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Introduction ae) Orks Might Makes Right --6 Povwer ofthe Waaagh! 8 Da Old Ways.. 10 Orky Know-Wots 12 Tribes, Clansand Wachands, re Gharghkall Thraka..19 ‘The Goff Clan. Boss Zagstruk ‘The Evil Sunz Clan ‘The Bad Moons Cian. “The Blood Axe Clan Boss Snikrot. a The Deathsklls Clan 28 Mad Dok Grotsnik... 29 The Snakebite Clannnnna30 Mozrog Skraghad. 22 Zodarod Wortsnaggs 33 Freeb00tet2mncnmnn34 Kaptin Badrukk a5 Showcase... ‘The Rules. Combat Patrol Battle forged Rules....51 Detachment Abilitiesn..51 Orks Clans ey Gon 52 Bad Moons 53 Eyl Sundin 53 Snakebites 54 Deathskull 53 Blood Axes. 56 Preebooter? 37 Specialist MOBS 58 Kustom Jobs. oF Stratagems nen ‘Army Rules 65 Warlord Traits 6 Power ofthe Waaaght Discipline 6s Beasthead Discipline ..67 Relies: 8 Matched Play Rules.....65 ‘Chapter Approved Rules. 69 Crusade Rules 70 Might Makes Right. Agendas Requisitions Battle Traits Scrap. ‘Crusade Relies, Crusade Army. Datasheets. Ghazghkull Thraka...82 Maker Ibig Mek with Kustom Force Field 83 Big Mek with Shokle Altack Gun, 83 Warboss. ml Warhoss in Mega Armour Weirdboy. CONTENTS Big Mek in ‘Mega Armour. 86 Boss Snikrot Boss Zags. 87 Deflkilla Warttike.. 88 aptin Badrukl 89 Zodlgrod Wortsnagga .. 90 Beastbostn 0 Beasthosson Squigosaur 31 Painbo88 sass DL Warrboy. 92 ‘Mozrog Skragbad 92 Gretchin. toa Boyz. 98 Beast Suagga Boy? 94 ‘Nob with Wasagh! Banner Painboysn ‘Mad Dok Grotsnike....96 Runtherd.. Burna Boy? roy Mek. 98 Tanks re vnnnnnn9 Kommandos 100 Meganobr. 101 Nob fe ioc Shiokkjump Dragstas 103 Boomdakka Snazzwagons. 103 Warbikers, 104 Kustom Boosta-bastas. 104 Nob on Smasha Squig. 05 Rukkateubk Squigbugzies Megatrakk Scr Stormboyz Squighog Boyz Deflkoptas. Mek Ganz Battlewagon Bonebreaka Gunwagon. Killa Kans Lootas Deff Dreads KillRig Flash Gitz Hunta Rig Truk phurna-bor Daklajet Blitza-boma Wezbom Blas: Morkanaut Gorkenaut Stompa, ‘Mekboy Works Big Ed Boscbunks Wargear Weapon Profil Points Points Values Rules Reference Glossary aces Of 9 Copish cares Noshop Le Cade Os. Games Workshop La, Willow Rd, Lenton, Nottingham, NG7 2S. times worlshopeom PRODUCED BY THE WARHAMMER STUDIO. “With thanks fo the Mounival and the Infinity Ciruit for their adionalplayesting services INTRODUCTION Alright ya gtr, stop mukkin? about and i Tatas s Codes: Orks, and dat meanz its da best book: Hea da illowin’ pages, owl be able oget proper Wesagh goin’ and get buayslompi ye eons flat head w The Orks ae probably the most rata aggressive and ~ often - hilariously tietaining army co collect the entice Warhammer 40,000 game, Rarely could these belligerent green-skinned aliens be sceused of subley: an Ork army wins itsvictories through the expedients of ‘overwhelming numbers, phenomenal resilience and relentless brute force However, marshalling these anarchic ‘ivages into a coherent fighting free and keeping them pointed the right ‘vay longenough fo demolish your ‘opponents army, isa tactical challenge ih its own right, K'yon are looking fora fun and varied force with alemvy dash pf gallows humour and an aggresive ~ if tunpreditable— playing syle, then the Oks arelikely the army fr you “And what an army they ae! Not only the iypieal Ork collection numerous and “arid, but the sheer amount of silferent en up! Weall know bookx are normally only useful fer bashi’ yer enemies over dt caer gon’ ta get yer grubby green cawz on. Wiv da know characters units and strategic play styles available means that, in ttth, there realy ant any such thing asa typeal Oskeollecton, Perhaps you wil gather ‘orion darkening infantry horde hate mens nab pint Mhebeve On sm youcoose toe aracgicqcions end (a asp lop a Dl Peer ermee sor kein your pop yout olsen he king hunks of mde ge | Backand hte ofthe Gols he lang ae) ead oranges ofthe Ei Sue ren end pon ee etn | gar yton he Bad Moons be Bie a a | ney se ofthe Dea See it ee ee elommay_| gorzonend on, Copled wi he bold Se oa es | ge dgsand ame pater common Dede a sre ete | omox Orkarmin tee alco sr nerd: | hers Tok tg bron Se accuts | |e se epu rine seis ae Sfmt, | Oath lowing pas you wil fide spec ne Be oun | rll story nd rte Ors Ea phomgapand ar and alte ales Beer uot ee and thes ee (a top of all this madcap variets Ork mies are also riot of bold colours i id Pa SEC aa Ideas h WARLIKE ALIEN RACE IN THE GALARY. THEY Ea a a ESE DD) Ces eas Cay Pa ea eS a OL SHADOWY GHOUL STARS, ANO THE DEPTHS aS OSU LE aa CRU ar AU ULEAD COSC tae Ts Psa Ca CSU LMC ty eC eRe aa Ae POS LOOMS OEMS ST ah Bete aCe INTO BATTLE. THIS IS NOT TO SAY ORKS ARE Ca SRS Uae PU aa DG LOSS SCS ILL San ues ore Ta OO a CR CaN aS ase SD PROJECT DEVASTATING PSYCHIC ASSAULTS AGAINST THE FOE AND LEAO IMMENSE CCS RU SSO LTE CURA a a Se Oe UNCON ea WOOT Ne CR aL LE NS | a OSU Waa CECT SS A ‘eS MIGHT MAKES RIGHT vena single Orkis dangerous, With thei hulking phy {injures even temporary decapitation - without dying, these xenos ace natural wart (of Ork society that raises them from a civilisation of mere thuggish beasts toa world-con COrks ove to fight. The bigger, louderand_ | contender gis big and mean enough more anarehie the battle the more the (rks enjoy it They il brawl amongst ‘one another they cannot find any external party aginst whom to vent theiraggression, and in doing so they ‘establish a simple and robust pecking order: the biggest, strongest and most ferociously violent Ork inevitably its their way tothe top ofthe heap and becomes Waiboss, Those