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Tumaio Comprimi/Written using Ziptricks | —s 12210376 122104) BSaaTe. cess 5yCharip- chive P, tate descomprinide 2211.65 bytes - Tomato. Comprin]|Weitten using Zipteicxs @ Nome Dticencias psretupe eas 1221. [Wadi St-btracor- pontine tert see tvommom. as] pat Vron 20154 Epa SR eae Stee Deena te. [ea] = setccionado 12210176 bese hee Welcome to the PsyChart Version 2 Setup Wizard. ‘The wizard wil instal PsyChatt Version 2 on your computer. Version: 2.01.64 1s strongly recommended that you ext all Windows programs before running this Setup program ‘ick Cancel to qut Setup and then close any programs you have running. Cick Next to continue wth the Setup program. WARNING: This program is protected by copyright law and itemationa treats License Agreement License Agreement Please read the following icense agreement careful For questions about our icense agreement orf you woul ice to confim the number of licenses that your company has purchased fortis program, please call te Software at {373-690-3420 or emai us . Should youneed addtional icenses, © | accept the tems in the license agreement O)! do not accept the tems in the license agreement tn ose [ess] [oe Select Installation Option ‘Select Installation Option ‘Select standard of advanced instalation ‘Select Standard to proceed with the defautfolderlocations. Select Advanced only # you know you want to change the defaut folders © Standard - Accept defaut folder locations, Advanced - Set custom folder locations ‘The Standard option is ight for most users. Defaut folder locations for Elte Software programs wil be used. you are unsure about which option to select, choose the Standard option. ‘You shoul only select Advanced f you know that you want to change the locations of various ‘Bite Software folders. and you understand the possbie impkcations of doing 0, [ees] [coe Ready to Install = Ready to Install the Program ‘The wizard i ready to begn installation, If you want to review or change any of your instalation settings, cick Back. ick Cancelto ext the wizard (Curent Settings: Destination Folder ‘C:\Program Fes (86)\Eite Software\PeyChart 2 Disk Space Requirements 23558K ‘ite Software Data Folder ‘C\Users\Public\Documents\Eite Software Data ‘ite Software Personal Preferences Folder - Curent User ‘C\Users\RICARDO VAppData\Roaming Bite Software Fite Software Pmincts Folder Chmend oer Instaling Installing PeyChart Version 2 “The program fests you laced ore being tale, Pease wat whlethe Setup Wizard nae PoyChat Veron 2 This may tke sevet mmnutes.Fyouneed tecnica uppot cal ut at 9796903120 or ema us t ‘pot Geto Setup Wizard Complete The Setup Wizard has successfully installed PsyChart Version 2. (ick Fish to ext the wizard View Readme fle showing recent update history a

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