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Topic 1: Justice

The topic may revolve around the delay, untimely, failure, and or denial will lead to more unprogressive, unstable and intolerant society in terms of
politics. Timely, hard and rapid responsive courts in terms of military courts in promoting peace and stability.
Topic 2: Independence of Institutions
The topic may revolve around the independent truth-finding commissions, without it accountability is unachievable. Especially contemporary Socio-
Political prevailing issues.
Topic 3: Media
The topic may revolve around that the media is constructing wrong as right and right as wrong, shaping societies less tolerable and more aggressive.
Code of Ethics in journalism and duties or responsibilities of media. (Especially electronic and print)
Topic 4: United Nations
The topic may revolve around the success or failure of its charter and objectives. It may be Especially related to Security Council success and failure
or reforms in Security Council)
Topic 5: Education
The topic may revolve around the contribution of education and knowledge in enriching literature, medium of instructions in education system, role
of 18th amendment in promoting education. What is better form of education system?
Topic 6: Islam
The topic may revolve around Islam/Muslim world: challenges and opportunities. Women and Islam. Islam religion of peace and tolerance rather than
what has been projected by west. (Especially positive image of Islam in this contemporary challenging western propaganda oriented world)

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