rivals he batters fm his way up naturally fll nto place ashis swaggering lieutenants. The rest. ofthe Ors follow their lead. Moreover, the more Orks fight and win, the layer and mote monstrous they grow f4 new to challenge for rulership, they and the Watboss wil ght it out- The Orks sce this barbarous system 381 hatural and it ensoes that they aliyays ed by the most powerful ~ if not the brightest Orleamangst them. ‘This internecine competition is inerent to every axpect of what the Orks call theie‘kultur nd it speaks tothe obsessive nature oftheir simple psyches. ‘rks do not merely enjoy things they become monomaniacal about them. Whether ithe fighting, going 3s fasta possible, setting reo things ques, jutting tusks, taloned fingers and ability to sustain catastrophic ‘Yetits the simple and resilient nature , nigh on unstoppable threat. | building contraptions or whatever ese 1 Ok fxates upon tat thing nothing else will do Not only this they ate driven to prove themselves the best ighter speediest acer, most pyromaniacal burner of things and o on | The tribal warfare and breakneck races ootinue until sch time a8 a non-Ork enemy presents itself. At tis point, the sreenskins rivalries are set aside ~a Parilly tallow for all-out wars | swhatever unfortunate species they nase ‘encountered. Ofcourse, such conflicts inevitably offer thee on opportunites foc Orks so inclined to prove they are the biggest, meanest and - ultimately ~best. ROBUST ECOSYSTEM. raver Orks are found, a srange ‘osystem develops that sustains their rade society. Odd fongi spring wp in fusion as do innumerable species misshapen beasts commonly known the Orks a ‘squige Different stains ofthese ereaares have diferent uses, the dribble-snouted ll squige the odlly musical squigoipes 0 sssive strains of riding squgs, delicious ing squigs, viciously fanged gnasher sigs and countless others. long, | with these useful -ifsurly and vicious “creatures, an underclass of ereenskin snts manifests itelé, divided into fesimple-minded Snotings useful hing, carrying, squig-faring ‘and the wiry, cunning Gretchin, also known a5 serve tele bullying Ork mas nd surgical orders, carrying out ny jobs the Orks themselves cant be bothered todo, Gretchin ate physicelly Salle and weaker than Orks, but their Conniving and sneaky nature is beyond: anything most Orks are capable of. This allows the Gretchin to survive and even prosper amongst Ork society. It docs hots however prevent them from being Constantly brualised,caten, subjected ghastly industrial accidents, trampled vfcrfoct biown up for target practise | ThisIast theory bears much credenez, or herded into batle as landmine fortis true tat unless the corpse of Clearance, Bizarrely, few rotsever cvery lst Ork buted afer battle Complaint about this treatment they | sooner orlatera planet attacked by Orks Sccepttheirshort, cruel lives as simply will se them emerge fom the shadows another part ofthe natural order of to fight aguin, Ofcourse, this isa risk things Besides, the spiteful creatures | even ifthe invading geenskins are Can abvays finda slower, stupider or | properly disposed of, should a worlds ‘Neaker runt to take the ballet for them | defenders put up a spirited fight, word ina pineh! spreads amongst greenskin warbands of planet where a good s:rap canbe had. ‘Where the strange Orkoid ecosystem | This brings wave upon ware of eopyet Springs fom, or how it self-regulats,s invasions, often culminating even originate from some conjoined sub dimension beyond ralspace. Tey are ruoured to replicete through a twisted fort of mites, or through spores replete with ll the genetic components reauied to produce fresh waves of, (rks, rants and squig - shed from their bodies. Phystery toeveryotber sentient race in | the most tic defence being overrun the galany. Theories abound that Orks | by Ors. oy Lom quauey Peete ees cs ae e fences ea: eee Fenn een oec rn r ratd Sra Ree tee eee cs Pie seen ian et aM Men) eet een eas meee Conc ee a) Peete ace Sec Pee eee orl Set ect : ete Then there are Runtherd, who pos eter een ee ee i cet een neither knowin nor care where thelr knowledge come: eee renr teens aeons mee theorise that this may literally be true, Orks care litle for their own history but what oral tradition they do possess speaks of lest caste known perenne areas ey pemeeriearn cea cma rere oreo SRN sin peices ere eee a recat ene a + teef or fer guns. We don't but ’coz we woz born fa fight. We don't fight fer food, fr 5 POWER OF THE WAAAGH! ‘When Orks gather in large mumbers,a very strange phenomenon manifests. A kind of gestalt energy builds, supernatural ‘hargelike the tension before thunderstorm, exciting the Orks’ raucous and interes ete ‘Some amongst the Imperial Magos Biologus have hypothesised thet this energy lies at the heart ofthe many inexplicable facets ofthe Orke essential nature. Orks, for their part, couldnt careless; to them, thisis simply the power of the Waaaght Neon eect when they gt themselves worked up Peer tas a gasher sag eating contest or the Por eee ern ng fer reenter Pret ene ie eae aeons Cae arate oer ene cen are) the Orks to even greater heights of Pee Runcorn pecan eee foe eeeniacne! Roe one Pee nc eee enn Rees eed Pee er scems hiicrous, yet it san observable Sr rd ee ee ues Perce eet rec) MORK fact that no other race can make Ork = ener ara RUT 3 oon seam Praeger Gren eee erro ara een ae eee Peseta ead Renee en) Per Re neon a tas Recut Is this ill