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Black Common-Unity

Neighborhoods are problematic for any group

seeking empowerment. Unfortunately, most
Black American live in neighborhoods, not
communities. A community signifies commit-
ment and the potential for power. Neighbor-
hood does not. Webster’s Dictionary defines
neighborhood as a vicinity or physical place
where there are “people living near one an-
other.” The concept of a neighborhood im-
plies an area that is residential in nature, with
lesser wealth, power and status than a com-
Neighborhoods Are Not
The majority of Black Americans live in im-
poverished Black neighborhoods & spend ap-
Bridges To Wealth
proximately 95% of their annual disposable and Power
income with people who live outside of their
neighborhood. They spend only 5% of their
disposable income in Black neighborhoods.
They spend 3% with non-Black-owned busi-
nesses that are located in Black neighbor-
hoods, but whose owners live outside Black
neighborhoods. It is IMPOSSIBLE for any large
population or neighborhood to be self-
sufficient on only 2% of its income. By spend-
Serving All Coastal Regions
ing its disposable income in other groups’ Gainesville, VA 20155
Hope For Trust USA
businesses and communities, Black America Phone: 800-837-7857
Cel: 804-263-8875
impoverishes itself and impedes the growth of Tel: 800-837-7857
functional communities.
Code of Conduct Black America

One benefit of Jim Crow segregation was It's time Blacks focus their resources more on cultivat- Today, Black neighborhoods are primari-
that it forced Blacks to build what could ing an independent black market, as opposed to de- ly where the majority of Black people
appropriately be called “quasi- manding equal representation and access to a histori- eat and sleep. They do not embody the
COMMUNITIES.” Unlike neighborhoods, cally white market. We can't continue to ask for criteria for a functional community. Con-
where people simply live in the same area, equal opportunities in a market that was never in- sequently, Black neighborhoods are typi-
during Jim Crow segregation, Black Ameri- tended for anyone but other whites. Asian Americans cally referred to as ghettos, urban areas,
cans were unified with a code of conduct. figured this out, and now have a collective level of inner cities or the hood. These broad,
They lived together because they had the affluence (called "Chinatown") in major cities that ambiguous terms signal the dependent,
same interests and needs, but equally as surpasses white America. Like/Share our message with non competitive nature of Black geo-
important, they trusted and depended on family and friends to remind them we must stay to- graphical areas across the country.
each other. gether, take care of each other, buy from each other,
support each other, and look after each other. Listen, Blacks have less than 1% of the
From the Civil War until the end of the business and wealth and no industries of
Black civil rights movement in the 1960’s, any consequence. If you cannot build
Black successfully built a vibrant culture, business and have a self-dependent econ-
marginally competitive schools, Black omy and community where you can
churches, personal service business and a control the elements in your communi-
professional class. Though they were small ty... You are going to prison remaining a
in number, these community assets produces permanent underclass of beggars and
jobs as well as products and services for criminals.
Black people. The desire for integration
caused Blacks to abandon their businesses, If Black America don’t focus on the
communities, culture and code of conduct. unique issues impacting Black people, we
Black Americans’ need to be accepted by will be Economic irrelevant and consid-
White society was greater than their need to ering Modern Times be back in Econom-
be accepted by Black society. ic Slavery on an Economic Plantation in
the next 6 to 8 years!

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