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Case Study 1(Organisational Behaviour)

a.) Explain the psychological mechanisms Mr. Mahesh may be using it to hide his true feelings.
Which model of individual behaviour can be explained here?

Individual behaviours are affected by various internal and external factors. Internal factors include
personal biographical factors and psychological factors, whereas external factors include
environmental factors. Human behaviour is affected by external stimulus(S) which organisms(O)
process psychologically that leads to an individual's behaviour or response depending on the
individual's values, attitudes, needs and expectations. Individual behaviour can be explained by two
types of viewpoints which are Traditional(classic) viewpoint and Behavioural viewpoint.

Traditional viewpoints include stimulus-response or S-R model and stimulus-organism-response or

S-O-R model. In case of Mr. Mahesh Tamang, Behavioural Viewpoint model of individual behaviour
can be used to better explain his psychological mechanisms which he may be using to hide his true

According to the Behavioural viewpoint model of individual behaviour, stimuli are received by
organisms which lead to their behaviour. The causal sequence can be simply represented as S-O-B.
The stimulus in this case are external factors like the opportunity to move to the company
headquarter in Kathmandu, which he has been expecting for years. Another stimulus is to be
recognised as a top software engineer. The degree of effect of stimulus(S) depends largely upon the
individual or organism(O). Individuals have their own psychological and biographical factors that
shape their response to the stimuli and shape their behaviour(B). Since Mr. Tamang’s needs and
expectations are not fulfilled, his behaviours are different.He seems to be frustrated and angry
towards the company. He might have an introverted personality which may be the reason why he is
hiding his true feelings towards the company.

b.)Which personal factors might Mr. Mahesh has possibly not been able to be a top employee of the
company? Why?

Mr. Tamang might have various personal factors for not being able to be a top employee of the
company. Personal factors depend upon two major factors which are Biographical factors and
Psychological factors.

Personal biographical factors include sex, age, education, ability and marital status. Sex or gender of
an individual have huge effect on individual behaviour. Male are supposed to be tough, authoritative,
vocal and self-centered whereas females are the opposite. Younger people are energetic,
innovative, risk taking while old people are less energetic and less risk taking. Skill and education
increase the ability of an individual to perform a job well.
Psychological factors include personality, perception, attitude, values and learning. Personality of an
individual is his psychological adjustment towards the environment. Perception of an individual is his
psychological assessment of others or the environment. Mr. Tamang’s psychological factors have
profound effects on his job performance, his sociability, dominance, aggression, persistence, risk
propensity etc. Personality and attitude of an individual makes a person stand out. Mr. Tamang’s
inability to be a top employee of the company might have been possibly due to lack in such
personality traits, biographical and psychological factors.

c.) “The reward and recognition system in an organisation influence the behaviour of the employee.”
Explain which factors influencing individual behaviour in this case.

An individual’s behaviour is largely influenced by personal as well as environmental factors. It is to

be kept in mind that an individual is a part of an organisation and a culture. Thus, an individual’s
behaviour is also affected by organisation. Organisational factors that affect individual behaviour are
physical facilities, organisational structure and design, leadership styles and reward systems.

In case of Mr. Tamang, his behaviour is largely influenced by failure of the reward and recognition
system of the company. After working loyally for years and years, he was expecting for some
recognition as a top engineer. But his expectations are unfulfilled. His need for relocation at the
company's headquarter in Kathmandu is also unfulfilled. As a result of this, his behaviour is changed
and remains dissatisfied and frustrated. The root of his behaviour is due to the company’s failure to
recognise him as a top engineer and proper reward by relocating at headquarters.

Proper evaluation of employees’ performance and listening to their needs and expectations helps in
rewarding employees in a better way. Proper reward and recognition results in a high degree of
employee’s job satisfaction, less turnover and absenteeism and high organisational citizenship.
Thus, the reward and recognition system in an organisation influence the behaviour of the employee.

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