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NEXT School Mail - Algebra Diagnostic 12/10/21, 9:24 AM

Shaurya Raja Tangudu <>

Algebra Diagnostic
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Google Forms <> 12 October 2021 at 09:23


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Algebra Diagnostic
Algebra is fun!
Let's begin by testing your prior knowledge.
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NEXT School Mail - Algebra Diagnostic 12/10/21, 9:24 AM

Shaurya Tangudu

The 2 in 2a is referred to as *



Coefficient of a


The constant in 5b+6 is *



(a + 5) + (7a + 8) = *

a5 + 15a

If a = 8, then 2a = *

2a = 16

Simplify the expression: x * 9 * y *

9xy…d-f%3A1713384500068654609&simpl=msg-f%3A1713384500068654609 Page 2 of 5
NEXT School Mail - Algebra Diagnostic 12/10/21, 9:24 AM

Simplify the expression: a * 5 * a * a * a *


Simplify the expression: x * 4 + d * 9 *

9d + 4x

Simplify the expression: 3(a + b − 2) *

3a + 3b - 6

2a - 7 = 6. Find the value of a. *

a = 1/3

d = 4c - 5. What will the value of d when c = 60? *


120 = y/-10. Calculate the value of y *

If speed = distance / time, calculate the speed when distance = 144Km and time =
4hours. *

I don't understand ( :( sorry)…d-f%3A1713384500068654609&simpl=msg-f%3A1713384500068654609 Page 3 of 5
NEXT School Mail - Algebra Diagnostic 12/10/21, 9:24 AM

If force = mass x acceleration, calculate the acceleration when force = 92units and
mass = 2units. *

I don't understand ( :( sorry)

If y = mx + c, calculate 'y' when m = 2 and x = 6 and c = 7. *

I don't understand ( :( sorry)

17g - 16 = 15g + 20. Solve for g *

g = 7/6

2(x+7)=3(x-6). Solve for x *


A man is n years old. Write down algebraic expressions for the next 3 questions
based on this info

How old was he 12 years ago *

The man was n-12 years old

His wife is 6 years older than him. What is his wife's age *

His wife is n+6 years old

His mother is twice his age. What is his mother's age *…d-f%3A1713384500068654609&simpl=msg-f%3A1713384500068654609 Page 4 of 5
NEXT School Mail - Algebra Diagnostic 12/10/21, 9:24 AM

his mothers age is n x 2

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