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In the name of Allah

My name is Tahir Omery, I am grateful for the opportunity to apply for the open positions (Site
Engineer, Laboratory Technician, Geotechnical investigation & QC Engineer) at your
organization. It is clear from the job description that you wish to hire a versatile candidate who
help challenge that need to be addressed based on my experience, I am certain that I would
perform exceptionally in this role.
I have more than 3 years’ experience in construction material testing and worked as geotechnical
investigation assistant for more than two years.
I am confident that my resourcefulness and skills in the (Site Engineer, Laboratory Technician,
Geotechnical investigation & QC Engineer) make me an ideal candidate for this positions. I
anticipate explaining how my varied skill-sets and abilities will benefit your organization. If you
deserve me for one of those position than, please contact me at my email and phone number.
Thank you for your considering my application, I look forward to hearing from you.

Phone: 0093782477416
WhatsApp: 0747874836

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