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1. Install xampp on your computer

2. Install auto refresh extension on your browser (We preferr using Chrome)

1. Extract the
2. Copy the afcs folder to C:\xampp\htdocs
3. Set your comment list on Komentar.txt at C:\xampp\htdocs\afcs\aconpt

1. Open xampp control panel (if you can't find xampp control, you can find it on
2. Click Start Apache
3. Open your browser, and find localhost/afcs
4. You will see "Check" and "Login" options,
- if you want to run this tool, make sure you already connect your account by
click login options
- If you want to change account, just login again using the account that you
want to use

5. After you login, find again on your browser localhost/afcs or you can just press
6. Then click check, if your account already connected, you must see a few list of
post from your timeline.
7. Start the auto refresh, set to 2 seconds

Status details :
- EXPIRED = the post already uploaded more than 1 minute, so the script will detect
its not a new post.
- RUN = your account prepare for making new comment.
- SUCCESS = your comment already posted an you be the first comment on that post.
- FAILED | CANT FIRST COMMENT = there is already another comment from other people,
so your account not gonna make comment on that post
- Feedback_required = Your account getting action block

If you need help for installation, please contact us on email :

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