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Literature review of electric vehicle

consumer awareness and outreach activities
Authors: Lingzhi Jin, Peter Slowik
Date: March 21, 2017
Keywords: Electric vehicles; consumer awareness; international

I. Introduction Governments at national and local and discusses the importance of

levels, automobile manufacturers and consumer awareness, catalogue the
Governments around the world are
dealers, electric utilities, and other range of awareness and outreach
implementing policies to promote
groups are engaged in many activities activities in place in key electric vehicle
electric vehicles to reduce dependence
to help overcome barriers to consumer markets, identify exemplary actions
on oil, decrease greenhouse gas
awareness about electric vehicles. in leading electric vehicle markets,
emissions, and improve air quality. These communication efforts include and provide additional discussion for
In the past few years, annual global developing print and online infor- several case studies.
electric vehicle sales have been firmly mation and tools, organizing public
on the upswing, from just hundreds events and workshops, increasing The information in this report comes
in 2010 to over 500,000 in 2015 and exposure to electric vehicles from fleet from governments’ and nongov-
over 750,000 in 2016. The cumulative and carsharing services, developing ernmental organizations’ websites,
global market reached the milestone of a c t i o n p l a n s fo r e l e c t r i c ve h i c l e p u b l i s h e d re s e a rc h , re p o r t s a n d
1 million electric vehicles in September readiness, executing highly visible surveys, online news articles and blogs,
2015, and from there quickly grew to 2 technology demonstration projects, and websites for specific programs/
million in January 2017. conducting social media marketing actions. Section II reviews the
campaigns, and more. These actions literature that has focused on identi-
The early market growth for electric
are essential because many pro- fying and determining the importance
vehicles continues, but a number
spective consumers generally lack of consumer awareness. Section III
of barriers prevent their more
strong understanding of what electric discusses exemplary actions in leading
widespread uptake. These barriers
vehicles are, what benefits they offer, electric vehicle markets. Section IV
include the additional cost of the new
the models that are available, and the offers additional discussion of five case
technology, the relative convenience
associated incentives. studies to provide further details on
of the technology considering range
some of the more mature consumer-
and charge times, and consumer This paper reviews global practices on
oriented electric vehicle campaigns.
understanding about the availabil- electric vehicle consumer awareness
ity and viability of the technology. activities in order to explore actions
This last point, typically referred to that governments can take to foster II. Background on
as “consumer awareness,” is crucial. growth of the market and understand electric vehicle consumer
The development of electric vehicle how to better implement such
markets is fundamentally tied to pro- campaigns. It summarizes practices in
awareness activities
spective consumers’ general awareness consumer education, awareness, and This section reviews the research
and understanding of the potential outreach regarding electric vehicles. literature related to the importance
benefits of electric vehicles. We examine literature that identifies of consumer awareness activities in

Acknowledgements: This work is conducted for the International Zero-Emission Vehicle Alliance and is supported by its members. Members of the
International Zero Emission Vehicle Alliance provided key inputs on electric vehicle activities and campaigns. Nic Lutsey supported and reviewed the research.



encouraging the adoption of electric could only name either the Nissan (e.g. Kurani et al., 2016; Gyimesi &
vehicles. Based on the literature, Leaf or Tesla Model S, indicating low Viswanathan, 2011; CFA, 2015). Other
we identify specific actions imple- awareness about the diversity of reports compare consumer perception
mented around the world to promote available models. before and after a test drive or a longer
consumer awareness and understand- trial period (Kannstatter & Meerschiff,
ing. Finally, this section provides Consumers who have exposure to 2015; Bunce, 2013). Overall, these
an initial catalogue of the various electric vehicles are more likely to studies show that general consumer
outreach activities that are in place in value them more highly and consider awareness of electric vehicles is
leading electric vehicle markets. them as a choice for future purchases relatively low, and this includes lack
(Kurani et al., 2016; Larson, 2014; of familiarity with the new technology,
Gyimesi & Viswanathan, 2011). A survey l a c k o f k n ow l e d g e o f ava i l a b l e
IMPORTANCE OF CONSUMER by Consumer Federation of America incentives and models, and mispercep-
AWARENESS (CFA, 2015) revealed that greater tion about the potential savings from
Several studies have found that there consumer knowledge about electric lower fuel and maintenance costs.
is a general lack of knowledge and vehicles and their desire to purchase In general, consumers with greater
awareness about electric vehicles. one are correlated. However, only 21% knowledge or experience are more
For example, less than half of U.S. of the respondents said they know a likely to value electric vehicles higher,
consumers are able to name a specific “fair amount” about electric vehicles, consider electric vehicles as a future
plug-in electric vehicle make and and far fewer reported knowing a purchase option, and be willing to pay
model (Singer, 2015), and less than 35% “great deal” about them. In a paper a premium for the technology.
of California households are aware of examining e-mobility in Stuttgart,
incentives offered for the purchase of Germany, Reiner & Haas (2015) note
electric vehicles (Kurani & Tal, 2014). In that as people have more experience
a survey of 21 U.S. cities (Krause, 2013), driving an electric vehicle, they show
about two-thirds of the respondents more favorable attitudes towards
had misunderstandings about the e-mobility. A study by Kannstatter & A wide variety of activities are in
basic characteristics of plug-in electric Meerschiff (2015) in Europe found that practice that help to reduce consumer
vehicles, and about 95% of them were 71% of participants expressed interest barriers related to understanding
not aware of available incentives. in considering an imminent purchase and awareness of electric vehicles.
An IBM consumer survey (Gyimesi & of an electric vehicle after a test drive. Table 2 provides a list of studies that
Viswanathan, 2011) similarly found that In another study (Bunce et al., 2014), help to highlight various aspects of
45% of the surveyed drivers had little to the number of drivers who were willing electric-drive vehicles, their infra-
no understanding of electric vehicles. to pay a premium for a more environ- structure, and the actions being taken
mentally friendly vehicle jumped from to increase consumer understand-
Federal incentives in the United 51% to 74% after exposure to the Ultra ing and awareness. Governments
States amount to up to $7,500 per Low Carbon Vehicle campaign in the at national and local levels, as well
electric vehicle, and additional state United Kingdom. as other stakeholder groups, have
incentives typically amount to more carried out a suite of consumer
than $2,000. These, and similarly sub- Table 1 summarizes literature that outreach actions. Electric vehicle
stantial incentives globally (see Yang et identifies the importance of consumer outreach activities include initiatives
al., 2016), are meant to overcome the awareness for electric vehicles. The by nonprofit groups, city and state
critical cost barrier to electric vehicles. literature include results from surveys, government agencies, automakers,
The U.S.-focused Kurani et al. (2016) interviews, trials, and synthesis reports and charge provider companies that
study found that only 49% of California from various other programs. Some organize public-private partnerships
new-car buyers were aware of the of the research gives a cross-sec- and ride-and-drive events. The focus
federal tax incentive, and only about tional/snapshot view of consumers’ of other outreach and awareness
33% were aware of California’s state- knowledge of electric vehicles (e.g., a c t i v i t i e s te n d s to d i f fe r a c ro ss
level incentive. Nationwide, only 44% Singer, 2015). Other work connects markets as a result of local context
of people were aware of the federal tax co n s u m e r awa re n e ss o f e l e c t r i c and priorities for each activity. For
incentive. Of the consumers who could vehicles to their evaluation of the example, Empire Clean Cities of New
correctly name any plug-in electric vehicles and how likely they are to York developed a targeted outreach
vehicle model, 95% of the respondents consider them as a purchase option campaign for local commercial vehicle



Table 1. Overview of studies evaluating the importance of consumer awareness

Author Year Region Title Description

• Investigation of whether visibility of public chargers has an impact on PEV
Is awareness of public demand.
charging associated with
Bailey et al. 2015 Canada • There is no significant relationship between perceived existence of one charging
consumer interest in
plug-in electric vehicles? station and PEV interest, however there is a weak yet significant relationship
between perceived existence of multiple charging stations and PEV interest.
Charge up then charge • Questionnaires and interviews to assess drivers’ attitudes and experiences
out? Drivers’ perceptions driving an EV before and after a three-month trial.
Bunce et al. 2014 U.K. and experiences of • Before a three-month trial, 51% of drivers were willing to pay more for a less
electric vehicles in environmentally damaging vehicle. After the trial, 74% of drivers expressed
the U.K. willingness.
• Interviews with automakers and dealers, and analysis on customer satisfaction
New car dealers and data.
retail innovation in • Overall, consumer experience at dealerships is much better for conventional
Cahill et al. 2014 California
California’s plug-in vehicle buyers than PEV buyers. Introducing new methods for educating and
electric vehicle market scaling dealer competence regarding electric vehicles could greatly improve the
consumer experience.
• Second annual electric vehicle survey by Consumer Federation of America
New data shows shows consumer interest in the technology is growing.
consumer interest in
CFA 2016 U.S. • Electric vehicle model availability is increasing while prices continue to drop.
electric vehicles is
growing • Electric vehicle sales are outpacing hybrid vehicle sales in their respective years
of market introduction.
• Survey by Consumer Federation of America that shows how knowledge affects
Knowledge affects consumer interest in EVs.
consumer interest in • Clear and significant correlation between EV knowledge and positive attitudes
CFA 2015 U.S.
EVs, new EVs guide to towards the technology. Positive attitudes and a willingness to purchase them
address info gap are also correlated. For consumers that were more knowledgeable, there was a
significant correlation between understanding and purchase desire.
Edwards, PEV marketing to • Three Plug-in Electric Vehicle Collaborative meeting presentations.
Turrentine & 2016 U.S. consumers: What’s • Discusses challenges and opportunities in EV market development, especially on
White missing? consumer awareness and acceptance.
Barriers to widespread • Survey that samples technology enthusiasts to determine attitudes toward EVs.
adoption of electric
Egbue & • Consumer attitudes and uncertainty regarding EV battery technology and
2012 U.S. vehicles: An analysis of
Long sustainability of fuel sources may be a barrier to widespread adoption; this
consumer attitudes and
perceptions uncertainty may stem from lack of understanding and familiarity.

