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Filiala CRIFST Braşov si

Centrul de Documentare şi Informare Gaze Naturale Mediaş

(www meta-)Dialog on NETWORK OF NETWORKS Construct

within and versus the

At the CENTENARY: Patrimonial-Axiomatic

Wellthinking to the Martyr or Angelical Personalities
from the Transylvania and Bessarabia Sub-spaces.
Projects / Applications / Summer Schools
Prof. Dr Nicolae BULZ - National Defence College Aparare,
IEM/INCE/Romanian Academy, New York Academy of Sciences

Prof. Liviu Alexandru SOFONEA - Dr Physics, Dr Hist. and Phil.

Sci., Romanian Academy/CRIFST/ Brasov Branch - President

Prof. Dr Habilitas Valeriu DULGHERU – Chief of Department,

Technical University of Moldavia, Chisinau

Centrului de Documentare şi Informare Gaze Naturale Mediaş /

30 iunie 2018
Filiala CRIFST Braşov si
Centrul de Documentare şi Informare Gaze Naturale Mediaş

La CENTENAR: Binegandind patrimonial-axiomatic

personalitatilor martirice sau angelice din sub-spatiile
transilvan si basarabean.
Proiecte / aplicatii / Scoli de Vara
Prof. Dr Nicolae BULZ - National Defence College Aparare,
IEM/INCE/Romanian Academy, New York Academy of Sciences

Prof. univ. Liviu Alexandru SOFONEA - dr. fizica, dr. ist. si fil.
st., Academia Romana/CRIFST/ Filiala Brasov - Presedinte

Prof. univ. dr. habilitas Valeriu DULGHERU - Sef de Catedra,

Universitatea Tehnica a Moldovei, Chisinau

Centrului de Documentare şi Informare Gaze Naturale

Mediaş / 30 iunie 2018

At the CENTENARY 1917-2017, Tower, London
Academician Mihai Draganescu (1929-2010)
Electronic copy available at:

Scholar Mihai Draganescu‟s role within the scientific knowledge innovative

structural-phenomenological approach of the chaordic systems alongside the
holistically evolving eco-bio-geo-paradigms

Professor Dr. Alexandru T. Bogdan – Correspondent Member of the Romanian Academy

Professor Dr. Nicolae Bulz (CNAp, IEM / RO, CfSES / AU)
Dr. Sorin Chelmu, Dr. Amalia Strateanu – Centrul de Studii şi Cercetări de Biodiversitatea Agrosilvică "Acad.
David Davidescu" / INCE / Academia Română

Honorary dedication to the personalities cited into this study/communication

toward the readers, sequential topoi researchers, and professors, students, next generations


Does <<Cognition “beyond” Cognition>> Matter?

Four types of thinking versus four cognitive modes (Acad. Solomon Marcus). Thinking versus
cognition. The thesis <<Divergent Thinking>> / Konrad Lorenz. The thesis: <<Modularity of
mind>> / Evolutionary psychology. Philosophy <---===---> Praxeology inter/trans/co-disciplinary
Scholar Mihai Draganescu‟s structural-phenomenological approach; intro-open systems
[] versus chaordic systems [Hock, Dee. 1995. ―The Chaordic
Organization: Out of Control and into Order‖. World Business Academy Perspectives - Vol. 9, No.
1. // Hock, Dee. 2000. "The Art of Chaordic Leadership". Leader to Leader. Leader to Leader Institute and Jossey-
Bass.]; intro-open systems versus fuzzy, grey, pan, subtle, probabilistic systems

A role of the structural-phenomenological approach within the innovation of the scientific knowledge / other
contemporary roles of other approaches [geomodernity; fuzzification, transdisciplinarity]. Where does come
multipolar conflict-consensus: <<sustainable development; Rio de Janeiro, 1992>> / <<ecoanthropic survival;
Mariano L. Bianca, 2004; Mircea Malita, 2009; Alexandru T. Bogdan, 2009 >>. KBBE topics within the EU
programmes; May 9 – The EUROPE‟s Day. Is the <<fundamental rights landscape>> a pattern of the
contemporary globalised/regionalised societal transition?

Where and when does <<eco-bio-geo-paradigms>> comes from and since (Alexandru T. Bogdan, 2013)?
Where and when will be pointed <<eco-bio-cosmos-paradigms>> and consequent strategies (Alexandru T.
Bogdan, 2013)? An inference within the structural-phenomenological approach.


Mihai Draganescu, Dee Hock, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Lucian Blaga, structural-phenomenology, intro-open
systems, chaordic systems, eco-bio-geo-paradigms, eco-bio-cosmos-paradigms

Does <<Cognition “beyond” Cognition>> Matter?
Let begin from an initial conjecture/affirmation (on the background of the Literary Criticism) – regarding the
contemporary transdisciplinary tension: <<WHITE THINKING>> (this tension is referring the fundamentals of the
Literature – also – beside other classical Humankind‟s domains) (*Academician Eugen Simion, April 15, 2013,
20:30, Ateneul Român). Let to point this conjecture/affirmation in an equivalent table to the following Table 2.1
AND to convert/extend this ―WHITE THINKING” conjecture/affirmation onto the other three parts of that Table 2.1:
Table 1.1 Literary criticism – and extended cognitive modes [* (as above
cited) and VII. / Solomon Marcus (1992)]:

Analytic Holistic
Descartes Plato
EMPIRIC Experimental Experiential
Bacon Bergson



Axiomatic affirmation 1.1 There is at least at an epistemic stance a <<“GREY intro

GREY” COGNITIVE MODE >> construct. There is at least a “GREY intro GREY”
COGNITIVE MODE expositive entity. So, the Cardinal of the <<“GREY intro GREY”
COGNITIVE MODE >> set is at least 1 (one).
6: Where and when will be pointed <<eco-bio-cosmos-paradigms>> (Alexandru
T. Bogdan, 2013)
and consequent strategies? An inference within the structural-
phenomenological approach

Axiomatic affirmation 6.1 There is at least at an epistemic stance an <<Angelic

entity>> construct. There is at least an Angelic entity. So, the Cardinal of the
<<Angelic entity>> set is at least 1 (one).

Affirmation 6.1 <<Angelic stance>> i.e. – NO_(substance; energy; knowledge /

versus Humankind sense to all of these – so, this ―NO‖ is affirmed only and only
versus an other than Humankind sense to all of these) - NO_(will; can; must / versus
Humankind sense to all of these) – YES: to make – YES: to BE x to HAVE according
to a dynamic bordering of the Angelic entity / versus an a/non/meta_Kantian
temporal-spatial-causal apriori set of constrains.

Affirmation 6.2 <<Human stance>> i.e. – YES_(substance; energy; knowledge /

versus Humankind comprehended senses to all of these, here and now) -
YES__(will; can; must / versus Humankind neural-cognitive-linguistic background) –
YES: to do – YES: to BE x to HAVE according to a dynamic and static bordering of
your human (no)systemic entity / versus a Kantian temporal-spatial-causal apriori set
of constrains.
Affirmation 6.3 The above two affirmations are not two sort of ―definition‖ but a ―defining
tension‖ / ―i.e.‖ alongside the four type of contemporary thinking promoted:
{geomodernity; fuzzification; transdisciplinarity; structural-phenomenology} – i.e. the
entireness of the sub_paragraph 4.1 (as above).

