RSCH 121 Week 1 10

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This is the value of research that reading opens the mind to a vast horizon of knowledge, while
writing helps a reader use her/his own perspective and transform this into a more concrete idea
that he/she understands.
The correct answer is: A Seed to Love Reading, Writing, Analyzing and Sharing Valuable

This is a value of research that curiosity may kill not just the cat, but the human as well. Yet, it is
the same curiosity that fuels the mind to seek for answers.
The correct answer is: Nourishment and Exercise for the Mind

This is the value of research that doing research to reveal lies or truths involving personal affairs
contributes in either making a relationship work or in breaking away from a dysfunctional one.
The correct answer is: A Way to Prove Lies and to Support Truths

This is the value of research that research serves as an instrument to achieve the goal.
The correct answer is: Nourishment and Exercise for the Mind

It is a value of research that research serves as an instrument to achieve the goal.

The correct answer is: Nourishment and Exercise for the Mind

This is the value of research that research is required not just for students and academics but
for all professionals.
The correct answer is: A Tool for Building Knowledge and Efficient Learning

The inquiry approach to professional _______ is one which practitioners use to conduct
systematic, intentional, filed-based inquiry into their own daily practices.
The correct answer is: Development

A tool for _______ knowledge and efficient learning.

The correct answer is: Building

Away to _______ lies and to support truths.

The correct answer is: Prove

Means to _______ various issues.

The correct answer is: Understand

An aid to _______ success and job search.

The correct answer is: Business

Make sure the research question is ___________.

The correct answer is: Clear

Consider the ___________ of the project.

The correct answer is: Feasibility

It is a problem that someone would like to ___________.

The correct answer is: Investigate
It is considered a situation that needs to be changed or ___________.
The correct answer is: Addressed

Make sure the ___________ is ethical to study.

The correct answer is: Topic

It may also ________ and ideas from other sources.

The correct answer is: Concepts

Write the significance of the study by looking into the ________ of your study.
The correct answer is: General

Discussion of existing or present ________ and what is aimed to be in the future gap to filled-in
by the research.
The correct answer is: Condition

Discussion at once follows after the chapter title, no ________ of the chapter
The correct answer is: Introduction

Effective problem statements answer the question "Why does this research need to be
The correct answer is: Conducted

This is a step that you need to consider before you prepare your conceptual framework that
some abstracts contain the variables and the salient findings thus may serve the purpose.
The correct answer is: Isolate the important variable

This is a step that you need to consider before you prepare your conceptual framework that
preferably use peer-reviewed and well-known scientific journals as these are reliable sources of
The correct answer is: Do a literature review

This is a step that you need to consider before you prepare your conceptual framework that
review relevant and updated research on the theme that you decide to work on after scrutiny of
the issue at and.
The correct answer is: Do a literature review

This is a step that you need to consider before you prepare your conceptual framework that
decides if the variables are not explicit in the summary, get back to the methodology or the
results and discussion section and quickly identify the variables of the study and the significant
The correct answer is: Isolate the important variable

This is a step that you need to consider before you prepare your conceptual framework that
build your conceptual framework using your mix of the variables from the scientific articles you
have read.
The correct answer is: Generate conceptual framework

Background reading cannot help you choose and limit the scope of your topic.
The correct answer is 'False'.
Your introduction statement can guide you in identifying the specific contribution of your study.
The correct answer is 'False'.

If you really want to draw readers in, you have to end your introduction with something attention
The correct answer is 'False'.

Choose a topic that you are interested in, the research process is more relevant if you care
about your topic.
The correct answer is 'True'.

In writing the significance write from specific to general contribution rather than from general to
The correct answer is 'False'.

A lengthy title may seem unfocused and take the readers' attention away from an important
The correct answer is 'True'.

Which of the following is not considering a factor in selecting a research problem?

The correct answer is: Make sure the research question is clear

A good research paper title should contain key words in the title.
The correct answer is 'True'.

Significance of the study does not provides information to the reader on how the study will
The correct answer is 'False'.

It is clear that the title of your paper is the most important determinant of how many people will
read it.
The correct answer is 'True'.