• Interviews with executives from auto companies and survey of consumers to

understand their attitudes towards EVs.
Gyimesi & The shift to electric • 45% of the drivers they surveyed have little to no understanding of EVs.
2011 U.S.
Viswanathan vehicles • Consumers with better understanding are generally more willing to pay a
premium for the technology. Nevertheless, even well informed consumers are
sometimes unaware of the lifetime fuel savings that EVs offer.
• Survey analysis examines consumer knowledge of PEVs and current public
Perception and reality: policies.
Public knowledge of • Most survey respondents were misinformed regarding basic PEV characteristics.
Krause et al. 2013 U.S.
plug-in vehicles in 21 Nearly 95% of respondents were unaware of state and local policies.
U.S. cities Misperceptions regarding potential fuel and maintenance cost savings can
notably hinder PEV interest.
• Survey analysis on PHEV market penetration to reveal quantitative patterns and
Analysis of a consumer • Advertising up-front incentives may be more effective than advertising long-
Krupa et al. 2014 U.S. survey on plug-in hybrid term fuel savings
electric vehicles • Targeting advertising and marketing towards progressive and environmentally
concerned citizens may be more effective than those for a general audience
• Displaying EV fuel savings in gallons, rather than dollars, may be more persuasive

continued on next page



Author Year Region Title Description

Learning from • A trial was carried out followed by interviews and surveys to reveal consumer
consumers: PHEV behaviours.
demonstration and • Major themes included driving behaviour, recharging habits and etiquette,
Kurani et al. 2009 U.S.
consumer education, confusion about PHEVs and their operation, and potential cost savings. The trial
outreach, and market identified that drivers accrue information and develop complex ideas about the
research program technology and its possible impact on lifestyle.
• Online survey and interviews to measure buyers’ awareness of EVs and
understand their decision making.
• Addressing broader consumer awareness is the first step to expand the ZEV
New car buyers’ valuation
market. Just 49% of survey respondents were aware of federal incentives; 33% of
Kurani et al. 2016 U.S. of zero-emission vehicles:
respondents were aware of the CA state incentive. EV model recognition has not
spread beyond early models.
• Individuals with greater familiarity and experience with EVs are more likely to
value ZEVs higher.
Consumer attitudes • A survey of consumer attitudes was carried out and results were analysed.
about electric cars:
Larson et al. 2014 Canada • Individuals with greater familiarity and experience with EVs are more likely to
Pricing analysis and
policy implications value the vehicles higher and consider them in future purchases.

• A comprehensive report addressing different aspects of EVs, including

National Overcoming barriers to technologies, customer purchase & market development, incentives,
Research 2015 U.S. the deployment of infrastructure, and implications for the electricity sector.
Council plug-in electric vehicles • A primary barrier to PEV widespread adoption is lack of awareness and
knowledge regarding available models and incentives.
Advances in consumer
• Identifies drivers for and barriers hindering adoption of plug-in electric vehicles.
electric vehicle adoption
Rezvani et al. 2015 Multiple Includes an overview of previous perspectives used to evaluate consumer
research: A review and
purchase desire and electric vehicle adoption behaviour.
research agenda
Consumer views on • Survey and findings that cover consumer awareness, attitudes, and purchase
plug-in electric vehicles behavior regarding plug-in EVs.
Singer, M. 2016 U.S.
- National benchmark • Fewer than 50% of survey respondents were able to name a plug-in electric
report vehicle make and model.
The Norwegian electric • Applies a technological innovation system framework consisting of seven
vehicle market: A indicators to examine Norway.
Vergis et al. 2014 Norway
technological innovation • Since the 1990s, durable political support, as well as strong BEV-enthusiast
systems analysis groups, has contributed to broader consumer awareness in Norway.
• Analysis on full range of social, economic, and policy factors influencing
Understanding variations statewide PEV sales for all 50 states.
Vergis et al. 2014 U.S. in U.S. plug-in electric • Although a number of factors are statistically correlated with EV uptake, a
vehicle markets broader combination of social and economic factors, as well as policy action, are
needed for widespread adoption.
Electric vehicle
consumer survey: • Web-based survey and analysis of results to understand consumer attitudes
Consumer attitudes, toward BEVs and PHEVs.
Vyas & Hurst 2013 U.S. opinions, and • Fewer than 50% of survey respondents were familiar with the Chevrolet Volt,
preferences for electric compared to 31% with the Nissan Leaf, and below 25% for Tesla Model S, Ford
vehicles and EV C-Max Energi, and BMW i3.
charging stations
• Update on Canada’s progress in electrification of personal transportation.
2013, Transportation • Since 2013, the number of Canadian citizens who consider EVs a viable option
WWF Canada rEVolution: Electric has increased 50%. It is clear that greater outreach and awareness is needed:
2014 vehicle status update 92% of citizens believe there are limited public charging stations and 14% were
unaware that the vehicles can be plugged directly into a household outlet.
• Analyzes the results of a consumer survey from California electric vehicle
EV Consumer purchase rebate recipients.
Williams & Characteristics,
2016 California • Based on electric vehicle consumer data, the researchers identify who is
Johnson Awareness, Information
Channels & Motivations adopting the technology, what their main sources of information are, and the
motivations influencing their decision to select an electric vehicle.



fleets (NASEO, 2013). Their targets may have not had any prior exposure who participate in electricity demand
include Manhattan Beer Distributors, to or understanding of the technology. response (DR) programs. In Kyoto, a
Coca-Cola, and Walmart, all of which Several government outreach and project by the electric vehicle Charging
make short deliveries and have large awareness programs provide benefits Management Center uses email and
fleets. Such targeted programs can to both consumers and local utilities. navigation systems to send out DR
increase sales and exposure to the For example, efforts in Japan have messages to electric vehicle drivers,
public, while also providing hands-on promoted electric vehicle technology and rewards those who respond with
experience to drivers who otherwise by providing incentives for individuals shopping points (IEA, 2014).

Table 2. Overview of studies identifying electric vehicle awareness actions

Author Year Region Title Description

British Clean Energy Vehicle program phase
British Columbia 2015 Review of phase 1 of BC’s CEV program, which started in 2011.
Columbia 1 review
California 2015 California 2015 ZEV action plan An updated roadmap to CA’s ZEV goal.
Filho et al. E-Mobility in Europe: Trends and The book consists of a range of articles on e-mobility
2015 EU
(Editors) good practice development in Europe.
A guide to the lessons learned from DOE/C2ES report summarizing the work of a series of projects
Frades 2014 U.S. the Clean Cities Community Electric carried out by the awardee organizations and partnering
Vehicle Readiness projects coalitions.
2012, Identify actions and best practices in key cities around the
IEA Multiple EV city casebook
2014 world.

IEA 2016 Multiple Global EV Outlook 2016 A global look at EV and EVSE deployment.
Factors affecting the electric vehicle
Summary of policies and innovative actions as well as analysis in
Li et al. 2015 Multiple demonstration: 14 international cities/
14 selected cities/regions.
regions cases
A comparative analysis of electric- Compares policy landscapes in Germany and California, and
Lutsey et al. 2015a Multiple
drive policy in Germany and California identifies the most critical factors in deployment.
Assessment of leading electric vehicle Identifies actions being taken by state and local governments
Lutsey et al. 2015b U.S. promotion activities in United States and public utilities to facilitate electric vehicle deployment in the
cities 25 largest U.S. metro areas, as well as city-specific analysis.
Identifies actions being taken by state and local governments
Sustaining electric vehicle market
Lutsey et al. 2016 U.S. and public utilities to facilitate electric vehicle deployment in the
growth in U.S. cities
50 largest U.S. metro areas, as well as city-specific analysis.
State strategies for electric vehicle
Explores perspectives from stakeholders, strategies for
NASEO 2013 U.S. deployment: Outreach and education
increasing EV deployment and lessons learned in outreach.
The promotion of electric vehicles in PEV promotion landscape and where improvements need to be
Plug In America 2015a U.S.
the United States made in different areas.
Leading edge of electric vehicle Compares leading electric vehicle markets in California and
Searle et al. 2016 California market development in the United identifies consumer awareness and other policies in place in
States: An analysis of California cities markets where electric vehicle uptake is high.
Comparison of leading electric vehicle Investigation and analysis of incentives for EVs in the five largest
Tietge et al. 2016 EU
policy and deployment in Europe EV markets in Europe.
EV policy compared: An international
Van der Steen Presents and analyzes findings from a research project on eight
2015 Multiple comparison of governments’ policy
et al. European countries and California.
strategy towards e-mobility
Plug-in electric vehicles: A case study Case studies of Norway, Netherlands, California, U.S., Japan,
Vergis et al. 2014 Multiple
of seven markets France and Germany.
City readiness system assessment of Analysis and model to assess the city readiness of electric
Wang & Liu 2015 China
electric vehicle adoption in China vehicle adoption in demonstration cities.
The cross-state action plan provides a broad overview of the
ZEV Program
current status of the ZEV market, determines priorities for
Implementation 2014 8 U.S. states Multi-state ZEV action plan
government action, and proposes a research agenda and key
Task Force partnerships.



Table 3 provides an initial catalogue of not necessarily all government initiatives. location, incentives, and model avail-
the different actions in select electric In the following sections, we categorize ability. Most markets analyzed here have
vehicle markets. The markets have been and discuss the wide range of outreach some combination of online electric
selected here because they are leaders and awareness actions that are currently vehicle-related resources that address
in electric vehicle sales and uptake being implemented around the world. most of these potential information
(e.g., see Tietge et al., 2016; Slowik and Examples within each category are needs. For example, electric vehicle
Lutsey, 2016; Lutsey et al., 2016). We provided. As indicated above, all of the informational materials are available on
note that, although the exact actions actions described below help to address websites in Norway (Elbil, 2016), the
can differ greatly by scale and details, and overcome key consumer barriers Netherlands (Nederland Elektrisch,
we have attempted to capture the related to awareness and understanding 2016), British Columbia (Plug in BC,
major categories for actions underway of electric vehicle technology. 2016), Québec (Hydro-Québec, 2016a;
in the various markets. These actions AVEQ, 2016; CAA, 2016), and many
occur at different scales, from national others. Some regions have a dedicated
campaigns to activities within small
INFORMATION AND TOOLS one-stop-shop for most of the informa-
vehicle-enthusiast clubs. The noted We identify five distinct elements of tion that consumers need, e.g. the United
actions in the table had a significant electric vehicle awareness that relate to Kingdom’s Go Ultra Low website (Go
level of exposure and affected more than information and tools: general informa- Ultra Low, 2016), while the information
a small group of people, but they were tion, cost comparison, public charger can be more dispersed in other regions.

