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Full Name: Completar

University Code: Completar

University email: Completar
Class (hour): Completar
Week & Name of Completar
the reading

- What is the central argument of the assigned reading?

The central argument of the reading is about of community psychology (CP; oppression,
liberation and well-being) and the central problem of CP that is the oppression.
Also the text argues about how the CP “is primarily concerned with disadvantaged
populations, such as children and families living in poverty, people of colour, immigrants,
refugees, women, people with disabilities and gay, lesbian and bisexual people” and how
social power influences these vulnerable communities.
In the other hand, the assigned reading shows how CP helps to work in solidarity with
disadvantaged people and accompanies them in their search for liberation and well-being.

- Name 2 supporting arguments the author(s) presented to support the central

The first argument that support the central argument is: “while community psychologists
played a leadership role in the development of pre-school and school-based prevention
programs for African- American children and families, the problems that they faced were
not typically framed in terms of racism and economic disenfranchisement. Other issues and
problems with structural roots have been ignored by CP. For example, in the early days of
CP, the fi eld was dominated by men and the issues facing women were invisible to the
field (Bond & Mulvey, 2000)”. (Nelson and Prilleltensky, 2010, p.30)
The last idea represents the change and evolution of society through time, and how this
acceptance and recognition of other social groups and problems has influenced the role of
community psychologists, currently building a support network for people who have
historically violated their human rights.
The second argument that support the central argument is: “as an alternative or complement
to professional treatment, community psychologists have helped to conceptualize, design
and evaluate individual-level support interventions, using non-professional and volunteer
helpers. Meso-level interventions to promote relational well-being include professionally
led support groups and self-help/mutual aid groups and organizations that are formed by
and for people who share a common problem or concern (Cohen et al., 2000; Humphreys,
1997).” (Nelson and Prilleltensky, 2010, p.37)
This paragraph describes how community psychology has sought spaces in which dialogue
becomes a tool to improve common problems, a way to express feelings and promote social
and community support. In this way, oppression and power are fought, placing everyone in
equal conditions, where they can express themselves and be as they want, without feeling
judged or blaming themselves for the experiences they have lived due to their physical
condition, gender or their socioeconomic level.
- Name and explain 2 of the concepts exposed by the reading
The first concept is community capacity and social capital defines as qualities related to
people's well-being, in turn, social capital refers to people's wealth in civic participation,
community identity, mutual support and norms of trust. In this way, it is not measured by
economic assets, but by values and attitudes that are an added value to the performance of
each of the people within a community.

The second concept is empowerment, which is defined in the text as recognition of the
power of decision over the events of our lives. Empowerment is ecological in nature
(Rappaport 1981, 1987), it is a way of claiming power over personal decisions, as well as
active participation in the life of the community (Zimmerman, 2000).
- Cite a segment of the reading and explain why do you think it is relevant to the
central argument
“Society has constructed stories about disadvantaged people, making them into something
different from you and me. These stories, which Rappaport (2000) calls dominant cultural
narratives, are often of the victim-blaming variety and help members of dominant groups to
rationalize their role in contributing to and perpetuating the oppression of disadvantaged
people. They also serve to disconnect disadvantaged people from the journey of their
people and themselves. Listening to the stories of disadvantaged people is a first step in
undoing the damaging stories that society has constructed about ‘those people’”. (Nelson
and Prilleltensky, 2010, p.26).
The last segment is relevant to the central argument because oppression is evidenced in the
creation of social differences, in which one social group feels it has power over another,
fostering a superiority that leaves disadvantaged people below or on the side of the rest of
society, intensifying rejection and discrimination which results in psychological problems
related to the difficulty of integrating socially, as well as mental illnesses caused by social
pressure that limits the right to free expression, discriminates against people because of
their skin color, physical condition, sexual orientation, gender, among others.

The selected text is an example of what has happened in society for decades and how
community psychology in turn has also evolved and focused its principles on different
currents that each day focus more on the well-being of the community, its freedom of
expression and protection of their fundamental rights.
- Make a brief summary (150 words max) of the conclusions made by the
author(s) at the end of the text
Psychological support has had various connotations depending on the moment in history
that is investigated, previously, as Julián Rappaport says, therapists advised their patients to
find the best way to adapt to the norms imposed by the leaders of that time, even if that will
go above their rights; social discontent existed, but unfortunately it did not have the same
strength that it has today, however, there is still much to do, because there are still gaps that
limit the optimal functionality of community psychology, such as difficulty in access to a
good psychological orientation, which stands out more about people with limited resources.

Finally, it is important to bear in mind that as Julián Rappaport said “many of the new ideas
that challenged old ways of thinking in psychology had their origins in the social and
political struggles of oppressed people. Awareness of this connection is an important aspect
of CP”. (Nelson and Prilleltensky, 2010, p.46).
Nelson, G.; Prilleltensky, I. (2010). “Community Psychology. IN PURSUIT OF LIBERATION AND
BEING”. Palgrave Macmilan.

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