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When a man has more than one spouse at one time it is called polygamy. Some societies accept
polygamy, whereas various shun it and the mere concept of it is looked down upon and
considered as unlawful like in the united stated. Only 2% of the world population is practicing
polygamy. However countries like Sub-Saharan it is normal to have more than one spouse.
Polygamy is also legal in Pakistan with the permission of the first spouse.

The Sharia (Islamic law) In Pakistan has been widely followed allows a man to have more than
one spouse. Because of Islamic law, several men in Pakistan are practicing polygamy however
there can be different reasons like religious or societal purposes which may include security,
companionship, money, reproduction ( as a son is preferable in Pakistani society), and love.
Practicing Polygamy is encouraged or discouraged by society. However, the people who play a
most vital role in uplifting polygamy marriages are siblings, parents, and friends.

However, it is also important to mention polygamy was not started with Islam it was previously
part of many cultures. In Pakistan for practicing polygamy (having more than one spouse) have
certain conditions. Men in Islam has been prohibited to marry twice if he can’t treat all of them
equally and fairly if he can’t then he has to limit themselves to one wife.

Even though Islam has given very strict rules and conditions regarding polygamy majority of
Pakistani men have been failed to follow the conditions and maintain the balance between all the
spouses. For example, men disown their first wife and children, start mental and physical abuse,
stop supporting the wife financially, and much more.

All this can have tremendous effects on women in every way mentally, financially, physically it
also affects women's relations with the spouse and the family. If the women if suffering from
psychological effects they will linger for a long time and will become a cause of several issues in
a women's life.

In this research, we will be discussing the different psychological effects women are suffering
because of polygamy marriages and how they are affecting their daily life, relationships, and
mental health.

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