In choosing a topic this is we need to do even when you aren't writing a research paper, make
sure you select a subject that you can develop with sufficient details.
The correct answer is: If your assignment requires research, choose a topic on which you can
find material

It is a basic tip to keep in mind while writing a title should contain key words used in the
manuscript and should define the nature of the study.
The correct answer is: Use appropriate descriptive words

After providing your readers with some background, use your essay introduction to outline what
you are going to discuss.
The correct answer is 'True'.

Which is not example of the importance of quantitative research across the field?
The correct answer is: Objectivity of researcher in methodology is recognized less

It is a value of research that requires curiosity that fuels the mind to seek for answers.
The correct answer is: Nourishment and exercise for the mind
The problem statement describes the context for the study and also identifies the general
analysis approach.
The correct answer is 'True'.

It is a value of research that entails both reading and writing that able helps computation and
The correct answer is: A seed to love reading, writing, analyzing and sharing valuable

These are sub type survey, historical, observational, correlational, descriptive, and comparative
The correct answer is: Non-Experimental Research

It is an attempt by the researcher to maintain school overall factors that may affect the result of
an experiment.
The correct answer is: Experimental Research

The primary function of a title is to provide a precise summary of the papers' content.
The correct answer is 'True'.

These are sub type survey, historical, observational, correlational, descriptive, and comparative
The correct answer is: Non-Experimental Research

It is an attempt by the researcher to maintain school overall factors that may affect the result of
an experiment.
The correct answer is: Experimental Research

The primary function of a title is to provide a precise summary of the papers' content.
The correct answer is 'True'.

These are the changing or characteristics of persons or things like age, gender and many
The correct answer is: Variables

An introduction could be start from interesting anecdote or a relevant quote from an expert.
The correct answer is 'True'.

In choosing a topic this is we need to consider the second topic is narrow and less likely to lead
to summary and when considering a topic, ask yourself if it can lead to a reasonable a research
The correct answer is: Avoid a topic that will tempt you to summarize rather than to discuss or

It is dynamic process of being open to wonder and puzzlement and coming to know and
understand the world.
The correct answer is: Inquiry

In choosing a topic this is we need to do you'll write better, on something you care about.
Generally, if you choose a topic that is interesting to you, then your reader will find it interesting
The correct answer is: Choose a topic that interests you
An introduction is the first paragraph of a written research paper, or the first thing you say in an
oral presentation.
The correct answer is 'True'.

Most authors by virtue of possessing comprehensive details of the research paper, are
perplexed with regard to how to make their research paper title concise without sacrificing any
relevant elements.
The correct answer is 'True'.

It is a definite or clear expression about an area of concern, a condition to be improved upon, a

difficulty to be eliminated or a troubling question that exists in scholarly literature, in theory, or
within existing practice that points to a need for meaningful understanding and deliberate
The correct answer is: Research Problem

Factors to consider in selecting a research problem that the topic should be important.
The correct answer is 'True'.

Be very broad in selecting a research problem.

The correct answer is 'False'.

It is not real things. A variable that they are interpretations of observed facts, not facts
The correct answer is: Intervening Variable

It is a hypothesis that is stated in positive one.

The correct answer is: Alternative Hypothesis

This is a ways to strengthen the theoretical frameworks in which it permits you to intellectually
transition from simply describing a phenomenon you have observed to generalizing about
various aspects of that phenomenon.
The correct answer is: Articulating the theoretical assumptions of a research study forces you to
address questions of why and how

This is not the literature review in relation to your own study

The correct answer is: Contextualize your findings

This is not the sources in preparing the related literature and studies
The correct answer is: Text message

It is an interpretative framework, which is guided by a set of beliefs and feelings about the world
and how it should be understood and studied.
The correct answer is: Paradigm

It deals with the issues about value.

The correct answer is: Oxiology

Which of the following is not the example of systematic review of related literature?
The correct answer is: Writing the copyright date

It is the one element that is not changed throughout an experiment because its unchanging
state allows the relationship between the other variables being tested to be better understood.
The correct answer is: Control Variable
It is a variable that can stand alone.
The correct answer is: Dependent Variable

This is not the place where you locate the sources in preparing related literature and studies
The correct answer is: Bus station

It is consists of concepts and together with their definitions and reference relevant scholarly
literature, existing theory that is used for your particular study.
The correct answer is: Theoretical Framework

It is something used as a basis for comparison.

