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Title no. 92-821

Designing Silo Walls for Flow Patterns*

by John E. Sadler, F. Thomas Johnston, and Mostafa H. Mahmoud

A procedure for design of concrete silo walls subjected to asymmetric flow models 13 - 17 show localized peaks, valleys, and patches of
patterns is presented. Differences between concentric and asymmetric flow higher pressure that deviate from Janssen's curve. These ap-
for both the mass flow and the funnel flow cases are discussed. A method of pear to result from the settling material reacting to an imper-
computing differential wall pressures resulting from flow channels is pre- fectly shaped and irregularly surfaced cylinder, and from
sented along with guidelines for selecting design flow channel geometry
and creating a practical silo design for asymmetric flow. Design aids
segregation during filling.
(based on finite element modeling) for estimating circumferential moments Such pressures peak slightly higher than Janssen's and for
are included. Two silo design examples are presented; one for grain and conventional slip or jump-formed concrete silos can be cov-
one for coal. ered by a Cd factor of 1.35. The resulting extra hoop rein-
forcement, especially when placed in two faces, provides
Keywords: bending; bins; concrete construction; eccentric loads; finite extra tension and moment capacity to cover the localized
element method; granular materials; loads (forces); reinforced concrete;
silos; stresses; structural analysis; walls.
bending effects of patches of higher load.
Alternatively, one may compute moments from a patch-
Silo codes J.s have traditionally recommended design pres- type loading 2.4 which simulates the pressure peaks.
sures that apply a factor, usually called Cd, to an initial filling
pressure (typically Janssen's 6 .7) to cover the increased pres- Mass flow case
sures during discharge. Most codes have limited their recom- During mass flow [Fig. l (A)], the downward movement of
mendations to concentric flow patterns and have offered the material is like the consolidation or settling movement
little guidance for asymmetric flow patterns. While Cd fac- during initial filling, but with higher velocity. In the mass
tors are useful to cover the concentric case, a different ap- flow regions of instrumented full-size 8•12 and model 13 - 17 si-
proach is necessary for the asymmetric case. This paper los, the locations of pressure peaks did not change from their
discusses both the concentric and asymmetric cases but fo- locations during tilling, but their intensities generally in-
cuses on a method for direct design of walls for the asymmet- creased. Some codes 2 .4 recognize mass-flow pressure in-
ric flow case.* creases above the transition can be covered by a Cd factor of
1.50 applied to Janssen's pressures.
FLOW PATTERNS Wall pressures at the top of the hopper (transition) are
Flow patterns that exist in silos are illustrated in Fig. 1. For higher and must be computed using methods for converging
purposes of wall design, we can say mass flow exists when flow channels. Walker's method 13 •17 seems to predict verti-
all material is in motion and funnel flow exists when only a cal and horizontal pressures that are suitable for use in design
portion of the material is in motion. Funnel flow patterns of concrete silos. Other methods 2 •4 •16 predict higher spike
where flow channels come near [Fig. l(K)] or contact the pressures at the transition, but examinations by the authors of
wall asymmetrically [Fig. 1(G), (H), (1), and (J)] require spe- wall distress, at least in concrete silos, indicate the stored
cial analysis. material is unable to impart such higher pressures.
In cases where silos are unloaded from the top [Fig. l(F)]
or where flow channels are remote from the wall [Fig. 1(E) Funnel flow cases
and (L)], the wall pressures during unloading are not unlike Where the flow channel is concentric and does not contact
the initial filling pressures. Initial filling pressure measure- the wall [Fig. l(E)], the Cd factor of 1.35 can be used. Where
ments in full-size concrete silos 8· 12 and metal or plexiglas the flow channel expands to the wall [Fig. l(B), (C), and

AC/ Structural Journal, V. 92, No.2. March·Aprill995.

