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Cinderella (;
One day, a letter from the king came. Cinderella, her step mother, her step sisters and all the
girls in the kingdom were invited for a grand ball in the king’s palace and the prince would be
choosing a wife. However, Cinderella’s stepmother did not give her permission to go. She
was asked to help both her stepsisters with their dress for the ball. They then went to the ball,
leaving Cinderella at home disappointed.
Cinderella felt very sad and burst into tears. Suddenly, a fairy godmother appeared and said,
“Don’t cry, my dear. I will send you to the ball!” Cinderella was surprised and said, “I don’t
have a gown to wear for the ball!” The fairy godmother waved her magic wand and instantly
her old rags were turned into a beautiful gown. Cinderella was also given a pair of beautiful
glass slippers by the fairy godmother.
When Cinderella entered the palace, everybody was impressed by her beauty. The
charming prince was also attracted by her beauty. He came up to her and asked, “Do you
want to dance with me, lady?” Cinderella said, “Yes, my prince!” The prince danced with her
all night and nobody recognized her, not even her stepmother and stepsisters. She was so
happy to dance with the prince that almost forgot what the hairy godmother had said.
At the last moment, Cinderella remembered her fairy godmother’s words and said, “Oh! I’m
sorry my prince, I must go!” As she left the palace hurriedly, one of her glass slippers came
off. She kept running and did not turn back for it because she did not have much time. When
she arrived at home, the clock struck twelve and all the magic spell disappear. Her
stepmother and stepsisters came home shortly after that. They were talking about the
beautiful lady who had been dancing with the prince.
Next day, the prince and his servants took the glass slipper and went to all the houses in the
kingdom. They asked all the women in the kingdom to try it on. Both Cinderella’s stepsisters
also tried on the glass slipper. They tried to squeeze their feet and push hard into it, but the
servant was afraid that it would break.
At last, it was only Cinderella who had not tried the glass slipper. Her stepmother would not
allow her to try it on. However, the prince saw her and said, “Let her also try on the slipper.”
The slipper fit her foot perfectly. The prince finally recognized that she was the girl who was
dancing with him. He then married Cinderella and together they lived happily ever after.

The Activities
1. Survey
Scan the text by looking at the picture and the title and find out the difficult words and their
meaning to understand the text well.(Baca teks sekilas dengan melihat gambar, judul dan cari
kata kata yang dianggap kamu sulit, lalu cari artimya dan tulis di tabel berikut)
No Words (Kata) Meaning (Makna) No Words (Kata) Meaning
1 Disappointed Kecewa 6 stepsister Saudara perempuan
2 Choosing Memilih/kehendak 7 Married Telah menikah
3 Letter Surat/isi/huruf 8 disappear Menghilang/mengan
4 disappointed Kecewa 9 squeeze Meremas/memijat
5 However Namun/akan 10 hurriedly Buru-buru/terburu-
tetapi/melainkan/m buru/tergesa-gesa
2. Question
Read again the text. And try to make some questions to be answered by your self based on
the text.(Baca lagi teks diatas dan cobalah membuat pertanyaan yang mesti kamu jawab
berdasarkan teks diatas supaya kamu lebih faham terhadap teks tersebut)
No Your Questions Your answers
1 When did the fairy godmother appear for When Cinderella feels sad and
Cinderella? cries
2 Who helps Cinderella when she feels sad and cries? Fairy Godmother
3 Where is the place for the big party held by the king? In the palace
4 Why Cinderella left the prince? Because Cinderella
remembered her fairy
godmother's words
5 How can Cinderella's stepmother and stepsisters not Because Cinderella's
recognize her at the palace? appearance is very beautiful
and charming
6 Who has the right to be the prince's wife?why? Because the Prince realized
that Cinderella was the one
dancing with him
3. Read
Read again and make the summary by your own words (Baca kembali teks dengan teliti dan
buatlah rangkuman ceritanya dengan kata kata kamu sendiri )
The summary of
the story This story tells of a girl who has to live with her mother and stepsisters.
Cinderella wasted while in her family circle, but then she was married to a
prince thanks to her glass slipper that was left at a party..

4. Recite
Read loudly what you have summurized (Bacalah dengan keras rangkuman yang telah kamu
buat supaya kamu lebih mengingat isi cerita tersebut)
5. Review (Baca kembali teks tersebut dan ulangi yang telah kamu lakukan diatas)
Read again and try to understand the content by answering the following question.
No Question Answer Score
1 What is the topic of the first paragraph? The coming of letter 10
2 What is the topic of the second paragraph? Cinderella felt very sad 10
and burst into tears
3 Who did love Cinderella? The princeq 10
4 What is the main idea of the second paragraph? fairy godmother who 10
appears suddenly and
helps Cinderella when
she feels sad by using her
5 Who did hate to Cinderella? Her stepsisters and her 10
6 Where was the dance held? In the palace 10
7 Why did The prince recognize Cinderela that she was Because the glass slipper 10
the girl dancing with him? is only enough for
Cinderella's feet
8 The word”her ” in the sentence “everybody was Cinderella 10
impressed by her beauty “ in the third paragraph
refers to...
9 The words ‘they” in the sentence ““They tried to All the women in the 10
squeeze their feet” (fifth paragraph) refers to.... kingdom especially
Cinderella's half sister
10 What is the moral value of this story? The moral message is 10
that we must continue to
do good and be patient
whatever the situation
(Cinderella never gets
angry even though her
stepmother and
stepbrothers make her a
maid), never stop
dreaming (even though
things are impossible,
Cinderella doesn't give
up going to the palace),
and .believe in yourself

Name: Anqiyaa Zaki Mushoddiq

Class: IX H

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