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Transferring the Party

1 Shipwreck
Violent Storm at sea, the ship is wrecked and the party wash up on an unknown shore. No
crew members arrive with the party. If your feeling generous you can have a chest with basic
supplies wash up on the same beach

2 Volcano / Cave
Seeking shelter from an eruption the party hides in a cave to avoid the rock bombs falling
from the sky. While in the cave the sky outside goes dark with the rubbish in the air. A gas creeps
into the cave and all the party fall unconscious and wake to find themselves somewhere else. This
can be done in a ordinary cave with the gas seeping in, if there is someone on watch they will see
the fire start to die out and the flames change colour before they fall unconscious (CON x1 will
work eventually)

3 Shimmering Doorway / Mirror

Step through feel a tingle, find they can’t go back through the doorway. When they emerge
into the outside find they are elsewhere.

4 Wizard
Nasty bugger just casts a spell on them sending them somewhere else.


Ship sees a storm coming all the crew set lines before the storm hits. A storm of this violence is
very rare in the mirror sea. It is a mighty blow and even the crew look scared. The timbers creak
alarmingly and one of the two masts snaps halfway up, the crew quickly rush to cut it free least it
drag the ship under.
The storm blows out after about 12 hours and the ship is a wreck. The lines are tangled and gone the
foremast has snapped, the sails are in tatters, the crew are bailing furiously as she is taking on water.
The captain decides to find the nearest port with a dock that can handle the repairs, fortunately the
storm has blown the ship towards the east coast of Caladraland and the captain know of a suitable
port no more than a day and a halves sailing, but it will take at least a day to get the ship in any
condition to make for it.

Once it makes port in Hollingsfjord the captain announces that repairs will take at least 3 weeks.
The party feel a need to be getting on with their trip, and in consultation with the mayor of the town
they decide that travelling overland to Holy Town and then on to one of the south coast ports would
be the best way to go.
The trip to Holy Town will take a week overland, it would be quicker but there are no horses for
sale and the only transport is a ox drawn wagon

Once the party get to Holy Town they have to make a decision. They can go south to Garlands Fork
or west to Lighthouse. Garlands fork is Smaller and the roads to it are as bad as the ones the party
have been travelling on, Lighthouse is more distant but the roads to it are much better and it is a
bigger port with more chance that there will be a ship capable of heading West.

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