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Erica G.


Assignment 5


1) Write a comparative analysis of the difference between ancient theories and modern theories.

The difference between ancient theories and modern theories, In Ancient theories
rationalism myths represent an early form of logical thinking For example, the myth of Pegasus can best
be explained by imagining the reaction of the first Greek to see a horse, Compared to other animals they
know, the horse must have seemed to fly as it gallops fast and leap over high obstacles, and Allegorical
theory is interested people who might not listen to emotionless concepts but who could be attracted by
imaginative narratives, can be traced back to certain words in the language, and arise from historical
events while modern naturalism which is all myths thought to arise from an attempt to explain natural
phenomena, people who believe in this theory narrow the source of myths by tracing their origins from
the workship of the sun or the moon. In evolutionism myths making occurs at a certain stage in the
evolution of human mind most relevant from ancient is a Greek who lived from, myths have religious
rituals, and major cultural center and spread throughout the world .

2) Which is your preferred theory in studying mythology? Explain.

there is a big difference between these two approaches towards life, but I preferred to choose the
Ancients theories with different mythology in Rationalism, Etymological Theory, Allegorical theory,
Euhemism. Ancient wanted to actualize human greatness. This required a combination of virtue,
intelligence, education, morality in a way, a good regime. As a generalization in philosophy, the ancients
thought certain people were more capable than others and that the orientation towards justice had to
reflect these differences this is the opposite of how justice is formulated today in the West fairness and

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