The correct answer is: Control

This is a step on how to make the conceptual framework that require you to build your
conceptual framework using your mix of the variables form the scientific article you have read.
The correct answer is: Generate the conceptual framework

Which of the following is not the example of general guidelines in writing the theoretical
framework of the study?
The correct answer is: Conceptual definitions are necessary and important

It is a thing that are accepted as true, or at least plausible.

The correct answer is: Assumption

This is a step on how to make the conceptual framework that require you to be relevant and
updated on the theme that you decide to work on after scrutiny of the issue at hand.
The correct answer is: Do a literature review

Which of the following is not the example of intervening variable?

The correct answer is: Age

It is a variable in scientific experimentation that is experimental element which is constant and

unchanged throughout the course of the investigation.
The correct answer is: Control Variable

It presents specific and well-defined concepts which are called construct.

The correct answer is: Conceptual Framework

This is notfunctions of the literature review.

The correct answer is: Improve your research methodology

It deals with the question of what is real.

The correct answer is: Ontology

It is a world view, a general perspective, a way of breaking down the complexity of the real
The correct answer is: Paradigm

It is an educated guess.
The correct answer is: Hypothesis

It is a variable that believed to affect to the dependent variable.

The correct answer is: Independent Variable
Which of the following is not the example of general guidelines in writing the definition of terms?
The correct answer is: Operational definitions are not necessary

This is not the sources in preparing the related literature and studies
The correct answer is: Tattoo message

Which of the following correct sequence in writing the author's name in MLA System?
The correct answer is: Full surname - Full First name - Optional Initial of the Middle Name

Which of the following is not the step in hypothesis testing?

The correct answer is: Disorganizing the sampling distribution and specifying the test statistic

It is an abbreviated alphanumeric expression embedded in the body of an intellectual work that

denotes an entry in the bibliographic references section of the work.
The correct answer is: Citing

To give the basic meaning of quantitative research is to say that research is a way of making
any phenomenon or any sensory experience clearer or more meaningful.
The correct answer is 'True'.

Descriptive research is fall under experimental research.

The correct answer is 'False'.

Variables are changing or characteristics of persons or tings.

The correct answer is 'True'.

Example of non-experimental research is observational research.

The correct answer is 'True'.

Experimental research is fall under qualitative research.

The correct answer is 'False'.

One kind of quantitative research is experimental research.

The correct answer is 'True'.

Another importance of quantitative research across the field is more reliable and objective.
The correct answer is 'True'.

Tests theories or hypothesis is fall under the importance of quantitative research across the
|The correct answer is 'True'.

One of the importance of quantitative research across the field is assumes sample is
representative of the population.
The correct answer is 'True'.

Example of experimental research is survey method.

The correct answer is 'False'.

The research process should be understood as one of ongoing planning, searching discovery,
reflection, synthesis, revision and learning.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Data collection is in the seventh step.
The correct answer is 'True'.

To organize or focus the search, the process needs to be keywords driven; what you retrieve
from a search will be dependent upon the computations you put on the search field.
The correct answer is 'True'.

Research is a process in which thinking is not dominant.

The correct answer is 'False'.

Systematic solving of scientific problems is one of the characteristics features of the research.
The correct answer is 'True'.

To conduct proper research , one needs to realize that conducting research cannot be done in a
haphazard manner.
The correct answer is 'True'.

Research is understood as systematic, controlled, empiric and critical investigation of hypothetic

statements on supposed relationships
The correct answer is 'True'.

One of the characteristics of research process is not using scientific methods

The correct answer is 'False'.

The last step in the research process is summary, conclusions and recommendations.
The correct answer is 'True'.

The first step in research process is assumptions

The correct answer is 'False'.

