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Michele Trizio

Associate Professor for Ancient and Medieval Greek Philosophy

Publications and Lectures


Critical Editions:
1. Editio Princeps del 'Liber qui vocatur Suda' di Roberto Grossatesta, in Studia
Graeco-Arabica 4 (2014): 145-190 (together with Tiziano Dorandi).
2. The Greek Commentaries on the Nicomachean Ethics in the Latin Translation of
Robert Grosseteste, Bishop of Lincoln (+1253): Anonymous and Michael of
Ephesus on book V; Eustratios of Nicaea on book VI (in preparation).

Books edited or co-edited:

1. Byzantine Theology and its Philosophical Background, ed. by A. Rigo in
collaboration with P. Ermilov and M. Trizio, Turnhout 2012.
2. Theologica Minora. The Minor Genres of Byzantine Theological Literature, ed.
by A. Rigo in collaboration with P. Ermilov and M. Trizio, Brepols, Turnhout
3. Vie per Bisanzio. Atti del VII Congresso nazionale dell'Associazione Italiana di
Studi Bizantini (Venezia, 25-28 novembre 2009), a cura di A. Babuin, A. Rigo e
Michele Trizio, Bari  2014.
4. Byzantine Hagiography: Texts, Themes & Projects, ed by A. Rigo in
collaboration with E. Despotakis and M. Trizio, Turnhout 2019.

