
D) midtransverse

79. The pectoral areas would be separated from the sacral area by which section of the body?
A) midtransverse
B) midsagittal
C) both of these
D) neither of these

80. The pectoral areas would be separated from the gluteal areas by which section of the
A) midtransverse
B) midfrontal
C) both of these
D) neither of these

81. The femoral area would be separated from the patellar area by which section of the lower
A) cross
B) frontal
C) both A and B
D) both A and B, and sagittal

82. The brachial area would be separated from the volar area by which section of the upper
A) longitudinal
B) cross
C) both of these
D) neither of these

83. A sagittal section separates the body into:

A) upper and lower parts
B) right and left parts
C) front and back parts
D) none of these

84. The body would be separated into right and left parts by which section?
A) coronal
B) sagittal
C) transverse
D) cross

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Chapter 1: Organization and General Plan of the Body

85. A transverse section separates the body into:

A) upper and lower parts
B) right and left parts
C) front and back parts
D) medial and lateral parts

86. The body would be separated into upper and lower parts by which section?
A) frontal
B) sagittal
C) transverse
D) coronal

87. A coronal section separates the body into:

A) upper and lower parts
B) right and left parts
C) front and back parts
D) medial and lateral parts

88. A coronal section separates the body into:

A) front and back parts
B) anterior and posterior parts
C) both A and B
D) both A and B, and dorsal and ventral parts

89. The body would be separated into anterior and posterior parts by which section?
A) coronal
B) sagittal
C) transverse
D) all of these

90. A cross-section of the intestine would look like a:

A) hollow cylinder
B) solid cylinder
C) hollow circle
D) solid circle

91. A cross-section of a vein would look like a:

A) solid circle
B) solid cylinder
C) hollow cylinder
D) hollow circle

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Chapter 1: Organization and General Plan of the Body

92. Which of these areas is NOT part of the head?

A) occipital
B) volar
C) parietal
D) frontal

93. Which of these areas is NOT part of the lower limb?

A) brachial
B) femoral
C) popliteal
D) plantar

94. Which of these areas is NOT part of the trunk of the body?
A) lumbar
B) mammary
C) cervical
D) umbilical

95. Which of these areas is NOT on the dorsal side of the body?
A) sacral
B) cervical
C) inguinal
D) femoral

96. Which of these areas is NOT on the ventral side of the body?
A) brachial
B) deltoid
C) pectoral
D) lumbar

97. Which of these areas is NOT on the lateral sides of the body?
A) iliac
B) deltoid
C) femoral
D) umbilical

98. Which of these areas is NOT on the sagittal midline of the body?
A) sacral
B) frontal
C) cervical
D) patellar

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Chapter 1: Organization and General Plan of the Body

99. Which of these areas is NOT on the sagittal midline of the body?
A) axillary
B) lumbar
C) nasal
D) occipital

100. Which of these areas is NOT on the sagittal midline of the body?
A) parietal
B) buccal
C) popliteal
D) umbilical

101. The smallest living units of structure and function of the body are called:
A) proteins
B) tissues
C) organs
D) cells

102. A group of cells with similar structure and function is called:

A) a tissue
B) an organ
C) a chemical group
D) an organ system

103. Which of these is NOT one of the four major groups of tissues?
A) muscle tissue
B) soft tissue
C) connective tissue
D) epithelial tissue

104. Which of these is NOT one of the four major groups of tissues?
A) nerve tissue
B) connective tissue
C) epithelial tissue
D) storage tissue

105. A tissue that moves something is probably:

A) muscle tissue
B) storage tissue
C) epithelial tissue
D) connective tissue

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Chapter 1: Organization and General Plan of the Body

106. A tissue that lines an organ is probably:

A) connective tissue
B) epithelial tissue
C) nerve tissue
D) soft tissue

107. An arrangement of several tissues that accomplishes specific functions is called:

A) an organ system
B) an individual person
C) an organic chemical
D) an organ

108. Which of these is NOT an organ?

A) stomach
B) protein
C) artery
D) lung

109. Which of these is NOT an organ?

A) skin
B) a bone
D) liver

110. An organ that is part of the digestive system probably ___ something.
A) secretes
B) protects
C) supports
D) covers

111. An organ that is part of the endocrine system probably ___ something.
A) protects
B) secretes
C) covers
D) moves

112. An organ that is part of the skeletal system probably ___ something.
A) supports
B) protects
C) both A and B
D) both A and B, and moves part of the body

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Chapter 1: Organization and General Plan of the Body

113. An organ that is part of the circulatory system probably:

A) contains blood
B) is hard and strong
C) both A and B
D) both A and B, and stores fat

114. Which statement is NOT true of homeostasis?

A) The body is constantly responding to changes.
B) If disrupted, homeostasis cannot be restored.
C) It is a state of good health and proper functioning.
D) Responses by the body keep body functions within normal limits.