*This approach is being considered as a potential addition to a revised version of . Received Sept. 19, 1994, and reviewed under Institute publication policies. Copy-
ACI 313-91, "Standard Practice for Design and Construction of Concrete Silos and nght © 1995, Amencan Concrete Institute. All rights reserved, including the making
Stacking Tubes for Storing Granular Materials." Comments to this paper received and of copies unless permission is obtained from the copyright proprietors. Pertinent dis-
published in ACt Structural Journal will be considered during Committee 313's dis· cussion will be published in the January-February 1996 ACt Structural Journal if
cuss ion of the proposed revision. received by Sept. I, 1995. ·

ACI Structural Journal I March-April 1995 219

The portion of the flow channel with constant diameter Y
John E. Sadkr, FACI, is a consultant in Columbus, Ohio, and a member of ACI Com-
mittee 313, Concrete Bins and Silos. He has more than 25 years of experience in in Fig. 2 may be treated as a silo within the silo. The vertical
design and investigation of silos and has authored many articles and technical pressure q1 can be approximated using Janssen's equation 1•6•7
papers. He has been the recipient of several awards, including the Delmar L. Bloem with the following modifications.
Distinguished Service Award for his work as past Chairman of AC1 Committee 313.
1. Use an R (R = A11P1) appropriate for the flow-channel
AC1 member F. Thomas Johnston is President of Facility Design, Inc., Columbus, diameter rather than the silo diameter.
Ohio, a consulting engineering firm specializing in the design of material handling 2. Since the material in the flow channel is flowing against
and storage facilities. He is a member of ACI Committee 313, Concrete Bins and
Silos, and received his BS and MS degrees from Ohio State University. He has investi- the static material, use a wall friction coefficient of tan <)l • If
gated several hundred silos with flow-related problems and corrected many problems the flow channel is partially exposed to the silo wall, use a
by modifying flow patterns. He has published several papers on silo failures and prob-
weighted average of tan <)l and tan <)l '.
The horizontal pressure in the flowing material, where the
ACI member Mostafa H. Mahmoud is President of Silo Engineers & Consultants, channel is nonconverging, can be approximated by
Inc., Columbus, Ohio. He is Chairman of AC1 Committee 313, Concrete Bins and
Silos, and received his BS from Cairo University and his MS and PhD degrees from
Ohio State University. He has more than 20 years of experience in design and investi- (I)
gation of silos and has published several articles on silo design and asymmetric flow
The ratio kin Eq. (1) may be taken as

(D)], the higher Cd factor of 1.50 should be used at and above k = 1- sin<!> (2)
the transition.
If the asymmetric flow channel contacts the wall or has the Where the flow channel is converging and tilted with one
possibility of tilting and contacting the wall [Fig. 1(G), (H), side against the vertical silo wall, the authors estimate the
(1), and (J)], an analysis of pressure differentials and result- horizontal flow pressure against the wall by substituting ( 9 t
ing silo wall bending moments must be made. If the channel + 9 1) for 9 in Eq. (A-6) in the Appendix.
is asymmetric but does not tilt to the wall [Fig. l(K)], an
analysis for bending may still be necessary. Failure to recog- Pressure in static material
nize and provide for wall moments resulting from asymmet- The vertical pressure qs in the static material can be ap-
ric flow channels, especially when they contact the wall, has proximated by summation of vertical forces at the level in
led to numerous and serious problems 18-21 and has led many question as follows.
authors 22 -28 to discuss solutions. 1. Determine vertical pressure qi due to initial filling of the
silo and the reduced vertical pressure q1 in the flow chan-
DESIGN FOR ASYMMETRIC FLOW nel(s) after flow is started.
The steps for designing the wall for a particular asymmet- 2. From the plan geometry defined in Fig. 3, determine A1,
ric flow channel are: 1) Determine hoop tensions due to ini- or if multiple flow channels, the summation of Af'
tial filling pressures; 2) Determine pressures in the flow The vertical and horizontal pressure in the static material
channel; 3) Determine pressures in the static material; 4) De- can be approximated by
termine circumferential bending moments in the wall that re-
sult from the difference in horizontal pressure between the
flowing and static material; and 5) Reinforce the wall to re-
sist the circumferential tensions and moments.
Selection of a flow channel configuration to be used for
design is important. The recommended flow channel geom-
etry will be shown in Fig. 3 and discussed later.
where k is given by Eq. (2).
Pressure in flowing material
The pressure within the flowing material after the flow Determine circumferential wall moments and
channel has formed is different in the converging portion To obtain moments, apply the pressures PJ and Ps as out-
than in the constant diameter portion of the flow channel. ward radial forces on the silo wall as illustrated in Fig. 4(a)
The converging portion of the flow channel below the and use a method of analysis that recognizes the resistance
transition (Fig. 2) may be treated as a hopper that has formed the static material provides to the otherwise free deformation
within the material, and vertical pressure q1 can be approxi- of the ring. To do so, a stored material modulus of elasticity
mated using Walker's 13 mass flow formula for qh [Eq. (A-1) Eb can be included in the analysis (like the sub grade modulus
in the Appendix] with the following modifications. in the classical "Beams on Elastic Foundations" problem).
1. Use 9 1 instead of 9 for the hopper angle. 9 1 may bees- Methods of analysis such as the ring formulas in Roark30
timated from Fig. 2, which shows the relationship between that do not recognize the subgrade modulus effect yield un-
8 and 9 f established by Giunta. 29 realistic deformations and overestimate the moments. For
2. Use <)l instead of <)l ' for the hopper friction angle. If part example, without support from the static material, the com-
of the surface is material and part of the surface is silo wall, puted deflection of a 12-in. (305-mm) wall on a 70-ft- (21.3-
use a weighted average for <)l • m)-diameter silo with two 18-ft (5500-mm) flow channels, is