This is the value of research that this helps them get information that hired researchers missed,
build a good rapport with the interviewee, and conduct a good interview in the process.
The correct answer is: Means to Understand Various Issues

This is the value of research that research has a vital role in business.
The correct answer is: An Aid to Business Success and Job Search

This is the value of research that research is required not just for students and academics but
for all professionals.
The correct answer is: A Tool for Building Knowledge and Efficient Learning

This is a value of research that curiosity may kill not just the cat, but the human as well. Yet, it is
the same curiosity that fuels the mind to seek for answers.
The correct answer is: Nourishment and Exercise for the Mind

This is the value of research that though there are hosts who rely on their researchers, there are
also those who exert effort to do their own research.
The correct answer is: Means to Understand Various Issues

This is the value of research that research serves as an instrument to achieve the goal.
The correct answer is: Nourishment and Exercise for the Mind

This is the value of research that reading opens the mind to a vast horizon of knowledge, while
writing helps a reader use her/his own perspective and transform this into a more concrete idea
that he/she understands.
The correct answer is: A Seed to Love Reading, Writing, Analyzing and Sharing Valuable

This is the value of research that for the monogamous lot, doing research to disprove or prove
infidelity is not a simple a trust issue.
The correct answer is: A Way to Prove Lies and to Support Truths

This is the value of research that doing research to reveal lies or truths involving personal affairs
contributes in either making a relationship work or in breaking away from a dysfunctional one.
The correct answer is: Way to Prove Lies and to Support Truths

This is the value of research that determining either what the general public may want to know
about or what researchers want others to realize or to think about can serve as a reason to do
The correct answer is: A Tool for Building Knowledge and Efficient Learning

This is the point that will you keep in mind in choosing the topic that students often pick topics
that are too broad to be adequately covered.
The correct answer is: Choose a topic that is appropriate to the length of your paper

This is the point that will you keep in mind in choosing the topic that narrow topics lead to close
observation while broad topics lead to over generalizations.
The correct answer is: Choose a topic that is appropriate to the length of your paper

This is the point that will you keep in mind in choosing the topic that you need to look in the
library whether the research materials are sufficient or not.
The correct answer is: If your assignment research, choose a topic on which you can find

This is the point that will you keep in mind in choosing the topic ask yourself if it can lead to a
reasonable research paper.
The correct answer is: Avoid a topic that will tempt you to summarize rather than to discuss or

This is the point that will you keep in mind in choosing the topic that is interesting to you, then
your reader will find it interesting too.
The correct answer is: Choose topic that interests you

This is the point that will you keep in mind in choosing the topic that make sure you select a
subject that you can develop with sufficient details
The correct answer is: If your assignment research, choose a topic on which you can find

This is the point that will you keep in mind in choosing the topic that the measurement of the
paper is also consider.
The correct answer is: Choose a topic that is appropriate to the length of your paper

This is the point that will you keep in mind in choosing the topic that don't a topic for a
persuasive essay.
The correct answer is: Choose topic that interests you
This is the point that will you keep in mind in choosing the topic that when you are starting to
write the research appear you need to consider the topic that is very interested to you.
The correct answer is: Choose topic that interests you

This is the point that will you keep in mind in choosing the topic that if you are writing a five page
paper don't write the history rather to avoid lengthy paper.
The correct answer is: Choose a topic that is appropriate to the length of your paper

This is a step that you need to consider before you prepare your conceptual framework that
review relevant and updated research on the theme that you decide to work on after scrutiny of
the issue at and.
The correct answer is: Do a literature review

This is a step that you need to consider before you prepare your conceptual framework that
preferably use peer-reviewed and well-known scientific journals as these are reliable sources of
The correct answer is: Do a literature review

This is a step that you need to consider before you prepare your conceptual framework that in
effect, your study will attempt to answer a question that other researchers have not explained
The correct answer is: Generate conceptual framework

This is a step that you need to consider before you prepare your conceptual framework that the
topic should be within your field of specialization.
The correct answer is: Choose your topic

This is a step that you need to consider before you prepare your conceptual framework that
decides on what will be your research topic.
The correct answer is: Choose your topic

This is a step that you need to consider before you prepare your conceptual framework that
decides if the variables are not explicit in the summary, get back to the methodology or the
results and discussion section and quickly identify the variables of the study and the significant
The correct answer is: Isolate the important variable

This is a step that you need to consider before you prepare your conceptual framework that
your problem statement serves as a reference in constructing the conceptual framework.
The correct answer is: Generate conceptual framework

This is a step that you need to consider before you prepare your conceptual framework that
some abstracts contain the variables and the salient findings thus may serve the purpose.
The correct answer is: Isolate the important variable

This is a step that you need to consider before you prepare your conceptual framework that
build your conceptual framework using your mix of the variables from the scientific articles you
have read.
The correct answer is: Generate conceptual framework

