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How to Mine CryptoHours Tutorial

(Mining: Proof of User Activity)

Requirements to Mine;
- PC or Laptop with Windows Operating System
- Google Chrome Installed

Step 1: Signup for a account.

To signup for an account visit:

On the signup page enter your email address, choose a password and then select
currency as “CryptoHours” from dropdown menu. Lastly click the “Create
Account” button.

Important: make sure you write down your selected password and keep it in a
safe place, if you lose it you won’t be able to access / recover your account.
Step 2: Once your account has been created proceed to download the software using the provided link on the Downloads Page
(located underneath the video displayed).

Once the software has been successfully downloaded to your computer proceed
to unzip the software folder.

Note: To unzip the folder, right click on it then click “Extract All”.
Recommended: Copy and Paste this folder to the desktop of your computer for
easy access and usage.

Step 3: Download Chrome Driver for usage with the software

In order to use the mining software, you first need to check your version of
Chrome and then download a corresponding chrome driver to your computer.

Note: If you don’t already have Google Chrome installed on your computer,
please download it from and install it before
proceeding any further with this tutorial.

To check the version of google chrome you currently have installed;

- Open up Chrome and then click on the “Customize and Control Google
Chrome” tab

- Go to Help – About Google Chrome

- On this page you can see the version of Chrome that has been installed to
your computer, make note of this

Next to download the corresponding chrome driver visit

On this page you should see a current releases section.

Here select the version that corresponds to your Google Chrome version and
download it. Once downloaded unzip the folder.
Step 4: Copy and paste the chrome driver into the appropriate software folder.
Within the downloaded CPHFaucets mining software folder you should see two
- Automated Version
- Manual Version

Copy the downloaded chrome driver file into both subfolders.

Step 5: Enable CPHFaucets software(s) to launch the chrome application on your
computer. To do so complete the following steps:

- Locate and open up the folder where the Chrome application is installed on
your computer

On my computer the files are located in the following folder:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application

The folder’s pathway may vary based upon which version of windows you
have installed on your computer.

Note: If you are unsure where the Chrome Application folder is on your
computer – go to your computers’ search bar and search for “chrome.exe”

Once you find it within the search, proceed to right click on it and then click
“Open file location”. Doing this will open up the Google Chrome Application
folder on your computer.
- Once you have successfully located the Google Chrome Application folder,
proceed to copy the folder’s url path.

To copy the path; simply select all of the paths’ text, then right click on it
and lastly click “Copy”.

- Next, proceed to open “System Environment Variables” on your computer

To easily find it just type “system environment variables” into the search
bar on your computer. “System Environment Variables” is a setting within
the Control Panel of your computer.
Once you have found it click on it. On my computer the search result found
is called “Edit the system environment variables”.

- Once the “System Environment Variables” tab has been opened, proceed to
click on the “Environment Variables” button.
- Next locate the “Path” variable, click on it and then click the “Edit” button
once it has been highlighted.

- Next click “New”, and then Paste in the url path of the Google Chrome’s
Application folder

On my computer the path is C:\Program Files

(x86)\Google\Chrome\Application – it might be different on yours.
Once you have pasted the url – click on the “OK” button.

- Lastly open up command prompt on your computer. To easily open

“Command Prompt” simply search for “CMD” within your computer’s
search bar and then click on the proceeding “Command Prompt” result.
Once command prompt has been opened - type “Chrome” without the
quotes and hit “Enter” on your keyboard.

If Chrome opens after doing this, then it means that you successfully
completed Step 5. If Chrome doesn’t load, try completing Step 5 again
following the instructions above.

Step 6: Start Mining CryptoHours Tokens using the Software

There are two separate methods you can use to mine CryptoHours.

Method # 1: The Automated Version

With the automated mining method, the software application will essentially
run on your computer automatically and work to “mine cryptohours”.

The mining process involves automated website browsing and video watching,
the longer and more frequently you let the miner run on your computer, the
more CryptoHours you can earn.

With the automated mining process, it is best to leave the application running
on your computer when you are not using it. For instance, you can let the
application run on your computer every night while sleeping to achieve
maximum earnings.

Method #2: The Manual Version

The manual version of the mining software will usually enable you to
successfully mine more CryptoHours than the automated version, however the
downside is that this version requires you to do manual “Click and Search”
style work.

The manual mining process involves manually visiting websites, searching

google & youtube and clicking on website links. With the manual version of the
CPHFaucets software, the more tasks you successfully complete the more
CryptoHours you can earn.

How to Get Started Mining

To get started mining CryptoHours;

- First open up the downloaded CPHFaucets software folder
- Next decide whether you want to run the “Automated” mining method or
the “Manual” method
- Open up the corresponding subfolder based upon your choice

For the purposes of this tutorial I am going to choose the “Automated Version”
for now by double clicking on the subfolder.

Next you need to double click on the “run_chrome” file to open up chrome.
Note: Every time we run the Automated Version of the software, we need to
first double click on the “run_chrome” file.

Next to launch the “Automated Version” of the software simply double click on
the file titled “AutomatedSoftware”.

