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According to the Organizational Perception Management System, organizations can use different
design tools and techniques critically monitored by managers and managers (Glen, et. al, 2015). I
analyzed the fact that managers and executives are twice as likely to use their own thinking and
methodology to involve new innovations and commercialization in the business. I've found
different design and design tools those managers and managers apply to regulations and actions
such as the bulletin board to map the idea and reflect the idea of visualizing it. The freehand
mode is also a style to create a creative collaboration and we can also prepare the presentation of
the design to get feedback, coggle is a smart tool to share ideas on a single screen and make the
idea practical, etc. Based on these comments based on these tools and procedures, effective
design works (Glen, et. al, 2015).

Glen, R., Suciu, C., Baughn, C.C. & Anson, R. (2015) 'Teaching design thinking in business
schools', The International Journal of Management Education, Vol. 13 No. 2, pp. 182-192.

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