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Find the meaning to these words:

- Feign + ing : pretend to be affected by something
- Foolproof : incapable of going wrong or misuse
- Relinquished : voluntarily cease to keep or claim / to give up
- Despondent : Discourage
- Adroit : clever / skillfully
- Insipid : weak/ dull
- Testily : easily annoyed
- Embrace : Hug / To hold someone
- Aberrant : Highly wrong and causing much grieve
- “stick behind a stubborn mule” : punishing/ threatening to punish
- “carrot and stick” : rewards and punishments.
- “casing the joint” : observing the location in order to formulate a plan
- “break a leg” : wishing someone luck.
2. Where was Sunny? : Sunny was locked up in a bird cage that was dangling from a tower window
3. What does Count Olaf plans to do with Violet’s siblings after the wedding?
- Dispose them by methods of murdering, and etcetera
4. What promise does Violet remember making to her parents?
- That she will always watch out for her siblings and don’t get them into trouble
5. How did Violet injured her arm?
- The grappling hook hit her hard in the shoulder
6. How did Violet’s rescue attempt went?
- It did not went out how she went. / It was going well until her hook got stucked on the hook handed
man’s hook.
7. The author mentioned the name ‘Beatrice’. Who is she to the author?
- Someone who is precious and dear to the author.
8. What’s the name of Mr. Poe’s wife?
- Polly Poe
9. How did Violet overcome the nuptial law in the end?
- She signed the document with her left hand instead of right hand so that the marriage is void,
because it is her not her own hand as per nuptial law
10. Explain how did Count Olaf and his troupe managed to escape in the end?
- They escaped in the dark when the lights switched off.
11. Who whispered into Violet’s ears in the dark?
- Count Olaf threatens to murder them in the dark
12. Why can’t the Baudelaire orphans stay with Justice Strauss although she offered to?
- Because she is not a relative of the Baudelaires.
13. With whom did the Baudelaire orphans were to stay next according to the author’s note?
- Dr. M. Montgomery
14. What would the next book in the series tittled?
- The Reptile Room
15. You have known that Count Olaf loves to use anagrams (name formed by rearranging the letters).
In the Bad Beginning, he had used Al Funcoot, what name do you think he would use in the next
- Dr. O. Lucafont
16. Would you prefer to stop reading at the happy ending as the author suggested or would you
continue further?
- I would prefer to stop because it is not going to turn out happy/ well in the end
- I would prefer to continue further as I would like to see what Count Olaf’s plans next for the

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