Table 3. Electric vehicle consumer awareness and education actions

Public Regional

Consumer awareness campaigns

Auto dealer awareness activities

Consistent Signage and labeling

Information and tools events Exposure to EVs from fleets planning

professional development

Awards and recognitions

Public charger location

Carsharing/Rental cars

Demonstration projects
Action plan/Initiative
General information

Youth education and

Model availability

Government fleet
Cost comparison

Ride and drive

Company cars
EV showcase

Public fleet



Germany X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

Netherlands X X X X X X X X X X X X X

Norway X X X X X X X X X X X


California X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

Oregon X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

U.S. States

Québec X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

Beijing X X X X X

Shanghai X X X X X X X



Websites tend to differ in terms of how to experience electric vehicles. In fact, demonstration projects for the new
much information is provided, how one survey suggests that first-hand technology. Examples are California’s
consumer-oriented the information is, experience shared by electric vehicle ZEV action plan (California, 2016),
and how easy it is to locate information. experts is one of the most influential the Multi-State ZEV Action Plan (ZEV
sources of information (Williams & Program Implementation Task Force,
To identify the differences across Johnson, 2016). The ride-and-drive 2015), Oregon’s Electric Avenue dem-
regions’ informational materials, we events discussed here occur at least onstration (Halvorson, 2015), Québec’s
provide more details on electric vehicle once a year. Examples are California’s Transportation Electrification Action
cost comparison tools. The results of Experience Electric campaign (CSE, Plan 2015-2020 (Québec Ministry of
a survey in California of recipients of 2016) and Best.Ride.EVer! ride-and-drive Transportation, Sustainable Mobility
electric vehicle purchase rebates indicate series; National Test Drive Day in the and Transport Electrification, 2016a),
that fuel cost savings are the primary Netherlands (Tietge et al., 2016); Mass Germany’s Electromobility Model
motivation for selecting an electric Drive Clean (Mass Drive Clean, 2016); Regions and Showcase Regions for
vehicle (Williams & Johnson, 2016). Branchez Vous in Québec (Branchez Electric Mobility, and China’s “Ten
Most of the regions provide simple cost Vous, 2016); the Regent Street Motor Cities and 1,000 New Energy Vehicles”
comparison information or tools to help Show in the United Kingdom; and project. Germany’s Showcase Regions
consumers understand the potential cost the Electric Vehicle Symposium and for Electric Mobility project has a
savings. Some of them only give com- Exhibition (EVS, 2016). Good examples budget of €180 million (about $202
parisons of upfront costs, while others of EV showcases are Oregon’s EV Fest million), which has been allocated to
also include operating costs such as fuel, (OEVA, 2016) and Shanghai’s EV Zone four regions from 2012-2016 to spark
servicing, and insurance. Some of them (EV Zone 2016a, b). public interest in electric mobility
present the information in tables (Go (Meyer, 2015). Québec’s 2015-2020
Ultra Low, 2016), while others provide action plan has a budget of more than
some degree of interactivity, allowing $420 million. Such overarching electric
users to input their own preferences, vehicle planning programs cover many
such as vehicle model and travel data Incorporation of electric vehicles into of the activities discussed below.
(Drive Clean, 2016). One of the more fleets both directly increases their use
sophisticated examples is Germany’s and provides prospective owners with
interactive online total cost of ownership increased exposure to the vehicles. All
calculator (Schaufenster elektromobili- the regions covered in Table 3 have
tat, 2016a), which shows different results incorporated electric vehicles into public Electric vehicles are an emerging
in tables and graphs in real time. and government fleets to some extent, technology that has not reached beyond
and there are also electric vehicles the “innovator” and “early adopter”
Another key piece of consumer informa- available in carsharing/rental services consumer categories in most markets.
tion is the location and availability of in these regions. Many companies in the The marketing of a new and different
public charging infrastructure. There markets discussed above are devoted technology presents challenges, and
are many charging availability maps to electrifying their fleets, either with the right messaging can be enormously
available, and related mobile applica- or without the support of government helpful in increasing public acceptance.
tions in Norway, Netherlands, the incentives. Few regions in this study The campaigns included here are
United States, and France that provide have seen major efforts to promote dedicated efforts that aim to raise
additional convenience. Key features of electric vehicles in tourism. Exceptions consumer awareness of electric vehicles.
mobile applications are to ensure a con- include the West Coast Green Highway Examples are United Kingdom’s Go
tinually updated network and to provide (West Coast Green Highway, 2016), Ultra Low campaign, British Columbia’s
real-time information about whether Oregon’s Plug and Pinot program Emotive campaign (Emotive, 2016), the
particular charge points are available (Plug and Pinot, 2016), and Canada’s E-mazing race in Canada (E-mazing,
for use. Okanagan Eco Wine Tour (Sun Country 2016), and social media marketing
Highway, 2016). actions in Vermont (U.S. DOE, 2016b)
and Québec (e.g., digital press and
PUBLIC EVENTS television advertisement in French).
Regularly occurring public events such REGIONAL PLANNING Initiatives from nonprofit and nongov-
as ride-and-drives and electric vehicle Most governments now have some ernmental organizations (NGOs), for
showcases are effective ways to draw form of action plans for electric example enthusiast clubs such as AVEQ
media attention and allow consumers vehicles, and most have associated (2016) in Québec, are notable for how



active they are on social platforms (e.g., sale. The development of the market indicating charging stations, access to
Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest) and their could gain from programs that educate, high-occupancy vehicle and bus lanes,
outreach to younger drivers. engage, and motivate dealerships and designated parking, etc.) at the national
their salespeople to support electric or international level are yet to emerge.
vehicle sales. Strategies for governments
include developing relationships with
dealer associations, holding workshops
Many regions have support for formal and training sessions with dealers, and Tourism-based outreach efforts can also
youth education and professional devel- offering awards and recognition. play a role in increasing awareness and
opment in their campaign, and some use of electric vehicles. As mentioned
universities/colleges offer dedicated Dealers are in the unique position of above, there are several examples
degrees/certificates in electric vehicle interfacing with customers, so dealer where electric vehicles are being
technology. For example, Germany’s actions can be critical in informing integrated within rental car and car-
Showcase Regions (Schaufenster consumers about electric vehicles. Cahill sharing fleets that target resort des-
Elektromobilitat, 2016b; Tietge et al., et al. (2014) and Lunetta & Coplon- tinations. In addition, electric vehicle
2016) provides support for education Newfield (2016) summarize some of promotion events at resort destinations
and training; British Columbia provides the experiences, and the difficulties, at help connect the new technology with
f u n d i n g f o r e l e c t r i c i a n t ra i n i n g the dealer-consumer level. As shown enjoyable driving experiences. The
(Government of British Columbia, 2016); by Reichmuth & Anair (2016), electric Oregon Tourism Commission (2016)
and Gateshead College and Sunderland vehicle availability can often be very low has developed Oregon Electric Byway
University in the United Kingdom across many markets, and this limited itineraries to support tourism in electric
offer a certificate/degree in electric model availability could be related to vehicles across with location of charging
vehicle-related technology. In addition, dealers’ level of effort. Better consumer infrastructure on popular attractions in
institutions such as the University of experiences at the dealership can the state, and facilitate electric vehicle
California-Davis provide extensive facilitate the sales of electric vehicles. rentals for tourism through private-
research and training for future leaders The Corporation of Québec Automobile sector partnerships. Another example
in the field of electric vehicles. Dealers operates a website that allows is South Korea’s Jeju Island, which is
prospective consumers to identify aiming to go all-electric by 2030 and is
dealerships that have particular electric making progress in greatly increasing
AWARDS AND RECOGNITIONS vehicle models available (La Corporation its electric vehicle fleet and charging
Governments and organizations present des concessionnaires d’automobiles infrastructure (Tweed, 2014).
various types of awards in recogni- du Québec, 2016). More information
tion of individuals, organizations, or on exemplary auto dealer awareness
businesses that play an important role activities is provided in Section III below.
in advancing electric mobility. These Other indirect consumer outreach
range from general awards for environ- actions may also be important for pro-
CONSISTENT SIGNAGE AND spective electric vehicle buyers. One
mental leadership to awards specific to
LABELING example is programs that are directed
electric mobility. For example, points
can be earned for Leadership in Energy Programs that establish consistent at electric vehicle leasing. Leasing an
and Environment Design (LEED) cer- signage and labeling for electric electric vehicle removes the risk of
tification, one of the most popular vehicle infrastructure can help increase uncertain resale value, battery degrada-
green building certification programs awareness and convenience, and is tion, and rapid technology updates for
used worldwide, through installing important to safety (Seisler, 2012). the consumer. Based on a 2013-2014
electric vehicle chargers and providing Consistent signage is needed for both survey (NRC, 2015), the electric vehicle
preferred parking for electric vehicles directional signs, which are used to leasing rate is significantly higher than
(U.S. Green Building Council, 2016). guide drivers to charging stations, that for conventional vehicles in the
and regulatory signs, which convey United States; 86% of Nissan Leaf drivers,
restrictions related to charging and 44% of Chevrolet Volt drivers, and 22% of
AUTO DEALER AWARENESS associated parking, such as time or conventional vehicle drivers are leasing
ACTIVITIES access limits. Several governments their vehicles. In the United Kingdom,
Dealer actions with relation to electric have been especially active in this the leasing companies are playing an
vehicles continue to receive more area. Although such developments important role for ultra-low emission
attention due to their importance in are underway, formal harmoniza- vehicles, with 4.7% of all new leased
marketing and at the ultimate point of tion of electric vehicle signage (e.g., cars registered in 2015 being plug-ins,



compared with just 1.1% across all new specifically targeting the potential our literature review across various
registrations (BVRLA, 2016). One study leasing market. categories (in Table 3). The major stake-
(Lamberth-Cocca, 2016) investigates holders are the primary implementers
several cases in European countries and of these actions, although many receive
indicates that mobility-as-a-service (e.g.,
III. Exemplary consumer
in-kind support or funding from other
carsharing) programs help to minimize awareness actions in collaborating entities.
the risk and cost for users and can help leading ZEV markets
spur electric mobility. Major incentive D i f f e re n t c a t e g o r i e s o f a c t i o n s
programs around the world recognize mentioned above often complement
the importance of leasing (Yang et al., each other to increase consumer Creating a one-stop shop for electric
2016), and it seems likely that consumer awareness. Table 4 shows some of the vehicle-related information and tools,
awareness campaigns might gain from examples of programs and actions from including basic information, model

