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Prospects of microbial cell factories developed through

systems metabolic engineering
Martin Gustavsson1,2 and Sang Yup Lee1*
1 Introduction
Metabolic and Biomolecular Engineering National
Research Laboratory, Department of Chemical and Our increasing concerns on climate change and the
Biomolecular Engineering (BK21 Plus Program), eventual depletion of fossil resources have directed
BioProcess Engineering Research Center, Center for much research towards developing renewable ways for
Systems and Synthetic Biotechnology, Institute for the producing chemicals and fuels. One strategy that has
BioCentury, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and been under investigation for many years, beginning at
Technology (KAIST), 291 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, the industrial-scale with conversion of simple sugars into
Daejeon 34141, Korea. acetone, butanol and ethanol 100 years ago (Moon
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, School of et al., 2016), and more heavily in recent years, is the
Biotechnology, Division of Industrial Biotechnology, utilization of microorganisms for producing chemicals
AlbaNova University Center, 106 91 Stockholm, Sweden. and fuels from renewable non-food biomass. This field
has advanced tremendously over the past two decades,
revolutionized by technological developments allowing
Summary inexpensive large-scale genome sequencing, systems-
level gene expression profiling and other omics tech-
While academic-level studies on metabolic engineer-
niques, in silico metabolic modelling and simulation,
ing of microorganisms for production of chemicals and
enzyme/pathway engineering and evolution, in addition
fuels are ever growing, a significantly lower number of
to routine and upgraded recombinant DNA techniques.
such production processes have reached commercial-
Despite this, the number of examples of successful com-
scale. In this work, we review the challenges associ-
mercialization of microbial processes producing chemi-
ated with moving from laboratory-scale demonstration
cals and fuels remains relatively small to date (Table 1),
of microbial chemical or fuel production to actual com-
leaving the question of whether a large-scale switch
mercialization, focusing on key requirements on the
towards a sustainable society based on microbial biore-
production organism that need to be considered dur-
fineries is feasible. To achieve this goal, it is critical that
ing the metabolic engineering process. Metabolic engi-
metabolic engineering works are designed and per-
neering strategies should take into account techno-
formed with the full techno-economic picture in mind,
economic factors such as the choice of feedstock, the
considering the raw material availability, large-scale pro-
product yield, productivity and titre, and the cost effec-
duction and downstream processes, and even applica-
tiveness of midstream and downstream processes.
tions throughout the strain development. To reach this
Also, it is important to develop an industrial strain
goal, interactions between academia and industry are
through metabolic engineering for pathway construc-
obviously vital (Pronk et al., 2015). In this work, we
tion and flux optimization together with increasing tol-
review the techno-economic challenges for the large-
erance to products and inhibitors present in the
scale implementation of biorefineries with the producing
feedstock, and ensuring genetic stability and strain
microbial cell factories as the focus, and discuss meta-
robustness under actual fermentation conditions.
bolic engineering strategies to overcome the pending
challenges. We have recently suggested 10 general and
Received 19 June, 2016; accepted 21 June, 2016. *For
stepwise strategies to consider for strain development
correspondence. E-mail; Tel. +82 42 350 3930;
Fax +82 42 350 3910. suitable for industrial biorefineries (Lee and Kim, 2015);
Microbial Biotechnology (2016) 9(5), 610–617 thus, here we rather focused on complementary points
to be considered.
Funding Information
This work was supported by the Technology Development Program
to Solve Climate Changes on Systems Metabolic Engineering for
Biorefineries from the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning Techno-economic considerations for microbial cell
(MSIP) through the National Research Foundation (NRF) of Korea
(NRF-2012M1A2A2026556, NRF-2012M1A2A2026557). Martin
factory development
Gustavsson was additionally supported by the Swedish Research
Council Formas project “Microbial conversion of fat from food waste
To achieve the successful transition from laboratory-scale
into renewable biochemicals” (Formas 2014-1620). demonstration to large-scale commercial production, there

ª 2016 The Authors. Microbial Biotechnology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd and Society for Applied Microbiology.
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Microbial cell factories by metabolic engineering 611
Table 1. Status of commercialization of microbial cell factories.