chance on the part of those i tegen Sper aee eee eces i ero eet unas these fresh waves lured in by the ‘all of loud and apocalyptic destruction, Beane is enone ok Sey eet ere tr atc Sry Perera ec Bees me toss Peete eres penance ead Peer eet te oe Pee Ce Pore inrete ented eee oni seer ct cae on ee Ue etre these occurrences, they simply put them Raveena Peete tesueaad Beret teenie d pee Pera ert Cree td Sn ae er ee Perera eres rete tes nergy. These unfortunate beings are known as Weirdboyr WEIRDBOYZ Deer cme ad Pees ot ees See ee er eee eet commerce eR ee Rk ey ts ore ee storm of primitive power rages with en ee eee ees ee ceed Po eee od Par ee cert emt ec) Peer ne etd eee Even worse the resultant uncontrolled Pea tere pop the heads fa few more greenskins ieee tienes Aware ofthe dangers that Weirdboyz pee oe eed eens gerd pene ees Pee ee poe eae peers Seto Se eee a ce eee ee ene eee et es ern rons pee ee neee act ies pee eae od See et res) ee nm Perry ‘sen their gathered power in the form of po eiencen eres Serre So tte allmanner of other spectacularand eee ‘Where most Weirdboyz would quite Pees ents Breet ee Ser ee ene eee et Peer eg reg See ci eer eames rrr ee ress eee ee eee meet eee ete Sy ae eee en Pee tty tener eee red ‘hey behave in strange and erratic ways ‘wearing all manner of overly colour eee nee pester een ern eee ence nae Pete toes Peer ees eee here Pettey etd eset PNSCOMUTiRIAN TS eet te eer Pee eines pee ere ae ey ae ee es) ere ee ee caer Bere et Sete ee ery Beene esos Perens cece eet sky darkening armadas of ramshackle Pree ees set ete eee ee eee creatures they are, Orks callsuch a eee aoa eres Recerca Rieter Ree ear eoeenene ts ts acento pee ere Tee ri yeetny eNom src! ie ae econ space bulk. ‘Orks do fashion their own spacecraft fete eels Pe eed scree ea Peper story Pee era ney Poca oer tty {o captureaspace hulk or three before ees ny Sete ee ena Recent cunt nani een nasty Nor eee rey cee ee cree) Se ee ees Ceres epee ee ence net) ee ee eee Perera arene ne rey errmsg cy Pereeener rere is eer emeener tee enn enc et ee ers the plange. Greenskins trust to Gork and Mork that they wll emerge from ee somestled planetary system that they oe GORK Peete ay Piecreacer cence cree erat) Recueil) Roe emo eo eens ene eee one eee Pee eed ee eter neers peer ee Tee a ground. pounding, bras-knuelled ‘masses of Goll Clan infantry, and eines eitst Cao Sanaa the snarl of Batlewagon engines, the ore oem kent Penne ee erent es peer eeee Cee tees Reser ceca the mos fundamental estcnce of eteeeinicenten 1829 21 sfiem pjo eg. ‘asojs sauie> yom j[1¥ “Wem puy P4 04 “pue| LP JJ0 201] DA OLD WAYS ‘Orks care nothing for the deeper questions, and yet many of them possess a bone-deep sense of trad manifesting as 2 ‘conservative mistrust of anything they see as un-Orlcy. Tn multiple cass, of course, this i simply because the Orks in question. are too dim tosee the value SIMPLE SOLUTIONS ‘ven the densest greenskins can wrap their heads around the concept of gathering in massive mobs, bellowing ‘while charging headlong atthe enemy, then beating the foe # Bloody pup. Such so-called ren ides lay at the heact of many Ork warbends. Their tflicicy cannot be denied even ifthey Teme something to be desired in texms of subilety and the survival af most of the (tks imolved. Countless enemy battle lines have allen to the steamoller charge ‘of scveral-hundred belligerent greenskins In aulficint numbers, these most ‘traditional of Orkish ofensves can carry fortresses, hive cities or even werlds -Maried to such tactics the more ‘traditional Orks wield straightforward svespons. The ubjgultouschoppas,for example, ae often no more than aheliy handle ith abeavy metal axe head on theend, or even just acl with several sharp rivets hammered through them ‘Meanie, such weapons as sluggas, shootas and big shootasare all variations on simple, api-firing large calibre fireaems. As important to an Orkasa gums accuracy or lethality i is volume, the louder the din, the more effective heir awners consider the weapon tobe, and so perversely ~ the more effective they prove tobe. The racketa yun makes, its rat offre and bow much armour it ‘an punch through azeall conflated by (Ors int the catch-all term aka! The more dala gun has the betters ‘Numbers; brawn; swarming euntsand Sigs solid ard reliable weapons and semour - these are what the more ‘down-to-earth Orks believe win ars. “Theblack-clad brutes ofthe Goff Clan and the leathery old traditionalists of tae Snakebite Clan typify such viewpoints, albeit allowing for smaterings oF pston- powered klaws,slab-sded batl tanks And brutish combat walkers ~ the better tacobber the foe BEAST SNAGGAS ‘One svh-kulturin particular epitomt the embracing ofthe so-called old ways, lew or complex ideas, but being wrong never stopped an Ork arguing hi case with his ists. faxed withthe wonders of Orkybionik technology the Beat Snaggastampedes ‘These int a problem that Beast Snagaas dot thinkecan be fixed with asquig Indeed, the dangerous beats appear in such profasion sround these Orks, that ‘ho HeastSnagge is really considered ‘one ofthe lds’ until he's ost a ib oF {toto their snapping jaws — oF at least ‘wound up with tome truly magnificent bite scars to show off: Beast Spaggas breed countess varieties of squgs sigs for ridings squigs for eating (i they dont eat the Onks first) squigs from which 1 squeeze ol squigs to send scampering or fapping off with hastily seraled message glyphs