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For us to know certain things, we use our knowledge and skills, that’s why we need to
go to school to learn things and stuff. Education is important for our lives, it helps us to become a better
citizen, get a better paid job in the future, show the difference between good and bad. Education shows
us the importance of hard work and, at the same time, helps us grow and develop. also reading is very
important in our education. Teachers helps us to read fluently when we were in preschool, because
reading somehow shows a person is educated. Reading expands our mind and give us more ideas, it also
develops our comprehension abilities.

On March 11, 2020, the WHO declared COVID-19 a global pandemic that change the
whole world. Affecting the lives of many Filipinos and suffered from poverty, famine, depression,
anxiety, and even the virus, killing millions of lives in just a fraction of a second. This pandemic had a big
impact on our society, one of these is the education of many students. Due to the spread of the COVID-
19, our government had declared lock down on every corner of our country. Suspending the economy
and education of many students.

Although this virus inhabited the world. Governments, businessman, and the people
itself, did not give up. In order for the students to learn and continue education without risking itself.
DepEd come up with a solution. The online and modular learning, that change our perspective in
education in this new normal. Online and modular learning helps a lot of students who are willing to
learn throughout this pandemic, but also many are not. Thanks to the Government and softhearted
individuals helped for the finance of this students who are facing this crisis today.

We are now celebrating the 2021 National Reading Month, and as a student this
pandemic didn’t stop me from advancing my self through reading. As long as we have books to read, as
long as we have our self-learning module, we can learn new things in this new normal. Our knowledge
can stop COVID-19

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