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Focus Group Discussion Assessment Rubric

Level of Performance (Score)

Assessment Aspect Indicators
50 60 70 80 90
Ensure that all of arguments
are relevant to the topic and Clear in some Mostly clear
No argument Unclear in clear and
have been both explicitly and parts but not and orderly in
given most parts orderly
appropriately linked back to over all all parts
the topic during speech.
Use of Arguments: Few but not Many reasons Most relevant
Matter (50%) No reasons Some relevant
Reasons are given to support relevant given: fairly reasons given
given reasons given
viewpoint. reasons given relevant in support
Few but no Many Most relevant
Have evidence, example, Some relevant
No supporting relevant examples/facts supporting
quote or statistic to help examples/facts
examples/facts supporting given; fairly examples and
support each argument. given
examples/facts relevant facts given
Team work and Contribution No Less Less Many Contributes
to discussion contribution contribution to contribution is contributions most in team
given team given – tend to are given and
be self-centered fairly help the
Manner (50%) Presentation Style: No style Few styles or Few styles or All style All style
Tone of voice, use of feature is used over style overt style features are features are
gestures, and level of and not features are features are used, and used well
enthusiasm are convincing to convincingly used but not used but they almost convincingly
audience. convincingly were used convincingly

Name __________

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