frond trailing Title squigs to wear ike topknotss and boggled varitiesto wire into the targeting systems of their guns. These squlgs mingle withthe erude varpaint and thealien-pelt armour ofthe Beast Snaggas to lend them an especially feral and ferocious appearance. ‘Every Ork sul -kultur finds its roots in some obsession that enduig like-minded msksos share, For the Beast Snagaas ill of te hunt. Tey lie for waning down, comering and ‘ering the biggest and most prey; before claiming trophies ir might. The Beast Snaggss Sales in sarc ofthis thr, ss somace thundering across plain and rough forest, swamp and ruined Scibtat dair hunt, Beast Snaggas stay bile, They rately alt forany sme, even eating sleping and Sescsaing their rade bionike surgeries the move. A typical Beast Snagga Sas, atts heart, one or more rugged 8 Kill Rigs or Hunta Rigs. Plled snorting tramplasqugs, hese Sng land: barges swarm with burly gg Hoy, always raving to get fd claws into tele nest, sy Around the rigs swarm packs tribes best huaers, mounted on ~ and often cybernetically Sed = uighogs. The tribes hosses sarge astride bard- headed Sguigs and massive, terrifying sure. Meahil, the tribes ~ Knosin to the Beast Snaggas S solegir and viewed rather ike sed pels hangon where they can, snbly berween galloping squgs ally do their hes to void being pled underfoot. f i There can be no hiding the approach ofa Beast Snagga stampede, Vast dust clouds tise i their wake and the ground shakes as though terrified beneath pounding | claws, hooves and ion-shod wheels Such ‘warning does ltleto help the ener, however, because once these hlking {greenskins and thei steeds have built ‘up ahead of steazm, here’ ile that can stop ther, east Snaggas consider anything large and dangerous enough = or numerots: ‘enough in a pinch ~ to be worthy prey: rampaging xenofiunss monstrous war beats such 9 Tyranid Carnifexes or heretical Daemon Enginessheavily- armoured tanks; superheavy combat walkers; and even towering Battle Titans Beast Snaggas will have ago at bringing allof these down with single mindeal ferocity Ther favoured tactic isto ‘employ the harpoon-and chain weapons they call ‘tks, hurling o ing them at their prey unt they festoon its ide Then, while some of the Beas Snagess thang om tothe chains and stop the straining quary fom getting aways the rest descend i a brutal swarm tohack, saw and rip their viclin (bits. Is Thecause of such contests of strength that the average Beast Snagga is especially big and bravny. evs can forget the sight of ‘mob of these hulking monsters digging in their heels, Nexing their corded green u muscles then winning a tag of war witha ‘ewving atte tank lng enough fr thelr mates to saw is tracks of? ‘The Beast Snageas do not hunt yuyod ‘suewog g 3 z “The average Orkhas as much’ to read. As with every other aspect of ther society TRIBES, CLANS AND WARBANDS for formalised systems of military organisation as he does for washing regularly or learning, “heh divisions areas rough-and-ready as they are instinctive, andthe Orks ‘waste no time examining their whys and wherefores. The most basi unit of organisation that ean be applod to Orks is the tbe ‘Simply put this ie every Ork that lives in ‘a puticlar area and fights beneath the ‘Wanaght banner ofthe local Warboss. Tribes inchce every squig, runt, Onk, ‘war engine and Oddboy making a claim towhateverteretory they roam across. Some tribes build sprawling serap-frts and junk-stzewn encampments. Such places typically hoast everyting fom. ‘Mek workshops and Painboy clinies to sauig pens, Welrdboy towers serap~ iron bunkers, rutted rae tracks and the faocal stinking fungus-iniested ablation pits known as the drops: ‘other tres stay always on the move, ‘especially those largely or solely made lupo! Speed Erecks or Beast Snags Such tribes may live off the lan, in ‘much as they smash everything to bits and thieve or eat whatever they ‘vant fom the wreckage Entire mobile fortresses and encampments have also been witnessed, dragged along by huge teams of tramplasqulge or motorised ‘rake units ‘THE CLANS “The clans stretch theonghout all of rk society, right across the galaxy, ‘egatdless of boundaries suchas tribal allegiance They are most closely lanalogons to societal cases bel fo way organised or centralised. An (rk instinctively knows what clan he belongs to. This so conscious choice, but rather commonality of instinctive ‘inclinations outlooks and philosophies, ft dissimilar tothe spontaneous knowledge of the Oddboyr, Fven titering such fidly-sounding words around Orks would likely move them to violence of course. Ii they bother to put fname tit tall, they jst describe all thisasther‘elan Kultur: (Orks belonging tothe same clan fvour the wearing of similar colours attaching, supersiios significances t them — blue is lucky, blacks no-nonsense, red makes things go faster and so on (rks being Ors, these belie iterally manifest themselves, An Ork daubed ine warpain: may escape death ime and again due to improbably fortunate ricochets misiring weapons and the Tike, while Trukk painted bright zed really wll travel faster than one in any otherhue Clans are more than just a matter ‘of shared aesthetics, ofcourse (Orks from the sare clan al favour particular ays of wat. They tend fohave the seme outlook on life, the galaxy and everything, and may even exhibit particular unifying physical characteristics “The Goff Clan favour black grb, sometimes decorated