Product Production organism Status Feed stock Companies Reference

Acetone Clostridium Commercialized Corn Green Biologics
Citric acid Aspergillus niger Commercialized
Succinic acid E. coli Commercialized Corn sugars BioAmber
E. coli Commercialized Sucrose Myriant
S. cerevisiae Commercialized Starch, sugars Reverdia
B. succiniproducens Commercialized Glycerol, sugars Succinity
Lactic acid Commercialized Corn sugars + more NatureWorks
Itaconic acid Aspergillus terreus Commercialized Biochemistry Qingdao Kehai
1,3-PDO E. coli Commercialized Corn sugars DuPont Tate & Lyle
1,3-BDO Demonstration Genomatica and
1,4-BDO E. coli Commercialized Sugar Genomatica and
Tate & Lyle
1,5-PDA Commercialized Sugar Cathay Industrial
3-HP Commercialized Metabolix
Demonstration Novozymes and Cargill
Isoprene S. cerevisiae Preparing Sugar, cellulose Amyris,
Braskem, Michelin
Preparing DuPont, Goodyear
Isobutene E. coli Demonstration Glucose, sucrose Global Bioenergies
Adipic acid Candida sp. Demonstration Plant oils Verdezyne
Sebacic acid Candida sp. Demonstration Plant oils Verdezyne
DDDA Candida sp. Under Plant oils Verdezyne
Squalene S. cerevisiae Commercialized Sugarcane Amyris
PHA E. coli Commercialized Metabolix
Ethanol S. cerevisiae, Commercialized Sugarcane, Many
Zymomonas mobilis, corn sugar,
Kluyveromyces lignocellulose
Clostridium Demonstration Flue gas Lanzatech
Farnesene S. cerevisiae Commercialized Amyris
Butanol Clostridium Commercialized Corn Green Biologics
Isobutanol Yeast Commercialized Sugars Gevo

1,3-PDO, 1,3-propanediol; 1,3-BDO, 1,3-butanediol; 1,4-BDO, 1,4-butanediol; 1,5-PDA, 1,5-pentanediamine; 3-HP, 3-hydroxypropionic acid;
DDDA, dodecanedioic acid; PHA, polyhydroxyalkanoates.

are three key performance indicators to consider (Fig. 1): infection, the process requires more expensive equip-
the product yield (g g 1 substrate), the productivity ment, and places high demand of genetic stability on the
(g l 1 h 1) and the product titre (g l 1). In the case of bulk production host (Croughan et al., 2015). The fed-batch
chemicals and fuels, the profit margins are very narrow cultivation strategy should be developed based on the
and it is critical that these three metrics are maximized to product formation characteristics, e.g. growth associated
be competitive with traditional, petrochemical processes. or non-growth associated, and strains should be further
In many (but not all) cases, a trade-off has to be made optimized to meet the process requirements. For the pro-
between productivity and yield, as maximizing the produc- duction of bulk and inexpensive products, the use of rather
tivity often requires high density of the producing expensive inducers is discouraged; consequently, consti-
microbes, while increasing the carbon flux directed tutive expression of metabolic genes is often employed.
towards cell mass inevitably lowers product yield. In an The downstream processes for the separation and
industrial-scale fermentation, often performed in a fed- purification of a product should also be considered
batch mode, a productivity of typically around already at the strain development stage (Fig. 1). The
2–5 g l 1 h 1 (and preferably higher) needs to be final product titre has a major impact on the downstream
achieved depending on the product. Another strategy for processing costs, as a highly concentrated product is
increasing productivity is the use of continuous cultivation, both easier to separate and allows reduction of the total
but as these are prone to costly contamination and phage volume to be handled (including during waste treatment).

ª 2016 The Authors. Microbial Biotechnology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd and Society for Applied Microbiology, Microbial
Biotechnology, 9, 610–617
612 M. Gustavsson and S. Y. Lee


(B) (C) (D)

Fig. 1. Overview of the microbial cell factory design process. For successful commercial implementation, the full picture should be considered
throughout the design process. A. Considerations relating to the choice of renewable feedstock, including the location of the production facility
in close proximity to the available feedstocks, as indicated by blue (correct) and red (incorrect) concentric circles. B. The metabolic engineering
process, starting from selection of production organisms and iterating through design-build-test-learn cycles until the process requirements are
met. C and D. Critical parameters for the production process and downstream purification to final products respectively.