Table 4. Exemplary actions from major ZEV markets

Category Sub-category Region stakeholder Program Description
Technology, National A comprehensive and easy-to-navigate website that gives
U.K. Go Ultra Low
cost government consumers everything that they need in one stop.
Infrastructure, National
Info and tools U.S. AFDC, Drive Clean Suite of information for EV consumers.
policy government
Policy, State
California Drive Clean Comprehensive information tailored for CA consumers.
incentives government
An annual event that aims to increase awareness of EVs. It
typically lasts for one week and has events all over the country.
National Drive Each event is led by local EV drivers and advocates and
Electric Week includes some combination of EV parades, ride-and-drives,
informational booths, and more. Individuals can also volunteer
Ride and drive to organize an event.
Annual multi-city campaign to demonstrate the benefits of
transportation electrification in Québec. The event includes
Public events NGO and Rendez-Vous
Québec consumer ride-and-drives, electric bicycles, sightseeing tours
government Branchés
in electric buses, keosks and panels from EV experts, and
The EV zone includes EV carsharing, an EV rental plan, a
service center that can import EVs without having to go
National, city EV Demonstration
EV showcase Shanghai through cumbersome customs procedures, a network of
government Zone
charging stations, data collection, and free EV test drives for
the public.
One example is Schiphol Airport, which has a fleet of e-buses
Electric buses and and taxis to shuttle passengers. Taxi Electric, the first fully
Netherlands Business
taxis electric taxi company, also has a fleet of electric cars that offer
transfer services to Schiphol.
Private fleets
Marketing in trade magazines, LinkedIn paid-for advertising,
organized fleet summit to educated fleet managers and
U.K. Business Companies
purchasers, launched “Go Ultra Low Companies” initiative to
celebrate leading businesses.
CA’s fleet is on track to exceed the goal that at least 10% of
California Executive order state fleet purchases of LDVs be zero emissions by 2015 and
25% by 2020.
Exposure Government
from fleets fleet Transportation
State Electrification The government has set a target to add 1,000 electric vehicles
government Action Plan 2015- to its fleet by 2020.
Carsharing/ Canada, Germany, Carsharing services operating with electric vehicle fleets in
Business Car2Go
Rental cars Netherlands, U.S. multiple cities in the world.

In 2015, 24% of new passenger cars sold in Norway were EVs.

Approximately 42% of new car registrations in Norway are
Company cars Norway Business Posten and others company cars (Tietge, 2016). For example, Norway’s postal
service, Posten, ordered 240 electric vehicles to add to its fleet
in 2015, which already has 900 electric vehicles.

continued on next page



Category Sub-category Region stakeholder Program Description
The Clean Cities program is a national network of more than
Action plan/ 100 local coalitions with the goal of reducing petroleum use.
Initiative/ The program provides funding and resources to support
U.S. and local Clean Cities
Exposure local projects. One of them is Electric Vehicle Community
Partnership government
in regional Readiness, of which Oregon and California are among the
planning awardees.
Electromobility Two programs that promote electric mobility in a number of
Demonstration National
Germany Model and regions, both of which combine government and industry
projects government
Showcase regions funding and expertise.
Consumer Go Ultra Low is a joint government and industry campaign
awareness NA U.K. Go Ultra Low which aims to increase EV market share by helping consumers
campaigns understand the benefits of EVs.
Gateshead College’s Skills Academy for Sustainable
Manufacturing and Innovation provides electric vehicle-
University, University college related training ranging from manufacture to maintenance.
and NA U.K.
college degree program Sunderland University is the first university in the United
Kingdom that offers a Master of Science in Low-Carbon
Vehicle Technology.
Award for furthering electric mobility by the state of Bavaria.
Awards and State
NA Baveria, Germany eCarTec Award It is awarded in four categories and endowed with €60,000
recognitions government
in total.
Auto dealer Electric Vehicle Canadian Electricity Association and Plug’n Drive, an electric
awareness NA Canada Dealership car advocacy group, awards dealerships that promote EVs;
activities Awards 2015 was their second year giving the award.
The departments of transportation in Washington, Oregon,
California, Oregon, State West Coast Green and California adopted a standardized symbol to identify
Consistent British Columbia government Highway publicly accessible electric vehicle charging stations along
signage and major roadways.
labeling The government of Québec has standardized signage and
Government Electric vehicle
NA Québec labeling for electric vehicle license plates, EV designated
of Québec pictogram
parking spaces, and EV access to HOV lanes.
State agency supports tourism in electric vehicles
Oregon Electric
Government across the state, with information, location of charging
Tourism N/A Oregon Byways EV
and business infrastructure at popular attractions, and partnerships to
Tourism Initiative
facilitate electric vehicles in rental fleets.

availability in a given area, incentives, offer comprehensive information that is hub for consumer experience, and a
cost comparison, and public charger consumer-oriented (i.e., compared with service center for electric vehicles.
locations, can be key for facilitating others that are more policy-focused). Easy access to this suite of facilities
consumer understanding. According Other state-sponsored campaigns with and services has made it valuable
to results of a survey of battery electric well-managed online informational in promoting electric vehicles and
vehicle owners in Norway (Figenbaum, electric vehicle resources include those raising consumer awareness. They are
2016), the most important sources by Connecticut and New York (see further discussed in the case study
of information for owners were the Connecticut Department of Energy below. Public events offer first-hand
Norwegian EV association, blogs, and Environmental Protection, 2016; experience with the technology and
media, dealers and friends, in that NYSERDA, 2016). can increase purchase desire. For
order. This shows that an effective example, about 15% of the participants
online information hub can aid the in the 2015 Best.Ride.EVer! ride-and-
diffusion of electric vehicles. Table 4 drive series in California purchased
includes three examples of one-stop National Drive Electric Week is an or leased a plug-in electric vehicle
shop websites for electric vehicle- annual event that continues to gain three to six months after attending a
related information. The websites, from popularity in the United States as ride-and-drive, and 94% shared their
the United Kingdom (Go Ultra Low, well as multiple other cities around experience with others (Paauwe, 2016).
2016), California (Drive Clean, 2016), the globe. The EV Zone in Shanghai Similarly, participants in the Drive
and the United States (AFDC, 2016), (EV Zone, 2016a,b) has served as a Electric Northern Colorado’s test drive
are supported by the government and combination of a testing ground, a campaign stated that they were more



likely to purchase an electric vehicle to draw news coverage and pique successful in advancing the develop-
after test drives (Freyschlag, 2016). greater understanding and interest ment of the sector. For example, more
Other notable state-sponsored ride- among the public. Carsharing or rental than 270 employers have committed
and-drive campaigns include those by car services that have sizable electric to providing charging at more than
Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Vermont, vehicle fleets and operate in multiple 600 workplaces, with more than 5500
and New York (see Mass Drive Clean, regions (e.g. Car2Go, Autolib), could installed or planned stations under
2016; Rhode Island Office of Energy have a greater impact on consumer the Workplace Charging Challenge
Resources, 2016; Vermont, 2016; New awareness, as they increase name rec- (Graham, 2016).
York, 2016). ognition and raise the daily visibility
of electric vehicles in the communities Germany has implemented electric
E l e c t r i c ve h i c l e s h owc a s e s a l s o they serve. vehicle demonstration projects through
contribute to overall awareness. Drive the Electromobility Model Regions
Oregon was the recipient of a recent The Go Ultra Low program in the and Showcase Regions for Electric
$1 million U.S. Department of Energy United Kingdom also aims to increase Mobility programs. Funded by both
grant to develop and launch a regional consumer awareness through exposure industry and the federal government,
electric vehicle showcase. Over the to fleets. The comprehensive fleet these programs are implemented and
three-year project, Drive Oregon will program includes paid marketing in operated at the local and regional level.
develop a permanent storefront to trade magazines and on LinkedIn, par- The Electromobility Model Regions
showcase electric vehicles as well ticipation at fleet events, and a Go Ultra program supports the research and
as a number of “pop-up” showcases Low organized fleet summit to educate development of more than 100 electric
throughout Oregon and Washington. fleet owners and purchasers about vehicle projects that aim to overcome
The program also includes showcases the benefits of electric vehicles. In barriers to making electric vehicles
of charging infrastructure, expert addition, the Go Ultra Low Companies appropriate for everyday use. Similarly,
staff on site, ride-and-drive events, a initiative highlights and acknowledges the Showcase Regions for Electric
multimedia marketing campaign, and businesses that have already adopted Mobility program funds approximately
partnerships with utilities and other electric vehicles in their fleets and fur- 90 projects and 300 activities that
stakeholders (Drive Oregon, 2016). A thermore plan to make 5% or more of aim to overcome technological and
number of Northeast U.S. states have their fleets electric by 2020 (Go Ultra social barriers to electric vehicle
showcased electric vehicles in recent Low Companies, 2016). uptake, including consumer awareness.
auto shows (e.g., Balestriere, 2016). Together these programs combine
Government officials in Connecticut more than €440 million in funding
and Massachusetts used such events as from the federal government and the
an opportunity to announce additional There are numerous examples of private sector over multiple years of
funding for their state purchase broader government commitments implementation. More information on
incentive programs (Hartford Courant, that are important in developing these programs can be found in Tietge
2015; Massachusetts Office of Energy electric vehicle roadmaps, along with et al., 2016.
and Environmental Affairs, 2016). demonstration projects in key areas,
which can engage and mobilize local
stakeholders in e-mobility. One such
EXPOSURE TO ELECTRIC example is the EV Everywhere program
VEHICLES FROM FLEETS by U.S. Department of Energy (U.S. Consumer awareness campaigns, when
A number of fleet activities provide DOE, 2016a), which is the umbrella accompanied with other promotions,
multiple benefits, including increasing effort to increase the adoption of can be powerful in increasing visibility
electric vehicle sales, usage, exposure, plug-in electric vehicles, including a of electric vehicles and prospective
and awareness. Larger electric vehicle range of campaigns such as Workplace consumers’ engagement. In a survey of
p u rc h a s e s by g ove r n m e n t s a n d Charging Challenge, the Clean Cities more than 2,000 potential car buyers
companies increase sales and usage network of local coalitions, the EV in Québec, 21% said they learned about
by drivers who otherwise may not have Community Readiness project, and the electric vehicles from social media (The
had any knowledge of, or previous Best.Ride.EVer! awareness campaign. Climate Group, 2013). The results of a
exposure to, electric vehicles. These These varied programs target different survey in Norway (Figenbaum, 2016)
purchases also serve broader public aspects to advance the uptake of illustrated the importance of a social
awareness objectives, as they are likely e l e ct ri c ve h icle s an d h ave be e n network: After owning electric vehicles



