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I was in a room, not a typical room.

I am lying in a bed, not just a typical bed.

I am in a room, a room nobody wants to be,

I am at a hospital, enduring my disease.

But I am not alone,

For I have someone who also shares this room.

I don’t want his cheerfulness,

The reason because I want some peacefulness.

He talks to me everyday,

And he starts to annoy me in every way.

Even if I don’t listen to him,

Here he is, enthusiastically talks about things.

I ignored him for how many days and weeks,

I thought that he would stop but he loves to see my annoyed face

He talks about his life, his dreams and his inspirations

While here I am, wearing my cold expression.

We are at the hospital,

We’re stuck by living or not,

How can he say about life,

as if we’re not fighting the death in our lives?

There’s no hope in this ‘cause everyday is a mess,

I am at a hospital while I should be playing with my friends.

How can he say about dreams,

When being in this place is already a nightmare with no escape?

How can he say about inspirations?

When our lives already have an expiration date.

And then one summer day, he told me about the tree,

I am just quite when he is telling me about the last leaf,

He said that if I can see a last leaf in a tree

That is a sign that we should not give up and just let it be.

He says that as long the tree is hanging,

I should be hanging to life.

And I never thought that the time he told his story

Is the last time I ever have him in my side.

Maybe he was transferred in another room?

Or maybe transferred in another hospital?

Maybe he is just there, not so far away,

And maybe he will come back someday.

Unfortunately, my situation got worse,

I have to endure, this pain that never get lost.

The pain is so intolerable, that I should give it up,

But when I see the leaf, maybe, I should give the life a shot.
But after many weeks, my body got worse.

I am so weak and down, and I know I will die soon.

I cannot take it anymore, as the pain is eating me up,

I need to rest, to sleep and never wake up.

I look at the window and I saw the leaf,

I remembered him saying that life is great.

No, I shouldn’t give up, No, I shouldn’t be.

I should be hanging, just like the last leaf on the tree.

By the season of fall, I am finally better.

I am starting to recover and life is lighter.

I am able to move and sit on my bed,

I am watching the last leaf, with pictures in my head.

And then the day came and the doctor came in,

Giving me the clean bill of health, saying I am no longer ill.

I am finally free and I can now come home,

And then my eyes went to the last leaf, “I have to see you before I come

Towards the window, I rush down to see,

Only to find out that the tree already lost its leaves.

I am shocked to witness, there’s no leaf in there,

And what I am seeing all this time, is a painting of a leaf in my window


The doctor noticed my expression.

He said my friend asked somebody to paint my inspiration,

He paint a leaf on my window to help me get better.

And wherever he is right now, may my prayers come to him in surrender.

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