220 ACI Structural Journal I March-April 1995

A B c D
'" MASS FLOW .,, ..


G H J K*

Fig. 1-Flow patterns

0 '
a: 3
;i I""
u 2 .......

Vl 16

~ 12

- \

l5 4


20 30 40 50 60 70 I I
lliMNA<····-·X·······>CEIINT I.' I
y__________ _
GRAll(········) <······-tOll··········)
FLOIII<···-> <··-I.NESTOIIE··> - H'
<··CEIOT·> <···SOYBENI IIEil··>
SlllM< •••••) ( ···11000 CliPS···> Y = 2 ton 9t I 1 + X ton 9f I
CI.IIC£R<····X ····-cacE·····>
<·····>SAt!, GRAVEl

Fig. 2-Typicaljlow angles and channel shape per Giunta29

ACI Structural Journal/ March-April 1995 221

Lw • 5~ 3 arcs1n( ~)

VLEVEL a· 2 h' t tan 9tlcos 9t



o. 0 '-:-1-L::-'-~...l......:.L:-.JL....,J..,-J-~
o.o o.2 o.4 o., o.a 1.0
x /lh'1 · h1 tor 91 • 9t
lESION AID Fill Ulo Af, • PF

h' • D'cos 9t
b 2 tan 9r
Fig. 3-Recommended design flow channel geometry

15 in. (381 mm), as shown in Fig. 5. Such large deformations 2. The silo wall is modeled using three-dimensional shell
are not supported by field measurements. elements with vertical and circumferential stiffnesses equal
The authors use a linear elastic finite element model that to Eb and Ec, respectively. The wall is assumed uncracked,
approximates the horizontal interaction between silo wall but the effects of cracking can be investigated by using are-
and static material. A typical model for symmetric arrange- duced wall modulus or thickness.
ments of flow channels (two opposite channels) is construct- 3. The static material is modeled using three-dimensional
ed as illustrated in Fig. 4(b) and described in the following
solid elements. The elements are assigned a modulus of elas-
paragraphs. For arrangements of flow channels that are not
ticity Eb in the range of 50 to I 00 ksf (20 to 40 MPa). Be-
symmetric, an analysis of the entire silo may be necessary.
cause the wall is significantly stiffer than the material,
1. A horizontal slice (usually of unit height) of the silo and
Poisson's ratio is assumed to be k/(1 + k) where k is computed
its contents is modeled using three-dimensional finite ele-
ments. Use of a slice model recognizes that the wall resists by Eq. (2). The analysis is not sensitive to the exact values
differential pressures primarily by horizontal spanning ac- chosen for Eb.
tion for most of the silo height. Near the roof and foundation, 4. The material within the flow channel boundary is as-
a different approach may be required to recognize radial re- sumed to have no stiffness and is, therefore, modeled as a
straint. hole.