with white checks or jags They tend towards an especialy Inking build, boasting many Nobz anc particularly ferocious Warbosses, and favour stralghtforvard and tremendously violent solutions to every problem The Evil Sunz Clan produces the most ‘Speed reeks. Garbing themselves in bright teds and oranges, they race into bale aboard ramshackle convoys of speediig vehicles, or else run alongside, Yelling a the top oftheir lungs Fveryone hates the Bad Moons Clan, except, ofcourse, the Bad Moons themselves Show-off one and al, Bad Moons have the fastest growing tet. Tis makes them the richest Orks going, a fact they delight in flunting with thelr rich yellow garb, showy god jewellery sda preponderance of over-the top guns. uw The Deahskulls re well known to be unapologetic, thieving gts. Draping and smearing themselves in lucky blue, they take a light-fingered approach to ownership, viewing battle as only the firs stage in looting the corpses oftheir enemies (and their dead mates). ‘More dubious sil are the Blood Axe Can, who all other Orks view askance (Observing such practices as wearing 1 formulating batle her un-Orky Orks cr fondness forsneaky ios of Tankbustas and so very large tanks (Orks ae reitionalists, nthe greatest number They weat leathery rnd eschew the more nologies donot fit into a become outcasts This leads them to selfish earning them reparations sof work, Whether eave voluntarily 1 themselves to MOBS AND WARBANDS. Table the closest Orks get to forming unified squads isa mob, Like-minded (rks band together, usually under the ‘iolent command ofa Boss Nob, then surge towards the enemy en masse. Some mobs = those kitted out with especially unpredictable high-tech weaponry ~ may instead be led by Spanners. These talented sgrenskins use hele mechanical sills to Keep thei fellows guns operational and fo stop them spontaneously igniting. A warband, in comparison, ithe catch-all term foran Ork army of almost any size The smallest may nelude usta couple of mobs being bossed about by Big Mek. Or Warboss, with aptations of grandenr. herwise« warband might representa portion of atribesstength sent out to Fecce, seavenge or jst cause (rouble. At | their angest, warbands may contain the combined might of mule tees, drawn together and ighting as oe beneath the biggest Warboss they ve got Some yarbarids include mobs from several diferent clans, Others may come Solely from a single dan ~ a Warboss fr Big Mele gathering up all Ue adz he considers ‘da best before setting out to beat up all comers. Then there are vwarbands tha tend towards particular {ls in what pases fr strategy Beyond Kolts of Speed and Beast Snagga stampede, there arealso Bliz Brigades made up of Ork tanks and the Boyz sho. fide them, Stormy rps that darken the skies with thle hurting bots, akka divisions that mass big guns got eved atillery and many more besides. Only when enough warbandsare drawn her under single, almighty Warlord dloes real Waaaght begin. ecckall M GHAZGHKULL THRAKA DA GRAND WARLORD, PROPHET OF GORK AND MORK suk Thraka isa mighty prophet of the Waaaght, capable of rousing entire planetary populations of Orks “se «frenzy of conquest and bloodshed, He isthe single mos influential greenskin in the galaxy and billions march to war in ‘es ese. Fyen more terrifying, since his near death on Krongar, Ghazghall has returned bigger and badder than ever before! started his career asa (Goff warrior on the backwater Usk. Duringa raid upon a See Marines command sanctum, aight a holter shell 0 5 pulped a large area of his caused extensive brain 4 Deathslnlls Painboy by ‘Mad Dok Grotsnik was ‘and replaced part of cebcum with bioniks snentl augmentation had to ce effects, besides preventing wife demise, rst it afforded ster protection (0 wha! was, ‘Ss brain, Secondly and most for the wider galaxy, Grtsn gered something deep alls mind, A manic ad entered his bload- hdriveand ambition s formeriy unremarkable Ghazghkll claimed to be fons sent by Gork and Mork sete, wstons that urged! him on to Gharghl’ rise to ss meteoric, Those Orks of seo dit fallin line were rapily ed into submission. Ghazghlul nd belligerence enough 0 jominance over the entire lofi subjects gave much whether their new Warlord king othe gods, oF was siasional megalomaniac planet's star began to ficker sb. Ghaaghlll hailed this as jrkeand More that it was Se Waaagh to depart this stomp the galaxy fat. Sark quirk of fortune, See end his hordes were able snd board the space bulk tein their moment of need, and setoff across the stars, Bussing into realspace after an anarchic span of time spent in the warp, Waaagh! Ghazghkl ‘emerged imo ¢ rich and prosperous Imperial system. They wasted no timte in falling upon ts capital world Armageddon ~ a world that would make Gharghkalls name ARMAGEDDON The world of Armagecdon was a rich hub of commerce, military industey and transportation tha lay upon a key warp route towards the Segment Soar It was well resourced and heavily defended by naval assets, regiment upon regiment of Asta Militarum anda mighty compliment ofthe fron Skulls Titan legion, Forall ths, Armageddon srasn't ready for Ghaaghkall ‘Not only did the visionary Warlord have {immense numbers and overwhelming ‘momentum on his side, Armagedidonis planetsry Governor ~ Herman von Strb ioe also disstrously incompetent egomaniac. Stabs piecemeal attempts 16 deal with what he sneeringly viewed asthe Ork ‘irvtant while keeping up appearances withthe