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April 21, 2020

Day __

I’ve been holed up in my house for the last one month. I’m sick and tired of the routine that I’m doing.
Upon waking in the morning, the first instinct that I want to do is I want to think about what I have to do
this morning. Because of the routine broken, I’m don’t how to restart my writing routine. So in the past
weeks I tried to binge reading with the idea that by reading so hard I might be able to get the cadence of
a writer.

So far, I have read six books. If remember correctly, they are Umberto Eco’s Foucault Pendulum, Karl
Ove Knausgaard’s Struggle 1, and Jose Rizal’s Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo. Also I’ve finished
Hemingway’s A Farewell to Arms and Sun Also Rises. It’s quite too many books for me I guess. In the
past weeks I just kept on reading on and on until I’m exhausted. My first target actually is just to read
two books during this quarantine. So wanting to read more books if I had already surpassed my target
by three times seems to be ridiculous.

Now what I want to accomplish is I have to write more than I could ever produce. It’s been a while since
the last time that I write My target is to write as much as 1,000 words per day or more. If can carry that
over after the quarantine would be great. So I’m starting with writing a short story. I guess that’s the
only feasible solution on how will be able to write again. Working on essays seems to be lost campaign
because who am I to write essays and publish it? So my focus now is to write things that I know will be
publishable so let’s get started, shall we?

By the way, at the end of this day, I should also be able to write an entry for our journal with Alyssa.
Okay? Okay.

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