This is a step that you need to consider before you prepare your conceptual framework that
identify the specific variables described in the literature and figure out how these are related.
The correct answer is: Isolate the important variable
This is a way of writing the title of reading material like underlined or italicized with all content
words capitalized.
The correct answer is: MLA System

It involves merging new information with existing knowledge to create an original idea, see a
new perspective, or form a new line of thinking to achieve insight.
The correct answer is: Synthesizing

It is process of thinking about and organizing the activities required to achieve a desired goal
The correct answer is: Planning

It is an abbreviated alphanumeric expression embedded in the body of an intellectual work that

denotes an entry in the bibliographic references section of the work for the purpose of
acknowledging the relevance of the works of others to the topic of discussion at the spot where
the citation appears.
The correct answer is: Citing

This is a way of writing the title of reading material like capitalized title with only the beginning
word capitalized.
The correct answer is: APA System

This is a way of writing the copyright date written after the publisher's name.
The correct answer is: MLA System

This is a way of writing the copyright date like written the author's name.
The correct answer is: APA System

This is a way of writing the author's name like full surname first, followed by full first name and
optional initial of the middle name.
The correct answer is: MLA System

B 2. It is the process of highlighting text or picking an object. For example, a user may
select text to copy, cut, or move that text to an alternate location or select a file they want to
view. If something is selected, you can deselect text or another object by clicking somewhere
else on the screen.
The correct answer is: Selecting

This is a way of writing the author's name like full surname first, then followed by initials of first
and middle name.
The correct answer is: APA System

This is the another tips for writing an introduction of the research paper that you must provide
your readers with a little background or basic information about the topic you are covering.
The correct answer is: Be general before you're specific

This is the basic tips in keeping mind in writing the title that the primary function of a title is to
provide a precise summary of the paper's content.
The correct answer is: Keep it simple, brief and attractive

Why the importance of the quantitative research relies on realty of the productions of results?
The correct answer is: Because it reflect precise measurement and in-depth analysis of data.
Classify the following material: Encyclopedias
The correct answer is: Example of the Sources of Preparing the Related Literature and Studies

Why do we need to the clarify the research questions in selecting, citing and synthesizing the
related literature?
The correct answer is: So that there will be no problem in the conduct of the study

This is the base word of the variable.

The correct answer is: Vary

This kind of quantitative research is best for survey method.

The correct answer is: Non-Experimental Research

Identify the method in writing the bibliography used in this entry: Abarquez, O.L
The correct answer is: APA System

Why experimental research is considered to be true experimental?

The correct answer is: Because uses valid results

Classify the following material: Reports from educational workshops

The correct answer is: Example of the Sources of Preparing the Related Literature and Studies

This is the tips in writing the significance of the study that by looking into the general
contribution of your study.
The correct answer is: Write from general to specific

This is a word pertaining to an abstract idea representing the fundamental characteristics what it
The correct answer is: Concept

This is the another tips for writing an introduction of the research paper that there is no rule for
exactly how long an introduction should be you must consider your length of paper.
The correct answer is: What's your point?

Identify the method in writing the bibliography used in this entry: San Joseph, K.L.
The correct answer is: APA System

It is the process of highlighting text or picking an object.

The correct answer is: Selecting

This is kind of quantitative research that the best example is true experimental research.
The correct answer is: Experimental Research

Classify the following material: School document

The correct answer is: Example of the Sources of Preparing the Related Literature and Studies

Classify the following material: School Libraries

The correct answer is: Example of the Location on Preparing the Related Literature and Studies

Classify the following material: Unpublished Theses

The correct answer is: Example of the Sources of Preparing the Related Literature and Studies
This is a method in writing the bibliography in the copyright date that it will written only author's
The correct answer is: APA System

Which of the following value of research in the area of interest that television shows and movies
ooze with research - both on the part of the writers and the actors?
The correct answer is: Means to understand various issues

This is other known as blueprint.

The correct answer is: Research Method

This is the a way of making any phenomenon or any sensory experience clearer or more
meaningful by gathering and examining facts and information about such person, thing, place,
or event appealing to your senses
The correct answer is: Research

Which of the following is not example of Non-Experimental Quantitative Research?