Proposition 6.1 The <<Angelic stance>> is a human reflexive proper neural-cognitive-

linguistic background to explain/understand the <<eco-bio-cosmos-paradigms>>
construct (Alexandru T. Bogdan, 2013).

Proposition 6.2 The <<human stance>> is an unique proper neural-cognitive-linguistic

background to explain/understand the <<eco-bio-geo-paradigms>> construct. I.e. the
entireness of the paragraph 5 (as above).

Proposition 6.3 The <<human stance>> is an unique proper neural-cognitive-linguistic

background to explain/understand the multipolar conflict-consensus: <<sustainable
development>> / <<ecoanthropic survival>>. I.e. the entireness of the sub_paragraph
4.2 (as above). This conflict-consensus is probabilistic, fuzzy and subtle bordered by the
<<eco-bio-geo-paradigms>> construct.

Remark 6.1 The co-authors will be dedicated, into the next stage – toward a sequencial
variance of this study/communication, to the next authors/(e-)published works:
Aizenman, Joshua. (May 2010). The Impossible Trinity (aka The Policy Trilemma) / into the Encyclopedia of
financial globalization.
Axetue Team. (2011-10-12). "Google Earth Gets a Billion Downloads". Retrieved 2012-07-30.
Berry, Thomas. (2006). Evening Thoughts: Reflecting on Earth as Sacred Community, Essays, edited by Mary
Evelyn Tucker, A Sierra Club Book.
Berry, Thomas. (2009). The Christian Future and the Fate of Earth, Essays edited by Mary Evelyn Tucker and
John Grim.
D‟Arpini, Paolo. (8 - 10 December 2011). Bioregionalismo e biospiritualità / Biospiritualità, come espressione di
spiritualità naturale (o laica), nelle diverse fedi religiose e nel matrismo primitivo e modernoin. in "Vita senza
Ganzel, Karen (2010-04-27). “Geography Lesson Plans Using Google Earth". Lesson Planet. Retrieved 2010-04-
Olsen, Stefanie. (2010-08-25). "WorldWide Telescope peers into Big Dipper | Crave – CNET".
Ormsby, Avril. (Thu Dec 2, 2010). "Lead thieves use Google Earth to target churches". Reuters.
Sorrel, Charlie. (2008-10-27). "Google Earth Comes to the iPhone". Wired..
Wampler, Peter; Rediske, RR; Molla AR. (January 18, 2013). "Using ArcMap, Google Earth, and Global
Positioning Systems to select and locate random households in rural Haiti". International Journal of Health
Geographics 12 (3). doi:10.1186/1476-072X-12-3.
*** (2012-11-16). "Google Earth Enterprise / Google Earth and Maps Enterprise".
*** (2010-08-25). "New View of Ocean Floor in Google Earth | Google Earth Blog".

REFERENCES (only ten modular stances)

I. Bailey, D.K. (l997). System and conflict: towards a symbiotic reconciliation. Quality & Quantity 31, 425-442.
Amsterdam: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
/ Gödel, K. (1931). Uber formal unentscheidhare Sätze der Principia Mathematica und verwandter Systeme I.
Monatshefte für Math. u. Physik. Bd. 38, pp. 173-198.
/ Arrow, K.J. (1963). Social Choice and Individual Value. Wiley, New York.
/ Pãun, G. (1977). Generative grammars for some economic activities, Foundations of Control Engineering, 2,1
pp.15-25; (1995) Artificial Life: Grammatical Models. Black Sea University Press.
/ Mattesich, R. Int. Journal of Science and Tech., Vol.X, No.X, 19XX, pp. XX-XX. ―Epistemological
Aspects of Accounting", Praxiology I, 1992.
Ştiinţe exacte şi mai puţin exacte (ediţia a XIIIa )
Al XIII-lea Simpozion CUCUTENI–5000 Redivivus: Ştiinţe Exacte şi mai puţin Exacte „Necunoscându-ţi
trecutul, nu poţi zidi viitorul” Ediţia a 13-a a simpozionului „Cucuteni 5000 REDIVIVUS: ştiinţe exacte şi
mai puţin exacte” va avea loc pe 18 mai 2018 în incinta Universităţii Tehnice a Moldovei și pe 20 mai 2018 –
în s. Costești în cadrul activităţilor multilaterale de cunoaştere a rădăcinilor Civilizaţiilor Europene şi
promovării Istoriei Ştiinţelor şi Tehnicii.

18 mai 2018, 1115-1130 Referințe bibliografice despre istoria și cultura Republicii

Moldova conținute în Biblioteca Digitală a Bucureştilor (Dacoromanica)
Adrian Adăscăliței, prof. dr. ing.,Universitatea Tehnică ‖Gh. Asachi Iași, RO Valeriu
Dulgheru, prof. dr. hab. ing., Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, MD Nicolae Secrieru,
conf. dr. ing, Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, MD Cezar Oprișan, prof. dr.
ing.,Universitatea Tehnică ‖Gh. Asachi Iași, RO
18 mai 2018, 1130 -1145 Patrimonium Axioticum – un bun strategic, spiritual al oricărui
Popor; a fortiori în eon-ul marcat de Globalizare. Aspecte din Vechiul Regat din Spațiul
Liviu Alexandru Sofonea. Profesor universitar, dr. fizică, dr. ist. și tehn. șt., Comitetul
Român pentru Istoria și Filosofia Științei și Tehnicii/ CRIFȘT/, Academia Română
Prezentări poster
4. Locul sistemului de gandire ‗Cucuteni‘ intre sistemele majore neolitice de gandire;
concordante si perspective contemporane.
Nicolae Bulz, prof. dr. National Defence College. București
A Structural-Phenomenological Approach
1. About Nomen/Phenomenon Structures „PYRAMIDAL 
NETWORK‟; Subtle Interaction(s) – an inflexion point
within (a www/e-)civilization / post-modern culture;
Romanian con/di-sonance / East  West (Necessary)
Dialogue: heritage, challenge, perspectives.
2. About a Set of Hypothesis: COLLECTIVE and/or
selective and (self)adaptive/probabilistic /fuzzy
/subtle coordinated // self-organized neuronal and
societal ideals + acts; the DYNAMIC CIVILIZATION
construct / concept.
3. Onto the epistemic, pedagogical and methodological
implications. Current methods within the Education /
Administration / Freedom / Reward  Prosecution.
A Structural-Phenomenological Approach
1. About Nomen/Phenomenon Structures „PYRAMIDAL  NETWORK page/slide 18