The use of a chemically defined medium not only allows process at a low pH as this leads to direct precipitation
production of a desired product under more controllable of the protonated acid (the desired product) rather than
conditions but also simplifies the downstream purification its salt form. This is why Cargill and Reverdia use acid-
by limiting the amount of contaminants. For the same tolerant yeast strains to produce lactic and succinic acids
reason, minimizing by-product formation is essential dur- respectively, at low pH (Table 1).
ing strain development to lower the downstream pro- The feedstock is another major contributor to the total
cessing costs. The downstream processes can also be bioprocess costs, especially for large volume low price
simplified by altering the fermentation conditions from products; for instance, the feedstock cost is estimated to
typical ones together with the matching strain developed. be around 75% of the total production cost of U.S. corn-
For example, in the industrial production of carboxylic based ethanol (FAO, 2008). Thus, selecting an appropri-
acids, it is advantageous to perform the fermentation ate feedstock is of outmost importance for cheap bulk
ª 2016 The Authors. Microbial Biotechnology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd and Society for Applied Microbiology, Microbial
Biotechnology, 9, 610–617
Microbial cell factories by metabolic engineering 613

products. So far, most commercial processes have Ljungdahl pathway (Molitor et al., 2016). There is much
focused on using simple sugars from sugar cane and ongoing effort on strain and bioprocess development
starch (Table 1). However, a switch towards utilizing using one-carbon substrates for the production of chemi-
non-edible lignocellulosic biomass is highly desirable in cals and fuels, as exemplified by Lanzatech’s ongoing
order to avoid conflicts with food uses. Lignocellulose is commercialization of bioconversion of industrial off-gases
the most abundant biomass on earth with an estimated (Table 1).
annual production of around 150–170 9 109 tons, out of
which only around 2 9 109 tons are currently used for
Systems metabolic engineering for developing
energy, timber, and paper and pulp production (Pauly
microbial cell factories
and Keegstra, 2008). Nevertheless, the necessity for
extensive pre-treatment together with the presence of The key role of metabolic engineers in the creation of
microbial growth inhibitors, make these feedstocks more commercial microbial cell factories is engineering strains
difficult to work with compared with sugarcane sugar or that can produce the target product efficient enough to
starch (Jo €nsson et al., 2013). In fact, sugarcane is an meet the requirements for large-scale bioprocessing as
excellent feedstock, due to its relatively low cost of pro- discussed above and summarized in Fig. 1. These
duction, high sugar yield and low energy input require- requirements include utilization of a wide range of car-
ments for its cultivation (Renouf et al., 2008). However, bon sources, for instance the common 5- and 6-carbon
it is abundantly available only in several specific regions monosaccharides including glucose, xylose and arabi-
including Brazil, Australia and Southeast Asian countries. nose present in lignocellulose, disaccharides including
This highlights a major consideration for feedstock selec- sucrose and lactose, and fatty acids, depending on feed-
tion: proximity to the chosen substrates, as shown in stock availability. Furthermore, the organism should be
Fig. 1A. The costs of feedstock transportation contribute tolerant to inhibitors present in these feedstocks and
considerably to the costs of raw materials; estimated at high titres of the target product, allow easy process
up to 30% for locally sourced lignocellulosic feedstocks design by growing fast in a simple defined medium, be
(Hess et al., 2007). Thus, it makes a lot of sense to robust in relation to heterogeneities in substrate, pH,
base a Brazilian biorefinery on sugarcane, while corn temperature and oxygen levels typically found in large-
has been the focus of US bioethanol production efforts scale bioprocesses, be genetically stable over many divi-
(EIA, 2016). Northern countries with less favourable agri- sions (at least 30 generations when scaling from 100 ml
cultural climates should carefully calculate the trans- to 10 000 m3 production scale) and insensitive to infec-
portation costs for the use of these feedstocks, or tions by for instance bacteriophages. Finally, the produc-
instead focus on other feedstocks, such as the abundant tion host should obviously possess metabolic capacities
forest industry residues available in Canada, Finland and for production of the target product at high productivities
Sweden. and yields.
In addition to using biomass directly as a feedstock,
there have been investigations into feeding CO2 or gasi-
Starting strain selection
fied biomass in the form of synthesis gas (syngas) into
biorefineries, with the former strategy bypassing the The metabolic engineering process begins with the
need to first fix CO2 into plant biomass. Direct CO2 uti- selection of the base strain for modification. As it is unli-
lization has been investigated using photosynthetic kely that a single wild-type organism will have a pheno-
microalgae or cyanobacteria, either to produce oils for type covering all the requirements for the production of
further conversion or for direct production of target diverse products, the selection of a starting strain con-
chemicals and fuels. This technology promises superior sidering metabolic capacity towards the desired product,
oil yields per cultivated area compared with conventional bioprocess compatibility, easiness of metabolic and
oil crops, but much work still remains to bring costs genetic engineering, ability to utilize inexpensive feed-
down to levels comparable to common vegetable oils stocks and others. So far, many studies have focused
(Chisti, 2007; Hannon et al., 2010). As for syngas, it can on engineering simple model organisms, including
be obtained by gasification of various biomass compo- Escherichia coli and S. cerevisiae, as these microorgan-
nents or municipal organic wastes using thermochemical isms have been relatively more studied, have well-devel-
processes (Puigjaner, 2011). The resulting gas can in oped tools for various genetic manipulations and have
turn be fermented by acetogens such as Clostridium well-validated genome-scale metabolic models available
ljungdahlii or Clostridium carboxidivorans. These bacteria for genome-scale metabolic simulations. Several other
convert CO and CO2 into fuels or chemicals, including strains that have also been employed for biorefineries
acetate, methane, ethanol and acetone, using hydrogen include Corynebacterium glutamicum Clostridium sp.,
as a source for reducing power through the Wood– Bacillus sp. and Pseudomonas sp. Nevertheless, with
ª 2016 The Authors. Microbial Biotechnology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd and Society for Applied Microbiology, Microbial
Biotechnology, 9, 610–617
614 M. Gustavsson and S. Y. Lee