222 ACI StrJctural Journal I March-April 1995






Fig. 4-Method of loading silo wall

5. Rather than apply the horizontal static pressure Ps di- recognizes the possibility of formation of plastic hinges at
rectly to the walls, the vertical static pressure qs is applied to points of maximum stress and allows redistribution of mo-
the upper face of the solid elements. This results in a more ment from the negative to the positive zone. The authors
realistic distribution of Ps on the wall. have found that plastic hinges do occur and that many times
6. The horizontal flow pressure PJ is applied as a radially each face of the wall can be designed for a redistributed mo-
outward pressure acting on the flow-channel boundary. ment equal to the average of M 1p and M OF· If the reinforce-
7. Because of small variations in vertical pressure from top ment is too heavy and the wall thickness must be increased,
to bottom of a silo slice of unit height, the base of the model new moments can be computed from Fig. 6 using an updated
is assumed restrained against vertical translation. This is Dlh ratio.
equivalent to applying equal vertical pressures to the top and Even though moments need not be considered below Lev-
bottom. el A of Fig. 3, it is recommended that the extra reinforcement
8. Boundary conditions applicable because of symmetry at Level A be decreased linearly to zero at the bottom of the
are applied along the x- andy-axis. pressure zone.
9. The model is analyzed to determine the variation of
bending moments, hoop tensions, and deflections around the SELECTION OF DESIGN FLOW CHANNEL
perimeter of the silo. CONFIGURATION
Analysis shows, as indicated in Fig. 5, the maximum MIF Before the preceding analysis can be made, a "design"
occurs at the center of the flow channel, and the maximum flow channel must be selected. Fig. 7 presents questions that
M 0 p occurs outside the flow channel. Maximum deflection raise the issues and help determine if bending from asym-
occurs at the center of the flow channel, and hoop tensions metric flow is likely. The following also raises issues related
decrease in the zone of the flow channel. However, it is rec- to material properties, segregation, and geometry. As differ-
ommended that the full F; tension rather than reduced ten- ent potential flow channel sizes are considered, recognize
sion be used for design. that larger channels do not necessarily result in more mo-
Wall moments for single- and double-flow channels can ment than smaller ones (Fig. 6). Even though theoretical
be estimated using Fig. 6. The curves resulted from a series considerations are important, final selection should be based
of finite element runs using the previous model. The param- on actual flow channels observed in comparable silos or
eters Dlh and L./D were varied to compute a coefficient C1 from evidence (wall abrasion, scour marks, cracking pat-
for the following terns, etc.) of actual flow channels having been active in
comparable silos, if at all possible.

Segregation influences flow channel configuration
Segregation is the primary determinant of whether a flow
The moment MIF is determined by multiplying MroTAL by channel will tilt. Although industry practice has been to as-
the coefficient C2 from the table of Fig. 6. The coefficient C2 sume center-filled silos with center outlets do not segregate
shows that for smaller L.jD ratios, MIF is equal to or greater enough to flow asymmetrically, such segregation does
than M 0 p, in which case, more hoop reinforcement is re- occur2° [Fig. l(J)].
quired on the inside than outside face. Segregation occurs during filling when the trajectory off
It is desirable, especially for slip-formed walls, to use the the conveyor or sloping spout causes the heavier particles to
>arne reinforcement in both faces. Section 8.4 of ACI 318 travel farther than the fines. Even if flow is baffled to stop the
\CI Structural Journal I March-April 1995 223
• 1 KFT
(1.4 kN-ml