1.1: The initial steps (draft) of the Academic, International, Interdisciplinary SUMMER SCHOOL
„CENTENARY‟ - a triadic case study related to the NETWORK OF NETWORKS CONSTRUCT –
page/slide 20
1.2: POPULAR and ACADEMIC two separated Worlds page/slide 34
1.3: A turning point OR an „end‟ of a philosophical great period [from Socrates – to WW2] page/slide 36
1.4: On LIGHT page/slide 37
1.5: A contemporary image – on the „Ancient‟ track between Valachia / Transylvania, RO page/slide 38
1.7: A set of contemporary images on GHEORGHE LAZAR‟s „reflected‟ personality page/slide 40
1.8: Current state of organizing the Academic, International, Interdisciplinary SUMMER SCHOOL
„CENTENARY‟ - Study/Co-Action on a triadic set of less known personalities - on the (aposteriori)
Phenomenon 1918-2018 – point of inflexion within worldwide, European, and Romanian civilisation(s)
– a case study / August 13-19 [20-24], 2018, Sibiu_Rasinari_Busteni, Romania - page/slide 54
1.9 A set of information on the co-authors; their „contemporary reflected‟ personality / A set of
information on the central text of the COST / April 27, 2018 application (45 REGISTERED

2. About a Set of Hypothesis: COLLECTIVE and/or SOCIETAL MEMORY-(RE)ACTION page/slide 68

2.1: ‗The LIGHT-ing stance within the religious painting page/slide 69

2.3: Avatar Related to the First World War; Demographic Notes – Critically Inter/Trans-Disciplinary
Approach page/slide 71

3. Onto the epistemic, pedagogical and methodological implications - page/slide 89

References – page/slide 103
Current state of organizing the Academic, International,
Interdisciplinary SUMMER SCHOOL „CENTENARY‟ - Study/Co-
Action on a triadic set of less known personalities - on the (aposteriori)
Phenomenon 1918-2018 – point of inflexion within worldwide,
European, and Romanian civilisation(s) – a case study:

1. About Nomen/Phenomenon Structures

1.1: The initial steps (draft) of the Academic, International, Interdisciplinary SUMMER SCHOOL
„CENTENARY‟ - a triadic case study related to the NETWORK OF NETWORKS CONSTRUCT -
August 13-19 [20-24], 2018, Sibiu_Rasinari_Busteni, Romania
* SIBIU - Monday, August 13, 2018
Mayor Building / Conferences Hall / Opening Speeches – Project “SCIENCE / CULTURE /
** SIBIU - Tuesday, August 14 , 2018
Military Circle / Conferences Hall / Explanatory Speeches – Project „4 + 4 + 5‟ personalities (less
known by the general public / but „steps‟ pillars towards the Great Union of the Romanians, 1918.
1.1.1: Personalities-NETWORK of the Transylvanian Romanians
GHEORGHE LAZAR / 1779 – 1823
ANDREI SAGUNA / 1809 - 1873
AUREL VLAICU / 1882 – 1913, and
1.1.2: Personalities-NETWORK of the Transylvanian Saxons
KONRAD HAAS / 1509 - 1579
HERMANN OBERTH / 1894 - 1989 , and
1.1:3: Personalities-NETWORK of the Bessarabia born Romanians
GHEORGHE ASACHI (1788 – 1869)
BOGDAN PETRICEICU HASDEU (Tadeu Hîjdeu; 1838 – 1907)
GEORGE de BOTHEZAT (1882 – 1940)
*** Sibiu - Wednesday-Friday, August 15-17, 2018 / Saturday-Sunday, Rasinari - August 18-19,
2018 / Busteni August 20-24, 2018 Workshop: Pragmatics/Semiotics, (e-)Poetry and (e-)Sculpture
1.1.1: Personalities-NETWORK of the Transylvanian Romanians:


ANDREI SAGUNA / 1809-1873
AUREL VLAICU / 1882 – 1913
1.1.2: Personalities-NETWORK of the Transylvanian Saxons:

Ordnung des Planetensystems (1552)

by Johannes Honterus - woodcut on paper
KONRAD HAAS / 1509-1579
Stephan Ludwig Roth verabschiedet sich
von seinen Kindern. Zeichnung von
Friedrich Mieß (Robert Wellmann?). Aus:
Wilhelm Morres, Stephan Ludwig Roth, der
Volksfreund und Held im Pfarrerrock.
HERMANN OBERTH / 1894-1989
1.1.3: Personalities-NETWORK of the Bessarabia born Romanians:

Gheorghe Asachi (b. 1/ 12 martie 1788, Herta, Moldova – d. 12/ 24 noiembrie 1869,
Iasi, România) was a poet, novelist and Romanian playwright who was born in Herta,
northern Moldova (today in Ukraine). Based on the words of Asachi's daughter, Ermiona
Quinet, the first writer of the monograph, Ioan Negre claimed that the family of ‗Asachesti‘
was originally from Bessarabia, from where he moved to Moldova in the middle of the
eighteenth century. Precursor of the Pasophist generation, Gheorghe Asachi was one of
the founders of the historical novels to us... Asachi obtains, through ‗Hrisovul‘ on
November 15, 1813 of the ruler Scarlat Callimachi, the approval to hold in Iasi a "course
of engineering and borders-determination [‗inginerie si hotărnicie‘]‖; in 1814 - "a
theoretical mathematics course, with application and practice, geodesy and architecture",
in Romanian language. Thus, Asachi made for the first time the proof that the "sciences"
can be taught in Romanian, not only in Greek, as it was considered before. He organized
and supported the establishment of the ‗Mihailena Academy‘ (inaugurated on June 16,
1835), the ancestor of ‗Alexandru Ioan Cuza‘ University in Iasi. He was a complex
personality, mentor and animator of the artistic and cultural life, organizer of the
Moldovian national schools, one of the pioneers of the Romanian painting being the
initiator of the artistic education in the Moldovian schools.

GHEORGHE ASACHI (1788 – 1869)

Alexandru Hajdeu (1811-1872, Hotin), a writer, a scientist, which is imposed
in the first half of the nineteenth century in the scientific life of Bessarabia. For
his encyclopedic culture, C. Stamati resembles to Dimitirie Cantemir. He
collected, translated and published in Russian periodicals a series of popular
Moldovian songs, accompanied by rich historical-literary commentaries. In the
field of biology, he developed a "Flora Basarabia" study. A. Hajdeu was also
concerned with studying Moldovia's history. He was a founding member of the
Romanian Academy (1866).

Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu (born name Tadeu Hîjdeu / Hâjdău; Alexandru

Hajdeu‘s son / b. 1838, Cristineşti, Hotin, presently in Ukraine - d. 1907,
Câmpina) was a Romanian writer and philologist. Pioneer in various branches
of Romanian philology and history. Academician, encyclopedist, jurist, linguist,
folklorist, journalist, historian and politician. Hasdeu was one of the greatest
personalities of Romanian culture of all time.



Alexandru Averescu (b. April 3, 1859, Babele, Ismail, United Principalities - d.
October 2, 1938, Bucharest, Romania) was Marshal of Romania, Army General
and Commander of the Romanian Army during the First World War, and was
often credited for the few military successes of Romania. He was also Prime
Minister of Romania in three separate cabinets (being an Interim Minister of
Foreign Affairs during January-March 1918). Averescu was the author of 12
works on military issues (including a volume of memoirs on the front line), an
honorary member of the Romanian Academy and decorated with the Mihai
Viteazul Order.