115. A feedback mechanism in which the response reverses the stimulus is called:
A) positive
B) negative
C) decisive
D) independent

116. In a negative-feedback mechanism, the effect of the response to the stimulus is to:
A) increase the stimulus
B) add to the stimulus
C) speed up the stimulus
D) decrease the stimulus

117. A feedback mechanism that requires an external brake or stop is called:

A) positive
B) negative
C) external
D) dependent

118. A positive-feedback mechanism:

A) can only be beneficial to the body
B) is the most common type of feedback mechanism
C) needs an external event to control it
D) is needed for digestion

119. The total of all the chemical reactions and physical changes within the body is the:
A) anabolism
B) catabolism
C) metabolism
D) homeostatic balance

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Chapter 1: Organization and General Plan of the Body

120. The term for all of the heat production by the body is:
A) fuel respiration rate
B) anabolic rate
C) catabolic rate
D) metabolic rate

121. The study of the layers of a body part is called its ____________________.

122. The study of the blood flow of a body part is called its ____________________.

123. The bones of the skull are rigid and hard, which is part of their __________________.

124. Red bone marrow produces blood cells, which is part of its

125. The deltoid area is ___________________ to the antecubital area.

126. The temporal area is ___________________ to the nasal area.

127. The pectoral area is ___________________ to the umbilical area.

128. The plantar area is ____________________ to the popliteal area.

129. The orbital areas are ___________________ to the temporal areas.

130. The cervical area is ____________________ to the parietal area.

131. The most posterior area of the head is the ______________ area.

132. The most superior area of the lower limb is the ____________ area.

133. The anterior site of attachment of the thigh to the trunk is the ________________ area.

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Chapter 1: Organization and General Plan of the Body

134. The inferior site of attachment of the upper limb to the trunk is the ________________

135. The organ system that is most external is the _______________ system.

136. The organ system that is a framework for the support of the body is the
_________________ system.

137. The organ system that takes oxygen from the lungs to the tissues is the
_______________ system.

138. The organ system of which the thyroid gland is part is the ______________ system.

139. The organ system of which the esophagus is part is the _______________ system.

140. The organ system of which the kidneys are part is the _______________ system.

141. The dorsal cavity consists of the ______________ and ________________ cavities.

142. The thoracic cavity is part of the larger _________________ cavity.

143. The abdominal cavity is part of the larger ________________ cavity.

144. Superior to the abdominal cavity is the muscle called the _________________.

145. The diaphragm is inferior to the _______________ cavity.

146. The cranial cavity is formed by the ___________________.

147. The spinal cavity is formed by the _________________.

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Chapter 1: Organization and General Plan of the Body

148. The dorsal cavity is lined by membranes called the ________________.

149. The brain and spinal cord are covered by membranes called the ___________________.

150. The brain is located in the ____________________ cavity.

151. The spinal cord is located in the _____________________ cavity.

152. The parietal pleura lines the _____________________.

153. The visceral pleura covers the ______________________.

154. The thoracic cavity is lined by a membrane called the ___________________.

155. The lungs are covered by a membrane called the ____________________.

156. The peritoneum lines the _________________________.

157. The mesentery covers the ___________________________.

158. The abdominal cavity is lined by a membrane called the __________________.

159. The abdominal organs are covered by a membrane called the ___________________.

160. To make clinical description easier, the abdomen may be divided into four

161. The horizontal boundary between the upper and lower abdominal quadrants is a line
through the _____________________.

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Chapter 1: Organization and General Plan of the Body

162. The vertical boundary between the right and left abdominal quadrants is a line through
the _________________.

163. A _____________________ section separates the body into right and left parts.

164. A ______________________ section separates the body into front and back parts.

165. A __________________ section separates the body into upper and lower parts.

166. The nasal area would be separated from the occipital areas by a ____________________
section of the head.

167. The two orbital areas would be separated from each other by a _____________________
section of the head.

168. The deltoid areas would be separated from the gluteal areas by a
_____________________ section of the trunk.

169. A transverse section of the femoral area would also be a ________________ section.

170. A coronal section of the femoral area would also be a ____________________ section.

171. The pectoral and patellar areas are both on the ___________________ side of the body.

172. The sacral and lumbar areas are both on the ______________________ side of the body.

173. A temporal area is on the _____________________ side of the head.

174. The perineal area is ______________________ to the inguinal areas.

175. The smallest living unit of structure and function is the _________________.

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Chapter 1: Organization and General Plan of the Body

