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Trina Finsand


NUTR 1020 Signature Assignment: Extension of Nutrition Perspectives

Part 1: Learning Outcomes

1. Demonstrate knowledge of human nutritional needs and the role of nutrition in

improving individual health and the societal economic impact of food choices.
Humans need a diet that is full of variety. Consuming a large variety of fruits and
vegetables, low-fat dairy, lean meats (or other protein sources), fish, healthy oils or
nuts, etc. are important to meet micronutrient and calorie requirements to keep the
body functioning at its best. Variety is key!
Healthier individuals make a healthier society, that requires less money for medical
expenses and illness and offers a better quality of life.

2. Relate technological advancements in medicine and food production to the

advancement of the science of human nutrition.
Technological advancements in medicine have given us insight into what different food
choices and lifestyles do to impact our nutrition. For example, technological
advancements have led to a wide range of research into Cardiovascular diseases and how
they can be triggered by our own nutrition choices, as well as show why certain
vitamins/minerals are so essential.
Advancements in food production have contributed to food being widely accessible, and
quickly. Most people in the U.S. have access to a variety of different food options, which
was not as possible before.

3. Explain the impact that the food industry has on human food choices and the
subsequent relationship to health and disease at the individual, societal, and
environmental level.
The food industry has a massive impact on human food choices. From the constant
advertising of fast food and other restaurant options, to the convenience, low cost, and
high availability of them. Unfortunately, many of these convenient and inexpensive
options are unhealthy, with high amounts of sodium, saturated fat, calories, and sugars
and if consumed often can negatively impact health of individuals through obesity and
eventually cardiovascular diseases. Society can be impacted by the high medical costs
and loss of work productivity and quality of life incurred by these diseases. The
environment is impacted by the food industry many ways, but largely by the meat and
dairy industries that have been accused of mistreatment of animals as well as climate

4. Provide examples of past and present nutrient and diet trends in modern society and
the positive and/or negative implications on human health and the earth’s resources.
There is always a plethora of diet trends to choose from. One that I would consider a
past and present trend would be fast-food and meat consumption. Both when consumed
in excess can be unhealthy for the individual, while also leading to more reliance on
animal agriculture and production, which is not very environmentally friendly.
When considering specific diet trends, a big one from the past that is still present is
Weight Watchers. I think it has had a positive influence by focusing on a lifestyle change
instead of solely on weight. The “diet” focuses on fruits, veggies, and lean protein which
goes well with what is recommended today, and at minimum it helps people to be more
aware of what they are consuming. A couple other popular ones were the grapefruit diet,
and more recently the Keto diet.
The problem with many trends is that they are not sustainable. They offer a quick fix to
lose weight, but when you stop the diet the weight can come back, because there was no
actual lifestyle change. Any nutrient or diet trend can have an impact on the earth’s
resources, because a demand of something is going to increase the production and
distributing of it.

5. Provide examples of positive and negative interactions of humankind with

microorganisms regarding sickness, health and food production.
Some positive interactions with microorganisms would be food digestion in our bodies,
which is essential for body function and obtaining nutrients we need from food. It is also
positive with fermentation, such as with cheese and yogurt, giving us more dairy options
and probiotics for gut health.
Some negative interactions would be in food-borne illnesses, such as Norovirus,
Salmonella, and many more. These can happen when food production and preparation is
not handled properly (such as improper temperatures, dirty equipment, poor hygiene,
unsafe sources), leading to food contamination that can then negatively impact the
health of the humans that consume it.

6. Address diet and nutrient issues and concerns for weight control, disease prevention,
physical activity, food availability, and biotechnology.
When humans do not have adequate nutrition and physical activity, there is a higher
likelihood that they will suffer through diseases in their life. This can be the case with
undernutrition when needs aren’t met, and with overnutrition which is common in the
U.S. People opt more for processed and unhealthy foods and inactive lifestyles, and they
pay the price for that later in life. On the other hand, having a proper diet and exercise
routine is very effective with the prevention of diseases. Biotechnology has completely
changed the way food is grown and produced and has led to the development of new or
improved food products. It has contributed to the availability of food, as well as the
option to enrich foods with vitamins/minerals they wouldn’t normally have.

Part 2: Reflection
1. Make connections between what you studied in this nutrition course with what
you’ve learned in other courses at SLCC or before?
One course I took that is connected to this Nutrition class would be Math 980. The
reason I believe they are connected is that math is used to calculate and determine
information. In this class specifically math is used to calculate things such as BMI, calorie
intake, calories vs. macros, etc. Having basic arithmetic skills as well as knowing other
forms of math helps to understand the information presented.

The other course that I can connect to Nutrition 1020 would be Fitness For Life (HLAC
1096). Much of the information in NUTR 1020 is also covered in HLAC, although some
not quite as in depth and some even more in depth, which a large emphasis on exercise.
HLAC has several modules that cover different types of exercise and recommendations
for a healthy lifestyle, one for Nutrition, Health, and Fitness, and several on stress
management and maintaining a healthy weight. I completed an assignment for Body
Mass Index (BMI) Assessment, that taught to measure and analyze BMI, much like in the
Nutrition textbook.
2. Reflect on how you thought about nutrition before you took this course and how you
think about it now that the course is over.
There is not a lot that has really changed as far as my mindset, because I always thought
Nutrition was important. However, this course has taught me to pay more attention to
certain aspects of my Nutrition and lifestyle, such as vitamin/mineral intake and why
they are essential. It has also taught me some better ways to approach my nutrition.
The $10 Grocery challenge was influential because it opened my eyes to how small
changes in how we spend money can make a large difference in our diet. Where a
couple of bags of chips may be $10, I was able to purchase several different fruits and
vegetables, and even noodles to make a full meal for the same price.
I have already started and will continue to use the information from this course to
impact my nutrition. I have started eating a wider variety of fruits and vegetables,
choosing low-fat dairy options, as well as being more aware of calorie intake. There are
still some changes I will work toward in the future, and I feel that the information in this
course will be useful in doing that.

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