George de Bothezat (b. 7/19 June 1882, St. Petersburg, Russian Empire - d.
February 1, 1940, Boston, USA) was an American business engineer and
businessman from a noble Bessarabia family, known as inventor of a model of a
helicopter. He is also known for his pioneering helicopter contributions. Gheorghe
Botezatu realizes in his studies on Earth-Moon-Earth routes a lot of variants of the
possible trajectories to follow. Later on, these calculations were taken into account
on the occasion of the ‗Apollo Program‘ the space research(whose ‗father‘ was
Sibiu/Medias-man Herman Oberth).

GEORGE de BOTHEZAT (1882 - 1940)

1.2: POPULAR and ACADEMIC A case study on POPULAR_World imaging:
two separated Worlds CHRIST‟s Trial - Polish Folk Chromolitography
Another case study on ACADEMIC_World

A book cover with an academic image on
CHRIST‟s Trial

A computerized 3_D processing of the
Torino shroud CHRIST‟s image
1.3: A turning point OR
an „end‟ of a philosophical great period [from Socrates – to WW2]
1.4: On LIGHT

EXTERNAL cognitive-circle: J. Newton //

L. de Broglie / Er. Schrödinger / St. Hawking / … //
W. Heisenberg //
A. Einstein

INNER cognitive-circle: Hi gg‘s particule / CERN / … //

Budha / … //
J. Christ / Saint Paul / Saint Augustin / … //
Mohamet / … //
Moses / David / Solomon / Elijah / Daniel / Job / Saint John the Baptist / …
1.5: A contemporary image – on the ‗Ancient‘
track between Valachia and Transylvania,
1.7 A set of contemporary images on GHEORGHE LAZAR‘s ‗reflected‘ personality

[14 slides related to the Societal Memory[-Action] on the founder of the

Romanian (in Bucharest) University ‗life‘]
The last of the 14 images-slides on Gheorghe Lazar‘s reflected personality
1.8: A set of information on the co-authors; their ‗contemporary reflected‘ personality //
the central text of the COST / April 27, 2018 application (45 registered participants from
15 coutries)
From 1.2.2:
The first Author
Professor. Dr. Nicolae BULZ
Interdisciplinary Entities Laboratory, 2000 --- National Defence College ---
IEM/Romanian Academy--- New York Academy of Sciences, Romania---USA
The second author
Andreu Miquel GINESTET MENKE, COBAWU Institute Wuppertal, 2013, Member of
the German Federation of Scientists since 2007
The third author
Dr. Karolin Eva KAPPLER, FernUniversität Hagen, Institut für Soziologie, Lehrgebiet
Soziologie II / Soziologische Gegenwartsdiagnosen, 58084 Hagen
The fourth author
Professor Brian GRAN, Case Western Reserve University, United States
From 1.2.1:
The second Author
Lecturer Dr. Vasile CHIRA
Faculty of Theology ‗Andrei Saguna‘, ULBS, Sibiu, Romania
The third Author
Eng. Octavian LECCA
The central text of our
International Consortium „Generosity_Creativity_Solidarity‟
within the April 27, 2018 deadline of the COST application Towards a
„Science/Culture/Religion‟ NETWORK OF NETWORKS:
LEARN to LIVE and to PROGRESS „together‟
The entire set of Science, Culture, Religion (as deterministic „crisp‟ and eternally
„SEPARATED‟ human-focused domains) was and is slicing our human time
(human time given as a supreme significance for us, the mortals) and these
slices elicit a „time-capsule‟ of wonder / joy / non-„repellence‟ / no hate. All
scientists, artists/writers, priests and/or active deists/pantheists/atheists
engage in slicing human time and invoke then these capsules as excellence
topoi. These topoi are overwhelming us, the humans, within a fuzzy-enlivened
Science or Culture or Religion by these very slices of our time, and surely not
by any of our integral views on the profound world matter.
Beyond the human-enlivened Science, Culture, Religion, the “result” of this
heterogeneous persistent set of capsules is a source of both humankind
progress and decline: peace and wars, up-dated information/knowledge,
happiness and alienation, beauty and ugliness, value and non-value, im/a/moral
events, good and bad praxis / management / behaviour, multiple “logical”
frames, logical-rational and absurd-irrational stances and feelings.
Practically there are slices of the post-Kantian „time-space-causality‟ that
overwhelm us in a self-organizing manner [if there aren‟t coordinated any
anterior „pro and con‟ theses]. These slices have had an impact on human
heritage, challenge, perspective, potential as well. These are framing a near/far
future within self-organizing and/or coordinated sets of steps. Only the “worst”
defeated war leaders arrive in front of ad-hoc enlightened tribunals, while a lot of
profound mistakes and errors have no historical records.

A „Science/Culture/Religion‟ NETWORK OF NETWORKS would be a topos to

profoundly meditate „before‟ [instead of mourning „afterward‟] on any
It involves an entire societal net of probabilistic / fuzzy / subtle combination /
correlation / concordance / command / individual and societal advice in order to
It takes up the „positive‟ aspects of our human civilization –beyond the more or
less developed historical cultures– excluding the „negative‟ aspects.
It also tends to a valuable dynamic and globally beneficial evaluation
by/within/from critical awareness/insight/action inside our dynamic human
civilization and cultures.
It is beyond the biological, neural, earthly and cosmic severe constraints as well
as historic variations (cruel or not) along thousands of diverse cultures developed
on our simple Earth, that we must follow in our historical leaders‟ tracks, with or
without any recourse to ad-hoc enlightened tribunals.

Thus this NETWORK OF NETWORKS is a turning point alongside the (re)search

for innovative directions towards an integral re-construction of our education,
administration, freedom, prosecution-and-reward meant TO EVOLVE INTO AN
INTEGRAL HUMAN TYPE on our natural and societal (simple but also complex)
Responsibility (as a meta-system: evolution-security) will be taken over by the
subtle natural and societal interactions [of their designated/elected carriers]
within a „Science/Culture/Religion‟ NETWORK OF NETWORKS. A responsibility is
taken over not by the „classical‟ slicing of our temporal (humanly-expected)
significances through/by/from the natural/societal apriori probabilities versus
fewer and fewer models and/or ideals. This is reducing as much as possible the
extensively fuzzy human-induced attributes, hypothetical realities, as well as the
current (standard and/or autarchic, legal and/or non-reconstructing) societal
procedures, pre-established societal structures, grand ideas (which are not to be
disputed), and equally reducing individual indifference, tiredness, selfishness,
and sometimes greediness and stupidity, a.s.o.

May this EVOLVING INTEGRAL HUMAN TYPE be a reverse to all the above within
our newly assumed responsibility.

In an innovative future era, a peace-entrepreneurship profession would prevail...,

but only consonant with another profession: progress-entrepreneurship.


