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Nama : Nadia Dhika Sastiakana

NIM : 20210430195

Kelas : IE E

 Exercise 1
1. A. independent existence
2. B. A person who own part of a company
3. B. A problem taken to the court
4. B. Object belongs to someone
5. A. Act against something

 Exercise 2
1. B. employment
2. C. workers
3. B. Branch
4. A. Law
5. A. Minor
6. A. Register
7. A. Agreement
8. B. Private
9. C. Advantage
10. A. Liable

 Exercise 3
2. Title : Top 7 Reasons To Visit Bali

4. words that me do not its meaning:

 Culture
 Stunning
 Shorelines
 Compounds
 Utilizes
 Sculptures
 Purchasing
 Consider
 Jewelry
5. Culture = Budaya
Definition, a way of life that develops and is owned by groups of people, and is shared
from generation to generation.
Stunning = memukau
Definition, to intoxicate or anesthetize or just as admirable
Shorelines = Garis pantai
Definition, the boundary line of the meeting between land and sea water, where the
position is not fixed and can move according to the tides and coastal erosion that occurs
Compounds = Senyawa
Definition, a single substance that can be broken down into two or more simpler
substances by chemical means
Utilizes = Memanfaatkan
Definition, make something useful (use and so on)
Sculptures = patung
Definition, imitation of the shape of people, animals, or the like made by carving out of
stone, wood
Purchasing = Pembelian
Definition, procurement of goods or services for consumption purposes
Consider = Mempertimbangkan
Definition, think carefully to determine (decide and so on)
Jewelry = Perhiasan
Definition, an object used to make up or beautify oneself

6. I don't find it difficult to find the meaning/definition, because I use a dictionary or


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