recent developments in inexpensive genome sequenc- screening of heterologous pathways in vitro (Karim and
ing, more rapid construction of genome-scale metabolic Jewett, 2016).
models, new genetic and genomic manipulation tools,
most notably the use of clustered regularly interspersed
Removing negative regulatory circuits
short palindromic repeats (CRISPR) for metabolic engi-
neering of microbes (Li et al., 2015; Tong et al., 2015; When overproducing some natural metabolites, a com-
Blin et al., 2016), metabolic engineering of microorgan- mon problem encountered is feedback inhibition and
isms including non-conventional host strains has become transcriptional attenuation control of the production path-
easier than in the past. way caused by accumulation of the desired product.
One good example of using a non-model organism to Such negative regulations can occur both at the tran-
achieve efficient chemical production is the metabolic scriptional level and be caused by allosteric regulation of
engineering of Mannheimia succiniproducens for succinic pathway enzymes, and should be removed at the early
acid production. This organism was isolated from the stage of strain development. In the case of transcrip-
rumen of a Korean cow, an environment with a high tional regulation, the strategy is straightforward. Modern
CO2 partial pressure. The reason for screening the cow DNA-manipulation tools allow relatively simple editing of
rumen was based on the hypothesis that there might be chromosomal transcription regions to introduce desired
a bacterium capable of efficiently performing phospho- changes. Alternatively, the transcription factors involved
enolpyruvate carboxylation in this CO2-rich environment, in this regulation may also be knocked out. Examples of
which was indeed the case. After genome sequencing these strategies include the production of different amino
and generation of a validated genome-scale model, acids (pathways that are heavily affected by such nega-
development of expression vectors and genetic manipu- tive regulatory circuits); a number of examples are avail-
lation tools, and systems metabolic engineering, a final able, for instance knocking out the aromatic amino acid
strain capable of producing succinic acid at titres, yields biosynthesis pathway regulator tyrosine-activated repres-
and productivities comparable to or exceeding those of sor (tyrR) to allow production of L-tyrosine (Lu €tke-Ever-
the best current industrial producers could be developed sloh and Stephanopoulos, 2007) and its derivative
(Choi et al., 2016b). phenol (Kim et al., 2014), and replacing the native pro-
In silico genome-scale metabolic modelling and simu- moters of the L-valine and L-threonine operons with a
lation can be a great tool in selecting an appropriate pro- strong, inducible promoter for more efficient production
duction organism, by allowing evaluation of the of L-valine and L-threonine, respectively, in E. coli (Lee
metabolic capacities of different organisms. One exam- et al., 2007; Park et al., 2007).
ple is a recent extensive evaluation of the E. coli capaci- Dealing with allosteric feedback inhibition is more diffi-
ties for biosynthesis of a large range of chemicals cult compared with transcriptional regulation. The most
(Zhang et al., 2016). This study found that up to 1777 straightforward solution is to look for heterologous
non-native products, out of which 279 have known com- enzymes that lack the allosteric regulation. Alternatively,
mercial applications, could be derived from the E. coli enzyme engineering can be employed to generate feed-
metabolism by introducing heterologous enzymes. back-resistant mutants. This was exemplified for produc-
tion of L-threonine using E. coli, where previously
identified single point mutations in the thrA and lysC
Pathway design for novel products
genes (encoding aspartokinase I and III respectively)
One of the greatest challenges faced by metabolic engi- were used to remove allosteric feedback regulation of
neers is the creation of pathways for target products this pathway (Lee et al., 2007), and for the production of
with no known natural producer. For these products, L-tyrosine, where a single mutation removed the allos-
new enzymes need to be developed, starting from ones teric regulation of aroG and two mutations removed the
catalysing similar reactions as the desired one. Identifi- regulation of tyrA (Lu €tke-Eversloh and Stephanopoulos,
cation of such suitable enzyme candidates is no easy 2007; Kim et al., 2014).
task, but recent developments in computer tools are
very helpful for this. For instance, the pathway for
Fine-tuning pathway expression and minimizing
1,4-butanediol production in E. coli could efficiently
metabolic burden
designed and tested by using the SimPheny Biopath-
way Predictor (; Yim et al., 2011). After establishment of a deregulated production pathway
A number of such tools exist for prediction of pathways to the target product, the next step is fine-tuning of the
and selection of enzyme candidates, as reviewed else- pathway to maximize the flux to the target product while
where (Shin et al., 2013). Additionally, cell-free pathway minimizing the metabolic burden. As the number of path-
assembly tools more recently reported promises rapid way enzymes increase, the task of tuning the expression
ª 2016 The Authors. Microbial Biotechnology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd and Society for Applied Microbiology, Microbial
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Microbial cell factories by metabolic engineering 615