for just two years, 67% of owners state’s snowy winters (Drive Electric YOUTH EDUCATION AND
had inspired at least one friend or Vermont, 2015). Connecticut and PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT
family member to buy an electric New York have also produced videos
Education that provides some kind of
vehicle, and about 14% of owners to dispel some of the myths about
degree or certificate, and systematic
had inspired three or more friends electric vehicles and share some of
training that targets professionals, are
or family members to buy one. This their benefits; both are available on
essential to the sustainable growth
social network effect is especially YouTube (Connecticut Department of
of the electric vehicle industry. The
notable, as Norway is the only Energy and Environmental Protection,
p ro g ra m s a t G a te s h e a d Co l l e g e
national market, with more than 20% 2 0 1 5 ; N ew Yo r k D e p a r t m e n t o f
and Sunderland University in the
of new car sales being plug-in electric Environmental Conservation, 2016).
United Kingdom, cited earlier, are
vehicles, to reach a level of market High-profile challenges and contests
such examples. Gateshead College’s
penetration beyond early adopters are another form of raising public
S k i l l s Ac a d e m y f o r S u s t a i n a b l e
into the mainstream. awareness, such as the Formula E Manufacturing and Innovation
Championship (Formula E, 2016), and provides electric vehicle-related
Th e U n i t e d K i n g d o m ’s G o U l t ra the E-mazing race (E-mazing, 2016) training ranging from manufacture to
Low campaign is an example of a in Canada. maintenance. Sunderland University
successful multi-media campaign, and
is the first university in the United
it is discussed in greater detail in the Another ZEV consumer education and
Kingdom to offer a Master of Science
case study section below. Another awareness campaign stands out. In
in Low Carbon Vehicle Technology
key project that is underway in 2016, April 2016, the eight states that have
(IEA, 2012).
stemming from the U.S. Department signed a memorandum of understand-
of Energy Clean Cities initiative, is ing to promote zero-emission vehicles In Québec, the CEGEP Saint-Jérôme
the PHEV Demonstration Program (see Multi-State ZEV Task Force, and Rivière-du-Loup have set up
and Social Media Campaign. The 2016), along with the automotive programs to train the workforce in
grant awardee, ASG Renaissance, industry, established a public-private transportation electrification. Through
is partnering with Ford, the New partnership to develop and launch a training and education, the program
York Department of Transportation, multi-dimensional campaign that will aims to achieve a workforce capable of
M a ss a c h u s e t t s C l e a n C i t i e s , a n d engage consumers and familiarize meeting the current and future needs
several other Clean Cities coalitions to them with electric vehicle benefits of businesses operating in electromo-
implement the campaign. Total project and features. The campaign is rolling bility (CEGEP, 2016).
funding is over $900,000, with about out in two phases. The first phase,
half from U.S. DOE (Prebo, 2016). The which began in 2016, includes market
research to develop a campaign AWARDS AND RECOGNITIONS
campaign is focused on several key
Northeastern markets, and aims to st rate g y u n d e r d i f fe re n t b u d g e t Awards and recognitions to organiza-
promote electric vehicle uptake by scenarios. This strategy will outline tions or other entities complement
giving 60 to 70 social media influenc- creative concepts, target audiences, other electric vehicle promotion
ers extended test drives. During this and key messaging; identify appro- actions. One example of awards
period, they will share experiences priate channels and mix for target targeting electric mobility is the
with friends through blogs, Facebook, audiences; test key messages with annual eCarTec awards, presented
Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. target audiences in diverse markets; annually at the eCarTec Trade Fair for
and describe metrics for measuring Electric and Hybrid Mobility in Munich
A similar, but smaller effort in the U.S. success. During the planned (eCarTec, 2016). Awards are given in
is led by Drive Electric Vermont. The second phase, which is contingent four categories, with prizes of €15,000
social media program has a $5,000 on adequate funding, one or more for each. Another example is the 2016
annual budget and includes outreach firms would implement the strategy Prix Génie innovation award in Québec,
t h ro u g h Fa ce b o o k , Tw i t te r, a n d and launch the campaign. This will which was given to the Innovative
YouTube (U.S. DOE, 2016). Olympic include providing creative executions, Vehicle Institute for its contribution to
snowboarding gold medalist Ross a logo, media planning and procure- the development of the eLion electric
Powers, a Vermont native, starred in a ment, website creation and support, school bus (Ordre des ingénieurs
2015 video demonstrating the benefits and public relations and stakeholder du Québec, 2016). A more general
o f e l e c t r i c ve h i c l e s , eve n i n t h e engagement activities. program for environmental leadership



is the Vermont Governor’s Awards for AUTO DEALER AWARENESS for the program is held during a regular
Environmental Excellence (Department ACTIVITIES auto dealers meeting. CARA secures
of Environmental Conservation, 2016). extensive press coverage via its media
Au to d e a l e r s ’ a c t i v i t i e s to ra i s e
contacts, which increases exposure
In the United Kingdom, the Go Ultra electric vehicle awareness can include
and encourages broader participation
strategies for governments to support
Low campaign identifies and highlights (Multi-State ZEV Task Force, 2015).
dealers and the development of
companies that are incorporating
documentation for best practices for Another important activity in this
zero-emission vehicles in their fleets.
successful dealerships. For the first category is improving the dealership
A number of organizations, including
aspect, conducting conferences and experience for consumers. A detailed
Microsoft and the London Fire
workshops, such as the EV Roadmap assessment of manufacturers’
Brigade, are already adopting electric
Conference (EV Roadmap, 2016), is a marketing of electric vehicles is not
vehicles in their fleets and have been
common way for governments to com- available, but there are several resources
recognized by the government as “Go
municate with the dealers and discuss on dealers’ practices regarding electric
Ultra Low Companies.” In order to
possible strategies. As discussed above, vehicle promotion. Table 5 summarizes
be given this distinction, firms must
awards and recognition programs, if the related findings from several papers
pledge to make at least 5% of their
designed effectively, can be part of that were focused on the U.S. market.
fleet electric by 2020 (Go Ultra Low
the approach to motivating dealers. The literature indicates that dealer-
Companies, 2016).
One key factor is developing evaluation ships can improve their marketing of
metrics for the award. For example, electric vehicles by ensuring educated
Awards recognizing dealers who
the evaluation criteria of California’s and motivated salespeople, maintaining
actively promote electric vehicles are
Governor ’s Environmental and consistent and sufficient inventory of
growing in popularity. Two Vermont
Economic Leadership Awards includes electric vehicle models, using comple-
dealerships that invested significantly
not only the sales volume of zero- mentary and supportive displays, and
in promoting plug-in electric vehicles
emission vehicles, but also outreach developing recognition programs for
were recipients of the Governor ’s
and support to customers during and leading sales staff. One study (Lunetta
Awards for Environmental Excellence
after the sale, and efforts to create & Coplon-Newfield, 2016) shows
in 2014. Although Massachusetts does
a greener dealership (GEELA, 2016). that there is substantial room for
not have such an award program,
Similarly, Canada’s Electric Vehicle improvement among dealerships and
its rebate program website shows
Dealership Awards takes into account automakers. For example, the chance
statistics on retailers that sold the
sales, marketing efforts, community of not finding an electric vehicle at a
most electric vehicles in terms of
events and education, and onsite dealership more than doubles in ZEV
rebates received (MOR-EV Program,
promotion such as number of days with states outside California. When visiting
2016), which can have a similar moti- inventory, percentage of salesperson dealerships with electric vehicles on
vational effect on dealers. Examples trained to sell electric vehicles, visibility display, the salesperson failed to talk
of awards that target dealers are the of promotional materials and etc. (CEA, about tax incentives one-third of the
Annual Electric Vehicle Dealership 2016). Another approach is to involve time. In recognizing the importance of
Awards in Canada (Klippenstein, automobile associations, as well as engaging auto dealerships, the National
2015), the Automobile Dealer Zero other stakeholders, in the process to Automobile Dealers Association has
Emission Vehicle Promotion category encourage participation and maximize created “A Dealer Guide To Marketing
under the annual California Governor’s impact and publicity. For example, Electric Vehicles,” which includes
Environmental and Economic Canada’s award program is a collabora- critical information for educating and
Leadership Awards (CalEPA, 2016), tion of a nonprofit called Plug’n Drive, familiarizing sales staff with electric
and the Connecticut Revolutionary the Canadian Electricity Association, vehicle technology and the major
Dealer Award (Department of Energy the Canadian Automobile Association, federal policies and initiatives in place
and Environmental Protection, 2016). and other sponsors. Another example to promote it (NADA, 2015a).
Some of these programs have notable is the Connecticut Revolutionary Dealer
features, including developing partner- Award, which is a collaboration of the
ships with industry associations to gain state’s Department of Energy and
additional impact and widely publiciz- Environmental Protection (DEEP) and
ing the award to attract dealer par- the Connecticut Automotive Retailers Consistent signage and labeling can
ticipation and help gain media traction. Association (CARA). The kickoff event increase visibility of electric vehicles