176. A living cell is made of nonliving materials called ______________________.

177. The two kinds of chemicals that make up cells are called ___________________ and

178. A tissue is a group of cells with similar ________________________ and


179. A tissue that supports the body is a type of _______________________ tissue.

180. A tissue that contracts to move part of the body is a __________________ tissue.

181. A tissue that lines a body cavity is a type of ________________________ tissue.

182. A tissue that forms glands to produce secretions is a type of _____________________


183. A group of tissues that work together is called a(n) ________________________.

184. A group of organs that work together is called a(n) _____________________________.

185. Of skin, bone, and fat, the one that is not an organ is _____________________.

186. Of muscle, tendon, and protein, the one that is not an organ is _____________________.

187. To maintain homeostasis, the body must constantly respond to


188. The body responds to changes and remains healthy in a state called

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Chapter 1: Organization and General Plan of the Body

189. The type of feedback mechanism in which the response reverses the stimulus is called

190. The type of feedback mechanism in which the response keeps the stimulus going is
called _______________________.

191. The type of feedback mechanism that contains its own brake is called

192. The type of feedback mechanism that requires an external brake is called

193. Both positive and negative feedback mechanisms occur in the body, but the type that is
more common is the _______________________ mechanism.

194. All of the chemical reactions and physical changes that take place in the body are called

195. The heat (energy) production of the body is called __________________________.

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Chapter 1: Organization and General Plan of the Body

Answer Key

1. B
2. C
3. D
4. A
5. B
6. A
7. A
8. D
9. B
10. A
11. B
12. A
13. B
14. B
15. A
16. C
17. B
18. C
19. D
20. A
21. C
22. C
23. B
24. C
25. C
26. B
27. C
28. D
29. B
30. D
31. C
32. A
33. B
34. D
35. A
36. B
37. C
38. D
39. A
40. B
41. C
42. D
43. C
44. C

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Chapter 1: Organization and General Plan of the Body

45. D
46. B
47. A
48. B
49. A
50. D
51. C
52. D
53. C
54. B
55. B
56. D
57. C
58. D
59. D
60. D
61. D
62. B
63. C
64. A
65. C
66. D
67. D
68. B
69. A
70. B
71. A
72. C
73. C
74. C
75. A
76. D
77. B
78. C
79. A
80. C
81. A
82. B
83. B
84. B
85. A
86. C
87. C
88. D
89. A
90. C

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Chapter 1: Organization and General Plan of the Body

91. D
92. B
93. A
94. C
95. C
96. D
97. D
98. D
99. A
100. C
101. D
102. A
103. B
104. D
105. A
106. B
107. D
108. B
109. C
110. A
111. B
112. C
113. A
114. B
115. B
116. D
117. A
118. C
119. C
120. D
121. anatomy
122. physiology
123. anatomy
124. physiology
125. superior; proximal
126. lateral
127. superior
128. distal; inferior
129. medial
130. inferior
131. occipital
132. femoral
133. inguinal
134. axillary
135. integumentary
136. skeletal

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Chapter 1: Organization and General Plan of the Body

137. circulatory
138. endocrine
139. digestive
140. urinary
141A. cranial
141B. spinal
142. ventral
143. ventral
144. diaphragm
145. thoracic
146. skull
147. vertebrae; spine; backbone
148. meninges
149. meninges
150. cranial
151. spinal; vertebral
152. thoracic cavity
153. lungs
154. parietal pleura
155. visceral pleura
156. abdominal cavity
157. abdominal organs
158. peritoneum
159. mesentery
160. quadrants
161. umbilicus
162. umbilicus
163. sagittal
164. coronal; frontal
165. transverse
166. coronal; frontal
167. midsagittal
168. transverse
169. cross
170. longitudinal
171. ventral; anterior
172. dorsal; posterior
173. lateral
174. medial
175. cell
176. chemicals
177A. inorganic
177B. organic
178A. structure
178B. function
179. connective

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Chapter 1: Organization and General Plan of the Body

180. muscle
181. epithelial
182. epithelial
183. organ
184. organ system
185. fat
186. protein
187. changes
188. homeostasis
189. negative
190. positive
191. negative
192. positive
193. negative
194. metabolism
195. metabolic rate

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