This is the central text of our

International Consortium „Generosity_Creativity_Solidarity‟
within the April 27, 2018 deadline of the COST application.
1.10 From the 45 registered participants from 15 coutries – within the COST / April
27, 2018 application - Network of Proposers (alphabetical order of the countries)
Bosnia and Herzegovina
- University Vitez [Faculty of Business Economics]
Prof Jamila Jaganjac
Czech Republic
-University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences Brno
-[Infectious Diseases and Microbiology]
Prof Vladimir Celer
- Chercheurs du Monde
Dr Philippe Le Coustumer
- COBAWU-Institute (COmplexity BAlanced World United)
Mr Andreas Michael Ginestet Menke
Dr Karolin Eva Kappler
-Euromediterranean Academy of Arts And Sciences,Webster,Athens –
-[Philosophy and Philology department]
Dr Susie Michailidis
- University of Szeged
Prof Laszlo Z Karvalics
- Analytics Society of Ireland
Prof Cathal MacSwiney Brugha
- Analytics Society Ireland [Cathal Brugha]
Mr Thomas Cunningham
- Business Systems Laboratory
Dr Gianpaolo Basile
- Università degli Studi di Palermo [DSEAS]
Prof Gandolfo Dominici
- University of Naples Federico II
Prof Valentina Della Corte
- Link Campus University [Research Department]
Dr Stefano Armenia
- University of Warsaw
Prof Andrzej Wiercinski
Dr Urszula Zbrzeźniak
- Warsaw University
Dr Paulina Sosnowska
- The University of Warsaw
Dr Malgorzata Przanowska
Republic of Moldova
- Technical University of Moldova
Prof Larisa Bugaian
- Alecu Russo Balti State University
Dr Igor Cojocaru
-Interdisciplinary Laboratory - Interdisciplinary Laboratory
-“M. Eminescu - S. Haret - V. Ghika”, 2000 // National Defence College, Romania
-// Institute of World Economy / NERI/ Romanian // Center for Strategic Economic
-Studies, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia
Prof Nicolae Bulz
- Centrul cultural-misionar GheorgheLazar Avrig - CCMG
Mr vasile gafton
-Ecological University of Bucharest - Ecological University of Bucharest,
-Faculty of Management Engineering
Prof Cristin BIGAN
- Ecological University of Bucharest
Dr Cristian Tsakiris
- Eliza Bulz SRL
Ms Eliza Bulz
-Military Technical Academy, Bucharest, Romania
-[Department of Foreign Languages, Military Science and Management]
Dr Adriana-Carolina BULZ
-Universitatea Lucian Blaga Sibiu - Facultatea de Inginerie
-[departamentul de calculatoare si inginerie electrica]
Dr Liviu-Nicolae Modran
- Transilvania University of Brasov [Faculty of Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science/ Advanced Electrical Systems]
Prof Elena HELEREA
- Universitatea "Lucian Blaga ,Sibiu" - "Universitatea "Lucian Blaga " Sibiu
[Facultatea de Teologie "Andrei Şaguna]
Dr vasile Chira
- National Institute of Economic Research - Romanian Academy
Dr Ioan I. Gaf Deac
- Transilvania University of Brașov, Romania - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
and Computer Science [Department of Electrical Engineering and Applied
Dr Laura-Mihaela Lelutiu
- University of Medicine and Pharmacy Carol Davila - University of Medicine and
Pharmacy Carol Davila, Faculty of Medicine [Physiology and Neurscience
Prof Leon Zagrean
- Uniunea Artistilor Plastici din Romania - Visual Artists‟ Union [Decorative Arts
Ms Maria Constantinescu
- University of Bucharest
Mr Stefan Alexandru Ciobanu
- Transilvania University of Brasov
Dr Daniela Sorea
- University of Lund [Centre for Languages and Literature]
Dr Felix Nicolau
- Architektur Studio Bellerive GmbH
Mr Dan Baciu
- State Scientific Control Institute of biotechnology ans Strains of microorganisms
Prof Zinaida Klestova
-Institute for Applied System Analisis at National Technical University of Ukraine
-KPI) - Institute for Applied System Analysis at National Technical University of
-Ukraine (KPI)
Prof Alexander Makarenko
-The State Science-Control Institute of Biotechnology and Strains of
-Microorganisms (SSCIBSM)
Prof Oksana Blotska
- ESC "Institute of Biology and Medicine" of Taras Shevchenko National University
Dr Alla Voronina
- State Science Control Institute of Biotechnology and Strains of Microorganisms
Ms Alla Yushchenko
Ms Laryssa Karpyuk
Mr Roman Zrayko
United States
- Case Western Reserve University
Prof Brian Gran
Network of Proposers Features
Distribution of Affiliations
COST Country Institutions (12) : Bosnia and Herzegovina , Czech Republic ,
France , Germany , Greece , Hungary , Ireland , Italy , Poland , Romania ,
Sweden , Switzerland
Near-Neighbour Country Institutions (2) : Republic of Moldova , Ukraine
COST International Partners (1) : United States
European Commission and EU Agencies (0)
European RTD Organisations (0)
International Organisations (0)
COST Inclusiveness target countries
41.7 %
Number of Proposers
Gender Distribution
57.8% Males
42.2% Females
Average Number of years elapsed since PhD graduation of Proposers with a doctoral
This figure takes into account only those Proposers who reported holding a doctoral
degree, i.e. 93% of the Proposers.
Number of Early Career Investigators
This figure takes into account only those Proposers who reported holding a doctoral
degree, for whom a maximum of 8 years elapsed between the date of in which their PhD
was awarded and the date of submission of this Proposal.
Core Expertise of Proposers: Distribution by Sub-Field of Science
The Core Expertise is defined by each Proposer at registration and it is the sub-field of
science corresponding to the first research expertise area selected.
17.8% Economics and business
11.1% Electrical engineering, electronic engineering, Information engineering
11.1% Philosophy, Ethics and Religion
8.9% Sociology
6.7% Earth and related Environmental sciences
44.1% Other
Institutional distribution of Network of Proposers
Based on institutional affiliation deemed as most relevant to the Proposal by each
71.1% Higher Education & Associated Organisations
8.9% Private Non-Profit without market revenues, NGO
8.9% Business enterprise
6.7% Government/Intergovernmental Organisations except Higher Education
4.4% Standards Organisation
Higher Education & Associated Organisations: 32
Number by Field of Science of Department/Faculty of Affiliation:
Interdisciplinary : 2
Computer and Information Sciences : 2
Other social sciences : 1
Economics and business : 5
Educational sciences : 2
Other engineering and technologies : 2
Languages and literature : 4
Electrical engineering, electronic engineering, Information engineering : 3
Philosophy, Ethics and Religion : 2
Biological sciences : 2
Earth and related Environmental sciences : 1
Political Science : 1
Other humanities : 1
Basic medicine : 1
Sociology : 2
Number by Type:
Research Oriented : 9
Education Oriented : 23
Number by Ownership:
Fully or mostly public : 23
Fully or mostly private : 6
50-50 Public and Private : 3

Government/Intergovernmental Organisations except Higher Education: 3

Number by Level:
Central and Federal Government : 3
Number by Type:
Government department or government-run general public services : 3

Standards Organisation: 2
Number by Membership type:
With no government membership : 2
Number by Level:
National : 2

Private Non-Profit without market revenues, NGO: 4

Number by Type:
Other : 3
Advocacy/Membership Organization : 1
Number by Level:
International or European : 2
National : 2

Business enterprise: 4
Number by Market sector of unit of affiliation:
Professional, Scientific And Technical Activities : 4
Number by Type:
Private enterprises : 3
Research and Technology Organization - RTO : 1
Number by Ownership and International Status:
Independent Enterprise : 4
Number by Size:
SME (EU Definition provided underneath after selection) : 4

Proposal Reference:


These are the features of the Network of Proposers according to the CIST analysis
Of the 45 registered participants from 15 coutries – within the COST / April 27,
application (there is the alphabetical order of the countries)

A Set of Hypothesis:


on a set of selective and (self)adaptive/

probabilistic /

fuzzy /


coordinated // self-organized

neuronal and societal ideals + acts;

the DYNAMIC CIVILIZATION construct / concept.