Table 5. Studies related to dealer-level electric vehicle activities

Author Year Region Title Best practices

Need at least 10 electric vehicle models on site for sufficient selection, and
A dealership perspective: should have at least 20-30 during periods of peak demand.
Carney 2016 U.S. How we can sell millions of
EVs Having EVs displayed under a solar canopy with charging stations greatly
increases consumer interest.
Maintain an adequate selection of at least 10-15 PEVs during peak demand;
New Vehicle Dealerships and these cars should be in good condition, cleaned, charged and ready to drive.
Collantes et al. 2014 U.S. Plug-in Vehicles: Workshop Featuring PEVs alongside collateral products such as chargers and solar
Summary and Insights canopies helps associate PEVs with buyer values such as oil independence
and environmental friendliness.
Articulate to consumers the value of EV technology and incentives can be
one of the most effective tools to increase widespread EV adoption.
Engage in certification and training programs to ensure that salespeople
have the proper knowledge and enthusiasm about EVs, including charging
methods and state and federal rebates and tax credits.
Place vehicles in prominent locations, such as in a showroom, by the side of
REV UP Electric Vehicles:
Lunetta & the road, next to charging stations, or under special canopies.
Multi-State Study of the
Coplon- 2016 U.S.
Electric Vehicle Shopping Advertise EVs on dealer web site and in local media.
Provide website on when the EV expert(s) are available.
Work with local pro-EV groups to participate in test-ride events.
Help buyers in charging station networks.
Help prepare state incentive paperwork for customers at point of sale.
Recognize and reward high-performance EV sales staff.
A Dealer Guide to Marketing Have a suite of sales information and training programs to help dealership
NADA 2015a U.S.
Electric Vehicles staff with PEV marketing.
Marketing EVs hinges on a dealer’s ability to turn salespeople into “EV
Dealers Urged to Turn to
experts,” in order to make a customer feel confident about investing in a
NADA 2015b U.S. Salespeople to Win New EV
vehicle that may require them to think differently about commuting, long-
distance travel, service, financing, and even parking.
Electrifying the Vehicle
Market: Evaluating
Reichmuth & Improve the availability of EVs and the number of models available at
2016 U.S. Automaker Leaders and
Anair dealerships.
Laggards in the United
Place EVs and charging stations prominently at the front of the lot.
Charging Up: The Role of
Include creative placement of HOV lane incentive stickers on the cars and/or
States, Utilities, and the Auto
signs about rebates to remind consumers of the types of incentives available.
Industry in Dramatically
Rushlow et al. 2015 U.S.
Accelerating Electric Vehicle Five U.S. states offer some sort of incentive or recognition to dealerships that
Adoption in Northeast and sell electric vehicles; Connecticut offers dealers an incentive payment worth
Mid-Atlantic States 10% of the consumer rebate; Massachusetts tracks and displays online the
auto dealers that are selling high numbers of electric vehicles.
About 70-80% of electric vehicle purchasers in California received the
Leading edge of electric state rebate, with some companies and some electric vehicle models
vehicle market development lower or higher.
Searle et al. 2016 California
in the United States: An
analysis of California cities Not actively promoting the $1,500-$2,500 state rebate when marketing
electric vehicles could squander sales opportunities.

and make life easier for their drivers. In have been especially active in this symbol for electric vehicle charging
addition, consistent signage is needed area. For example, in response to that incorporates a representation of
to guide drivers to charging stations co n ce r n s ra i s e d by O re g o n , t h e an electrical cord rather than a fuel
and indicate any restrictions related to Federal Highway Administration issued pump and hose. This alternate symbol
charging and parking, such as time or an interim approval for the optional is used by the states of California,
access limits. A number of governments use of an alternative general service C o n n e c t i c u t , D e l a w a re , I l l i n o i s ,



Maryland, Minnesota, New Jersey, New IV. Case studies on and digital advertising, consumer
York, Oregon, Vermont, Virginia, and ex p e r i e n c e eve n t s , c o m m u n i t y -
consumer electric vehicle
Washington (U.S. DOT, 2016), following focused programs, and fleet-focused
a recommended action for its use by
programs press. The campaign has, at times, also
the Multi-State ZEV Task Force (ZEV This section provides additional featured sports stars and television
Program Implementation Task Force, discussion of five case studies that personalities who test-drive different
2015). The California Department of provide further detail about more electric vehicles and talk about their
Transportation also identifies standard- mature electric vehicle consumer-ori- experiences on social media and online
ized regulatory signs (e.g., parking and ented campaigns. The five case studies videos (Go Ultra Low, 2014).
standing signs) for plug-in electric presented here include a multi-faceted
public-private campaign in the United In 2016, the campaign budget was £4
vehicle stations in Traffic Operations
Kingdom; a U.S. campaign with dozens million, co-sponsored evenly between
Policy Directive 12-01. Germany has
of cities providing local and personal the government and the industry. The
developed official signs for electric
experiences to prospective new buyers; campaign has actively tracked various
vehicle parking spaces (Wirges, 2016).
an electric vehicle demonstration zone metrics to evaluate the impact. With
As the charging network continues
in Shanghai that provides a unique £2.5 million in media spending in 2016,
to expand with specialized options,
automaker, government, and consumer the campaign achieved a total of 93%
the signs may need to be updated to
experience; an assortment of actions in its reach metric (i.e., among target
include more technical information
in Amsterdam that together increase upper middle and middle class demo-
regarding those options.
the exposure and visibility of electric graphics) and a 21.9 in its opportunity
vehicles; and an exemplary provincial- to see metric (“OTS” is a measure of
TOURISM level program in Québec. In each case, how many times the target audience
we summarize how the campaigns is exposed to the campaign over
Initiatives that link electric vehicle
work, the key aspects of the program, its duration). In addition to media
awa re n e ss p ro g ra m s to to u r i s m
and the scale of activity. spending, there was a £250,000 budget
can also expand awareness beyond
for creative production; £670,000 for
ex i s t i n g u s e r s to n ew p o te n t i a l
public relations, social media, events,
consumers. The West Coast Green UNITED KINGDOM: GO ULTRA a n d p a r t n e r s h i p m a r ke t i n g ; a n d
Highway, a corridor between California, LOW NATIONAL CAMPAIGN £110,000 for research and evaluation.
Washington, Oregon, and British
The Go Ultra Low campaign is a col- The results from the 2016 campaign
Columbia, includes eco-tourism and
laborative effort between the United show that 51% of campaign recogniz-
wine country elements. The Oregon
Kingdom government and industry ers agreed the campaign changed the
Tourism Commission provides relevant
to increase public awareness of the way they think about electric vehicles,
information on available charging infra-
benefits, cost savings, and capabilities 53% said the campaign increased
structure along key tourist attraction
of electric vehicles. It brings together their interest in considering an electric
routes, and facilitates electric vehicle
the Government’s Office for Low vehicle the next time they buy a car, and
rentals through private-sector partner-
Emission Vehicles, the Society of Motor 66% took action to find out more about
ships (Oregon Tourism Commission,
Manufacturers and Traders, and eight electric vehicles, including spreading
2016). Other examples that incorporate
car manufacturers on a brand-agnostic the word to friends and searching for
electric vehicles and intelligent trans-
campaign designed to encourage more further information. These statistics
portation into the local tourism industry suggest that the campaign has been
drivers to go electric.
include resorts in Zermatt, Switzerland; successful in increasing uptake of
the Goto Islands in Nagasaki, Japan; the T h e p r o g r a m ’ s w e b s i t e ( w w w. ultra-low emission vehicles.
Hakone electric vehicle town project provides a one-stop
in Kanagawa, Japan (IEA, 2012, 2014); shop for information about owning The national media actions are part
and Jeju Island, South Korea (Tweed, a n d o p e ra t i n g e l e c t r i c ve h i c l e s , of a much broader overall effort that
2014). In 2015, New York partnered with including basic details on incentives, also engages cities across the United
private-sector stakeholders to study cost comparison, charger locations, Kingdom. The British government
the feasibility of supporting electric model availability, and information for has allocated more than £600 million
vehicle use in key tourist attractions in companies and fleets. The campaign between 2015-16 and 2020-21 to
the state (see NYSERDA, 2015). also includes national press, radio support uptake and manufacturing