1. Il neoplatonismo di Eustrazio di Nicea, Bari 2016.

Articles in peer-reviewed journals

1. A New Testimony on the Middle Platonist Gaius, in Greek Roman and Byzantine
Studies 54/1 (2014): 136-145.
2. Escaping through the Homeric Gates. John Italos' Neoplatonic Exegesis of
Odyssey 19.562-567 Between Synesius and Proclus, in Documenti e Studi sulla
Tradizione Filosofica Medievale 24 (2013): 69-83.
3. Ancient Physics in the Mid-Byzantine Period: The Epitome of Theodore of
Smyrna, Consul of the Philosophers Under Alexios I Komnenos (1081-1118), in
Bullettin de Philosophie Médiévale 54 (2012): 77-99.
4. Byzantine Philosophy as a Contemporary Historiographical Object, Recherches
de Theologie et Philosophie Médiévale 7.1 (2007): 247-294.
5. Philosophische Kommentare im Mittelalter, Erster Teil: I. Einführung—II., in
Sprachkreise, Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 32,2 (2007): 157-177 (with
D. Wirmer, G. Guldentops, A. Speer).
6. Philosophische Kommentare im Mittelalter, Zweiter Teil: III. Platonica—IV, 1-2
—Aristotelica arabica et byzantina, in Allgemeine Zeitschrift für
Philosophie 32,3 (2007): 259-290 (with D. Wirmer, G. Guldentops, A. Speer).
7. "Un uomo sapiente e Apostolico". Gregorio Palamas lettore del De Trinitate di
Agostino, in Quaestio 6 (2006): 131-189.
8. Eustratius of Nicaea on Absolute and Conditional Necessity. A Survey of
the Commentary on Book VI of the Nicomachean Ethics, in Archiv für
mittelalterliche Philosophie und Kultur 12 (2006): 35-63.
Articles in books and volumes
1. Neoplatonic Source-Material in Eustratios of Nicaea's Commentary on Book VI
of the Nicomachean Ethics, in C. Barber, D. Jenkins (eds.), Medieval Greek
Commentaries on the Nicomachean Ethics, Leiden 2009: 71-110.
2. Alcune osservazioni sulla ricezione bizantina del De Trinitate di Agostino, in:
A.Rigo and P. Ermilov (eds.), Byzantine Theologians. The Systematization of
their own Doctrine and their Perception of Foreign Doctrines, Rome 2009: 143-
3. »Qui fere in hoc sensu exponunt Aristotelem« Notes on the Byzantine Sources
of the Albertinian Notion of »Intellectus Possessus«, in: S. Bullido del Barrio,
L. Honnefelder und H.Moehle (hrsg.), Via Alberti Texte - Quellen –
Interpretationen, Subsidia Albertina 2, Münster 2009, 79-109.
4. Greek Philosophical Works Translated into Latin, in R. Pasnau (ed.), The
Cambridge History of Medieval Philosophy, Cambridge 2009: 798-801.
5. "Dissensio Philosophorum". Il disaccordo tra Platone e Aristotele nei
commenti filosofci di Eustrazio di Nicea († ca. 1120), in A. Palazzo, L’antichità
classica nel pensiero medievale. Atti del Convegno de la Società italiana per lo
studio del pensiero medievale (S.I.S.P.M.) Trento, 27-29 settembre 2010, Porto
6. "Una è la sapienza che pervade ogni cosa". La sapienza profana nell'opera
perduta di Barlaam Calabro, in A. Rigo/M. Trizio/P. Ermilov (eds.), Byzantine
Theology and Its Philosophical Background, Turnhout 2011: 108-139.
7. A Neoplatonic Refutation of Islam from the Time of the Komnenoi, in A. Speer
(ed.), 37. Kölner Mediaevistentagung 14.-17. September 2010: Knotenpunkt
Byzanz: Wissensformen und kulturelle Wechselbeziehungen, Berlin-New York
2012: 145-166.
8. On the Byzantine Fortune of Eustratios of Nicaea's Commentary on Books I and
VI of the Nicomachean Ethics, in K. Ierodiakonou - B. Bydén, The Many Faces
of Byzantine Philosophy, Athens 2012: 199-224.
9. Un ammiratore bizantino di Proclo: la dottrina dell’intelletto di Eustrazio di
Nicea, in A. Musco (ed.), Universalità della ragione: pluralità delle filosofie nel
Medioevo: 12. Congresso internazionale di filosofia medievale: Palermo, 17-22
settembre 2007, v. 3, Palermo 2012: 359-366.
10. Premessa, in: A. Rigo/A. Babuin/M. Trizio, Vie Per Bisanzio. VIII Congresso
Nazionale dell’Associazione Italiana di Studi Bizantini Venezia, 25-28
novembre 2009, Bari 2013: XI-XII (con A. Rigo e A. Babuin).
11. Eliodoro di Prusa e i commentatori greco-bizantini di Aristotele, in A. Rigo, A.
Babuin and M. Trizio, Vie per Bisanzio. Atti del VIII Congresso Nazionale
dell'Associazione Italiana di Studi Bizantini. Venezia, 25-28 novembre 2009,
Bari 2013: 803-830.
12. A Late-Antique Debate on Matter-Evil Revisited in Byzantium: John Italos and
his Quaestio 93, in G. van Riel, P. d'Hoine (eds.), Fate, Providence
and Moral Responsibility in Ancient, Medieval and Early Modern Thought.
Studies in Honour of Carlos Steel, Leuven 2014: 383-394.
13. Eleventh- to twelfth-century Byzantium, in S. Gersh (ed.), Interpreting Proclus
from Antiquity to the Renaissance, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
2014: 182-214.
14. From Anne Komnene to Dante: the Byzantine Roots of Western Debates on
Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, in J. Ziolkowski (ed.), Dante and the Greeks,
Cambridge MA 2014: 105-139.
15. The Waves of Passions and the Stillness of the Sea: Appropriating Neoplatonic
Imagery and Concept-Formation Theory in Middle Byzantine Commentaries on
Aristotle, in S. Mariev (ed.), Byzantine Perspectives on Neoplatonism,
Berlin/Boston 2017: 67-78.
16. Reading and Commenting on Aristotle, in A. Kaldellis & N. Siniossoglou (eds.),
The Cambridge Intellectual History of Byzantium, Cambridge 2017: 397-412. 
17. Trials of Philosophers and Theologians under the Komnenoi, in A. Kaldellis &
N. Siniossoglou (eds.), The Cambridge Intellectual History of Byzantium,
Cambridge 2017: 462-476.
18. The Byzantine Tradition on EN 6.5.1140b16-17, in J. Fink (ed.), Phantasia in
Aristotle's Ethics Reception in the Arabic, Greek, Hebrew and Latin Traditions,
Bloomsbury 2018: 65-77.
19. The Byzantine Reception of Aristotle's Parva Naturalia (and the Zoological
Works) in Eleventh- and Twelfth-century Byzantium: an Overview, in B. Bydén
and F. Radovic (eds), The Parva Naturalia in Greek, Arabic and Latin
Aristotelianism. Supplementing the Science of the Soul, Springer 2018: 155-168.
20. Socrates in Byzantium, in C. Moore (ed.), The Brill Companion to the Reception
of Socrates, Leiden 2019: 592-617.