wider Imperium, played eight into Ghazghicll Snaged claws ‘Waagh! Ghazghkll rampaged across ‘the continent oF Armageddon Prime, ‘rushing each regiment of planetary defenders and cannibalising theie ‘wrecked tanks. As one bastion afer another fll sill Stab didnot send for id. Instead, tis duty was taken up bby a redoubtable Imperial Commissar named Yarrick - an act of disobedience for which he was exiled to remote Hive Hades. Meanyihile, Ghazghlalls hordes crossed the green hell of Armageddons equatorial jungles, where Strab had ‘aimed they would not tread, Having, reached the continent of Armageddon. Secundus, they crushed the Iron Skulls Titans and let thir graft scrawled svreckage to burn. Ghazghkull himself Jed the storming of Hive Infemns, jst asthe season of storms descended, He Joosed wild wazbands of Speed Precks into the ash wastes, to run down refugees and retreating mperial military aesets {5 they tried to reach the safety of hive ‘ities farther south, In desperation, Strabwnleashed his ancient stockpile ‘of virus bombs, but amidst the tight. packed battlefields of Armageddon Secundus, Human casualties from these indiscriminate weapons were as severe as those suffered bythe Orks. All the ‘while Ghsaghkl drove his Wasaght onveard with unbreakable determination, crushing Hive Helseach despite the Suicidal courage ofthe city’s defenders, Then came the siege of Hive Hades, and with ita sudden change in the fortunes of war Under the leadership of the exiled CGomiissue Yarrik, Hive Hades defenders fought asi possessed. So spectacular yas the bat, so slow the (Ork advance, that Ghazghkll came to lead the siege in person. Showing ‘cunning farin excess of the average Goff ‘Warltd, Ghazghkull employed all the tactics and stratagems he could dream up but Vorrick countered exch new Orks iz da best. Goffs iz da best Orks. Warbosses, dey'z da best Goffs. An’ Ghazghhull? He's da best of da lot! So ae Ls ee ‘whole worlds burn in my boot prints. We iz gonna stomp da Re Eo Coase Cor er CO eo cere La aa err Big s,y1o9 21 j1e, ul AxepeS ep ,widdis Suy yep ‘mou efi ,uyjas wy scheme, Orke fought volunteer defence ziliia along every processional, at every barricade and even through the hives myriad ducts an erairsey, In Yaricc Ghsrgikall had met an enemy worth the fight The Grand Warlord sifly became obsesed with defeating this tenacious and respected foe, ‘Obsession isboth the strength and ‘weakness of the Orks. the same tendencies that make them relentless ‘oes, reckless pilots and prolific ~it ‘manic ~ inventor als lead them to ruin, Sot was with Ghazghkull at live ‘Hades, The meat grinder around the besieged hive sucked in ever more Ork materiel and warriors, leaving those vvarbands asaling Hive Tatarus and Hive Acheron ill-izected and short of reinforcement When Imperial euppost showed up in the form of Ultramatines, Salamanders and Blood Angels Space Marines, the secondary Orke hordes could not hold Even heset asthe grsenskins were by the freshly arrived Adeptus Astartes, haghkall did not give up. He again proved his superiority o most sreonskins by recognising the damage his obsession had caused, and setting plansin motion to redress the balance ‘Now though, he fced the unified strategic brilliance of Blood Angels ‘Commander Dante and hisallied Space ‘Marine commanders, Coupled with ‘arricks hideously costly defence of the ruined Hive Hades, Ghazghkulls EVO amonstes wa Serre ene een ee ent ‘Waaagh! was at last broken Nearly every Ork Warlord in history thas gone down fighting alongside thie swathand, Not so Ghazghkall He fed 2emagecdon, losing the world infested ‘with seatered greenskins and vowing to ‘one day return. Afterall, Armageddon had put up the kest fight Ghazghall had ever experienced he wast about tops up charce to enjoy that ll ‘over again! GREATER THINGS Fifty-seven years to the day after his defeat on Armageddon, Ghazghkull returned at the head of tll more ‘enormous Waaagl, The planets defenders had spent decades rebuilding and fortifying agains! the coming of the Grand Warlord, who they now knew as the ‘Beast of Armageddon ‘Yet Ghazghkallhad also not been idle ~ he had spent yeas fighting one ‘brutal eonflict ater another, bath to subjugate rial varbands and also to tect and perfect :trange nets weapons technologies, against which hie enemies could not hape a be prepsred Many and exhaustive are the accounts ‘ofthe conflict tat followed, Ghazghkull brought war that is enemies - and even a number ef his own underlings were utterly wreng footed by, The Grand ‘Warlord had mercenary Freebootert strike at age worlds and shipping around Armageddon, both to choke ‘off supply router and 0 spread terror Aen econ Sones are eet Pronk at ha ee erent et Aer et reve eR Tern eee peat and each tim eet forcibly teplaced before Ghazghiullh ediently behind Gha Pres) ete eer eee eee ea eee tee ae eer cee eee coe Sree utre erent) Soe neers this approach. He ht the system with ‘multiple, roughly coordinated Ork lets, the better to encircle and destroy the Imperial naval defences. Rather than get dram into another fight For Hive Hats, ‘Gharghlcll had his space hes deploy traktor beams, using them to ensnare asteroids before releasing them on Hades from low orbit, He unleashed drop fortresses known as ols bil serap iron submersible o cross the planets storm: lashed oceans and directed super tellyportas to beam towering war efiges sliretly into battle, For all this, the Imperium