--Mt11C • 12 KFT
I 16.3 kN-ml

M1F • l3 KFT
!49 kN-ml

~ = -1.4 IN
<-36 rrml


WITH TWO 18'15500 mml
12• 1305 mml WALL
l::. = 14 IN A= 0.1 IN
1356 mnl I 18



Fig. 5-Comparison of wall moments and movements

trajectory, material rebounds and falls in a segregated pattern channel must deviate away from the wall to continue to ex-
or the baffle wears through unexpectedly. pand to its maximum size at Level C. The channel then ex-
The coarse material is typically less cohesive (weaker) tends the full height of the silo, over which Y and Lw remain
than fines, so flow channels tend to tilt toward the coarser constant.
material, which is usually against the wall. When contact is lfthe Yexceeds D [Fig. l(H)], the analysis for asymmetric
made with the wall, the flow channel size often remains un- bending need only be done between Levels A and C using
changed from the contact point to the top of the silo. procedures described for the converging portion of the flow
Unless the material is uniform-sized (no fines), segrega- channel.
tion almost always occurs across the diameter regardless of
Generally, the flow channel does not tilt more than e f'
how the silo is filled. Therefore, any flow channel, especially
However, if the hopper surface adjacent to the outlet is suf-
if off-center, should be assumed to tilt toward the wall.
ficiently smooth and steep, and exceeds
Geometry influences flow channel configuration
Fig. 1 illustrates how geometry influences flow channels a= arctan (4tan<jl') (6)
in a variety of ways. Fig. 2 provides information to help size
the channel. Flow channels develop by expanding from the it is recommended the channel be assumed tilted to flow on
outlet size at an angle e 1 with the vertical. Depending upon the hopper surface adjacent to the outside of the silo. Then h'
the amount of cohesion (value of 8) and silo proportions, equals the height of the actual hopper.
they may or may not reach a stable diameter.
Flow can also expand at a rate greater than the included
Investigations of flow channel development in laboratory-
angle of 2 e 1 in the direction perpendicular to the plane of the
size model silos 29 •31 - 33 show a variety of results. For cohe-
paper, if the hopper configuration permits such.
sive materials like coal, Giunta's work29 seems to closely
predict flow channel angles and sizes in full-size silos. Other Geometry dictates that as the number and size of flow
studies may do better for noncohesive materials like grain. channels around the perimeter of a multiple-outlet silo in-
Fig. 3 defines the geometry of the recommended design crease, the pressures in the static material and resulting mo-
flow channel for the tilted condition ( e 1 > 0). The geometri- ments increase significantly. However, when the flow
cal relationships of Fig. 3 result from the assumption that the channels increase to the point of merging, the moments de-
flow channel tilts toward the wall and expands from its apex crease, provided all feeders are active. If not, severe checker-
at a rate equal to an included angle of 2e 1 as measured in a board loading can occur. It is, therefore, important to consid-
direction perpendicular to the plane of the paper. When the er realistic combinations of flow channels. Do not arbitrarily
channel centerline hits the wall (Y =chord np) at Level B, the assume all feeders will be interlocked and operated together.
224 ACI Structural Journal I March-April 199£

1ING~E JLO~ ---t--t-rt----_._--'-::_,_-+~~;;<='=;-1 FROM Tl£ TOP? FLO~?
.034 c..
IX v O/h-30 Lv/D Cz YES

T/ /
.032 FIG.l·F
0.1 0.75
t+t i\
0. 2
I I , - o.J o.n
0.4 0.68
0. 15

.026 t-CHTA_N4
NE-'L'-St--;-.,f\-/-,llAL-kf-'"""'?"'fk~~~d--O+/h_=4+S--+4 o. 5 o. 64
I I IY o.6 o.6o
/I' "
.022 t-+--+--+1'-f++i-J~/Y--t-"v
\ )..--Dth"'6D o.r
L,_,_+-lo. 8
o. 54
.ozo I ~~ /" t \ ~:~ ~:;~
c1.o1s ~I I /" :1 \ 'l. I-D/h=90 1-1 0-47

#Jf/ .-r .I 'Xfr'" K'': \ 1.2 0-46

1////; / !'{ \\\ ::~ ~::~
fjfJ/ -. .I \\ 1.s o.4s

.oos //)f/J 1\ 1\\

Fig. 6-Moment coefficients
Sometimes, also, a hopper opening fails to become fully I\SYIKTRIC FLOV IS I\SYIKTRIC FLOV
I«<T LIKaY.• L.. ;.;.IS..;;.LI;;.;;KE;;;.LY..;_._ ____.
active because of a partially open gate, or a malfunctioning
feeder or improperly proportioned feeder skirting. In such VH!Ot V!LL IE'Ef() lfON Tl£ PIIJX!H!TY OF Yl£ FLOV OWtfl TO Yl£ ~ALL.

cases [Fig. l(J)], flow immediately becomes asymmetric in

the hopper, and an unexpected flow channel can form at the Fig. 7-Logic chart for determining if bending from asym-
metric flow is likely
silo wall.