Encyclopedia or Lexicon Entries

1. 'Barlaam von Kalabrien', in M. Gruenbart/A. Riehle (hrsg), Lexicon
Byzantinischer Authoren, Akademie Verlag (forthcoming).
2. 'Theodoros von Smyrna', in M. Gruenbart/A. Riehle (hrsg), Lexicon
Byzantinischer Authoren, Akademie Verlag (forthcoming).
3. 'Barlaam the Calabrian', in M. Sgarbi (ed.) Springer Encyclopedia of
Renaissance Philosophy, Springer 2017.

1. Metaphysica, sapientia, scientia divina: soggetto e statuto della filosofia prima
nel medioevo, in: Bullettin de Philosophie Médiévale 46 (2004): 226-255.
2. A. Fyrigos, Le Epistole Greche di Barlaam Calabro, Quaestio 5 (2005): 619-
3. A. Rigo, Mistici Bizantini, in Quaestio 9 (2009): 412-417.
4. Michael Attaleiates, The History, trans. Anthony Kaldellis & Dimitris
Krallis, Harvard University Press, Cambridge/Mass. 2012, in Bryn Mawr
Classical Review (02 june 2013:
5. Telelis, Ioannis, ed., Georgios Pachymeres, Philosophia, Book 3: In Aristotelis
de Caelo Commentary. Editio princeps. Prolegomena, Text, Indices. Athens
2016, The Medieval Review 18.05.21.
6. James Wilberding, Julia Trompeter, Alberto Rigolio (trans.), Michael of
Ephesus: On Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics 10; Themistius: On Virtue.
Ancient commentators on Aristotle, Bloomsbury 2019, in Bryn Mawr Classical
Review 2019.08.26.