hurled in tides of reinforcements, The battle {or Armageddon became an endless, grinding war of altrition despite all, Ghazghlcll’s best efforts. As the conflict Hound ver 05,0 the Grand Warlord sulfered increasingly painful and garish visions sent by Gork and Mork: And ‘then, wth no warning at all, Ghazghkell ‘vas simply gone, Some say the Grand ‘Warlord experienced an almighty ‘megsvison, in which Gork end Mork charged im with anes task Others say the great green gods picked Gharghleal ‘upand cast him across the stars as 3 spurte action, Others still aim he ‘vas simply struck by sspieation and ambition oF according to afi yet absurdly unlikely Imperial propaganda thathe simply turned tail and fed. Whatever the ease, Ghazghkulls epartuce from Armageddon appears hhave come just before Gork’s Grin spit the galaxy After ie did, strange reports started to reach Imperial sources ofthe ‘Beast of Armageddon leading planetary invasions in sectors many light years apart. Surely, said those fev observers ‘vith the ability to piece the reports {ogether some accounts had to be ‘mistaken, There was no way Ghazghkall «ould be in 30 many places at once. [a defiance ofa logic, hovsever the atacks continued, What no one yet realised was that Ghazghkl had embarked upon his grandest planta date. He no longerled 3 ‘Waaaghl, but rather the Great Wasagh! He had set himself against nota single world, nor even a system or species, bt the entire galexy! And in order to fight and eat every lst sentient being that could he found amongst the stars, he ther the totality ofthe Ork | hist more impetus, Every rival he beats | Warlord anto amighty new soops fohishosspole, or die eying. | down increases his notoriety. When | Ork body that he had spent many. vwords such Karaheim and Obstinasus | decades perfecting ll began this semsingly | put up resolute defence against his endeavour strangethings | invading hordes, Ghazghll only won | So itis that Ghazghull Thraka is now ss occuring. More Ork greater renown when he finaly crushed | biggerand more tecrfying than ever hon ever before are springing | them. Rumour hastshat the Aeldari | Boasting an armoured bulk more akin to a disproportionate number lf Cffwsorid Alstoc end thesavage | a Gorkanaut than a Warboss, Ghazghull ing unerringly towards wherever | warriors of the Space Wolves Chapter | also wields weaponry to match. Goris skull sat that moment, Ofcourse, | ave both taken theieturn in striking | Kia i830 vast that fis blades can enfold fand Warlord plungingin and | atthe Grand Warlord in the ho fll armoured Prinats Space Marine grin lke a lanati,thishas | ofslaying him, and thus breaking his | and slice them nealy into steaming ay Orktnies rampaging | Great Wsnagh ‘hunks, Mork roar ~ his kustom forth across the stars, a shoota ~ generates 0 much dakka that random and anarchic fshion. | Theater came closest to achieving its victims don't so much dies simply ly; more and more Orks are | their aim. The mighty Wolf Lord fraporite into a red hare 19 Ghazghikalls side, With each | Ragnar Blackmane met Ghazghll in texheclobberswhateverbig | battle upon the hive wool of Krongar, | Ghazghbullis living war engine, a Warlord secks to challenge him, | almost sealing both combatants’ mutual | walking embodiment of Gork and Mork destruction Yet even as the broken and the greatest prophet ofthe Waaagh! sks Blackmane was being borne across tobestride the stars in millenni, He ie the Rubicon Primaris, following his ‘coming forthe entire galaxy, and some ose who seekto top rippling injures, so wes Med Dok begit to fear that is a ight be just, Kells rampage only seem :olend_| Grote 'recapitating’ his beloved might win, THE GOFF CLAN "BIG, MEAN, AND BLACK AND GREEN’ “he Goff Clan are the biggest and suliest of a big and surly species. They wear black, considering anything brighter to betoken ‘unnecessary messing about, and wear horned helms, the better for headbutting anything stupid enough to get in their way. "These two details exemplify everything one needs to know about the Goff Clan and their no-nonsense approach (0 war. offs prefer to fight on foot ypically | get them into the fight faster, They such a high proportion of yoo! (Ork Inhuge, ground pounding mobs equally bave a sof spot for Dell Dreads, | youngsters) seeking to rebel through Somewhere between a itary formation | Gorkanauts and Stompss all of which | excessive boot polishing, parade dls indanallovt riot Theyalwaysbully | can easily tampletheir way into the | and aggresive saluting Stl, when thie way to the front of the charge their | fray with metal fists swinging In terms | several dozen hurtling Goff Orks tagemmess to get stuck in eclipsing minor | of weaponry, Goffsprefera good solid | stripped to rokst pacs lead the charge, Considerations ike personal safely Overt | choppa anda gun tatfiresas many | isnot hard to se why the peculiar beligerencein theface ofimminent | shells perminute as possible, preferably | Stotmnboye retain sich fvour with thelr periisacteallysucha point of pride to | whilst sounding an unholy din. Power | clanmates. Beyond this, though, Goffs the Goflsthat they havebeen knoven to | Klawsalso feature strongly amongst harbour «deep distrust for anything take thelr choppat to anyone using terms | their ranks for what selFrespecing | they sceas ‘muckin’ about Broadly such as take cover or Maybe we should | Goffcould resist wielding an even speaking, this incorporates particularly