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Rest well, my little boy.

I was in my room, bored during the summer break talking with myself, but my mind was too
overwhelmed by the idea of having my life again and being that shining girl again.
My beautiful and sweet mother died a long time ago and it still breaks my heart. I wake up
having nightmares about the accident, the destroyed bloody face of my mother on the ground.
I remember crying about how her life is fading away.

How can you live without the person who is the most important to you?

Some people say; You´ll have your family. Yes, that's true, but nobody could understand me
like my mother, my best friend, my salvation, my angel, and everything else. The person I
used to pass all the time and even with our fights, I loved her so much. I love her.
Everyone tried to help me, but nothing worked. My heart was broken, and at the age of
fourteen years old, everything looked like it was on fire.


A little cat, a little brown fluff changed my life, how he could help me to breathe again, give
me smiles and some sort of happiness.
One day I was walking on the street. That was one of the bad ones. I discussed with my father
my lower marks and bad behavior. Completely submerged in my world I heard a sound,
shallow but it was there. I walked toward the sound and saw Bubbles, the cutest thing I have
ever seen.
That second my heart exploded. That little thing gives me something more to fight for, one
reason to get out of the depression and to care for a hurt animal like me.
When I had that little thing in my arms I never thought “I'm going to fight for him”, it was
more like “He needs my help, and he's lonely, like me, I have to care for him”.
My little baby cat, now I'm saying goodbye to the most important life in my heart, who gave
me freedom. I love you and thank you for saving me.

Florencia Genaro. Student 11 grade. She loves reeds and sleeps a lot of hours with her cat.

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