2.1: ‗The LIGHT-ing stance
within the religious painting

Madonna with the infant John the Baptist

Holy Announcement, Carlo
School ‗Filippo Lippi‘ 15th century
Crivelli, 1486

Monastery ‗Visoki Decani‘ from Kosovo, 1350 (on right – it

is a ‗right-up‘ detail – within a magnified size)
– AS A
2.3: Avatar Related to the
First World War;

Demographic Notes – Critically Inter/Trans-Disciplinary Approach

There are the centennial years onto the First World War. There still exists a non-uniform variety of
reflection points. This work is a kind of „start‟ facing what I intend to compose – largelly, within a
near future – a[n English] book on.
The First World War was a clear non-human and even a non-Christian facete of the long terms
European and individual evolution…; what would (more) be? – it is a great inquiry… but ‚step by
step‟ possible to be touched.

There were the cruel years 1914 – 1918 of the First World War [and the adjuvant death by the so
called „Spanish Flue‟ / i.e. Spain was a neutral country during the WW1, so, a singular „publisher‟ on
the encountered death scale – for the belligerent countries „it‟ was a “military secret”]. There was
the end-life for 15,000,000 Soldiers + 13,000,000 Civilians + 50,000,000 victims of the1918 „Spanish
Flue‟ [pandemic virus].

The most cruel high staffs‟ upper-response [comparing to the „other‟ war cruelties] was done as
forbidding any possible „Christmas truce‟ (as it was „just‟ ad-hoc possible on the German-French
contact war-tranches: December 24/25, 1914 – so, on Christmas Eve 1914, on a battlefield near
Ypres, Belgium; a mind / consciousness never met again frontier)…

The work is still an invitation: onto the co-authorships considerations, and to the near [English]
book on „A Model and an Avatar on the First World War”.

critical reviews, inter/trans-disciplinary attempts, Spanish flue, WW1 holocaust, WW1 premise,
inter/trans-disciplinary turning points-limits-paradoxes, Spanish flue, critical revision of ideas and


There are the five centennial years 2014-2018 onto the First World War. There are
a lot of comemorative festivities, public events, scientific meetings, mass-media
debates. Popular remembrance items are presented – sold – preserved. Each of
these five centenial years to the WW1 ‚has‘ attached a numismatic item by the
British Numismatics officials.

Parallel to the dynamic analysis (mostly historian / military historian) to the First
World War historical tragic global event (Capel, 1919) (Edmonds, 1932, 1935,
1937, 1939, 1947) (Phillpot, 2000) (Simkins, 2000) there was an official 2014 large
scale ceremony – a centennial event. The Brittish governmental site affirms:
<<2014 marks 100 years since the start of the First World War. Within government
the Department for Culture, Media and Sport is leading plans to build a
commemoration fitting of this significant milestone in world history.>> / on a front e-
page containing three war images, with links to explicative texts.
Liege, Belgium - August 4, 2014 [inside the Cointe Inter-allied Memorial]. The site
war/ presents on the front e-page a current photo with explanation on the participant
personalities and a text [mostly related to the photo then to the event, but subtle
addressing the WW1 tragedy ]:

The photo-explanatory text is:

<<Attending a ceremony to commemorate the centenary of the start of the First
World War, with left to right, Britain‘s Prince Duke and Duchess of Cambridge,
French President Francois Hollande, Queen Mathilde of Belgium, King Philippe of
Belgium and German President Joachim Gauck, as they attend a ceremony at the
Cointe Inter-allied Memorial, Liege, Belgium, commemorating the 100th anniversary
of the start of the First World War, Monday Aug. 4, 2014. The ceremony pays
homage to the victims of the First World War, both soldiers and civilians, from
Belgium and abroad, who lost their lives on Belgian soil.(AP Photo / Francois Lenoir,
The e-journal explanatory-text is:
<<LIEGE, Belgium (AP) — Former enemies united Monday to commemorate
the 100th anniversary of the start of World War I, with Belgium, France, Britain
and Germany standing together in a spirit of reconciliation.
Belgian King Philippe and Queen Mathilde welcomed German President
Joachim Gauck under cloudy skies for the late-morning ceremony at the Cointe
allied memorial amid pomp and military honor. During the ceremonies,
the former enemies sat united, listening and applauding each other‘s speeches.
Germany invaded neutral Belgium on Aug. 4, 1914, as part of a planned attack
on France. By nightfall, Britain had joined the war.
―It opened Pandora‘s Box,‖ said Gauck who acknowledged that it ―is anything
but self-evident to stand and talk to you on this day.‖
The war wasn‘t expected to last long. But instead of weeks, the continent was
plunged into hardship and misery for more than four years.
Gauck will join British Princes William and Harry at the Saint Symphorien
cemetery late Monday for a similar remembrance. In Britain, there was a
ceremony in Glasgow, Scotland, and a late-evening candlelit vigil at London‘s
Westminster Abbey.
The Great War, as it came to be known, is now often depicted as senseless
slaughter without a big moral cause that claimed an estimated 14 million lives,
including 5 million civilians as well as 9 million soldiers, sailors and airmen from
28 countries. At least 7 million troops were left permanently disabled.
British Prime Minister David Cameron sought to debunk that notion.
―Although there was an enormous amount of waste and loss of life, there was a
cause that young men rallied to at the beginning of the war, which was the idea
that Europe shouldn‘t be dominated by one power. That a country, a small
country like Belgium, shouldn‘t be simply snuffed out,‖ Cameron told the BBC.
On Sunday, an intense hug between Gauck and French President Francois
Hollande during a remembrance ceremony in eastern France close to the
German border sealed again the friendship between the two neighbors, who
have become the cornerstones of the European Union.
Monday‘s ceremony in Liege was significant since the battle for the forts
around the city meant the first delay for Germany‘s enveloping move through
Belgium, the so-called Schlieffen Plan strategy to defeat France in a matter of
Liege held much longer than expected and allowed the allied forces to gather
strength and keep Germany at bay within dozens of kilometers of Paris.
Gauck called the German plan ―hapless‖ and deplored German actions against
civilians and cities its forces passed through during the early weeks of the war.
By the end of autumn 1914, both sides dug in, and from the early battles, the
war quickly changed into trench warfare on the Western Front, with hundreds of
thousands of casualties in a barren landscape where poison gas often wafted
through the air.
The battlefront scars would slowly and agonizingly rip across Europe, ravage
whole communities and millions of families. It produced a moral wasteland in
Germany that would become fertile ground for the rise of Nazism. Four empires
would disappear.
The U.S. joined the allies against the German and Austro-Hungarian empires in
1917 and provided a decisive impetus to break the deadlock before the Nov. 11,
1918, armistice.
This and other official photoes, the mass-media and the official texts compose, step by
step, a CALEIDOSCOPIC AVATAR of the contemporary reflection-acting on the
WW1 realm.
The site reveals a subtle approach –
concerning with the ‚numisatic hobby‘ of a set of active collectionars – there are
presented the WW1 contemporary (pre/post-)emited coin by the beligerant countries –
and point on original / subtle comments – as a POPULAR (non-official reflection on)
AVATAR ‚past-and-present‟
Two ‚copied items‘ are the following ones:

