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I don’t view it as a divination tool, because when used properly you’re not

asking the universe for answers, but asking yourself. By reading a birth chart
you will naturally attach to the parts of it that mean something to you and the
way you compare it to your life gives you the words you need to understand
and communicate concepts that you wouldn’t be able to explain otherwise. It
makes the abstract more coherent, and allows people to discuss subjects like
personality in accurate terms.

Astrology is the largest database of terms used to describe the human

condition available. Psychology is a new study, but astrology was the study of
the mind before we knew what that meant. It is ancient knowledge, and when
viewed through the modern lens its contribution to understanding mental
health has never been more substantial.

• If Jupiter and Saturn (2 of the brightest lights on the night sky) were
particularly close when the floods hit, they'd remember that next year.
• If Mars was overhead when the neighbouring village attacked, they'd
remember that too.
• If a pack of hyenas attacked their village when a Lunar Eclipse was
occurring, they'd remember that

Over the generations, these kinds of recollections are passed down.

Astrology is a system of reflection and self analysis, a way to introspect on

your life, behaviors, values, and flaws. Having this visual shorthand lets your
brain see itself, clarifying the nebulous.

he only way the planets interact with day-to-day human life is the light that
they reflect from the Sun, appearing as beautiful, tiny lights on our night
sky. If anything, these little lights have guided the way for famous
oceanic explorers, inspired thousands of scientists and pioneers, and
sparked joy in everyone's hearts….

You wanna know who the early astrologers were? They were scientists. You
may have heard of some of them in your maths or science classes, albeit
nobody will tell you they were astrologers (just too embarassing in our
modern world).

I understand that you have no interest in learning about any of this, and
you're just here to try to civilise the savages. Again - you don't like astrology,
that's fine. But why try to convince other people that astrology is wrong or
bad, especially when you have no knowledge of the subject?

"Astronomy" in brief is "the study of all celestial bodies" including the study of
their composition, movement, and behaviour.

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