of each one quickly becomes very large, as shown in a S. cerevisiae for this purpose, as reviewed elsewhere
recent work describing optimization of violacein produc- (Laluce et al., 2012). Other organisms, including for
tion in E. coli (Jones et al., 2015). In this work, a instance E. coli, can natively utilize the five-carbon carbo-
five-step pathway for violacein production was cloned hydrates arabinose and xylose. However, in E. coli a strict
combinatorially under five different promoter sequences, substrate utilization hierarchy is maintained, with a prefer-
resulting in a randomized library of 3125 variants. By ence for glucose utilization before other carbohydrates. In
screening a fraction of this library, a strain with a 62-fold order for efficient fed-batch processing of mixed lignocel-
improvement in violacein production over a control hav- lulosic sugars, this hierarchy needs to be removed to
ing only strong promoter variants was obtained. enable simultaneous sugar utilization. One such example
As an alternative to promoter engineering, the influ- is the deletion of the E. coli glucose phosphotransferase
ence of the Shine–Dalgarno sequence was systemati- system domain IIC (encoded by ptsG) that removes this
cally investigated in E. coli. A tool named Empirical substrate preference from E. coli. This deletion was
Modeling and Oligos for Protein Expression Changes recently used to enable synthesis of poly(lactate-co-glyco-
(EMOPEC, was devel- late) through simultaneous utilization of glucose and
oped for generating oligo sequences for tuning the trans- xylose (Choi et al., 2016a). Another example is the inabil-
lation of chromosomal genes in E. coli (Bonde et al., ity of the commonly used E. coli K12 and B strains to uti-
2016). This tool promises efficient generation of combi- lize sucrose as a carbon source; simple overexpression
natorial libraries for high-throughput tuning of chromoso- of a single b-fructofuranosidase gene from M. succinipro-
mal pathways. Another recent contribution of interest ducens could confer the sucrose-utilization phenotype to
describes the use of a chromosomally integrated green an engineered E. coli K12 strain, allowing direct produc-
fluorescent protein (GFP) under a constitutive promoter tion of L-threonine from sucrose (Lee et al., 2010).
as a reporter for examining the protein synthesis capac-
ity of an engineered cell (Ceroni et al., 2015). By com-
Engineering cells to tolerate target products and
paring the GFP expression in strains containing different
inhibitors present in feedstock
plasmid constructs, they were able to select for con-
structs that produced the optimum level of the target pro- For utilization of complex substrates such as lignocellu-
tein, while minimizing the reduction in capacity for losic biomass and accumulation of target products to
synthesis of other proteins. Combining this method with high titres, it is necessary that industrial strains should
the above-mentioned combinatorial library techniques be resistant towards both the target product and inhibi-
could greatly assist in future pathway-tuning efforts. tors present in the feedstock. However, inhibitor toler-
Furthermore, inducer-free expression systems are ance is one of the most complex phenotypes to engineer
preferable in industry to remove the cost of the inducer. as a wide number of hard-to-predict genes are often
Traditionally, this has been achieved using constitutive involved. Thus, this phenotype is commonly achieved by
promoters, but this prevents separation of cell growth one of two main strategies. First, adaptive laboratory
and product formation. It is envisioned that the progress evolution can be used, as described for production of D-