Kaiser Wilhelm II, 1914 emission, and King George V 1916 emission.
And the ‚last‘ Russian Emperial coins casted and spread from 1898, 1913 to 1914

There are, also, as a beyon time-space-cause, the UK and some Commonwelth

countries official current comemorative numismatic emissions, as e.g.:
There still exists a non-uniform variety of reflection points. Especially the www is a
Pandora‟s box presenting – revealing – documenting different aspects of this huge non-
human global event. This work is a kind of ‗start‘ facing what I intend to compose –
largelly, within a near future – a[n English] book on.
The First World War was a clear non-human and even a non-Christian facete of the
long terms European and individual evolution…; what would (more) be? – it is a great
inquiry… but ‚step by step‘ possible to be touched.

Into this start-space of this study, please to (e-)receive information from a century
back… There were the cruel years 1914 – 1918 of the First World War [and the
adjuvant death by the so called „Spanish Flue‟ / i.e. Spain was a neutral country
during the WW1, so, a singular „publisher‟ on the encountered death scale – for the
belligerent countries „it‟ was a “military secret”]. There was the end-life for 15,000,000
Soldiers + 13,000,000 Civilians + 50,000,000 victims of the1918 „Spanish Flue‟
[pandemic virus]...
Here is an image from a majolica plate, hand painted / image engraved (typical
to Transylvania, Romania; a popular form of art) – usually, these plates were
fixed on the upper stand of the inner walls of the „living‟ room; so attaining a
current decorative function – a „set‟ of colors lighting within the day by day lived
hours. The wide majority of these manufactured majolica plate, hand painted,
were containing floral painted ensembles – here it is an EXCEPTION; it as
possible caused by the DEEPNESS of the WW1 major tragedies. That popular
painter was „sending‟ a subtle message: the first plane soldier is continuously marching
with his arm up (a possible just military operative stance was happened). The second
plane soldier is stopped and inclining his arm – why? That because there is a proximal
outside crucifix (as usually at the cross roads, within the Easter Europe). What is this
(that?) soldier thinking – just in front of the immanent suffering Christ – fronting with his
And a set of equivalent inquiries are/were correlated… are addressed and/or
elicited by the humans into that WW1 „living‟ room adorned and sending this
inquiring message from the imaginary second plane soldier. How stands the first
plane soldier, near? But the consciousness of the upper social level humans –not
directly fighting (i.e. killing and/or defending themselves) during the WW1? Was
transgressed this stand of the inquiring consciousness alongside the entire too cruel 20th
century [WW2, Cold War, …] - toward 21th century, and more.
The most cruel upper-response was done as forbidding any possible Christmas
truce (as it was „just‟ ad-hoc possible on the German-French contact war-
tranches: December 24/25, 2014 - Christmas Eve 1914, on a battlefield near Ypres,
Belgium; a mind / consciousness never met again frontier)…

On the next page:

UK „Dayly Mirror‟ accurate information (including photos) on the current dated
Christmas truce… http://idiotic-
WW1 photos and Contemporary movie samples ["Merry Christmas" /
christmas-truce-1914/, and a 1914 dated photo on the Christmas truce…
Is it a today still vivant lesson, beyond time-space-cause / to entrust on „change‟?
This paragraph 2.3 of the entire three parts study, as an open work is still an
invitation: onto the co-authorships considerations, and to the near [English] book
on <<a Model and an Avatar on the First World War>>. Also, it is an explicit invitation
to interactive approaches – maybe mostly on debates.
The following inquiries and rethoric questions could stand in front of us, humans, after
100 years from the WW1 as an initial – START UP MODEL:
- How could a Christian political leader generate a holocaust fronting an other Christian
political leader? I.e. an inquiry addressing to the „three cousins” and France President.
- Is ‚this 1914-1919 holocaust‟ a co-generated event first-second-third step on..., or a
fasciculum of tragic generative events that were time-space-cause consonated acrosss
the Europe, and then wordwide – focusing deep German, British, Franc, Russian ill-
- Are all these tragic self-generated events (self-organized events within large
collectivities environments) or are these coordinated events – or a subtle-tragic mixture?
- Could ‚good men‟ generate bad events, or no? [„three cousins” and France President]
- Could education prevent this type of holocaust fronting Christian-Christian political
leaders? Could a ‚subtle education‟ stand up – within this centennial realm?
- Has atheism and/or indifference an implication or not at all, or fuzzy involvments on?
- Has an avatar (referring a past-tragic event) an educative-prospective value – in order
to prevent war-like attitudes in front of complex conflicts – learning from the ‚past‟?
- Is a large scale conflict a ‚subteran‟ accumulation of war resources that have an implicit
deflagration thereshold – on any level and any type of human intervention?
3. On Epistemic, Pedagogical
and Methodical Implications

(1850-1889 – post-
RomanItic Genius)‘
monument in front of
Bucharest, Romania
Dan FARCAS - “Labirintul cunoaşterii” i.e. “Knowledge
Labyrinth”, Paidea Publisher, Bucharest, 2009
„Lighter‟ Effect

Many scientists not only refuse to search outside

the ‗well-lit‘ terrain of repeatable, experimental,
measurable, unchanged phenomena, but even
deny that there is something else besides
Initiatives for a „change‟
„Manifesto‟ for a post-materialistic Science
- July 2014 approach -

• Mario Beauregard, PhD, Neuroscience,

• Garry E. Schwartz, PhD, Psychology, Psychiatry,
• Lisa Jane Miller, PhD, Psychology,
• Larry Dossey, MD, Medicin, alternative terapies,
• Alexander Moreira-Almeida, MD, PhD, Psychiatry,
• Marilyn Schlitz, PhD, Social Anthropology,
• Rupert Sheldrake, PhD, Biology (morphogenesis)
• Charles T Tart, PhD, Transpersonal Psychology
Century 21 SCIENCE

• Testimony as proof
• Open to Spirituality
• Opening to "paranormal"
• Brain - mind - spirit relationship
• The source of free human arbitrariness
• The mechanisms of creation
• Human's place in Cosmos and others…
The parable of the elephant and the six
blinds So we are: science, religions,
metaphysics, ufology, paranormal,
popular beliefs, etc.
To take a step forward, then, should it be
[Dan Farcas‟ point of view]
Let's admit that there is only one reality. It is researching on -with its own
methods- science, religion, metaphysics, paranormal studies, ufology, but
also by popular beliefs, etc.
Each way is convinced that it has found the ‗Truth‘ and refuses
that there may be another truth as well as other ways to find it.
All these ways of knowing should go over pride and dialogue.
Other points of view from:
Prof. Liviu Alexandru SOFONEA - Dr.
Physics, Dr. Hys. and Phil.
Sci., Romanian Academy/CRIFST/
Brasov Branch - President
Into Fagaras Citadel – Fortress Musum,
Council-Round Tower, Fagaras, RO –
July 2017

