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Micayla Monks and Olivia Drennan TedEd

Digital Citizenship

The topic we are exploring in this lesson is digital citizenship. A digital citizen is anyone

that uses the internet. It didn’t always exist. Prior to the internet, there was no such thing as

digital citizens. There was no communicating between others unless you were face to face with

the person you were talking to. Ever since the internet, you can communicate with anyone

around the world that is also using the internet. Being a digital citizen is just like being a citizen

in a country. You have to obey the regulations in order to stay out of trouble.

Digital citizenship is related to K-12 education in that students learn how to navigate

technology, what appropriate behavior online looks like, and how to use social media

responsibly. Students often begin to use technology at home before it is even taught in schools.

Oftentimes, their first experience with such technology includes television, tablets, and PC

computers. As they get older, their exposure to different forms of technology increases, therefore

it is important for students to learn how to use the internet safely and appropriately.

The purpose of this lesson is to properly educate digital users. If students are not

educated, they would not be able to tell what is true or false on their screen. This can be with

social media accounts or news articles they are reading. With the proper education, they can use

the internet safely and know the red flags of the situation when in a predicament.

This topic is important for students to learn because technology will likely be a part of

their life at every stage. Once students learn what it means to be a good digital citizen and how

they can become one, it opens up a realm of possibilities for their future and success. For
example, students with an understanding of how technology works will then be able to use it to

their advantage in school, work, and their social life. Students who are adept in different

programs such as Microsoft and Google may use those skills to better their education and down

the line, their career. Students who know how to navigate different social media platforms such

as Twitter and Instagram can use such skills to better relationships, spread information, and

more. Digital citizenship not only sets students up for success, but also helps to ensure their

safety. There are always risks when it comes to the internet because it’s something nearly

everybody has access to. It can be a dangerous place full of cyberbullying, trafficking, identity

theft, invasion of privacy, and so on. When students are taught the proper ways to use the internet

and are informed of its dangers, they are less likely to engage in risky or harmful online


Since the COVID-19 pandemic hit at the start of 2020, the use of technology has

skyrocketed. Education around the world went fully remote for months, in some places over a

year. Businesses were forced to either shut down or provide contactless services. For instance,

more restaurants were now allowing the option to order online, doctors offices held virtual

appointments, and stores began implementing contactless pickup. People with very little

knowledge regarding technology were now being forced to learn how to navigate the internet as

a way to survive. This resulted in more people using the internet and technology than ever

before. While there are positives to this, it also means that more people were abusing and

misusing the internet. Therefore, it is essential that we teach our students about digital citizenship

and how to properly use the internet, especially in times like these.

One way to address problems that arise within the internet, is making the students think

about the situation in person. Students act differently in person than they do behind a screen.
Therefore, taking an issue that occurs on the internet and presenting it as if it were to happen in

person would make the students realize and relate more to the issue. For example, if someone

was getting bullied online, ask the students if they would say those mean things in person. When

they wouldn’t say them in person because they know it is not okay, then why do they think it is

okay to say it online? Just because something is said online and not in person, doesn’t mean that

it won’t have a different effect on the person. Going over issues like these makes the students

realize that just because it is online, doesn't make a difference on how it would make someone


While the rise in technology over the past few years has had a lot of positive impacts on

our society, it is important to consider what may happen as a negative result in the future. For

example, overusing technology has the potential to destroy social skills, eliminate the desire for

face to face interaction, and spark mental health issues. We do not yet know the long term effects

that these new technologies have on our society and must continue to research in order to fully

understand the good and the bad.

The video that will be used for this lesson is called “We the Digital Citizens” by Common

Sense Education. To introduce the lesson, the teacher will ask the class what they think digital

citizenship is. Based on their ideas discussion will break out on a better understanding. The video

will then be shown to the class and the teacher will ask questions about the video. Three

questions to ask about the video will be:

1. If you are scared about a situation occurring online, what do you do?

2. Who are people you can talk to online?

3. What information should you keep private when using the internet?
Once the students answer the questions, then the teacher will display other resources

about finding information on being a good digital citizen. Tips and tricks on how to understand

the safety of using the internet will also be provided.


- Rules of being a good digital citizen

- Ways to become a good digital citizen

- 6 elements of digital citizenship

For the discussion questions for this topic, they will go off one another based on what the

students come up with. The two questions that will be asked are:

1. What can you use the internet for?

2. How do you use the internet safely in those ways?

Overall this topic is very important to cover for everyone using the internet. Since

technology has become such a dominant thing within our daily lives, it is very important to know

and understand it in all aspects. Students also need to learn safety at a young age so they are able

to educate others around them as well. Students use the internet for lots of reasons ranging from
educational purposes to video games. Knowing how to use it safely and properly will allow a

safe and welcoming environment for not only them but also the people they are interacting with.

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