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The Rizal Law is a law that 

mandates all educational institutions in the Philippines to offer

courses about Life Works JOSE RIZAL .
Dominicans Friars, they belonged to the mendicant orders. Thus, like the Franciscans, they were barred
by their rules and vows of poverty to own earthly possessions. These friars were expected to live a life of
utmost personal poverty and simplicity.

But as what we know, history told us a different story. The Dominicans defied their vows of poverty and
simplicity by taking advantage of the booming agricultural sector of the Philippines at that time. The
assets that they owned, particularly the Hacienda de Calamba, were rented to the Tenants for a fixed
annual payment.

The problem was that the friars was bad in managing their business. They are notorious for having the
inability to not provide any receipt when tenants pay for their rent.

As years progressed, tenants began to complain because of rent increase despite the drop of sugar
prices. The Dominicans were also accused of unfixed irrigation systems, altered contracts, and
manipulated tax records.

So what happened to people who were victims of these immoral and unfair practices?

The tenants were unable to pay their rents and were evicted from the estate. The Dominicans will then
invite people from other towns as their replacement. Those who were persistent were expelled to remote
areas in the country and Rizal’s Family was one of them.

I think the Dominican friars were a bunch of hypocrites leeching money out of poor people using their
authority. This experience sure did influence Rizal when writing his novel el filibusterismo.

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