of ULEVs in the country (Department grassroots level to bring the full range about 250 articles of news coverage in
for Transport, 2015). Earlier this year, of events to local communities. This 2015, and more than 400 articles in
eight cities were awarded a share of event continues to increase in scale 2016 (Plug In America, 2015b, 2016).
£40 million under the Go Ultra Low each year.
City Scheme to deliver innovative and National Drive Electric Week started
locally focused initiatives to encourage Each local event is led by electric in 2011 as National Plug-In Day and
uptake of electric vehicles (Department vehicle drivers from the area and expanded to an entire week of events
for Transport, 2016). One of the cities, advocates, and includes some com- due to its popularity. In 2011, there were
Milton Keynes, will receive £9 million bination of parades, ride-and-drives, events in 29 cities; in 2013, 100 events
tailgate parties, press conferences, took place across 34 states with over
to open an Electric Vehicle Experience
award ceremonies, informational 30,000 participants; in 2014, there were
Centre that will provide consumer
booths, and more. Most of the vehicles 152 events across 38 states, 5 Canadian
advice and offer short-term vehicle
displayed at showcases either belong provinces and 3 European countries,
loans. Bristol is receiving £7 million for
to local drivers or are put on display with over 95,000 participants; in 2015,
programs that include developing a
by dealerships or company corporate 196 events took place across 41 states,
scheme to encourage people to lease
offices. People have the chance to see 7 Canadian provinces, Hong Kong, and
a plug-in car for up to four weeks.
and experience the vehicles, talk to New Zealand, with more than 130,000
Nottinghamshire and Derby will use a
owners and dealer representatives, participants and 9,000-plus test rides.
portion of their £6 million to pay for a
and learn about driving experience, In 2016, there were 235 events across
new program letting local companies
range, pricing, and model availabil- 46 states, 8 Canadian provinces, Hong
“try before they buy.”
ity. Organizations or individuals can Kong, New Zealand, Denmark, Croatia,
It is difficult to draw a direct line also volunteer to organize an event and Italy (Plug In America, 2016).
between these efforts and electric More than 100 cities participated in
in their community; the Drive Electric
vehicle uptake, but the market in the the 2016 event, which took place from
Week website offers rich and detailed
United Kingdom has grown in step September 10-18.
resources on how to run local events.
with the Go Ultra Low campaign. The One city with particularly high partici-
campaign was launched in January Apart from the regular events, there
pant turnout is San Diego, where over
2014. Before that, electric vehicle are some special high-profile events
1,100 people attended and 165 electric
market share in the country was 0.11% each year, ranging from government
vehicles spanning across 24 models
in 2012 and 0.16% in 2013, with less than announcements of new electric vehi-
were available on display (National
3,600 electric vehicle sales per year. In cle-related projects to manufacturer
Drive Electric Week, 2016). National
2014, annual electric vehicle registra- product debuts to celebrity engage-
Drive Electric Week events have been
tions more than tripled to over 14,000, ments. For example, in 2015, National
linked to increased plug-in vehicle
and doubled again from there to over Drive Electric Week featured the debut
sales, which have jumped by as much
28,000 in 2015 (SMMT, 2016). of the 2016 Nissan Leaf and the Chevy
as 23% the month after the events
Bolt electric vehicle concept on the
(Plug In America, 2016). Many of the
West Coast. These vehicles were used
UNITED STATES: NATIONAL leading electric vehicle uptake cities in
for roughly 1,000 ride-and-drives at the United States have hosted regular
DRIVE ELECTRIC WEEK the Los Angeles event. Nonprofits,
CITY EVENTS National Drive Electric Week and other
utilities, energy agencies, charging ride-and-drive and promotion events
N a t i o n a l D r i ve E l e c t r i c We e k i s companies, academics, and others over the years (See Lutsey et al., 2016;
a n a t i o n w i d e eve n t t o i n c re a s e take part in the events. Some events Kwan et al., 2016).
awareness and highlight benefits of i n i t i a te f i r st - t i m e co nve r s a t i o n s
electric vehicles across U.S. cities. on topics such as improving cities’
Three nongovernmental organizations charging infrastructure. In Baltimore, SHANGHAI, CHINA: EV
(Plug-In America, the Sierra Club, and the mayor announced the installation DEMONSTRATION ZONE
the Electric Auto Association) serve of the city’s first fast charger, and a Shanghai is one of China’s chosen pilot
as the national team to support the pilot program to test the viability of cities with special goals, incentives,
various events across the country. In electric vehicles for the city’s fleet. and local actions to spur the electric
addition, many local organizations These events reached some 6.5 million ve h i c l e m a r ke t . I n J a n u a r y 2 01 1 ,
and individuals work together at the recipients on social media and received Shanghai was declared an International



EV Demonstration City by the Chinese The Business Mode Innovation Center in an increasingly broad electric vehicle
government, and an important part of has facilitated several electric vehicle market. Amsterdam is a prominent case.
the designation was the creation of the business-to-consumer (B2C) and At the 29th Electric Vehicle Symposium
EV Demonstration Zone in Shanghai’s business-to-business (B2B) sharing and Exhibition in Montreal (EVS29),
Jiading District. The Zone acts as a programs and has more in the pipeline. Amsterdam won the E-Visionary Award
hub for electric vehicle technologies, By the end of 2014, it had completed 836 for the second time for its efforts in
and offers a suite of services including charging stations, one battery swapping helping develop the electric vehicle
sales, test drive, business mode station, one ‘gas + charging’ station, two market. In 2015, Amsterdam’s new
innovation, data collection, operation hydrogen stations and one “charging, plug-in electric vehicle share was 9% (or
a n d m a i n te n a n ce, i n f ra st r u c t u re swapping and storing” station. Shanghai over 5,000 new plug-in electric vehicles
support, and marketing. expanded its demonstration program sold in the metropolitan area), which is
to Pudong New Area in 2014. State Grid among the highest of European cities.
The Zone is multi-faceted, with many Shanghai Municipal Electric Power Co,
partners and many activities. It features Shanghai Expo Group, and Germany’s There are many local goals, programs,
four centers (Test Ride and Drive, BMW will collaboratively develop 50 and policies that have worked in concert
Business Innovation, Data Collection public charging poles (Lu & Fu, 2014). to continue to expand Amsterdam’s
and Monitoring, Operation and Service), electric vehicle market. One of these is
three platforms (International EV Pilot Th e g row t h o f t h e S h a n g h a i E V the goal to make as much transporta-
Cities Forum, EV and Parts Exhibition, Demonstration Zone has coincided tion as possible emission-free by 2025,
EV Championship Challenge), and with the growth of the electric vehicle including taxis, buses, delivery vehicles,
two clubs (an enterprises club and a market. Shanghai is now the top market municipal vehicles, and boats (City
user club). More than 50 organizations in China and one of the top markets of Amsterdam, 2016a). For example,
representing different areas of the globally for electric vehicles. By 2014, Amsterdam is phasing in urban access
industry have become partners in the Shanghai had exceeded its nationally regulations that restrict highly polluting
Zone, including Nissan, General Motors, determined sales target by about 20%, vehicles from delivering goods in the
BYD, Chery, Das Auto, ABB, Siemens, ranking first among China’s electric city’s inner urban core. As a result,
Bosch, ThyssenKrupp, Hertz, State Grid, vehicle pilot cities in both actual sales logistics transit stations have been
Tongji University, SAE China, China and as compared to the city-specific established around the city to transfer
Pacific Insurance Group and others. targets. Approximately 10,000 electric goods to electric trucks for delivery.
Membership in the user club exceeds vehicles were sold in Shanghai in
8,700, including 1,300 long-term users. 2014; in 2015, that number jumped to Fleets across Amsterdam are greatly
over 40,000, representing about 11% increasing the volume of electric
A number of additional activities further of all new electric vehicle sales. This vehicles and are also increasing
show how unique the Zone is. The Test increase in uptake is due to many exposure to the vehicles among a
Ride and Drive Center has 23 brands, factors, including a registration policy much wider population of drivers. For
29 models, and a total of 55 test drive that prioritizes electric vehicles as well example, carsharing service provider
vehicles. The Center provides a profes- as consumer financial incentives for Car2Go has 350 vehicles across the city
sional track where visitors can enjoy a their purchase. The increased outreach that are 100% battery electric, making
test drive. It also has collaborated with and awareness activities like those in it the world’s first all-electric carsharing
Tongji University to establish a Students’ Shanghai’s EV Demonstration Zone fleet. There are now more than 10,000
Experience Center. By the end of 2014, provided an important complement to individuals registered and membership
total visitors and test drives exceeded those policies by helping ensure that continues to grow, so these drivers
130,000 and 42,000, respectively, and consumers were well informed about have the opportunity to ease their way
about 10,000 surveys were completed. the new technology. into electric vehicles, one trip at a time.
The Operation and Maintenance Center The service offers one-way carsharing,
provides services such as vehicle import meaning vehicles can be rented and
customs declaration, inspection, reg- AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS:
parked in any commercial space without
istration, and insurance, which make LOCAL EXPOSURE AND
specifying a return time or location in
purchases easier for customers. It also VISIBILITY ACTIONS
advance (Iamsterdam, 2016).
works with the original equipment man- A number of cities in Europe are
ufacturers and fire stations to conduct pioneering new and comprehensive In addition to Car2Go’s all-electric fleet,
emergency response training. programs to reach and motivate buyers other fleet programs are contributing to



the exposure and awareness of electric also been numerous awareness-raising A $1 million media campaign, Propelling
vehicles in Amsterdam. For example, events that create buzz and motivate Québec Forward with Electricity, was
Schiphol Airport purchased 35 all- prospective drivers to explore the launched in the fall of 2015 to raise
electric buses in 2013 to reduce main- te c h n o l o g y. O n e exa m p l e i s t h e awareness of transportation electrifi-
tenance cost and improve emissions Plug’N’Party campaign, which aims to cation and the provincial action plan.
performance (King, 2013). In 2014, the increase public awareness and send
The campaign included a kickoff press
airport incorporated a fleet of 167 Tesla the message that electric vehicles
conference (bringing together key
Model S electric taxis (Joseph, 2014). are cool, fast, and fun to drive. At a
dignitaries, including four government
In addition, three taxi companies in the Plug’N’Party, a car charging station is
ministers, 200 guests, and 12 members
city operate fleets of more than 170 used as the electricity source for a disc
jockey who sets up to play music on of the media, in addition to exhibiting
Nissan Leaf and e-NV200 all-electric
vehicles (Nissan, 2015). Each of these the street (TEDx, 2010).  two electric vehicles, an electric bus
programs cast a wider net than car and charging stations), TV and radio
buyers and car sharers, capturing a Amsterdam also supplements these ads and videos, a bilingual website
broader population of passengers and numerous exposure and awareness (,
instilling the idea that the technology activities by providing online tools a presence on social media, and the
is now mature. and informational materials (called development of the action plan logo.
“Amsterdam elektrisch”) that inform
The logo, illustrated by an arrow repre-
The breadth of publicly available and educate consumers on e-mobility
senting movement, dynamism and the
charging infrastructure also greatly (City of Amsterdam, 2016b). Also
future, brings together and supports
contributes to the exposure and available online is real-time informa-
tion on the location and availability of the main messages of the action plan.
awareness of electric vehicle
electric vehicle charging infrastructure. Its colors echo the branding of the
technology. Amsterdam already has
one of the highest densities of charging Amsterdam was among the first cities Hydro-Québec Electric Circuit to create
stations in the world; in 2014, there in the world to provide this type of a continuity effect between the two
were more than 1,000 public charging real-time information via an open appli- initiatives.
stations, and 1,000 semi-public or cation programming interface. Such
information has helped electric vehicle The media buzz surrounding the launch
private charging points (Iamsterdam,
2016). Much of this charging infra- drivers in Amsterdam overcome the of the Québec action plan and its
structure is curbside, making it a very potential barriers related to charging advertising campaign was considerable.
visible and constant reminder that availability and convenience. Nearly 80 positive or neutral articles
there is sufficient charging infrastruc- were published on the subject, which
ture for drivers to access easily. There also attracted a lot of interest in social
is also a system that helps optimize GOVERNMENT ACTIONS TO media. On YouTube, there were 234,205
the placement of chargers to where PROMOTE ELECTRIC VEHICLES viewings, with a viewing time of 80%,
they are needed. When charging infra- well above the average in social media
structure is found to be insufficient or Electrification of transportation is
(40% to 50%). A post-campaign
unavailable, citizens can request that one of the means favored by the
survey showed that the population’s
the government install electric vehicle Government of Québec to contribute
support for the action plan is very
charging stations on streets where to the fight against climate change. The
high (94%). Moreover, the retention of
they live or work. As long as certain province’s Transportation Electrification
messages conveyed is excellent: 90%
conditions are met (e.g., the electric Action Plan 2015-2020 is its blueprint
of respondents are of the opinion that
vehicle owner does not have access for moving toward this goal. The action
the action plan will enable Québec to
to private parking), public charging plan aims to reach 100,000 electric
points may be installed at no cost to achieve its objectives.
vehicles registered in Québec by 2020,
the electric vehicle owner (Tietge et
to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) Québec has a broad program for the
al., 2016).
emissions in addition to creating jobs. promotion of electric transportation,
Along with the increasing exposure To achieve this, 37 measures are carried which supports public awareness
to electric vehicles from fleets and out by some 15 ministries, agencies and initiatives on electric vehicles (Québec
charging infrastructure, there have state companies. Ministry of Transportation, Sustainable