The correct answer is: Quasi-experimental Research

Which of the following value of research in the area of interest that research has to reveal lies or
truths involving personal affairs contributes in either making a relationship work or in breaking
away from a dysfunctional one?
The correct answer is: A way to prove lies and to support truths

This is a method in writing the bibliography in author's name wherein it will full surname first
then followed by first name and optional initial of the middle name.
The correct answer is: MLA System

This is by means of statistics that involve collection and study of numerical data.
The correct answer is: Quantitative Research

Identify the method in writing the bibliography used in this entry: Raymond, B.N
The correct answer is: APA System

Which of the following you need to keep in mind in choosing your own topic or ask yourself if it
can lead to a reasonable research?
The correct answer is: Avoid a topic that will tempt you to summarize rather than to discuss or

This is a method in writing the bibliography in author's name wherein it will full surname first
then followed by initials of first and middle name.
The correct answer is: APA System

This is a method in writing the bibliography in the title of the reading material wherein it will
underlined or italicized title with all content words capitalized
The correct answer is: MLA System

Classify the following material: Government Offices

The correct answer is: Example of the Location on Preparing the Related Literature and Studies

Which of the following that the literature review can help in many ways in relation to the study?
The correct answer is: Contextualized the recommendations
This is a process wherein you need to have different skills like planning, organizing and the like
in order to come up good research.
The correct answer is: Research process

Why is it quantitative research is important across the field?

The correct answer is: Because it is more reliable and objective

This is the basic tips in keeping mind in writing the title that the other lesser-known or specific
abbreviations and jargon that would not be immediately familiar to the readers should be left
The correct answer is: Avoids abbreviations and jargon

Which of the following is not the features in characteristics of a research.?

The correct answer is: Using marginalized in the society

Which of the following you need to keep in mind in choosing your own topic that make sure you
select a subject that you can develop with sufficient details?
The correct answer is: Choose a topic on which you can find material

Which of the following value of research in the area of interest that doing research encourage
people to explore possibilities, to understand existing issues, and to disclose truths and
fabricated ones?
The correct answer is: Nourishment and exercise for the mind

Identify the method in writing the bibliography used in this entry: Almario, B.N.
The correct answer is: APA System

Which of the following value of research in the area of interest that research has a vital role in
The correct answer is: An aid to business success and job search

Which of the following is not the range of research topics in the area of inquiry?
The correct answer is: Lecture method

Classify the following material: Newspaper

The correct answer is: Example of the Sources of Preparing the Related Literature and Studies

Classify the following material: Periodicals

The correct answer is: Example of the Sources of Preparing the Related Literature and Studies

Which of the following is not the function of the related literature?

The correct answer is: It helps you to disregard your research findings into the existing body of

Classify the following material: Professional journals 

The correct answer is: Example of the Sources of Preparing the Related Literature and Studies

This is a method in writing the bibliography in the title of the reading material wherein it will
italicized title with only the beginning word capitalized.
The correct answer is: APA System

Identify the method in writing the bibliography used in this entry: Dimaano, Richard B.
The correct answer is: MLA System
This is a distinct set of concepts or thought patterns, including theories, research methods,
postulates, and standards for what constitutes legitimate contributions to a field.
The correct answer is: Paradigm

In what manner that the researcher need to consider in conducting proper research?
The correct answer is: Cannot be done in a haphazard manner.

Classify the following material: Almanacs

The correct answer is: Example of the Sources of Preparing the Related Literature and Studies

It is a value of research that helps them get information that hired researcher missed build a
good rapport with the interviewee and conduct a good interview in the process.
The correct answer is: Means to understand various issues

An introduction statement is a brief overview of the issues problems existing in the concerned
are selected for the research.
The correct answer is: False

If your assignment requires research, choose a topic on which you can find ___________.
The correct answer is: Material

Discussions are in ________ form starting from macro-micro development that gives an
overview of the research.
The correct answer is: Paragraph

It is understood as one of ongoing planning, searching, discovery, reflection, synthesis, revision

and learning.
The correct answer is: Experimental Research

These are under this kind of research true experimental, quasi-experimental, and single subject,
and pre experimental.
The correct answer is: Experimental Research

Keep it ___________, brief and attractive.

The correct answer is: Simple

It is a value of research that require doing research to reveal lies or truths involving personal
affairs contributes in either making a relationship work in breaking away from a dysfunctional
The correct answer is: A way to prove lies and to support truths

It is necessary that researchers should know to choose researchable problem.

