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Starfish Story

Over the past week I have been reflecting on practice 4, Being a Contribution, from the
book The Art of Possibility. More specifically, the opening story from the chapter about a
woman who was throwing starfish back into the sea, because it makes a difference for even just
one of the starfish. This practice was eye opening to me because I have never thought about life
in a way like this before. During this past week I have intentionally been looking at life through
this lens. One night while I was working as a waitress at Outback, I noticed that one of my
coworkers was getting overwhelmed. I saw that her tables were needing to talk to her, but she
was busy taking dishes to the back. I decided to help her by taking care of what she was doing in
the kitchen so she could take care of her tables. It was a small thing but made a difference to her
because she was then able to take care of her tables as well as get the other ones turned around
quickly. It is not possible to always help everyone at work like that, but it certainly made a
difference in her night. I am going to continue to work on looking at life as being a contribution
rather then focusing on what the world can do for me.

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