Variable material properties influence channel tact with the wall. This will reduce the forces on the wall and
configuration decrease the abrasion.
Base the design flow channel on material properties repre- 3. Consider limiting the use of outlets near the wall to
sentative of the material stored and the conditions of storage. those times when the level of filling is low. Consider more
The material property that most dramatically affects the flow than the normal concrete cover over inside face reinforce-
channel geometry is which is a measure of cohesion. More ment subject to heavy abrasion.
cohesive materials have a higher For high values of &, ef 4. Avoid hopper configurations that can cause unpredict-
approaches zero, and steep flow channels or ratholes occur. able flow patterns or unexpected merging of adjacent flow
o varies with vertical pressure and approaches in the <)l channels.
bottom of large silos where pressures are high. If segregation 5. Be cautious about using post-tensioned reinforcement
exists, oalso varies and approaches <)l where the coarse ma- for resisting bending from asymmetric flow. Compressive
terial is located, which is usually near the silo wall. Fig. 2 stresses can become critical under heavy bending plus axial
shows various granular materials and a range of 0 for each, load.
compared to Giunta's curves. 6. Reach an understanding with the owner regarding im-
The values for <)l and <)l' also vary. Explore a range of rea- portant silo design and operating parameters for the silo.
Record decisions on the drawings, such as:
sonable assumptions for each.
a. Stored material design parameters.
b. Design flow channel configuration.
c. Basis for selection of hopper, such as flow studies, etc.
Consider the following suggestions to improve the life and
d. Normal operating conditions.
maintenance of concrete silos. Owners and engineers have,
e. Emergency operating conditions, if one or more of the
on many occasions, cooperated to design silos that lessen the
gates or feeders is inoperable or are partially open, causing
severity of or even prevent asymmetric bending in their silos.
hopper outlet to be only partially active.
1. Strive to avoid configurations that have only off-center
outlets [Fig. 1(H), (1), (K)]. Try to incorporate a center outlet DESIGN EXAMPLES
and use it as the primary means of emptying the silo. Two silo designs are presented in Fig. 8 and 9 as examples.
2. Where outlets near the perimeter are necessary, try to lo- The general procedure for an actual silo is as follows:
cate them away from the wall to minimize flow channel con- 1. Establish values for y, p, &, <)l, $ 'cone• 11 '; and k.
ACI Structural Journal I March-April 1995 225
t = 50 PCF 9't g• =
p = 22· A= 2.1
\ = 33. h' =
157 ft
~ = 33. y =26 ft
D= ~· CONC = 25.2• hh = 81 ft
k = 0.47 h = 7 in
u'= 0.47 d' = d• = 1.75 in
f' c = 4000 psi 0/h = 51
fy = 60 l<si {'X=6 ft
Y(ft) 39 67 92 98
nvCft > 0 28 53 59
y ( ft) 26 17 9 2.4
Lw ( ft I 31.5 18 9.3 7.1
Lw/0 1.05 0.60 0.31 0.24
Adft 2 ) 404 144 37 28
Pt <ft l 72 45 24 18
~· 29.7 30.1 30.1 30.1
Qf(psfl 878 635 346 271
0 qi Cpsfl 1153 1460 1582 1601
Qscpsfl 1520 1672 1651 1656
Pt lpsf l 412 485 262 205
Ps<psfl 714 786 776 778
Ps -pt 302 300 513 572
c1 0133 .0256 .0167 .0127
c~ 0.48 0.60 0.73 0.74
M., (kftl 1. 73 4.15 5.59 4.85
~(kftl 1.88 2.78 2.12 1.68
Fi (kips> 8.13 10.3 11.2 11.3
A;.IF(in2) 0.30 0.52 0.65 0.59
As OF(in2) 0.31 0.42 0.39 0.36
Total 0.61 0.94 1. 04 0.95

Total As(in2)

Fig. 8-Silo design example-Grain

2. From Fig. 2, determine 9, A , H', andY. creases with respect to the static pressure Ps• and the mo-
3. Decide if and how much the channel will tilt. ments decrease. It is recommended in such cases that the
4. From equations of Fig. 3, determine h' b• h', h'1, and hh. reinforcement envelope be constructed by extending a
5. From equations of Fig. 3, for each depth Y, determine
straight line from the point of maximum As required above
the value off, Lw, L,/D, A1, P1, and <1> '.Use the design aid of
Fig. 3 if depth Y falls between Levels A and B. Level C to the point of maximum As required below Level C.
6. Determine q1 using Janssen's equation (if above Level Generally, the extra reinforcement provided at the flow
C) or Walker's Eq. (A-1) (in the Appendix) (if below Level channel should be extended around the entire perimeter of
C). the silo. The final design should never result in less rein-
7. Determine qi for each depth fusing Janssen's equation. forcement than required under ACI 313 (or the governing
8. Determine qs, Ps• andp1 from Eq. (1), (3), and (4). Use code) for the concentric flow case.
Walker's equation for Pt [Eq. (A-6)] if depth Y falls below
Level C.
9. Determine pressure differential Ps- Pt-
The guidelines and procedures presented are easy to use
10. Obtain moment coefficients from Fig. 7. Determine
and applicable for the normal range of concrete silo sizes and
moments, tension forces, and wall reinforcement using the
standard methods of computing reinforcement for members flow channel configurations encountered. They are applica-
subjected to both tension and moment. ble to a variety of stored materials and have resulted in prac-
In the particular example of Fig. 8, the total As required tical designs that have proven successful for the authors over
just below Level C drops because the flow pressure Pt in- the last several years.