The correct answer is: True

It is a basic tip to keep in mind while writing a title is known abbreviations that can be used in
title. This is should be avoided or should be left out.
The correct answer is: Avoid abbreviations and jargon.

It is accepted as true, or at least plausible.

The correct answer is: Assumption

It is a variable believed to be dependent on the independent variable.

The correct answer is: Dependent Variable
It shapes the justification of the research problems in order to provide the legal basis for defining
its parameters.
The correct answer is: Theoretical Framework

It is the thing that is changed on purpose.

The correct answer is: Manipulative Variable

Which of the following correct sequence in writing the author's name in APA System?
The correct answer is: Full name - Initial of First and Middle Name

It is a word pertaining to an abstract idea representing the fundamental characteristics of what is

The correct answer is: Concept

It is the hypothesis stated in negative one.

The correct answer is: Null Hypothesis

It is other known as mediator variable that is the variable that causes mediation in the
dependent and the independent variables.
The correct answer is: Moderate Variable

Which of the following is not the general guideline in writing the hypothesis?
The correct answer is: Tables and graphs are discussed accordingly and based on the problem

It is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world, based on a body of

facts that have been repeatedly confirmed through observation and experiment.
The correct answer is: Theory

This is a step on how to make the conceptual framework that requires you to decide on what will
be your research topic.
The correct answer is: Choose your topic

It involves merging new information with existing knowledge to create an original idea.
The correct answer is: Synthesizing

It is a variable that the thing that is changed on purpose.

The correct answer is: Manipulative Variable

This is a step on how to make the conceptual framework that requires you to identify the specific
variables described in the literature and figure out how these are related.
The correct answer is: Isolate the important variable

Avoid a topic that will tempt you to ___________ rather than to discuss or analyze.
The correct answer is: Summarize

It is the systematic empirical investigations of observable phenomena via statistical

mathematical or computational techniques.
The correct answer is: Quantitative Research

It includes the ________ bases of the study and the personal justifications of the researcher.
The correct answer is: Legal
Which is not example of the non-experimental research?
The correct answer is: Pre experimental

Which is not example of the experimental research?

The correct answer is: Survey

In choosing the topic you should ensure that the topic is manageable and the material is
The correct answer is: True

In choosing a topic this is we need to consider that students often pick topics that are too broad
to be adequately covered.
The correct answer is: Choose a topic that's appropriate to the length of your paper

Acknowledgement of sources done in ________ form.

The correct answer is: Journal

In writing an introduction be general before specific.

The correct answer is: True

Which of the following is not considering in deciding on a topic?

The correct answer is: Define your topic as a focused research essay

Always write down the hypothesis and then take into consideration the simple tips.
The correct answer is: True

It is a value of research that has vital role in business that many successful companies such as
those that produce consumer goods or mass market items, invest in research and development
The correct answer is: An aid to business success and job search

It is a basic tip to keep in mind while writing a title is to provide a precise summary of the paper's
The correct answer is: Keep it simple, brief and attractive

Which is a not characteristic feature of research?

The correct answer is: Process in which thinking is dominant

"The problem statement describes the context for the study and it also identifies the general
analysis ________".
The correct answer is: Approach

Choose a topic that is ___________ to the length of your paper.

The correct answer is: Appropriate

You should have a personal ___________ in the topic.

The correct answer is: Interest

It is a value of research that required not just for students and academics but for all
The correct answer is: A tool for building and efficient learning

This is the another tips for writing an introduction of the research paper that a thesis statement
or research paper is the main point of your paper; it is narrow, focused, and specific.
The correct answer is: What's your point?
This is a method in writing the bibliography in the copyright date that it will written after the
publisher's name.
The correct answer is: MLA System

This is the another tips for writing an introduction of the research paper that after providing your
readers with some background, use essay introduction to outline what you are going to discuss.
The correct answer is: Lay it on 'em

Classify the following material: Private Libraries

The correct answer is: Example of the Location on Preparing the Related Literature and Studies

Classify the following material: Magazines

The correct answer is: Example of the Sources of Preparing the Related Literature and Studies

Identify the method in writing the bibliography used in this entry: Sansait, J.T.H.
The correct answer is: APA System