Mobility and Transport Electrification, Electric Circuit. The extensive Electric discussed in this report have imple-
2016b). The initiatives offer financial Circuit network has over 750 charging mented a diverse set of electric vehicle
assistance for the implementation of stations in operation, including sixty outreach and awareness actions, and
electric vehicle outreach initiatives, 400-volt fast charging stations, to help the details vary significantly across
allay the range concerns of electric programs. For example, consumer
and the organization of international
vehicle users. awareness campaigns can involve
events in Québec. The budget for
radio and television commercials (in
electric vehicle awareness initiatives
the United Kingdom and Québec),
is approximately $1.1 million per year.
V. Conclusions celebrity ambassadors (in the United
Québec provided financial assistance Kingdom), test drive and experience
This paper reviews leading global
to host the Electric Vehicle Symposium sharing (National Drive Electric Week
practices on electric vehicle consumer
& Exhibition (EVS29), one of the in the United States and Shanghai’s EV
awareness and outreach activities. It
largest international electric vehicle reviews literature on the importance Demonstration Zone), social network
conferences, in Montréal in June of consumer awareness and identifies posts and messaging (PHEV social
2016. The symposium was promoted exemplary actions in leading electric media campaign in the Northeastern
by range of social media campaigns, vehicle markets. Based on our review, United States), competitions and
we also selected five case studies for challenges (E-mazing race in Canada;
including e-press (e.g., infographics),
additional discussion to help better Formula-E), and more. Stakeholders
television advertisement, and a video
u n d e r st a n d t h e key e l e m e n t s o f can continue to devise approaches
on the transportation ministry website
successful comprehensive consumer that expand, build upon, and innovate
to connect the event with public work from these activities.
awareness campaigns. Although this
on electric vehicles.
work is focused on how actions to
Stakeholders would ideally col-
Funding from the action plan includes increase awareness and understand-
laborate to leverage strengths and
ing might influence electric vehicle
$24.5 million for public transportation effectively utilize limited resources on
uptake, we note that a broad array of
showcase projects, $11.9 million for electric vehicle awareness campaigns.
promotion actions (e.g., financial and
the Montréal City Mobility initiative, A wide range of stakeholders have
non-financial incentives, deployment
$6.6 million for an electric taxi dem- taken action to increase education and
o f c h a rg i n g i n f ra st r u c t u re, h i g h
onstration program, and $30 million awareness, including multiple levels of
model availability, effort to increase
government, nonprofit organizations,
to support the deployment of electric awareness and understanding, others)
businesses, academic institutions, local
school buses (Québec Ministry of are key to expanding the market. We
communities, and individuals. There
Transportation, Sustainable Mobility conclude with the following findings on
are many opportunities to increase
and Transport Electrification, 2016c). electric vehicle consumer awareness
outreach efficacy through collabora-
tion, especially as the technology and
Finally, the action plan has invested
Action to increase consumer programs to promote it continue to
$2.5 million to support the installa- mature. One example of successful
awareness is a key part of supporting
tion of fast charging stations along the growth in the early electric vehicle collaboration is how the Connecticut
main roads, $5.4 million to support market. On average, consumers in government and the auto industry
the installation of charging stations many regions are largely unfamiliar with work together to give auto dealers
for multiunit residential buildings, electric vehicle technology, unaware of incentives for selling electric vehicles.
new office buildings and for on-street available incentives, and uninformed Another is how the United Kingdom’s
parking and $500,000 for charging about the range of benefits that Go Ultra Low campaign brings
stations in urban areas along business electric vehicles provide. Consumers together government ministries and
with some level of understanding of the automobile industry to collaborate
arteries in Montréal and Québec
and experience with the technology on efforts to increase consumer under-
City. The government is deploying
are more likely to consider an electric standing and awareness. Local electric
provincial recharging infrastructure
vehicle in their future purchasing or vehicle events that are co-organized
throughout Québec, connected to leasing decisions. Markets with high by multiple groups (electric vehicle
neighboring provinces and states, electric vehicle growth and uptake enthusiasts and nonprofit organiza-
and the public charging stations are have tended to have more sophisti- tions, auto industry representatives,
deployed as part of the Hydro-Québec cated consumer campaigns. The areas and governments) could ensure that



a wider audience of prospective Local context and resources can be programs. Developing and using
electric vehicle buyers is reached. important in assessing the feasibil- metrics to evaluate programs’ effective-
Governments can choose to use their ity and effectiveness of an electric ness could become helpful over time,
convening power, implement these vehicle consumer awareness program. especially as next-generation vehicles
outreach activities, provide partial A number of existing programs have become available in larger numbers.
funding, form partnerships with other focused on the local landscape. For Q u a n t i f y i n g c a m p a i g n s ’ p re c i s e
stakeholders, and sponsor or endorse example, Empire Clean Cities of New impact, for example, on prospective
established programs. York has a targeted outreach campaign consumers’ willingness to purchase,
for local commercial fleets, and the and ultimately on electric vehicle
Sustained programs that utilize West Coast Green Highway includes sales, could remain difficult to do
a b r o a d ra n g e o f o u t r e a c h a n d eco-tourism and wine country elements. definitively considering the numerous
awareness actions are more likely National Drive Electric Week largely b a r r i e r s a n d p ro m o t i o n a c t i o n s
to capture a wider audience of pro- features grassroots efforts that have impacting electric vehicle uptake.
spective electric vehicle consumers. continued to grow in size and number. Yet the United Kingdom’s Go Ultra
A well-designed, comprehensive The Norway case suggests that moving Low program evaluation framework
program would utilize a range of from innovators to the early majority tracked a number of metrics, including
acti on s to m a x imi ze co ns um e rs ’ market could rely on better understand- how well the campaign reached its
exposure to electric vehicles (e.g., ing and encouraging network effects, targeted audience, what messages
f l e e t p u rc h a s e s , d e m o n s t ra t i o n at the local level, that are helping lure people took from the campaign, how
projects, consumer awareness media customers to electric vehicles. viewers responded to the message,
campaigns, signage), and provide pro- what immediate actions were taken
spective consumers with easy access This paper offers an initial step in by viewers, and the long-term effects
to consumer-friendly information (e.g., exploring the consumer awareness and of the campaign. A set of standard
one-stop shop websites, test drives, outreach actions in different regions. metrics (program reach, engagement,
easy buying/leasing processes). The From our review of the literature, we media value, and click-through-rate
have identified multiple studies that per dollar spent in social media
Québec case study presented above
examine consumer attitudes towards campaign or online digital advertis-
highlights the importance of allocating
electric vehicles and/or identify ing, among others) might be devised
a general consumer awareness budget,
consumer awareness as a barrier to their and used more extensively as more
but also of including outreach and
greater adoption. The various reports of these campaigns are implemented.
awareness in the other electric vehicle
and case studies summarized affirm Furthermore, there are indicators that
programs (e.g., the incentive, policy,
that consumer awareness campaigns can be used to compare different kinds
and charging infrastructure programs).
are a key component of comprehensive of programs (e.g., change of consumer
A n a u to i n d u st r y re p re s e n t at i ve
strategies to increase electric vehicle purchase desire before and after
makes exactly this case: “We have
uptake. Each category of the awareness participation, difference of purchase
to overpower these consumers. If
actions described in this paper is desire between consumers who know
you don’t accompany an infrastruc-
worthy of further research to identify and do not know about the program,
ture program, or a vehicle incentive
best practices. For example, it would be and electric vehicle sales change).
program, with an outreach campaign,
worthwhile to investigate how adding
you’ve lost the battle. Everything you Other questions that might warrant
more electric vehicles to various public
do, you have to spend an equal amount further investigation in future research
and private fleets (government, taxi,
of money to talk about it.” (Wernle, include addressing the role of dealer-
car sharing programs) can reach more
2016). It also appears to be clear that ships and automakers, as well as con-
prospective purchasers. Best practices
education and awareness campaigns in conducting ride-and-drive events, sidering the key messages to deliver
would need to be sustained through engaging dealers through workshops, to reach particular prospective electric
early market development stages (e.g., or other innovative approaches could vehicle customers. Furthermore,
from less than 1% to over 5% electric be explored. as electric vehicle markets mature,
market share), before social network governments may gain from a better
effects more substantially take over as A further question is how to evaluate understanding of how communica-
the market grows. electric vehicle consumer awareness tions and awareness actions might be



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