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Isabella Kitts LP2 1


Title: Always sing your song lesson 2

Grade Level: 8th grade
Standards (List specific SOLs that pertain specifically to YOUR objectives).
Virginia Standards: (SOL)
● MCB.1.2 Student will read and notate rhythmic patterns that include quarter notes, eighth
● MCB 1. Student will demonstrate vocal techniques and choral skills including using proper
posture for choral singing.

Objectives: (List specific, assessable items you want students to KNOW and BE ABLE TO DO).
As a result of the instruction, students will be able to: (observable skills- action verbs)

● Sing both parts 1 and 2 with 90% accuracy

● Sing their part while the other part sings as well.
● Sustain phrases and show phrasing with a motion

Materials (List the instructional materials you will need or use for the lesson. Why? I will know
that you know what you need to teach the lesson and will not be running around the room to find
something you forgot.)

Piano, scores, pencils, sight reading activity

Modifications: (List any modifications in the instructional setting or room that you must make for
any child who has special needs. Could be child with a broken leg. It could be using a
microphone for a child with a hearing deficiency. Has anyone encountered this yet?)

if a student needs an accommodation for a broken leg, we will sit while learning music, and only
stand for performing, and we would have a chair for them.


I. Introduction
1. (2 min) warm up
2. (1 min): give breath marks, show phrasing

II. Section (mm. 61-76)

3. (3 min) Sight read through 61- 76 (Part 2) on “la” (sight reading exercise)
4. (2min) read 61-76 on Solfege
5. (1 min) have students mark where parts 1 and 2 are in unison
6. (1 min) split the group in half, review part 1,
7. (2 min) and have part 1 and 2 sing together (ms. 61-76)
8. (2 min) repeat this, switch and have students show phrases with motion (rainbow)

Lesson Plan Format: Dr. Yoo © 2020

Isabella Kitts LP2 2

Assessment: (The question of assessment is “How well do the students know the objectives or
how well can they do/apply/use the objectives?” Go back to the top of this format- your
assessment starts here.)

Overall Outcomes: Assessment for Each Outcome:

After learning the pieces, each student will… I will document individual student
achievement with…
● Sing both parts 1 and 2 with 90% ● I will listen to the students in smaller
accuracy groups. (informal)
● Sing their part while the other part ● I will ask the group how they felt while
sings as well. singing with the other part (how well
● Sustain phrases and show phrasing they could stay on their part) and
with a motion make sure we switch parts. (informal)
● I will ask students to make phrase
gestures during their run-through of
the piece. (informal)

** Use various assessment tools (e.g., rubrics, rating scales, checklists, short quizzes, self-
reflections, etc.) and various types of questions (e.g., multiple choice, short answer, matching,

Lesson Plan Format: Dr. Yoo © 2020

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