This research used a scale, range and verbal interpretation in conducting the research.
The correct answer is: Descriptive Research

This is the another tips for writing an introduction of the research paper that if you really want to
draw readers in, you have to start your introduction with something attention grabbing.
The correct answer is: Start with a bang

Classify the following material: Reports from seminar

The correct answer is: Example of the Sources of Preparing the Related Literature and Studies

Which of the following value of research in the area of interest that research is required not just
for students but for all professionals?
The correct answer is: A tool for building knowledge and efficient learning

Identify the method in writing the bibliography used in this entry: Dela Gracia, Jonel T.
The correct answer is: MLA System

Identify the method in writing the bibliography used in this entry: Belchez, Romana F.
The correct answer is: MLA System

This is the tips in writing the significance of the study that your problem statement can guide you
in identifying the specific contribution of your study.
The correct answer is: Refer to the statement of the problem

Classify the following material: 80. Museum

The correct answer is: Example of the Location on Preparing the Related Literature and Studies

Which of the following is not the a good research title?

The correct answer is: Create a research with lengthy pages

Classify the following material: Books

The correct answer is: Example of the Sources of Preparing the Related Literature and Studies

Which of the following is not included in the research process?

The correct answer is: Learning and magnifying
Classify the following material: School records
The correct answer is: Example of the Sources of Preparing the Related Literature and Studies

Which of the following you need to keep in mind in choosing your own topic that students open
pick topics that are too broad to be adequately covered?
The correct answer is: Chose a topic that's appropriate to the length of your paper

Which of the following you need to keep in mind in choosing your own topic that the reader will
find it interesting too?
The correct answer is: Choose a topic that interests you

This is all about the dynamic process of being open to wonder and puzzlement and coming to
know and understand the world.
The correct answer is: Inquiry

This is also known as blueprint.

The correct answer is: Conceptual Framework

This is a word that is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspects of the natural word,
based on a body of facts that have been repeatedly confirmed through observation and
The correct answer is: Theory

Classify the following material: National Library

The correct answer is: Example of the Location on Preparing the Related Literature and Studies

Classify the following material: Private Offices

The correct answer is: Example of the Location on Preparing the Related Literature and Studies

Identify the method in writing the bibliography used in this entry: Marcos, Reina Marie G.
The correct answer is: MLA System

Which of the following value of research in the area of interest that research entails both reading
and writing?
The correct answer is: A Seed to love reading, writing analyzing and sharing valuable

Classify the following material: Unpublished Dissertations

The correct answer is: Example of the Sources of Preparing the Related Literature and Studies

Classify the following material: Government Libraries

The correct answer is: Example of the Location on Preparing the Related Literature and Studies

This is the basic tips in keeping mind in writing the title that the good research title should
contain key words used in the manuscript and should define the nature of the study.
The correct answer is: Keep it simple, brief and attractive

Pose problem for _______ arising from their own settings.

The correct answer is: Inquiry

Review related _______ in the area of interest.

The correct answer is: Research
A seed to _______ reading, writing, analyzing, and sharing valuable information.
The correct answer is: Love

Develop _______ approaches for resolving problems.

The correct answer is: Analytical

Reflect _______ upon their own instructional practices.

The correct answer is: Critically

A good title for a research paper is typically around 10-12 words long.
The correct answer is: True

The section on significance of the study provide ________ to the reader on how the study will
The correct answer is: Information

It is a logical set of attributes.

The correct answer is: Variable

Identify the method in writing the bibliography used in this entry: Richard, T.A.
The correct answer is: APA System

This is a ways to strengthen the theoretical frameworks in which specify the key variables
influence a phenomenon of interest and highlights the need to examine how those key variables
might differ and what circumstances.
The correct answer is: Having a theory helps you identify the limits to those generalizations

It is a branch of philosophy that studies the nature of knowledge and the process by which
knowledge is acquired and validated.
The correct answer is: Epistemology

It is a variable that is hypothetical internal states that used to explain relationships between
observed variables.
The correct answer is: Intervening Variable

It is a distinct set of concepts or thought patterns, including theories , research methods,

postulates, and standards for what is constitutes legitimate contributions to a field.
The correct answer is: Paradigm

It is sometimes also called independent variable because changes will cause an effect in
The correct answer is: Manipulative Variable


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