1. Greek Commentaries on the Nicomachean Ethics, workshop del febbraio 2006

organizzato dall’Università di Notre Dame (Indiana). Lecture title: Neoplatonic
Source-material in Eustratios of Nicaea’s commentary on Book VI of the
Nicomachean Ethics.
2. International Conference Organized by the Société pour l’étude de la
philosophie médiévale (SIEPM), Universalità della ragione, pluralità delle
filosofie, Palermo, 20/09/2007. Lecture title: An Admirer of Proclus in Early
Twelfth Century Byzantium. Eustratius of Nicaea and the Reasons of his
Fortune in the Latin West.
3. Vie per Bisanzio, VIII Congresso Nazionale dell’Associazione italiana studi
bizantini, Venezia 25-28 novembre 2009. Lecture title: Alcune note sui lettori
bizantini di Eustrazio di Nicea. 
4. XIX congresso della Società Italiana per lo Studio del Pensiero Medievale
(SISPM), Trento 27-29 settembre 2010. Lecture title: Erudizione e filologia nei
commenti ad Aristotele di Eustrazio di Nicea (ca. †1120).
5. Knotenpunkt Byzanz: Wissensformen und kulturelle Wechselbeziehungen, 14.
bis 17. September 2010, Universität zu Köln, 37. Mediaevistentagung. Lecture
title: “The notion of intellectual freedom in 11th-12th century Byzantium”.
6. Dante and the Greeks, a symposium organized by Dumbarton Oaks Research
Library Collection in collaboration with the Dante Society of America, the
Lauro de Bosis Fund, Harvard University, the Committee on Medieval Studies
della Harvard University, and Istituto Italiano di Cultura (Italian Cultural
Institute) di Washington, DC, Washington DC, 01-03/10/2010. Lecture title:
From Anna Comnena to Dante: the Byzantine Roots of Western Debates on
Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics.
7. Aristotle's Ethics in the West and the Byzantine Commentary Tradition, a
seminar for specialist given at the University of Harvard  on april 11th 2012.
8. L’Etica Nicomachea: recezione tardo-antica, araba, bizantina e medievale,
Settimana di formazione Gral, Pisa 28-30/05/2012. Lecture title: Aristotle’s
Nicomachean Ethics in the West and the Byzantine Commentary Tradition.
9. Philosophie in Byzanz, I conference organized by the Arbeitskreis Ganph
devoted to philosophy in Byzantium, Bonn 19 aprile 2013. Lecture title: Ancient
Physics in the Mid-Byzantine Period. The Epitome of Theodore of Smyrna,
Consul of the Philosophers under Alexios I Komnenos (1081-1118).
10. Proclus in Byzantium, a workshop organized by the University of Notre Dame
(Indiana), London 31/05/2013/01/06/2013. Lecture title: “Proclus' Commentary
on Alcibiades I in the Greek Middle Ages.”
11. Aristoteles in Byzanz, II conference organized by the Arbeitskreis Ganph
devoted to philosophy in Byzantium, Bonn 04/04/2014. Lecture title:
“Hellenism a runaway slave”. Philosophy, Performance and Social Promotion in
11th-12th c. Byzantium.
12. The Reception of Aristotelian Ethics in Latin, Byzantine, Arabic and Hebrew
Traditions. From Antiquity to the Middle Ages, a workshop organized by the
University of Bern, Bern 20-21/11/2014. Lecture title: The impact of the
Byzantine commentary tradition on Western debates on the Nicomachean
13. Moral Agency and its Constraints, FIRB conference, Lecce 31/08-02/09/2015.
Lecture title: The Byzantine debate over the predetermination of the hour of
death: an overview and a case-study.
14. VIII Congresso Nazionale dell’Associazione italiana studi bizantini, Ravenna
22-25 settembre 2015. Lecture title: Gli scolii al “De interpretatione” attribuiti a
Michele di Efeso: un’indagine preliminare.
15. Phantasia in Aristotelian Ethics and its reception among Arabic, Greek and Latin
Aristotelians, Workshop del progetto Representation and Reality, Historical and
Contemporary Perceptions on the Aristotelian Tradition, dell’Università di
Goteborg, Goteborg 7-8 novembre 2015. Lecture title: The Byzantine Tradition
on EN 6.5.1040b17-18.
16. Le stelle, i regni, le credenze, le masse. Astrologia politica nel mediterraneo tra
Medioevo e Rinascimento, Bari 08-10/06/2016. Lecture title: The Precarious
Balance of Astrology in Byzantium.
17. Michael of Ephesus Commentator and Philosopher, Bochum 29-30 september
2016. Lecture title: Michael of Ephesus on De interpretatione.
18. Philosophy in Byzantium: The Order of Nature and Order of Humankind,
Munich 4-5 October 2017. Lecture Title: Robert Grosseteste, the Posterior
Analytics and Adam's Fall.
19. Preserving, Commenting, Adapting: Commentaries on Ancient Texts in
Twelfth-Century Byzantium, University of Silesia, Centre for Studies on
Byzantine Literature and Reception Katowice, 20-22 October 2017. Lecture
title: Unfolding Meanings, Forging Identities: Commentaries on Aristotle and
Authorial Practices in Twelfth-Century Byzantium.
20. Durham, 8 March 2018, Classics Department Research Seminar Series: Lecture
title: The Dark Sphinx from Stagira: Mediating, Interpreting, and
Contesting Aristotle in the Greek Middle Ages. 
21. University of Gent, HPIMS Autumn School for Medieval Philosophy: one
conference and two seminars.
22. Macquarie University Sydney, 9 november 2018, Workshop “Byzantine
Neoplatonism”, lecture title: “What counted as philosophy in Byzantium? In
search of the Neoplatonic tradition in the Greek Middle Ages”
23. Universität Jena, Interdisziplinäre Ringvorlesung, 02.05.2019. Lecture title:
Robert Grosseteste and his Commentary on Posterior Analytics: New Findings
on its Byzantine Sources and their Impact on Grosseteste's Epistemology

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