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Student Name: Melanie Morales

Date: 11/7/2021
Artifact Name: Can O’ Your Town - Using graphics, shapes, and words to create a label of your
hometown on a Campbell Soup can.

What you learned: I think if you like projects that are cool and challenging then this is the one
for you. The hardest thing about this project would have to be perfecting my nutrition fact
section and fake UPC symbol. Using line tools and placing them correctly took me longer than I
expected and wanted. Also, gathering information that I forgot about is mindblowing to me. For
example, my family and I would always pass the mariachi plaza on our way to get to the market
for the family. But, I forgot about that location until I looked up the East Los Angeles area.

ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for STUDENTS (NETS)•S Addressed:

Standard #3 3c: Students curate information from digital resources using a variety of tools and
methods to create a collection of artifacts that demonstrate meaningful connections or

Application of Skills Learned for the Future: I think this project is a wonderful idea for all
grades. I would use this idea on the first week of school, that way students can use this label
project to present themselves. Also, I apply this portfolio project to do book ratings based on
students' opinions. I enjoy rating books myself so it is a win-win for both the students and
myself. This project allows students to work with their technology more and overall just gather

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