Prof. Dr. Nicolae BULZ

Into Tullos Cairns area, „Cat Cairn‟ –
Bronze Age tumulus of stones,
Tullos / Aberdeen, Scotland, UK
– May 2016
‗Cucuteni‘ Symposium, Chisinau, Tehnical University of Moldovia, May 2018

Prof. Dr habilitas
To take another step forward, then, should it be
[a co-authored point of view]:

On the CENTENARY: „Patrimonial-axiomatic‟ „Well-thinking‟ towards the Martyric or

Angelical Personalities from the Transylvanian and Bessarabia Sub-spaces of
Romania. Projects / applications / Summer Scholl(s)
La CENTENAR: „Binegandind‟ „ patrimonial-axiomatic‟ personalitatilor martirice sau
angelice din sub-spatiile transilvan si basarabean. Proiecte / aplicatii / Scoli de Vara

Prof. univ. Liviu Alexandru SOFONEA - dr. fizica, dr. ist. si fil. st., Academia
Romana/CRIFST/ Filiala Brasov - Presedinte
Prof. univ. dr. habilitas Valeriu DULGHERU - Sef de Catedra, Universitatea
Tehnica a Moldovei, Chisinau
Prof. univ. dr. Nicolae BULZ - Colegiul National de Aparare, IEM/INCE/Academia
Romana, NY Academy of Sciences

This entitled communication was proposed by the three co-authors at the

Centennial Session of the Romanian Academy/CRIFST/ Brasov Branch -
MEDIAS, „Muzeul Gazului‟, June 30, 2018
Within this stage of the research, there is the consideration that it is necessary to joint to
the documentary basis of this study the correlative/concordant Knowledge Transfer from
the following three debates happened on 1975 / 2000 / 2001 – three debates between
(apparently total) divergent great public personalities. There are 3 x 2 couples,
downward pointed within the *, **, *** stages. As an „e.g‟ there is presented „only‟ one
www-study as a minimal proof on each of these three famous debates:

* 1975 DEBATE:
Throwing fuel on the embers: Probability or
Dichotomy, Cognitive or Linguistic?
- by David M. W. Powers


on the Future of RELIGION and SECULARIZATION, Munchen 2001 / e.g.:
Revision Lessons from the Habermas-Ratzinger Debate -
by Virgil Nemoianu
*** [Editorial aggregated] Debate between Carlo Maria MARTINI and
Umberto ECCO on 2000 / Belief or nonbelief? :
a confrontation / Umberto Eco, Carlo Maria Martini
[Note: the references are pointed, also, into the text- mostly versus the constructs
a CALEIDOSCOPIC AVATAR of the contemporary reflection-acting on the WW1
realm...” / „a POPULAR (non-official reflection on) AVATAR ‚past-and-present‟ ”.]

1914 dated photo on the Christmas truce… -

1914 photo item – Emperor Nikolai II and Tzarevici Alexei on 1914 fronts -
A majolica plate, hand painted / image engraved (typical to Transylvania, Romania; a
popular form of art – Personal Collection “Eliza and Sofroniu Bulz”.
Attending a ceremony to commemorate the centenary of the start of the First World War
/ 2014 marks 100 years since the start of the First World War. -
Capel, Arthur (1919?). Reflection on Victory, T. Werner Laurie, Ltd. / pointed and
singular only info on and Capel // Contemporary (pre/post-)emited coin by the beligerant
countries -
Edmonds, Brigadier-General Sir James (1932, 1935, 1937, 1939, 1947). Military
Operations: France and Belgium , 1916 , 1918, Volume I, I-IV, Macmillan, London.
Farcas, Dan, (2009). Labirintul cunoaşterii [Knowledge Labyrinth], Paidea Publ.,
former-enemies-unite-100th-anniversary-world-war -
Kaiser Wilhelm II, 1914 emission, and King George V 1916 emission / two ‚copied items‘
"Merry Christmas" - Sainsburys-advertisement-on-centennial... -
Phillpot, William (2000). ‘Marchal Ferdinand Foch and Allied Victory‘ in Mattew Hughes
and Mattew Saligmann (eds.) Leadershipi n Conflict,1914-1918, Leo Cooper / Pen and
Sword, Barnsley.
Simkins, Peter (2000). ‘For Better or For Worse: Sir Henry Rowlinson and his Allies in
1916 and 1918‘ in Mattew Hughes and Mattew Saligmann (eds.) Leadershipi n
Conflict,1914-1918, Leo Cooper / Pen and Sword, Barnsley.
UK and some Commonwelth countries official current comemorative numismatic
emissions -
commencement-of-the-great-war-3033/ - On 1975 DEBATE: Naom CHOMSKY and
Jean PIAGET on the INNATENESS / GRASPING of LANGUAGE // Throwing fuel on
the embers: Probability or Dichotomy, Cognitive or Linguistic? - by David M. W.
6vol09/92/9-2Article.pdf - On 2001 DEBATE: „Jürgen HABERMAS and Joseph
RATZINGER / on the Future of RELIGION and SECULARIZATION, Munchen 2001‟
- Revision Lessons from the Habermas-Ratzinger Debate – by Virgil Nemoianu - On 2000
DEBATE: „Carlo Maria MARTINI and Umberto ECCO - on 2000, Belief or nonbelief?
: a confrontation‟ / Umberto Eco, Carlo Maria Martini
TF-8 - e-seen on June 13, 2018 12:38
i57.701j0j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 - e-seen on June 17, 2018 9:01 pm
primul-razboi-mondial---221241 /

Abrudeanu, Ion Rusu, România si războiul mondial: contributiuni la studiul istoriei

războiului nostru, Editura SOCEC & Co., Bucureşti, 1921

Averescu, Alexandru, Notiţe zilnice din războiu (1916-1918), Editura Grai şi Suflet -
Cultura Naţională, Bucureşti

Hitchins, Keith, România 1866-1947, Editura Humanitas, Bucureşti, 2013

Bărbulescu, Mihai; Deletant, Dennis; Hitchins, Keith; Papacostea, Şerban; Teodor,
Pompiliu, Istoria României, Editura Enciclopedică, Bucureşti, 1998

Becket, Ian F.W., The Great War, second edition, Pearson Education Ltd., 2007, ISBN

Horne, John, A companion to World War I, Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, 2012, ISBN 978-1-

Hamilton, Richard F.; Herwig, Holger H., The Origins of World War I, University Press,
Cambridge, 2003

Tucker, Spencer; Roberts, Priscilla Mary, World War One, ABC-CLIO.Inc., Santa
Barbara, 2006

Petin, Victor (General), Le Drame Roumain 1916-1918, Payot, Paris, 1932

Xenopol, Nicolae, La Richesse de la Roumanie, Atelierele Grafice Socec, Bucarest,

1916 - Scholar Mihai Draganescu‟s role within the

scientific knowledge innovative structural-phenomenological approach of the chaordic
systems alongside the holistically evolving eco-bio-geo-paradigms

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