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Rosenwinkel patterns by: Mads Rosendahl I kindly ask you NOT to share this file on Emule, torrents ect. - Thank you! Last update 26 Nov. 07 Rosenwinkel patterns Hi, I've transcribed some of Kurt Rosenwinkel’s lines and want to share with you, what I've learned. | have come across some patterns/sequences/structures in his playing, that | like. | have written all the patterns below in the key of C major, to make it easier to learn the patterns. Many of them aren’t very revolutionary, but you have to remember, that when you've become familiar with the patterns, you should apply them to other scales (melodic minor, harmonic minor, symmetrical dim, whole tone...) On the last page I've add a list of tunes where Kurt is using various patterns. These patterns are transcribed form various solos and you should learn the concept of these patterns, perhaps make up your own, and not play them as licks. | think Kurt has practiced patterns as a way of getting to know the scales all over the neck, and as a result they have unconsciously incorporated in his playing (I'm merely guessing here), but | ones heard him say that he used to take a lot of stuff up and down the neck, ve written the examples with eight-notes, but you should try applying the patterns to triplets, sixteenth notes and so on. Have fun and please post some feedback if you have comments on this PDF, at my site where you also can find a large collection of Kurt Rosenwinkel transcriptions. Mads Rosendahl Hansen Example 1: Kurt often plays fast arpeggios (for example 1-3-5) up or down the neck. On the unreleased record “Under it, all” Kurt is using this concept on track 5 at 3:10. The line looks like this: ‘Track $ Under ital 3:10 Tors ss | | Although the patterns in the examples aren’t following the scale consistently, the concept is still the same. Another example can be found in “All or nothing at all” (from East coast love affair) at 4: Alor nothing at all (East const lovetfair) 4:35 Be mm PATA TATA PAPA Example 2: This example uses 1-2-3-5, a very common pattern in jazz. For example John Coltrane is using this pattern in his “Giant steps” solo - check it out, Remember these patterns should be applied to other scales. | heard Kurt, using this one beautifully on a minoré chords, playing the sequence on the melodic minor scale. Example ‘Same thing here, this pattern doesn’t seem very hip, but applied to the right scale over the right chord it sounds very good. Try applying it to symmetrical dim. Example 4: o | find this on very hard to execute, especially at high speed. Listen to Kurt using this pattern on “The Enemies Of Energy” (From The Enemies Of Energy): 3.44 ‘The Fnemies Of Energy (The Enemies OFEnergy) 34 Vine a Example 5: This is my favorite. It’s a five note sequence is played at (2:17) in "Minor Blues" (From The Next Step). No transcription - sorry. hope this was able to give you some new melodic ideas and hopefully a very small glimpse into what is going on in Kurt's solos. Perhaps you will be able to recognize some of these patterns the next time you listen to a record. Have fun and please post some feedback if you have comments on this PDF, at my site where you also can find a large collection of Kurt Rosenwinkel transcriptions. | kindly ask you NOT to share this file on Emule, torrents ect. as there will be updates to the file frequently. You can always get the latest version from my site - thank you and thank you Kurt for your wonderful music. Mads Rosendahl Hansen Listen for patterns here (some very briefly): - Cake (Deep song) 3:27 and again at 4:15, - Our secret world (Hardcore) 2.42 - The cross (Deep song) 4:27 - Alone and I (Mark Turner’s Ballads): 3:25, - Segment (Intuit) 0:44 - Perceptual (Brian Blade & Fellowship — Perceptual) 2:14 - Green or blue (Jorg Kaaij Quintet): 5:17 - Darn that dream (Intuit) 3:27 - The Enemies Of Energy (The Enemies Of Energy) 3.44 - Ice Fall (Chris Cheeks Vine): 3:29 - Track 3 (under it all) 1:39 and again 2:22 - Track § (Under it all) 3:10 - Gss (Seamus Blake & Kurt Rosenwinkel) 5:39 - If | Should Lose You (Kurt Rosenwinkel & Seamus Blake live recording) - 6:49 - All or nothing at all (East coast loveaffair): 4:35 - Deserted floor (Mark turner) — 3:41

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