226 ACI Structural Journal I March-April 1995

0· 70'
1'=60PCF &f = s•
p = 37" A= 2.1
'b = <13' h' = 157 ft
~ = 36' y = 23 ft
~· CONC = 29. 3' hh = 131 ft
k = 0.<11 h = 14 in
u'= 0.56 d' = d'' = 2 in

:t·. . .
rf ..
f' c = 4000 psi
~· SS = 21'
0/h = 60
fy = 60 ksi
;··.: . ·. Ylftl
hy ( ft l
40 80 130 138
0 1..· 8
r· y (ftl 23 23 23 21.6
1: .. Lw 1ft I 23.<1 23.4 23.4 22.0
1.· Lw/0 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.31
Af(ft') 238 238 238 208
Pr 1ft> 60 60 60 59.9
-~ 33.4 33.4 33.4 33.4
Qf I psf I 824 879 882 678
Qi !psfl 1866 2969 3738 3820
Qslpsf 1 2013 3264 <1141 4201
Pi I psf I 338 300 362 443
Pslpsfl 825 1338 1697 1122
Ps'Pf 487 978 1335 1278
c, .Q14C .0140 .0140 .0133
c2 0.71 0.71 0.11 o. 72
t..1r:(kftl 23.8 47.8 65.2 60.1
l.loF I kft I 9.6 19.3 26.3 23.0
Fi !kips! 26.8 42.6 52.2 54.8
·~(in2) 1.25 2.35 3.17 3.00
A.SoF<in2) 0.78 1.39 1.82 1. 73
Toto! 2.04 3.14 4.99 4.78

Total As(in2)

d',d" distances from face of wall to center of reinforcement nearest

NOTATION that face
e distance from center of silo to center of outlet (eccentricity of
A! area of ftow channel outlet)
A, tension steel area, usually per unit of height of wall eo distance from center of silo to apex of eccentric hopper (Fig.
A, i/o cross-sectional area of silo 3)
wall thickness
A critical ratio defined by Giunti 9 (Fig. 2) height of hopper from apex to top of hopper
B constant [Walker's Eq. (A-4) (see Appendix) depth below top of hopper to point in question
c, coefficient for MroTAL height from hopper apex to point where tilted ftow channel
c2 coefficient for M1F contacts wall
D diameter (inside) of silo height from hopper apex to effective outlet of hopper (Fig. 2
D' effective outlet diameter and 3)
modulus of elasticity of bulk material h' I height from hopper apex to point where Y for tilted ftow
Eb channel has expanded to equal the chord length n-p (Fig. 3)
Ec modulus of elasticity for concrete
k ratio of p to q
Fi hoop tension resulting from Pi n constant [Walker's Eq. (A-2) and (A-3)] (see Appendix)
H' height of ftow channel per Giunta 29 (Fig. 2) initial (filling) horizontal pressure due to stored material
Lw length of design ftow channel perimeter in contact with wall horizontal pressure within flow channel(s)
(Fig. 3) pressure normal to hopper surface [Walker's Eq. (A-6)] (see
moment causing tension on inside face of wall Pn
MIF Appendix)
moment causing tension on outside face of wall horizontal pressure within static material around ftow chan-
MoF Ps
MroTAL = sum of MIF and M OF• usually per unit of height of wall vertical pressure at depth h in converging channel [Walker's
pf perimeter of ftow channel Eq. (A-1) (see Appendix)]
R ratio of area to perimeter of horizontal cross section of stor- initial (filling) vertical pressure due to stored material
age space (hydraulic radius) vertical pressure within ftow channel(s)
y depth from surface of stored material to point in question
y vertical pressure within static material around ftow chan-
diameter of ftow channel per Giunti 9 (Fig. 2) nel(s)
c constant in equation for h' 1 (Fig. 3) angle of hopper with horizontal
effective depth of flexural member
d constant [Walker's Eq. (A-5) (see Appendix)]

ACI Structural Journal I March-April 1995
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~+2 4> +arcsm sinli (AS)
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228 ACI Structural Journal I March-April 1995

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