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The principle of operation of a Bazooka Balun is presented on this page.

This balun
adds a short-circuited sleeve around the coaxial cable, which somewhat resembles a
bazooka, giving it the name.

The fundamental features of a Bazooka Balun are shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Bazooka or Sleeve Balun.

An equivalent diagram of this balun is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Equivalent Representation of Sleeve Balun.

The green sleeve in Figures 1 and 2 acts as a transmission line, that is short circuited
at the end. From Gauss's law, it is (basically) true that the current on the inside of the
outer arm of the bazooka (green line) must be the opposite of that flowing on the
outside of the coax (grey line). Hence, the current IC actually sees a short-circuited
transmission line. If the length L of the sleeve is chosen to be a quarter-wavelength (at
the desired frequency of operation), then the impedance that the current IC sees is
infinite (this is the principle of a short-circuited quarter-wave transmission line - see
the impedance page for a brief introduction to transmission line theory).

Since the impedance is infinite for traveling down outer side of the coaxial cable, the
current flowing out of the inner conductor (red/pink line) must be equal to the current
flowing out of the outer conductor (grey line). Consequently, we have balanced
operation, and the sleeve has successfully given balanced operation to an inherently
unbalanced transmission line.


 Es utilizado cuando los niveles de impedancia son similares y la antena opera

en unabanda estrecha. Sus dimensiones no son exageradas para VHF/UHF y su
eficiencia esmáxima a frecuencia central.
 Presenta una impedancia infinita a la corriente que quiere circular por la parte
externa dela malla coaxial. Esto se consigue por medio de un transformador de
λ/4 en corto circuito.Fuera de la frecuencia central, la operación es aun

Transforma con una relacion de 4:1 y su eficiencia de balance es variable con la frecuencia , pero su Roe
es la entrada es casi independiente de ella. Su construcción es simple y de tamaño reducido en las
bandas de VHF/UHF
Para el caso Z=RL/2 se obtiene adaptación perfecta en toda la banda y en dicho caso Zin=RL/4, por lo
que dicho BALUN tiene relación de transformación de 4:1. Por diseño L= λ0/4

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