think about this in their presence. biggest with which to Arump bis flashy and unpredictable technologies, ‘unsuspecting enemies? and anything nther races would describe Despite their preference to hit enemy ‘sstategy or tactics. The Golls pride fines in arolliog tsunami ofbeliowing | Goff Clan warbands make prodigious | themselves on being the Orkiest of Orks, ‘warriors, the Gofls are not above ‘use of Sormboy korps. isan irony | and will gladly seize on any excuse 9 hitching it aboard a Battlewagon itterl lost on the traditionalist Gotfs | prove their claim with fect ist, tusks or speeding Trlkk, provided it will hat the very nature of thelr clan spawns | and choppas. BATTLE SCARS Seer Goff Orks is nothing short of ‘apocalyptic. Those who make inthrough the headbutt eee Meee) Pee eae Pee eet into Coots Peet rat Presume et Cet and to the clan producing some eee Nereis cece amet cee eich ere et etay reg ee) eee me ee cs cent 5 Bo} DA BOSS oes that Zagstrulcwas born | encampment, parade grounds and fs Human setlement, ‘Meks workshops ro satisfy even the most Hy throtled his way | demanding of Blood Axe Warboses I = lands to his parenttibe, | also features aformenly holy mountain, serorssaythatevery day ofhis | now graven by captive Imperial sculptors sichasmadeat least onelill | into titanic likeness of Zagsruks Sforany excuse fora | snaling face us ferocious glare is enough y Ork nto submission, | In Zagstrukshorde the Vulchs Squsd to-stop a rampaging | stand front and centre, riding into tracks, bute aboard a massive rd fighter bomber called Da Vicha, Led by Da Sicha Squad hold theirleaderin | Boss, the elite Stormboyz leap from mand vileas dense as ny ave the sense to fear his Da Boss, ashis disciples ver lowers his voice below ccutes any greenskin subordination o eoardive Spot So fearsome has Da Boss wn ~and so ambitions since GorkS Grin thathe now leads as any Warboss: He someloré and master of St Rermond’s Hope, Shine world now known as Planct = world boasts enough military rn ee oe Cg Ca a Stormboy elichant BOSS ZAGSTRUK Killer and a fanatical dsciplinarian, Boss Zagstruis the feared leader ofa band of Stormboyz known asthe sche Squad. He despises eakness end loves nothing more than bullying those smaller tham hi told. He isa holy terror whose mood swings between foul temper and murderous fury at the slightest provocation. to doing precisely what this thundering behemoths bomb bays and directly into battle, hurling down into the midst ofthe foe like a salvo of air-to-ground missiles, This signature stack is made ell the more devastating by Zagstruks own yargea ~ the bonis known as Da Vuleba Klas, These pston-criven and power-clawed auugmetc logs enhance Zagstruks already formidable strength tothe exter when he plmmetsdavn to make contact with the enemy, is invariably vith a sickening erunch once dan Da Boss jez, pointyearz, even funny f 's in wun of THE EVIL SUNZ CLAN ‘RED WUNZ GO FASTA!’ geo travel as fast as they an, They care litle whether this bein ding bikes and speedsters headlong into battle, or as part. The Orks of the Evil Sunz Clan feel an undeniable breakneck races around their tribe's encamy Speedwaaagh! tearing across the galaxy in search of conquest No other clan ean match the Evil Sone fortaw speed. These Orks are completly ‘obsesed withthe notion of acquiring the fists, shootiest vehicle they can ane then racing acros the battlefield in it while howling like absolute loons, Theft clan colours ar hurd red and fiery ‘orange, heeasse any Ork with sense knows that vehicles painted in these remarkable colours ~ and Orks clad head-to-toe i thems — will travel fester than those that ater Younger or less well-established Evil Sinz form into excitable mobs, Thee either dash towards he fe ata wild sprint or se pile aboaed their mates Teukks and Souped- up Battlewagons, the better to race to war amidst the rush ofthe wind and the roar of powerful engine Those Evil Sunz whe have managed to Scrape together enough tet inevitably blow them on something mechanised, fast and painted the very reddes shade fred. A bewildering assortment of hal-track Warbikes,teleporting combat Aragsters, gun-festooned speedwagons overcharged Trukks and other vehicule nightmares stream from the Mes svorkshopsof the Evil Sune Clan ll leastomisedl witha strange variety of personalised improvements, Its not uncommon forthe richest Evil Sune to drive contraptions powered by jt thrusters bladed propellers or squig ‘il fasion engines. These vehicles boast everything from crackling energy blasters and nose drills to go-faster buttons that donble as igniters or ft squig dung cigars, | ALWAYS ON THE GO Evil Suns tend towards nomadic nature, for they can rarely stay stillor ‘concentrate on one thing for very long. Notall Speed Freeks are Evi Sant, but the vast majontyof Evil Sanz wil become Speed Freeks sooner of ater: In bate thelr ragged nightmare for most enemies, They move fst and unpredictably whooping and roaring as they hurtle around hei foes flanks or tear through thei battle lines and out the ‘other side, amidst cloude of fumes and dust, Evil Sunz particularly relish «good chase, as really lets them open up their throttles Thus foes who sek toe their sin bitand attack o evento en run waar, olten find themselves the Ievsildered participants ina lfeor-death race against these madly grinning Oris! Rae Rete elaine indicat eerie aoe

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