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Ana Gabriela Alegría 20195001

Crystals of a relationship

Establishing a bond and a relationship is one of the goals and objectives of the human
being, love and be loved is something extraordinary that makes us feel unimaginable. But
sometimes relationships are fractured for many reasons and one of the most difficult situations that
human beings can live is infidelity. The people involved tend to change their attitude and his
lifestyle in many ways, that negatively affects the entire life and environments. The most common
consequences of that are; family break, depression and the loss of confidence and self-esteem, and
it is very difficult to deal with these types of situations and very likely difficult to assimilate and

Family breakdown brings pain in the whole family especially to the children, if the couple
has them, and can origin estrangement between family members, and in each of them various
emotional conflicts. Deciding to separate is not an easy situation but when coexistence becomes
impossible, it is the best option and you must evaluate if this is the best option for everyone. And
here the problem of communication persists. Some infidelities can be a hard and accurate blow to
the family and others can help the couple to change (although this behavior is still not justifiable).

This is when the personal crisis of one of the couple comes into play, who later usually
falls into a depression. They do not stop thinking about why it happened, what they did wrong and
take refuge in themselves by making a shell around them, distancing the people they love the most
from them. Sadness is what harbors the most in the heart and it will completely change the attitude
of the deceived person. The person becomes a prisoner of himself and his emotions, experiencing
feelings that he probably had not felt such as rage, anger and hatred.

And then everything falls apart, the self-esteem that can have is lost, the confidence in
yourself and in others is broken, and this is the foundation of any type of relationship. Self-care is
also affected and begins with the low mood of worrying about the image of oneself. Low energy
is also present and what goes through the mind the most is deception. Expressing feelings and
opening up to others becomes a very difficult task. Living an infidelity is like living a duel, because
part of the love that can be felt can be affected by cheat.
Infidelity is not always grounds for divorce, but if it brings with it many negative
consequences in the human being especially mentally, for many couples it can be like a starry
glass, that will eventually break. And for others it is simply like a building that is demolished but
rebuilt from its foundations. Nothing is the same after an infidelity but the effects it will have on
life depends on many factors, and how is going to face that situation. Overcoming this takes time
but everything has a solution in life even if in this case it could be divorce, it is something that
must be faced and eventually overcome.

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