Once the application has launched. The next step is to login. Here you need to
login using your email address and password you used to signup for

For “Username” enter your email address used for signup.
Once entered hit the “Enter” key on your keyboard.
Next enter your password and once again hit the “Enter” key on your

Once you have successfully logged in, the automated mining process will

Don’t close the chrome window that was opened when you launched the
“run_chrome” application, doing this will prevent the mining process from

To view mining earnings from the software, visit and login to
your account.

Click on the “User Stats” tab.

From here you can view your Total CryptoHours Earnings and CryptoHours
How to Run the Manual Version of the Bot

First off, open up the Manual Version folder. Then load the “ManualSoftware”
application by double clicking on it.

Next proceed to login to the application using your email

address and password.

Once you have done that proceed to follow the instructions given to you by
the software to start mining CryptoHours. Use the chrome window that
automatically was opened by the software to complete the “click and search”
style instructions.
The instructions that you need to follow are listed in the “Campaign
Instructions” section. An example of instructions given to you by the software
are “Visit”.

In this case all you would need to do would be to visit in the
google chrome browser window that was opened by the software.

Once you have done this, you have to remain on the webpage until the
campaign time countdown is finished and the software gives you another set
of campaign instructions to complete.

Upon each successful campaign completion, your

CryptoHours balance will increase.

Campaigns usually range from 30 seconds to 10 minutes to complete. The

longer the campaign duration, the more CryptoHours you will receive on

If you happen to come across a campaign that you don’t want to complete for
some reason, then just do nothing until the software moves on to give you a
new campaign.

Manual campaigns are very simple to complete, all you have to do is; visit
websites, search for content and watch videos.

The more campaigns you complete, the more CryptoHours you will receive
from mining.

It is really that simple.

There is no need for specialized mining equipment or expensive electricity

bills, when mining CryptoHours.
Mining CryptoHours is as easy as browsing the web and you can even do it
from your own basic Windows Desktop or laptop.

Step 7: How to Setup a CryptoHours Wallet and Withdraw your CryptoHours

Earnings from

There are two popular and user-friendly wallets that you can use to safely
store your CryptoHours Tokens;

- Tronlink Wallet (for desktops / laptops)

- Klever Wallet (for mobile devices)

For the purposes of this tutorial I will show you How to Setup Tronlink Wallet:

Use this option if you wish to setup a CryptoHours wallet on your; desktop
computer, laptop or tablet.

- Go to google chrome webstore:
- Search for Tronlink Wallet. Click on the Tronlink wallet extension from the
search results

- Once you find the Tronlink page – click “Add to Chrome” to install the
Tronlink chrome extension:
- Confirm the extension by clicking “Add Extension” on the proceeding popup
window. Wait for the extension to download.

- Once downloaded and added to Chrome, click on the Tronlink extension.

- Choose a password for your wallet, enter it into the “Password” and
“Repeat Password fields. Then click the “Continue” button. Also, you can
choose a language for your wallet as well (this is useful if your native
language is not the default option - English).

- On the next screen click the “Create” button unless you already have a
Tronlink wallet setup.

- On the following screen choose and enter an account name and click the
“Continue” button. This name is just for your own personal identification
purposes as Tronlink enables you to create and manage multiple accounts
from the same computer.

- On the next screen Tronlink will provide you with 12 unique words that
combine together to form an “account seed” as they call it in the
cryptocurrency industry. Write down these 12 words on a piece of paper,
they are very important for your account. If you lose access to your
computer or Tronlink password you can recover your account using these
12 words. Note: be sure to keep these words in a safe place because if
someone else gains access to them they can steal your account essentially.

The words are ordered left to right, row by row. Once you write them down
click the “Continue” button.

- On the following screen you will be asked to enter the 12 words provided
to you via the previous screen as a confirmation.

Once you do this and click “Continue” your Tronlink wallet will have been
successfully setup.

Alright so now that the wallet has been setup, to add CryptoHours – you
need to have CryptoHours Tokens sent to the following provided Tron
wallet address. Click the copy button to copy the address.
How to Withdraw CryptoHours from to TronLink Wallet

First off copy your main tronlink wallet address – by clicking the copy

Next proceed to login to your account if you have not

done so already.

Next click on the “Withdrawals” menu tab.

Once on the “Withdrawals” page of the members area, click the “Withdraw
CryptoHours Funds” button.

Now paste the Tronlink – main tron wallet address into the Withdraw
Funds popup on and click “Save Data” to submit your
withdrawal address.
Alright so now your CryptoHours balance should reset to
zero (this means your withdrawal request was submitted successfully).
Note: your submitted CryptoHours withdrawal request should be processed
within approximately 24 hours by

Once your withdrawal request is processed your CryptoHours Tokens will

show up in your Tronlink wallet account.
As a bonus sends users that submit site withdrawal
requests for CryptoHours a very small amount of “TRX” – a.k.a Tron Tokens
as well.

The reason for this is because CryptoHours currently is built on top of the
Tron Blockchain, thus the very small CryptoHours transaction fees charged
are paid in “TRX”. This way you don’t have to immediately buy Tron tokens
in order to use CryptoHours.

In this example we received 1 free TRX token, shown to have a value of 2.6
cents at the moment.


With that being said, this successfully concludes our “How to Mine
CryptoHours” Tutorial. Good luck mining and if you have any questions feel
free to contact our support team.

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