in design of synthetic circuits, not least the recent report lactate in E. coli (Utrilla et al., 2012) and L-arginine in
of a software for automatic design of biological circuits C. glutamicum (Park et al., 2014). Following the genome
with predictable output (Nielsen et al., 2016), will lead to sequencing of evolved strains, the contributing alter-
the development of advanced, dynamically regulated ations from adaptive laboratory evolution can then be
auto-induction strategies in the future. introduced into the production strain. Second, system-
wide genomic or transcriptomic engineering followed by
screening and selection can also be used. For this, vari-
Substrate utilization engineering
ous methods including transcription factor engineering
Not only should the production organism contain efficient, (Alper et al., 2006), and gene knockdown libraries based
well-tuned production pathways as discussed above but it on sRNA (Na et al., 2013) or CRISPR interference
also needs to efficiently utilize the inexpensive feedstock (CRISPRi; Qi et al., 2013) can be employed.
of choice. A classic example of this problem is that A different, rational engineering strategy to improve
S. cerevisiae is incapable of growing on xylose (Jeffries both productivity and product tolerance is to express pro-
and Jin, 2004). As xylose typically makes up around 15– duct efflux pumps that enhance the export of the prod-
23% of carbohydrates in lignocellulose (Huang et al., uct. One example of this strategy is the screening of a
2009), this is a critical issue that needs to be solved to library of 43 efflux pumps for improving the tolerance of
obtain higher yields from this feedstock. Consequently, E. coli against seven different biofuels, resulting in the
this was one of the most heavily studied topics, and there identification of efflux pumps improving the tolerance
are now a number of reports describing engineered against five of seven of the tested biofuels (Dunlop
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616 M. Gustavsson and S. Y. Lee

et al., 2011). Another recent work describes the screen- clear that such rapid advances in the field promise suc-
ing of 16 ABC transporters for the ability to enhance cessful establishment of microbial biorefineries producing
secretion of carotenoids from E. coli (Doshi et al., 2013). chemicals and fuels from renewable non-food biomass,
Using this strategy, up to 5.4-fold increase in carotenoid allowing us to move towards a bio-based economy.
secretion was achieved while maintaining cell viability.
Conflict of interest
Genetic stability and strain robustness
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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biorefineries for the production of chemicals and fuels. EIA (2016) U.S. ethanol exports exceed 800 million gallons
As has been discussed, many different aspects need to for second year in a row [WWW document]. URL
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successful cell factory development is thus to have an i0100e00.htm.
all-encompassing view during strain development, includ- Hannon, M., Gimpel, J., Tran, M., Rasala, B., and Mayfield,
ing everything from feedstock selection, through the bio- S. (2010) Biofuels from algae: challenges and potential.
processing steps and to the downstream processes. It is Biofuels 1: 763–784.

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ª 2016 The Authors. Microbial Biotechnology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd and Society for Applied Microbiology, Microbial
Biotechnology, 9, 610–617

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