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Name : Hardianti Yahya

Nim : B1F119041

Majors: D3 Cardiovascular Techniques

Stroke frees a new disease, issued is a health problem that has long been recognized in the medical
world is not finished now stroke is still a serious health problem and can not be reduced significantly

In Indonesia stroke is the number three disease that kills the heart and cancer. An estimated 500,000
residents are estimated to have a stroke. Of this amount, one third can recover, another third refine
mild functionality to the remaining third to refine heavy functional complexity.

Stroke is a syndrome that changes with symptoms and or clinical signs that develop rapidly which is a
functional brain or global disorder that lasts more than 24 hours (including surgical intervention or bring
death) that is not caused by causes other than diseases caused by vessels

Risk factor

A. risk factors that can be achieved

hypertension, diabetes mellitus, heart disease ,. cursory ischemic attacks (TIA), alcohol, smoking

and lay another

b. modifiable risk factors

Factors included in this category are age, sex, ethnicity and heredity


Strokes can be divided into two main categories, namely hemorrhagic or hemorrhagic strokes and
cranial hemorrhagic strokes that are closed contain a lot of blood, whereas in ischemic strokes are
separated from blood in an area of the brain (oxygen and nutrients needed to be fulfilled).

The clinical course of patients with stroke infarction will be proportional to the rate of return of blood to
the brain tissue. This clinical journey will be able to classify the cerebral into 4 namely:

A. Transient ischemic attack (TIA)

b. reversible ischemic neurological deficit (RIND)

c. stroke in evolutiont

d. complete stroke is not hemorrhagic

hemorrhagic stroke is also divided into two based on the location of the attack, namely intracerebral
hemorrhagic stroke and subarachnoid hemorrhagic stroke

a. ischemic stroke: disease of large blood vessels (embolism of the arteries), emboli of the arteries to the
heart, disease of small blood vessels (lakuner infarction) rare causes, such as venous infarction,
vasculopathy, use of certain drugs, migraine, etc.

b. hemorrhagic stroke: primary intraserbral and subarachnoid hemorrhagic

clinical picture

stroke with any pathological type and any risk factor will cause neurological deficits in these patients.
The signs and symptoms caused by the presence of a stroke are acute, namely in the form of; motor
hemidfisit, sensory hemidfisit, decreased consciousness, paralysis of the facial nerve of the brain and
central hypoglossus, impaired sublime functions such as difficulty speaking (aphasia) and impaired
intellectual function (dementia), half-blind visual field (hemianopsia) and brainstem deficits, impaired
sublime functions such as difficulty speaking (aphasia) and impaired intellectual function (dementia),
half-blind visual field (hemianopsia) and brain stem deficits;

Pathophysiology: stroke can be - ischemic: caused by occlusion of thrombosis in the cerebrocasculer

blood supply (brain arteries) or emboli of the main arteries, e.g. Carotid. From 80-87% of all strokes

Hemorrhagic: rupture of weakened blood vessels or coagulation defects that cause bleeding into the
brain (intracerebral) or subarachnoid space. Blood accumulates and compresses surrounding brain
tissue making up 12-20% of all strokes

Pharmacological therapy strategies

Anticoagulant therapy

Thrombolytic Therapy

The main prevention of stroke: prevent stroke in patients who have no history

- Optimizing treatment for DM, hypertension, obesity and dyslipidemia

- behavior modification: cessation of tobacco / alcohol, physical activity, diet

Secondary stroke prevention: prevent recurrent strokes to reduce brain injury and disability

A. antiaggregants (aspirin, clopidogrel, mole dipyrida, ticlopidine long release) and anticoagulants
(apixaban, dabigatran, edoxaban, rivaroxaban, warfarin)
B. blood pressure lowering madica

C. Cessation of smoking, cholesterol-lowering drugs, carotid revascularization

D. diet


TIME IS BRAIN Permanent damage to brain tissue occurs very quickly and therefore minimizes the level
of disability after a stroke, treatment must begin as soon as possible

Simplified criteria for detecting stroke

There’s treatment if you act FAST

- FACE look uneven?

- ARM, one arm hanging down?

- SPEECH, slurred speech?




Keep maintaining your health because health is the relationship between you and your body

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