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Name: Prita Aziziya

The Application of Community-based in Pujon Kidul Village, Malang

Community-based tourism is one of the more sustainable approaches to tourism that is
managed by, from, and for the public, to improve society's well-being. Pujon Kidul Village is
one of the villages that practice community-based tourism. By offering tourist packages
ranging from Cafe Sawah, horseback riding tours, outbound, tracking, farm education, and
farmland to homestays, the village has successfully integrated its potential into a unique and
exciting tourist destination. Village managers believe that the tourist market is already
oversaturated with city tours and prefer that visitors come to the village. As a result, the
village manager is focused on providing nature's beauty, friendly people, and cultural
diversity. The local government invites the public to participate in tourist activities when
managing the tourist village. Pujon Kidul Village was named the Best Agro Village Tourist
Village by the Ministry of Village PDTT in 2017. This award is given because the Pujon
Kidul Village has several productive community participation activities.

The Pujon Kidul Village is an implementation of the village development mission's vision
from 2011. The concept of village development emerged as a result of the vision and mission
of village development, as well as the youth group's self-awareness in developing the
village's potential. This concept's application is viewed through five lenses: economic, social,
cultural, environmental, and political dimensions. In terms of the economic dimension, the
tourist village of Pujon Kidul is creating a job opportunity for the village community. It has a
positive impact on society; the average monthly wage is 1.5 million. This resulted in a 130-
person reduction in poverty over a year. Then, in the social dimension, locals improve their
quality of life by providing training and education to locals through the formation of
Pokdarwis for tourist development. The Minister of Tourism awarded Pujon Kidul Village
the title of "Pokdarwis Mandiri" in 2017.

The cultural dimension is another dimension that has already been applied. This dimension
can complement the local cultural heritage that has become a feature of tourism, such as the
arts and customs that have become an inherent attraction to tourist activities. The Pujon Kidul
Village, on the other hand, adopted some of the outside cultures that were deemed culturally
appropriate. It exposes tourists to a variety of cultures. The environment is the next
dimension. The tourist village of Pujon has been conscious of waste management, which was
made possible by installing wastewater management. The wastewater generated by tourist
activities will be processed so that it can be reused as a water source for the fish pool. The
community is converting garbage into compost fertilizer, which will be used as plant manure
in this tourist village. The final dimension of Pujon's tourist village is the political dimension.
One of the things that needs to be done is to increase public participation by socializing and
nurturing the village's potential as well as the "Sapta Pesona" that needs to be implemented.
Furthermore, the public is integrated into Pokdarwis and evaluates each activity.

Overall, the Pujon Kidul Village has done an outstanding job of implementing the
community-based concept. The government has already involved the public in tourism
management, which benefits the public both economically and socially. Hopefully, the
government and society can continue to work together to keep Pujon Kidul Village's tourist
industry afloat.

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